MTL - I Quit Being The Devoted Supporting Male Character-Chapter 18 The Affectionate Male Supporter in Gu Zaoba's Zongwen 18

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  Chapter 18 The Affectionate Male Supporter in the General Text of Gu Zaoba 18

  The peaceful life passed by Gu Jingyu in a very satisfied state.

   Until this day, when Gu Jingyu came home, he saw an uninvited guest.

  Song Ningxuan actually came to their house. When she first arrived at their house, Su Hangyu was doing psychological counseling.

  Su Hangyu looked at this beautiful girl who couldn't hide her haggard appearance. She was not sure what was going on with Song Ningxuan coming here for a while.

   Long-term upbringing, Su Hangyu treated her politely and called Gu Jingyu, saying that a friend came to him.

  Song Ningxuan sat on the sofa cautiously, feeling out of tune with the surroundings.

  Looking at the superior surroundings and the maid next to him, when did Gu Jingyu become so rich?


   A glimmer of hope emerged in his heart: Gu Jingyu seems to be doing well here, if he is willing to help, then the more likely she is to get rid of Ou Xiuyuan's family.

   That's right, she was forced to go abroad by Ou Lingtian.

   She still had illusions about Ou Xiuyuan in her heart, because she was fed up with Ou Xiuyuan's distrust and indifference to herself.

   She felt like a plaything and was not respected at all.

  Ou Xiuyuan regards himself as an ordinary lover, kissing himself and his fiancee at the same time.

  Ou Lingtian sent herself abroad forcibly, and she was very willing in her heart.

  I don’t want to stay with Ou Xiuyuan anymore.

   She knew very well that if she was in China, she would not be able to hide for long, and it was only a matter of time before she found herself.

   Once found by him, the time when she was imprisoned appeared in her heart.

   Song Ningxuan met Su Hangyu by accident, but she did not expect to follow Gu Jingyu's house easily.

   Brother Gu will understand himself, I am so miserable now, he will not have the heart to leave me alone.

   When Gu Jingyu returned home, he saw Song Ningxuan sitting on the sofa, and he didn't recover for a while.

  How did the heroine find herself? There's no such thing in the plot.

   "Big Brother Gu..." Song Ningxuan has lost a lot of weight than before. The strange thing is that she has a small belly now.

   "Brother Gu, ok, long time no see! I miss you so much..."

  Gu Jingyu quickly took a few steps back when he saw that Song Ningxuan wanted to come to him.

   The obvious disgust made Song Ningxuan's next words stuck in her throat. Dumbly watched Gu Jingyu send Su Hangyu into the room.

   Gu Jingyu's indifferent expression and the obvious disgust on his face, Song Ningxuan stood aside cautiously.

   "Big Brother Gu..."

  Gu Jingyu raised his eyebrows: "Miss Song, if I remember correctly, I made it clear to you before I went abroad, what are you doing at my house now."

  Gu Jingyu is not as easy to talk as the original, he is essentially a very cold and ruthless guy, don't even think about Lianxiangxiyu.

  Song Ningxuan's mind was very confused, she could not have imagined that Gu Jingyu was developing so well now, so she was at a loss for a while.

   Song Ningxuan looked at Gu Jingyu with resentful eyes, she felt that something was gradually out of her control.

  Gu Jingyu staring at him like this is uncomfortable. Now he really can't understand Song Ningxuan's strange brain circuit, but he can't do it with women yet.

  Gu Jingyu directly asked the maid to drive Song Ningxuan out, and told the maid not to let her in the next time she saw her.

   She felt humiliated like never before.

   But now she wants Gu Jingyu's help.

   "Brother Gu, please save me."

  Song Ningxuan thought that Gu Jingyu would be at least a little soft-hearted.

   "No help!"

   answered almost immediately.

  Song Ningxuan: "…"

   She looked at Gu Jingyu in shock, it was hard to imagine how Gu Jingyu would be so cold-blooded to herself.

   And she didn't expect Gu Jingyu to be more cold-blooded.

   "Go to the police if you have anything, go to the hospital if you are sick. Don't come to me if you have nothing. I am neither a policeman nor a doctor, so it is useless to seek me."

   Gu Jingyu smiled coldly: "If you are really lonely, I believe that there will always be someone under the overpass that suits you."

   All of Gu Jingyu's words express one meaning: don't suffer labor.

  Song Ningxuan took a deep breath, wiped her tears, and pretended to be strong and said, "Okay, I see!"

No matter how confident she is, Song Ningxuan can clearly understand that Gu Jingyu doesn't care about herself at all.

   Otherwise, I wouldn't say such a thing to my face.

   She looked at Gu Jingyu deeply: "Brother Gu, I remember what you said today."

  Gu Jingyu waved his hand and said, "I see, remember that if you have something to do in the future, don't come to me. If you see me, you don't know me."

  Song Ningxuan: "…"

  Su Hangyu was in the room and saw his son's series of operations.

   "Son, the girl seems to be crying for you."

  Gu Jingyu raised his eyebrows and said lazily, "I sincerely wish her and Ou Xiuyuan a good life together, don't bother me! The trouble is to die for."

   Don't hurt yourself again.

  Su Hangyu: "…"

  Although he doesn't like this girl, his son is actually a bit straight.

   He believed that the hero and heroine would meet soon.


   As expected by Gu Jingyu, it didn't take long for Ou Xiuyuan to find him abroad.

   After an affectionate confession and confession, Song Ningxuan reunited with Ou Xiuyuan again.

  Ou Xiuyuan said how difficult it was for him, but Song Ningxuan became his mistress so obediently.

  The two lived a sweet life abroad, just like ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend.

   In China, Su Qing looked at the intimate photos of her fiancé and others, and smiled coldly.

   "I didn't expect that at such a critical time, that idiot would only care about the love of his children. How did he get into the position of president?"

  Wen Huan waved his hand, and he felt strange in his heart.

  Even though Ou Xiuyuan was not very capable before, he was still very responsible for his work. Recently, it seems like he has been hit by evil.

   But what does it matter, the more outrageous he does, the more he gets.

  Song Ningxuan was really the most satisfying investment, but after a small push, there was such an unexpected result.

   "Wen Huan!" Su Qing smiled especially seductively, looking at Wen Huan.

  Wen Huan was also amazed by this young lady. Compared with Su Qing and Song Ningxuan, Su Qing completely left Song Ningxuan several blocks away in terms of appearance, family education and family background.

   I really don't understand, with such a beautiful woman in front, Ou Xiuyuan would have fallen in love with a bland Song Ningxuan.

   "Miss Su, you don't know your own charm at all."

   If it wasn't for knowing how ambitious Su Qing was, Wen Huan wouldn't be able to control his temptation.

  Su Qing smiled and leaned over gently to place a thin lip print on Wen Huan's face.

   "This is your reward!"

   (end of this chapter)