MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 233 Hoarding money to raise cubs 233rd day

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The rain outside gradually stopped, and Lu Liran almost couldn't wait to get out of the short hole quickly.

To be honest, it's not like we never stayed close together in a narrower space, but there was never a time like this time, half wet, and even leisurely.

enough time for him to feel—

Every second, every eye contact, every breath between the two of them.

Lu Liran regretted turning on the live broadcast. If there was no live broadcast, he wouldn't be so cramped and entangled.

But since the live broadcast is on, you have to pay attention to the harmonious rules of the live broadcast room.

Lu Liran silently recited the military regulations of the Federation Army in his heart, and managed to calm down the little restlessness in his heart.

"The rain stopped, we can continue on our way." Lu Liran coughed lightly, and got out of the rock hole.

He first checked the water in the kettle, and it was half full, but because of a strong wind in the middle, the fixed kettle was blown down and a lot was spilled, but it was still a good harvest.

Looking at the ground again, as soon as the rain stops or the rain decreases, the accumulated water on the ground will immediately subside. At this moment, the ground is only a dark layer of wetness, and there is no trace of accumulated water.

Most of the rocky floors of these lava fields have many pores, and rainwater flows from these pores to the ground. It is impossible to accumulate water on such landforms.

"The kettle is full, and the rain is good." Lu Liran tightened the kettle and pinned it to his waist.

The two went back on the road, and it was only after five o'clock in the morning, when the sun came out from the clouds, and it was impossible to see that it was still rainy before.

With the sun, the direction is much easier to distinguish.

"After spending a night of leaking rain on the Roxanne Volcano, now we are starting again, and the target is still the forest belt in the east of the volcanic islands." Lu Liran said, and the anchor went to work.

"The reason why we don't go to the ocean on the other side is because that sea area is affected by extreme storms all the year round, few routes pass through here, and there are few people." He glanced at the barrage and added, "But if it's not Because of such special environmental conditions, I usually choose to go to the seaside, because the seaside is relatively rich in food and there are frequent traces of human activities."

[Although the anchor is from a low-level galaxy, but he has done a lot of homework on our planet, please like it]

[The anchor has something]

[I remember that the wind-proof and moisture-proof forest belt in the east of Roxanne is quite large, and it is not easy for the anchor to walk in there]

Seeing this, Lu Liran replied: "It's okay, the windbreak forests are distributed in belts, and the overall area is vast, but the cross section is actually only a few hundred meters, so it's not difficult to cross."

"Compared with the size of the windbreak, the more urgent problem is food and water." He changed the subject and pointed to the big sun above his head that was beginning to emit heat.

"The temperature of the volcano is unbearable. The lava here is originally gray-black and absorbs a lot of heat, so that the body temperature is much higher than the temperature on the Celsius scale."

The drone complied with flying into the air, capturing the glare of the sun and the gray-black lava field within a hundred miles into the camera, and on the vast rock field, only the figures of Lu Liran and Ke Ji appeared extremely small and desolate , as far as the eye can see.

"Even the traces of living things are very rare here. I was lucky to catch that spider for supplies last night." Lu Liran said as he walked forward, bending over from time to time to turn over the small stones nearby, looking for some spiders hidden under the stones. small creatures.

It's just that most of the rocks on this rock plain are big and sharp, and there are not many that can be lifted.

That's why when they slept under the short hole last night, Lu Liran didn't use the umbrella cover of the parachute as a rain shield, because it couldn't be fixed.

With yesterday's strong wind, it was not too difficult to blow up the canopy to the extent that the water bottle stuck in the middle of the rock could be blown down.

It would be a shame to lose a canopy for this.

Lu Liran walked for a whole morning without finding anything, and the lava field in front of him remained unchanged, making people wonder if he was walking around in circles.

[The anchor mentality is really strong. If I had left yesterday for a day and added this morning, and what I saw was still like this, I would have collapsed long ago.]

[+1, I'm actually curious if the anchor is really lost... (whispers)]

[Eh Roxanne Volcano is too big, even locals can easily get lost in it]

[If the anchor really can't get out, don't be brave, your life matters]

Lu Liran unscrewed the kettle and took another sip of water. There was still half of the water in his kettle, but in such an environment, the water consumption was extremely fast.

"Dehydration is the most common crisis in wild survival. Whether it is in a volcano, in a desert, in a swamp, or even in a jungle, dehydration may be caused by various situations." Lu Liran said, looking at the drone , while striding forward, continued talking.

"Usually, if there is a lack of water, the human body can last for about three days." Lu Liran changed the topic, "But here, under the baking temperature of the volcano, I'm afraid it can't last for a day."

"So rather than how to cross the windbreak, the more critical issue right now is to find water."

He pointed to the flameheart that appeared more and more frequently on the ground, as well as other angiosperms that gradually appeared, and he said: "Although the scenery here generally seems to have remained unchanged, these small details cannot be missed. They imply that Me, I'm going in the right direction."

"Persist a little longer, maybe you can find everything I need in the next place." Lu Liran let out a breath, and looked up into the distance.

Their current location is equivalent to an uphill lava field, but they have not yet reached the top of the slope, and most of the surrounding vision is blocked by the surrounding rock groups.

Lu Liran hoped that after climbing to the top of the slope, he might be able to see a different scene.

"But it is very likely that it is still the same lava field as last time." Lu Liran said.

Before turning over the top of the slope, Lu Liran stopped and made a gesture of praying the cross on his chest. Even the most experienced bounty hunter would hope that the **** of luck would show a little favor in such a situation.

[Help, I can't help but sweat for the host]

【Prayer is online】

Lu Liran climbed up the **** with all his might, and the camera of the drone turned around.

Before the audience in the live broadcast room had time to see the scene clearly, they heard Lu Liran cheering excitedly.

"Look over there! Did you see that piece of green?!" Lu Liran pointed to the distance, and saw a piece of vibrant green appeared in front of him about one or two hundred meters away from them.

"That's a lava field butte! The area may be only a few square meters to a square kilometer! The difference is huge! But obviously we are lucky enough, the size of the butte in front of us is not small, I'm sure there will be what I need in it Food and water!"

Lu Liran trotted down from the top of the **** and headed straight for Guqiu!

"On my planet, we have a very large area of ​​lava fields and lonely hills. It is called [rainforest growing on volcanoes]." Lu Liran said, speaking very fast, but enunciating words clearly, even when trotting , and rarely heard his breathing become rough.

"This kind of lonely hill is formed because it is surrounded by lava flows, but it is not completely covered, so there are such landform features that are completely different from lava fields." Lu Liran has already run to the vicinity of this lonely hill.

He pointed to a completely different terrain nearby, indicating that this was the trace of the surrounding lava flow.

[Wow, this is the first time I heard that there is such a small oasis on the Roxanne Volcano! 】

【I also】

【Great knowledge, good God】

[The rainforest that grows on the volcano sounds mysterious, and the home star of the anchor makes me very curious]

[I think it sounds dangerous... It's a volcano and a rainforest, so my planet should be safer]

Lu Liran quickly got into the lonely hill.

The lonely hill is like a jungle covered with vegetation. The surrounding shrubs can basically grow to the height of a person. Many plants have their roots pierced into the surface of the rock, penetrating the rock to absorb nutrients from the ground.

The roots of these plants are thin, long and dense, and they look dense.

"I didn't bring a machete this time. I didn't expect the vegetation coverage on the volcanic hill to be so dense." Lu Liran regretted a little, but he also found a substitute.

He cut off a branch about one and a half meters long with a dagger and placed it across his chest. As he walked forward, he used a long stick to push away the densely covered leaves in front of him.

Lu Liran, who had trotted for two or three hundred meters on the lava field just now without panting, now only entered the lonely hill and walked less than fifty meters, his breath became much heavier, and he was struggling a bit with the naked eye.

Lu Liran said: "These leaves are really annoying, can you see these jagged teeth?"

The drone gave a close-up, and saw that the slender leaves in front of Lu Liran were surrounded by burr-like jagged teeth, which were small and dense, and could easily get stuck into the undershirt.

"These little things are really annoying. If you don't pay attention, they will stick to your clothes. My sleeves are all over." Lu Liran said, "These burrs are not sharp, and they are not easy to pierce the skin, but they are easy to stick to. I have tingling pain all over my body, and skin problems are prone to appear after rubbing for a long time, so I must clean it up after walking through this area."

As he said, he turned to look at Ke Ji, and saw that Ke Ji was also in a panic. After noticing Lu Liran's gaze, he also raised his eyes and nodded slightly to indicate to move on.

However, the beauty in distress is still pleasing to the eye, and the light blonde slightly long hair is wet with sweat, but it makes those eyes even brighter.

Lu Liran had the illusion of being bewitched, so he quickly looked away.

The two struggled across the pasture for an unknown amount of time—Lu Liran felt that it took at least half an hour, and he was soaked all over—the two finally came to a relatively open place.

There are no annoying grass blades and burrs, only some palm trees that are five to six meters high to ten meters high, and Lu Liran even found a few fruit trees that look a bit like Platanus fir.

"This is a special product on this planet, rhinoceros pear, which can be regarded as a palm branch." Lu Liran's eyes lit up.

"I once ate a fruit named Plane fruit on a planet. It is rich in calories and protein, and can produce a very strong feeling of satiety. It is the best food MVP that is rare in the wild. Rhinoceros Pears are very similar to it."

"But before I go up the tree, I have to get rid of these burrs on my body." He changed the topic, put down the long stick in his hand, lowered his brows and tossed his sweatshirt.

The drone camera scanned over, and saw that there were yellowish-brown fine burrs almost everywhere on Lu Liran's black sweater. Lu Liran pulled them out one by one, and some of them were stuck more than half into the sweater.

Although the burrs are not long or sharp, just looking at the number makes my scalp tingle.

Lu Liran handed his back to Ke Ji, and asked Ke Ji to handle the parts on his back, while he continued to check between his legs.

Pants are also the hardest hit.

It was already ten minutes after the two of them finished cleaning each other's burrs.

Lu Liran looked at the fruit on the treetop, and it was only about five meters away from him, so it was no problem at all.

Around this rhinoceros pear tree, there are also plants that are slender and tough like bamboo, with only sporadic branches and leaves at the top, which is very tough. After Lu Liran tried to use his strength to climb up two steps, Some accidentally found that this plant looks thin, but it can fully support its own weight.

His eyes lit up, and without saying a word, he climbed to the top of the tree in one breath by using the thin "long bamboos" on both sides.

[Is the anchor a monkey? ? Climb faster than monkeys! 】

[Although the tree is not high...but the anchor climbed too easily! 】

[The anchor's abs must be beautiful]

[? Why is it suddenly upstairs? 】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

Lu Liran didn't care about what was being said in the live broadcast room, and now he only had a few rhino pears in his eyes.

He hadn't tasted the food on this planet yet, so he was a little curious—the spider before that didn't count.

He cut off the twigs with the fruit with a dagger, and picked three or four in one go.

The shells of these fruits were as hard as coconuts, and the size was only as big as a grown man's fist. Lu Liran saw that he couldn't hold them anymore, so he asked Ke Ji to stand far away, and he dropped them one by one.

After throwing away the few fruits he had picked before, Lu Liran was about to pick some more, but suddenly he heard the leaves behind him make a "Sasha" sound suddenly.

He looked quickly and vigilantly, and saw the leaves shaking behind him, as if something had just jumped past.

Seeing this, Lu Liran's face was slightly tense, he restrained his appearance of being happy about the harvest, held the dagger in his backhand, and looked around vigilantly.

[Hiss, I really seemed to see something running past just now! The speed is extremely fast, an afterimage! 】

[Don't confuse people with gossip, I think it's just a gust of wind blowing by]

[+1, I didn't see anything]

Lu Liran lowered his voice: "I felt something was staring at me. Something really jumped past just now."

As he spoke, he moved his body tentatively, and immediately heard another "salsa" sound, this time it came from the top of his head!

Lu Liran reacted very quickly, quickly shifted a position among the trees, and immediately saw a large lump of brown and brown things thrown at the place where he was originally, and the stench was suffocating.

Rao Lu Liran, his expression was distorted.

"Squeak, creak, chirp!" There was a sound above his head, Lu Liran's eyelids twitched, he quickly turned over a few times, and climbed to the crown of the tree in one breath, finally finding out the culprit who was playing tricks in the shadow of the tree.

—A hairy monkey about the size of a three-month-old puppy, with big eyes and hair as beautiful as gold.

"Volcano Flying Monkey." Lu Liran recognized it, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "He has a strong desire to possess, and he likes to play pranks very much."

"If I remember correctly, it seems to be a protected animal on this planet and cannot be eaten." Lu Liran stared at the hairy monkey and said, and the hairy monkey was also staring at Lu Liran at the same time, and it seemed that something was still rubbing in its paws .

After Lu Liran noticed it, his face froze slightly.

"It seems that this rhinoceros pear tree has its own owner, but I'll just take a few away, so I won't be so stingy." Lu Liran said, with a bit of a joke in his tone, but his eyes couldn't be separated from the hairy monkey in front of him. .

"In such a situation, you must first ensure that your eyes never leave the confronting animal, because for them, once the sense of compulsion disappears, it means that the other party is showing weakness, and they will attack immediately."

"And the attack of the volcanic flying monkey in front of me is obviously disgusting." Lu Liran frowned, "I can't attack, and I can't leave first, so the only thing I can do is scare it."

【what? Seriously, shouldn't monkeys be scared away when they see people? 】

[The monkeys here have probably never seen a human, have they? I don't know how to be afraid]

[Also, how does the anchor want to scare? I am not afraid that the monkey will be frightened, so I just slap my face...]

[Ouch, there is a picture]

[Oh my god, this monkey is poisonous, why not play with shit?]

[It's the first time I saw the anchor's face so stinky hahaha, even though the shelter was leaking from the rain, I didn't see the anchor's stinky face hahaha]

【Whoever can bear it, I will ask, who can bear it! 】

Lu Liran had no other choice, he could only arch his body and open his arms, trying to make his figure look as big as possible.

After seeing Lu Liran's change, the monkey took a few steps back cautiously.

Seeing that it was useful, Lu Liran immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue him, his eyes turned hard, he opened his hand and rushed towards the monkey, and then yelled: "Get out!"

The Volcanic Flying Monkey was startled, and subconsciously opened its two front paws just like Lu Liran's movement, the whole monkey's face showed a frightened look, and the pair of big round eyes showed even more panic .

Hearing it chirp, he subconsciously folded his hands like Lu Liran did, but coupled with its frightened expression, it looked like a surrender.

Then it was unsteady and fell from the branch, Lu Liran couldn't catch it in time.

But soon, the flying monkey nimbly grabbed the branch below, flipped over and returned to the main trunk.

It scrambled along the trunk of the main tree, slid down to the ground, and in an instant was among the undergrowth.

The corner of Lu Liran's mouth twitched when he saw this: "It seems that I was scared away."

【Poor little monkey】

【Look at it like this, it’s really a skillful set of moves haha】

[The cowardly and fierce look is so cute! ! 】

【Anchor bad bad】

[Fuck hahaha, it's better to say that the host is so skillful in scaring animals! ! 】

[Laughing to death, I never thought I would see the anchor frighten a little monkey here]

Lu Liran rubbed the tip of his nose, although he was once a villain who occupied the magpie's nest, but Lu Liran did not soften his heart at all, he picked off the other rhino pears on the branch and threw them to Ke Ji.

"Keep half, it's not too much." Lu Liran looked at the remaining fruit on the tree, and he even left more than half for the monkey, which is considered a good conscience.

Anyway, even if he hadn't picked it, the monkey wouldn't be able to keep all the fruits of the whole tree by throwing shit, some of which were plundered by creatures in the jungle.

Lu Liran descended the tree lightly, and seeing Ke Ji's arms full of fruits in an umbrella, felt like drooling.

Harvest! I still don't know what it tastes like!

The outer shell of the fruit was hard, and Lu Liran was reluctant to smash it open with a knife, lest his dagger would be worn out, so he found a stone to back it up, and hit another stone in his hand.

Bang Bang several times before the shell of the fruit cracked, revealing the milky white flesh inside.

There is no juice, but the pulp tastes dense and soft, and it is a bit like cream. The taste is not sweet, but it has a slight fishy taste, but it is a bit like milk, which is not so unacceptable.

Lu Liran sucked the pulp with a big mouth, sucking all the pulp like sucking butter, leaving only the core inside.

The core is only the size of a thumb, not hard, and has a gel-like texture.

Lu Liran pinched it to feel the feel, and then put it in his pocket.

He explained to the live broadcast room: "The fruit of the palm family can usually extract vegetable oil, and most of the vegetable oil is extracted from the kernel. Such an untreated kernel can probably be burned independently for six to seven minutes."

"The small props that are very useful in the wild are worth collecting." He added.

Lu Liran has always been reluctant to throw away something like this that can support combustion or be used as a torch independently, maybe it will come in handy at some point.

The two shared a few rhino pears here, and set out on the road when they were 70% full. They put away the remaining two and kept them for eating on the road.

After entering the jungle of the lonely hill, you can clearly feel that the air here has become humid.

Because of the rain in the early morning and midnight, there is still water in some pits on the ground.

This place is not like a lava field. The ground is full of crevices, holes and rocks. The sediments of deciduous vegetation sink and rot here. The ground is very soft, and small puddles are formed one after another.

"But these waters are stagnant water. It is very likely that animal feces have been left nearby. There will be a lot of bacteria in the water. After drinking, it is easy to cause diarrhea and dehydration, which will lead to death sooner." Lu Liran warned One sentence.

He skipped the puddles: "Resist the temptation, no matter how clean it looks like it just rained."

"Only running water or dew is the most reliable source of drinking water." Lu Liran said, "This is a volcano, so don't expect large flowing water sources such as creeks or lakes in Guqiu, but we still have a way Find fresh water."

"Believe in nature, no matter how desperate it may seem, there will always be a way out."

As he was walking, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. A huge pothole lay across Lu Liran's field of vision, completely blocking the way ahead.

[I don't know if there is a way out, but a huge pit is in front of me]

[Hahahahahahahah, anchor: Don't you give a little face? 】

[This is embarrassing, the water has not been found, and the road is broken]

【Anchor Lucky E】

But Lu Liran laughed: "The way out, isn't this here?"