MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2308 No solution to the creation of the gods

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"Hey!!" The ocean roared, the open mouth was like an abyss black hole, and the dense teeth were filled with scarlet light, and the mermaid rushed toward the sea.

Tianyi's crystal-clear lips are slightly open, and a colorful bubble is spit out.

The bubble is expanding at a rapid speed, and the big mouth of the ocean is going to bite into the sky. As a result, the color bubble that has expanded to a large one is holding the mouth.

It's like a wild giant with a big ball in his mouth, jumping out of the ocean, picking up huge waves and stunning the world.

Originally this picture should be beautiful.

Why is this colorful bubble ball still madly expanding...

The ocean is so jagged that it can't bite the bubble in front of the world. This bubble is probably the hardest bubble in the world. It swells wildly under the horror of the sea, and the mouth of the ocean is getting bigger and bigger.

The sea cockroaches were forced to tears coming out, spit and spit out, biting and biting, and still swelling. What kind of despair?

"Don't be afraid, I will save you!!" The sea king **** holding the golden double fork, coming from the waves, wants to poke the bubbles in the ocean with a golden fork, and the eyes are still full of excitement and excitement. .

Obviously, the puncture bubble is a kind of inexplicable feeling for him.

But he hasn't shot yet. Within the bubble, a beautiful and beautiful mermaid has already jumped out, and the flexible pale pink fishtail is like a banana fan.

The sea king **** screamed, and the two forks poked toward the tail of the mermaid.

Enter, he will perform the hand fork fish!

Hey! ! !

The energy shock of terror came.

The sea king **** was shocked to find that the transparent scales of the Tianyi fishtail were even harder than the artifacts. The golden fork thorns on the fishtail, and they burst out of glare, and they could not penetrate the scales of the fishtail! !

Then, the sea king **** was shot by the terrorist forces carried by the fish tail.

Is this the first time he was shot?

He can't remember it.

At the same time as being photographed, the ocean cockroach finally couldn't hold it. It was like a terrible jagged mouth of the abyss, and it was broken by the beautiful bubble.

The screams of the ocean are echoing.

Blood spewed out and stained the white Qionghai area.

It scared to sneak into the bottom of the sea, fleeing wildly, and seized the opportunity to recover the injury.

This is the first time it failed to swallow the sky?

The ocean has been lost.

Anyway, it has been circulating in failure, and it has been defeated repeatedly.

Both the Neptune and the Ocean are both regressed.

Tianyi did not choose to chase after the fight, but quietly stood in the same place, quiet like a beautiful girl who is uncontested.

Huge colored bubbles slowly fall.

Her faint eyes are slightly clear, and the white jade is pointed out.


The hard colored bubbles that can crack the mouth of the ocean are like ordinary bubbles, and they have turned into countless tiny droplets of water.

Under the illumination of the sun, even a circular rainbow appeared, beautiful.

Tianyi stood in front of the rainbow and stared blankly. It seemed to be touched by the beauty, and some smiled happily.

When the King of the Seas and the Sea God saw this scene, they could not beat one. Is this really fighting? How does it feel like driving two mosquitoes and then continuing to play with yourself?

The two top ten wildernesses, who are powerful and strong, feel insulted. They are proud, so they roar and continue to pounce on Tianyi...

When the top ten wilderness appeared, how might the power be in the sky?

However, when the five great creations show their true strength, the Ten Ancients understand that who is the **** who dominates this world.

Among the mountains outside Baiqionghai.

The old ancestors of the candle sighed and exclaimed: "Oh, it’s terrible... I thought they were just new creation gods, how can the power be so terrible?"

"The spirit of the three creatures is fully open, even if it is the spiritual ancestor, can you beat it? In the field of spiritual combat, he may even be the strongest I have ever seen."

"Blackstone's shooting method is also the strongest shot I have ever seen..."

"The guy who flows gold, the resilience is stronger than the Cyril in the real demons. And the ink language, can transfer his own world to this world in this way, have to say, really let me Open your eyes and be amazed!"

"As for the day, I still hide the strength..."

"The five great creation gods, no one is weak!!"

After the candle ancestor saw the details of the world of the mirror, he was amazed by the exclamation. At the same time, my heart is also puzzled. This world of mirrors is too strange. How can it be so powerful?

"Xiaoru, do you really not take it?" The girl asked.

"Haha, I said, now is not the time to shoot, and, now, Anlin, they have to win!" Ding Xiaoru laughed haha.

At this time, Emperor Wu has already ran to the coast of Bai Qionghai, and the turtle of Xuan Shui descended from the sky, collided with the tortoise shell, and suppressed the emperor five again and again under his body.

The earth was also hit by the turtle of the Xuan Shui.

The five internal organs of Emperor Wu were shocked by this collision.

He couldn't easily punch the mysterious turtle.

The Tiger of Zhenjin has turned into a golden flash, and it has swept the earth in an instant, and used an tiger's claw to abandon one arm of Emperor Wu.

The countless gods of the Aoki Dragon come from all directions.

The land is unicorn, and at the foot of Emperor Wu’s head.

The swollen Suzaku's abdomen swells, his mouth opens, and the horrible inflammation can be saved.

An elf swayed the mirror of the world, and the cold light picked up.

"No, I really can't hold it..." Emperor Wu saw the attack from all directions, perceived the injury in the body, and realized his end.

This is chronic death.

No matter what secret method he uses and what kind of means he uses, he can't break away from the encirclement of An Lin and Dina. All the methods that can be tried have been tried.

It’s useless.

I thought that with the power of infinite heaven, I could fight the war of attrition.

He once thought that the strength of the enemies of An Lin and Luna far exceeded his recovery speed, and his physical condition is getting worse.

"Life... What should we do?" Sky God's face is sorrowful.

It feels the pain of this more than all the pains experienced before, killed at least a hundred times, abused at least a thousand times...

The beautiful and dreamy face of the **** of life, slightly sluggish, the supreme authority is still adding life energy to the emperor five. After being asked, it took a moment to react.



"Just... it’s strong!"

The innate instinct of life replies.

The sea **** can't stand it: "Don't dream! We can't hold it anymore! If we go on like this, we will all die here!!"

"What can we do then?" Life God wrinkled his face and looked wilted.

The ocean took a deep breath and said: "Use it."

"Use the truth of the road!!"