MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 155 You humans... call it 'God Seal'

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  Chapter 155 You humans call it 'God Seal'

   At this time, in the dark and dead passage.

   Mr. Zai used the flashlight of the mechanical armor to see the huge rusty mechanical door and the heavily corroded door plate next to it.

   On it, the abnormal number A-FBC-1000 is clearly written with some kind of engraving technique.

  No accident, this control room belongs to that branch race that belongs to the same human family.

  At this time, Mr. Zai couldn't wait to step forward, wanting to see the true face of the anomaly.

  However, in his heart, he had already prepared for nothing inside, or only bones left.

  After all, this parallel world seems to have passed for a long time, so long that life has disappeared.

   And even if there is any danger, my mechanical armor can make those abnormalities and people invisible.

  So overall it is quite safe, like a sideline perspective.

   Therefore, the cub is always unafraid and full of curiosity.

   "Brothers, come with me to witness the living history. The creatures here are from the previous advanced civilization."

   As he said that, Mr. Zai came to the door.

   Sure enough, the rusty mechanical door was tightly closed.

   And due to a power outage, it is impossible to open,

   Unless you continue to use violence!

  In addition, the sharp-eyed Zub always saw a corpse in security clothing by the door, holding a gun in his hand.

   "There's a gun! There's a pistol, guys! But does this still work!?"

   Zai always stepped forward and tried to pick it up, because this VR game claims to be able to pick up everything that can be seen.

  The pistol in front of him should be no exception.

  But it turns out that the gun in front of me can indeed be used.

  As soon as Mr. Cub approaches, the game enters a real-time calculation animation.

  The protagonist of the game squatted down slowly, and picked up the gun from the skeleton.

  Under the light of the headgear flashlight, the gun body was full of dust, and the thick dust covered the gun's shine, making it look very old.

   "Tsk tsk, can a gun with so much dust and lack of maintenance still be usable? Don't misfire and explode the chamber then."

  The main character of the game put away the gun, and then, Mr. Zai regained control.

  So, he punched the mechanical door in front of him.

  Suddenly, there was a loud noise when it collapsed, startling smoke and dust.

  No matter how many times this action happened, it made him feel heroic and brave.

   "Haha, this armor makes me feel like a **** of war."

   Mr. Zai smiled, passed through the diffuse dust, and stepped into the control room.

  With just one glance, I saw a cylindrical, life-supporting mechanical device in the center of it.

   And its surface is made of some kind of smooth reflective material like a mirror, so that people can't see the inside of the cylinder.

   "Damn it, I can't see inside."

  Cub always came to the cylinder, and through the smooth mirror on the outside and the light from the flashlight, he could clearly see the vaguely dark environment of the control room.

   But unexpectedly, he couldn't see himself.

  Yes, this cylindrical surface can reflect the environment, but it cannot reflect its own figure.

   This made Mr. Zai a little speechless.

  Although many games are like this, the protagonist has a model, but the model cannot be seen in the glass or mirror of the game.

  If it is in other games, Mr. Zai can still understand. After all, the game needs to be optimized and unnecessary resources should be reduced.

   But in the only game, it's a bit abnormal.

  The production team has considered everything before, how could this detail be missed?

   Or, they thought of many possibilities, but they missed the specular reflection?

   Zai always thought of this and frowned.

   "Well, anyway, this doesn't affect the gameplay. If the mirror can't reflect it, then it can't be reflected, and the mirror in "Face" can't reflect the protagonist either."

  So, Mr. Zai no longer struggled with this point, and stepped forward to touch the cylindrical device in front of him.

  The next second, the game entered an instant calculation.

   This shows that the plot has begun, maybe 1000 is still alive?

  At the moment, Mr. Zai looked forward to it.

  The audience and fans in the live broadcast room also held their breath and stared carefully with wide eyes.

   At this time, in the game, the protagonist slowly stretches out his hand.

   But before touching the life support device in front of him, a voice came from inside.

  [I can see you. Hairless race.]

  The protagonist of the game was startled, and the hand that he wanted to touch also froze in place.

  Because of this voice, the tone is extremely strange, and it is not any language known to mankind at all.

  Zai always understands because there are subtitles in front of him.

  The game directly translated the heavy harsh tone just now.

   "This is the 1000 ethnic language? Nima, can he see me inside?"

   Mr. Zai frowned slightly, is the invisibility function of his armor only effective for humans?

   Very quickly, as if to make the players clear their doubts. In the game, an incomprehensible deep sound came out from the cylindrical device again.

  [Concept fine-tuning mechanical absolute repelling protective gear, take it off, cognitive shielding is invalid...]

  The weird tone made Mr. Zai raise his eyebrows.

   "It's such a high-end word, I can't understand it. What concept fine-tuning, what cognitive shielding, does it mean invisibility?"

  At this moment, the main character of the game moved slightly with his frozen hand, hugging his head.

   Then, there was a sound of metal friction.

  The mechanical head armor on the head was taken off.

  Suddenly, Mr. Zai discovered that the smooth cylinder that originally could not reflect the figure of the protagonist was now reflected normally.

  But because it is distorted, I can't see the protagonist's appearance clearly.

   This scene made him look a little stunned while playing.

   Then Mr. Zai realized that the stealth function of the mechanical armor had also worked on him.

  Before I thought it was because the production team didn't take this into consideration.

   As a result, in fact, the production team did it, but the effect of the armor was invisible.

   Now that the head armor is removed, the invisible function will naturally disappear, so the figure can be reflected.

   "Good Nima has logic! Other games are estimated to be one size fits all, so it doesn't fit the setting like this!"

   Cubs are always enjoying this game more and more.

  Now, after the protagonist takes off the headgear, the non-human racial language resounds from the cylindrical device again.

[It's you? No. This is not you I understand he succeeded he exchanged successfully]

  [You are so pitiful.]

What's the meaning?

   Mr. Zai frowned slightly, he was at a loss when he heard this. But before he could think about it, 4 dialogue options appeared in front of him.

  【1. Are you A-FBC-1000? 】

  【2. Hairless race? 】

  【3. Why is this armor not working for you? 】

  【4. (Silence)】

   Zai always ignores the 4th one first, and then chooses from the remaining 3.

  He thought about it, but there is no need to ask 1 and 2.

   Because there is a high probability of 1000 in the cylinder, after all, this is his control room.

  As for the 'hairless race', it must be human beings.

  So, among these 4 options, the third one cannot be guessed.

  But the production team did not come up with these "knowledgefully asked" dialogue options, it should not be used to make up nonsense, obviously there are ulterior motives.

   In short, try slowly.

   Mr. Zai directly chose 3, and then the protagonist spoke.

  [Why is the invisibility of this set of mechanical armor invalid for you? ]

  Yeah, why?

   Is there anything special about you?

   Zai always thought in his heart.

  In the game, the cylindrical device once again speaks non-human race language.

  [Our technology. Our creations are armor against the Silurians]

   "What do you mean? This is 1000 things!?"

  At this moment, Mr. Zai was surprised.

   Unexpectedly, this mechanical armor that can make people have tiles in an instant is actually the technology of 1,000 of their races.

  Damn it, how horribly their technological civilization developed millions of years ago!

  In addition, how strong were the ancient humans who wiped them out!

   Mr. Zai was surprised and speechless, but compared to him, the protagonist of the game is relatively calm. Apart from saying that this is impossible, there is no other emotional response.

   Fully demonstrated the well-informed quality of the protagonist.

   At this point, the dialogue options are updated again.

  【1. What are Silurians? 】

  【2. Are you A-FBC-1000? 】

  【3. Hairless race? 】

  【4. (Silence)】

   Mr. Zai chose the first item without hesitation.

  Because of this new term, he was very curious about what kind of existence it was, which could allow the strongest civilization on the surface of the earth millions of years ago to develop this kind of advanced technology to fight against it.

  So, the protagonist spoke.

  [What is Silurian.? ]

  Cylinder device, a harsh and ugly laughter sounded.

  [Human curiosity is always the driving force to pursue death, now and before. ]

  At this time, Mr. Zai didn't notice that the voice in the cylinder had become smoother unconsciously.

  He just listened to the next words in it.

  [There were many intelligent life forms on this planet in ancient times, but those were all independent and did not develop civilization. Until the third epoch of the Paleozoic Era, the Silurian period begins. A higher intelligent life was born, and race and civilization developed at an extremely fast speed. They are technologically advanced and capable of raising and transforming post-epoch dinosaurs in captivity. They are bloodthirsty, slaughtering everything they can on the surface of the earth. For them, the ancestors of the ancient apes were just prey. Because they take pleasure in hunting the ancient ape-man. ]

  The sound of the cylindrical device suddenly paused, paused for a moment, and then continued.

  [In order to fight against them, the ancient apes evolved our subordination after a long period of time. We lurk in the night, strong and strong. We have developed brains and creative abilities. We fought against the Silurians with our lives and blood. As for you things that live in the sun, besides eating and multiplying, what else is there for you]

  Hearing this, Mr. Zai couldn't react in his head.


  Although his history is not very good, he also knows that this is the chronology of the earth a long, long time ago.

   Even more than 200 million years earlier than the Jurassic period when dinosaurs existed.

  What did 1000 just say.

  Are they technologically advanced?

   Nest! Did Blue Star have such an extraordinary modern civilization in the Silurian period! ?

   Even earlier than 1000 their race?

   And the reason why 1000 of them were born was to fight against the Silurians?

   No wonder.

   No wonder 1000 their technology is so advanced.

   How to fight against a higher civilization that existed from the Silurian period and continued to develop until the appearance of the ancient ape-man?

   Answer: Develop the same technical capabilities as them.

   So, 1000 races appeared.

  Thinking of this, Mr. Zai couldn't help being a little shocked.

   "Oh my god, how many advanced civilizations did this blue star send in the game?"

   "Don't forget that the Cambrian period above the Silurian period also had some advanced civilization, that would be really terrifying..."

   At this time, the protagonist of the game calmly spoke.

  [I’m sorry for the serious crimes ancient humans committed against you, but I’m not from this world. I want to know what’s going on here, and what’s going on outside? ]

   "Huh? The protagonist directly revealed his identity?"

  Zai Zong frowned slightly, feeling in his heart that it was too early.

  But the next moment, the sound of the cylindrical device made him startled.

  [I know you are an 'outsider', and I can see that disgusting 'thing' in you. It's ridiculous, the ancient humans themselves are as clean as us, just because of 'it'. You've become dirty, you've become twisted, you've become disgusting. ]

  [As for you wondering what's going on here, look around you, it's obvious isn't it? Dirty humans have been extinct from the world. ]

   As soon as the voice fell, the dialogue option appeared in front of Mr. Zai again.

  【1. Why are human beings extinct? 】

  【2. Who is 'it'? 】

  【3. Does the Federal Bureau of Control still exist? 】

  【4. What has the world become? 】

   Mr. Zai looked at the options, thought for a while, and chose the first one.

   Nothing else, mainly these four options, he wants to know.

   But he was caught in the difficulty of choosing, and he really didn't know which one to choose, so he decided to follow the simplest method, starting from top to bottom one by one.

  If there is an option and you miss it, then load the file again!

  So, the protagonist spoke immediately.

  [Human beings are extinct because of what? ]

  After listening to the cylinder device, it let out a piercing laugh again.

  Here, even through the game, Zai can still hear the mocking meaning.

  [You humans, in a certain experiment about spirit and soul, discovered the existence of 'it'. And also under the deep sea of ​​the Chicxulub crater, the body of 'it' was discovered. ]

  [It’s ridiculous to think about it. In ancient times, you couldn’t stand the bewitching, accepted ‘it’, and committed the sins imprinted on your genes. You try to erase the memory and go back to the original life to forget 'it', forget this sin. By now, you have rediscovered 'it' and learned that 'it' has always existed in your consciousness and never left. ]

  [You are afraid, you want to be free, so you are extinct, implemented by your own hands. ]

  [Extinction is the only thing that your race can do to benefit the world. ]

  Seeing this, Mr. Zai didn’t react, and the protagonist of the game spoke first.

  [Is the experiment of spirit and soul the Pneuma (soul) project? Unless the purpose of FBC is to continue human beings, it is impossible to make such a decision! If there is no human being, what is the continuation? So the so-called 'it' must have affected humans! ]

  At this moment, in front of President Zai, dialogue options appeared again.

  【1. Who is 'it'? 】

  【2. Does the Federal Bureau of Control still exist? 】

  【3. What has the world become? 】

  When you see these 3 items, you almost don’t have to think about it, just choose 1 directly.

  So, the protagonist, who was a little excited, immediately questioned the cylindrical device loudly.

  [Tell me. Who is 'it'.? Or what is 'it'.? ]

  The cylindrical device was silent for a moment, and then mocked.

  [This question, all intelligent life in the world wants to know. The Silurians 500 million years ago called 'it' an inorganic substance that catalyzes life. The Titania Watchers, calling 'it' a base station for genetic modification. And we, call 'it' the source of cognitive pollution. Only you humans, delusional thinking that 'it' can bring eternal life, foolishly enshrine 'it' as a god, call it.]

  [God seal. ]

   The space is limited, and there is still a chapter on the boss battle. The rest of the truth will be mixed in the boss battle, pulling out stories from ancient times and the situation in the modern world. But I won't tell you all, because I have to leave a part for Brother Banana and the next game.



  (end of this chapter)