MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2307 ? 1 enemy 3

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"It fell!"

"Get away!"

Lin and the swordswoman were shocked and looked away from the side.

"Hide a fart, see me smash it!" Wu was so up with his arms, and the strange stone falling from the sky was a punch!

boom! !

The punching of the ruined land is broken.

The impulse of Wu Yin’s fist seems to have collided with something that is so hard and hard to imagine. Not only did he not hammer the stone, but the force of the earthquake also shook his hand bones...

The self-confidence of Wu Yin was destroyed and shattered at this moment.

This stone not only looks like the world, but its impact, like a whole world, is crushed towards it.

"Ah, ah...!"

The singular force of crushing was spread throughout his body through the fist of Wu Yin, so that he was like a world rolling every moment, and the body could not stop trying to break.

"Let's help him!" Lin Jiao sighed, and the billion-dollar silk ejected from the void, forming a network of nets, trying to stop the fall of the stone.

The swordsman also condensed the three-footed Qingfeng into a 30,000-foot sword, and smashed it across the falling boulder. The majestic swords rushed out like the sea.


The two ancient gods and gods joined forces to attack, and the huge stone began to tremble, but it was still pressed down, and the arms of the pressing force were bent and twisted.

"Ah, ah... painful..." Wu screamed.

"Keep it!" Lin clenched her silver teeth, and the ten-pointed line of the sky madly pulled the boulder up. The slender, white fingers were pressed by the line as if they were going to break.

The swordsman’s giant sword slammed hard and made all the power.

In the end, the three great old people joined forces to stop the world stone.

Under the boulder, Wu Yin was carrying blood, his strong arm was twisted and deformed by the stone, and the muscles could not stop shaking, leaving only half life.

The sword girl and Lin are also pale, obviously it just took a lot of power to stop. If there is no help from them, the final result of Wu Yin may be that he will be killed by this attack and he is not sure...

"Call... We finally got down..." After the death of Wu Yin, the face finally showed a hint of smile.

"Have it down? Can you really kneel down?" In the distance, Liu Jin’s slightly sardonic voice came.

Three ancient people are stunned.

At this time, they were desperate to see that the world stone took the initiative to distance.

"No...not..." Wu Yin trembled.

"Return?" The swordswoman is also numb.

At this time, the world stone has begun to accumulate momentum.

Lin single-handedly condensed a very penetrating silk of the sky, making it like a sharp flying needle, smashing to the boulder.

A single stone is not a strong defense.

"Hey!" Tianzhisi really penetrated into the boulders with great penetrating power!

However, Lin also had a good time in the future, and found that her own silk was pierced into a huge stone, it seems to be nutritious and quickly absorbed by the boulder!

"How is this possible?!" Lin was a little embarrassed by this scene.

At this time, the world stone that has accumulated momentum has once again been crushed toward them, just like a world is ruthlessly crushing them...

"Mu language, doing beautiful!!" Liu Jin saw this scene, completely relieved, began to stop in the same place to recover.

His origins have been hit hard, and there is actually no fighting power. There is only one body in the air. It’s okay to abuse, but it’s one of the top ten wildernesses. Don’t say a dozen or so, even if it’s a dozen, it’s also a bad thing to be abused by the other side.

Simply, he stopped to watch the show.

The ink language that has been prepared for so long is enough to turn this battlefield into its home!

Sure enough, the second impact of the ink language is still aimed at the cause.

At this time, Wu Ding still dared to hit hard, and then fled without saying anything.

He felt that such a large stone, dexterity must be very slow, he must be able to escape the impact of the boulder perfectly with his superb body.

However, what he never expected was.

When the stone came to him, the space changed, and it was thickened by hundreds of millions of times in the blink of an eye. The rules changed, and the law of inability to move rapidly became a limit in countless shackles, firmly binding the cause.

"Impossible, how can it change the rules of the early mainland!" Lin was hiding, and found herself entangled in countless rules, could not help but be shocked.

The goddess of the sword is dignified: "It does not change the rules. It is the law of forcibly invading and interfering with this space with the laws of its own world!"

Lynn was even more shocked when she heard this.

Can you still do this?

At this time, the screams of Wu Yin came again.

He was once again hit by a smack of ink.

The speed of the cause is very fast, but the surrounding environment is bound to him, he runs at all, and the speed of the stone does not change.

Everything is sealed, only the world stone is running! !

Therefore, Wu Yin is tragedy.

Although he broke out at the crucial moment, the endless power of the sky, his hands still support the incoming boulder, want to resist the other side's roll.

However, the ink language came with a whole world.

The powerful crushing power can instantly crush a huge planet, and the source that is fully integrated into the impact of the stone can strike the deepest attack on the enemy's origin.

It looks like a strong military force.

At this moment, I feel the death.

His body began to crack.

His origins began to be crushed.

Lin and the sword girl know that they can't let Wu Yin die, desperately block the attack of the ink language, and even force the use of the limit of heaven and man again.

But this time it is not like the last time.

The power of the ink language is stronger and the determination is more complete!

Even if the body is pierced by countless lines of sharpness to the extreme, even if the surface is really torn by the swordsman with a lore, the sword is still in the forefront, it is holding the cause.

In the end, under the sound of Wu Yin’s unwillingness to scream boulder crushed Wu Yin’s body completely, then absorbed...

Lin and the swordswoman did not think that the second impact of Wu Yinlian's ink language did not hold, so she fell down like this.

They are the gods above the gods, how can they become so fragile?

Obviously, it is an enemy three, but the ink language is absolutely superior, killing one of the ancient people, this is the gap of strength!

After the slogan crushed Wu Yin, he did not say a word, but silently gathered the momentum on the Lin and the swordswoman, so that the pressure of the two heavens was extremely great.

Emperor Wu, who is flying and fleeing, has another wing burning.

Originally the Ten Wings, there are only six wings left.

The worst thing is that as the wings are reduced, his escape speed is also reduced. The number of times of being blown up is increasing rapidly. The blows that have caused him and his body are exhausted. Some of them have been unable to run...