MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 287 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 287

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Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 287

"You can... do it?" The man seemed to have heard some incredible words, his eyes were wide open, and they were particularly bright under the chaotic sky.

"If I can find Mangya Spring." Lu Liran said.

Hearing this, the light in the man's eyes dimmed slightly, and he once again put on a defensive look of repelling others.

Another pretense, just trying to trick him into taking him to Mangya Spring.

Lu Liran seemed to have seen the other party's thoughts, and he said: "Where is the problem of Mangyaquan, you can only find out when you are on the ground, I will not tell you how to solve it without evidence."

"Then what if its problem is serious? Even if it gets there, you can't cure it." The man looked at Lu Liran, "Then do you just want to take it away?"

"If I can't cure it, then I will also give you an inexhaustible Mangya Spring. Mangya Spring belongs to all the creatures in the Aiken Rainforest, and no one can take it for themselves." Lu Liran said.

The man was silent for a long time, until he looked up at Lu Liran again: "I don't believe in never being exhausted."

Lu Liran thought to himself, he didn't believe it before the big brother's black technology appeared.

He didn't explain, and he hoped that he didn't need this thing.

"But I like what you said, Mangya Spring belongs to all living beings." The man looked at Lu Liran thoughtfully, "It has saved many lives, good or bad. Its kindness does not distinguish between good and evil , but now we have to screen because of us."

Lu Liran heard a little room for turning around from the other party's words, and he looked at the other party deeply.

Sure enough, after a few seconds of quiet thinking, the man said to Lu Liran, "If you can do one thing for me, I can take you to find Mangyaquan."

"whats the matter?"

"The rainy season in the jungle is about to enter. It is very difficult for the tribe to get food during the rainy season, and our tribe has not many young and strong hunters, so the tribe's current reserve of food is not enough for us to survive this year's rainy season." The man looked at Lu Liran, this was their biggest trouble right now.

Their tribe is a collection of scattered members of those small tribes who died. The tribe doesn't even have a name, because even they themselves don't know whether it can be regarded as a tribe.

At best, it's a bunch of poor, unlucky people with nowhere else to go.

They don't even know how long they have left to live.

Such a tribe has little hope of survival, let alone a tribe name—who would have the heart to name a tribe that doesn't know how long it will last?

"You want us to help you hunt?" Lu Liran heard the other party's meaning and looked at the other party.

The man nodded: "At least enough for us to survive the rainy season."

"How many people do you have?" Lu Liran asked again.

"Thirty-two people. Among them, including me, there are five young adults, eight women, twelve elderly people, and six children." The man replied, he paused, and added, "There is one patient , seems to be with you."

Lu Liran was taken aback, surprised: "With us?"

"DFA. Maybe it's a certain soldier who was swept away by the mountain torrent." Ke Ji reminded lightly at the side, and he asked the man, "Is he still alive?"

"Alive." The other party nodded, "but can't move."

"Would you mind taking us to your tribe?" Lu Liran asked.

"It doesn't matter." The man pursed his lips, anyway, their tribe has nothing to gain, "You agreed?"

Lu Liran responded: "I agree. I will exchange food for you to take us to Mangya Spring, and you will keep your word."

"I keep my word."

The man looked down at his body, which was heavily tied up, and waited for Lu Liran and Ke Ji to untie him.

"My name is Akeliu, and I was once the young chief of the Kugwa tribe." He stretched his hands and feet, and stretched his body. The body covered under the fur of the beast was young and strong, with full muscles and smooth lines. It was a beautiful light brown color, full of Wild beauty.

He looked up at the rising sun and said, "Our tribe is a little far away. If we start now, we should be able to arrive before noon."

"Then let's go."

Lu Liran put away the tent and stepped on the bonfire.

Ke Ji picked up the umbrella bag and put it on his back again. The DFA headquarters, which had finally regained its surveillance capabilities, was surprised to find that there was an extra native in Lu Liran's group.

When did it come out? ? What's the background? ?

Achilles was running in the rainforest. He was very familiar with the rainforest, and he was worried that his speed would be too fast for the two outsiders to keep up. Not tired at all, seems to have some spare energy.

Seeing this, Akeliu couldn't help thinking about it, and his speed increased a lot. He grabbed the hanging Xilong vine and swung it vigorously, flying directly across a deep ditch in a forest valley that was four meters wide.

He just stood firm, and was about to turn his head to see if the two could keep up, but he felt two strong fans on both sides of his cheeks. He was startled, and when he looked closely, he saw that the two outsiders were already swinging rattan ropes. Fly and land firmly.

"Are you there?" Lu Liran saw Akeliu standing where he was, so he stopped and took a few breaths.

"...Not yet." Achilles rubbed the back of his head, "Since you can keep up, it's okay for me to hurry up, right?"

"no problem."

The three figures shuttled quickly in the primeval jungle, and the scene in front of them turned into a green blur. The staff in the DFA monitoring room looked at the flashing scenes on the screen and almost vomited.

"Dizzy, dizzy 3D, vomit—"

"Dizzy green."

In one go, the three slowed down until they reached the surrounding area of ​​the tribe.

"There are traps around, don't move around and be careful to trigger them." Akeliu reminded, "Follow me."

"it is good."

Lu Liran glanced across the green forest in front of him, and as far as he could see, he could already see many traps hidden among the trees, vines and grass tips.

Achilles' tribe cannot withstand any attack, whether it is a beast or a human being, so the trap setting outside the tribe is their last line of defense, and it is extremely dangerous and rich.

Carefully passing through the trap area, Akeliu led Lu Liran and the two finally entered the tribe.

The tribe is surrounded by more than a dozen thatched huts, and a fence is erected around the outermost of the huts to distinguish the inside and outside of the tribe.

There is a huge wooden pile on the open space of the tribe, and the fire is burning on it. It should be the fire point of the tribe.

"Akeleu!" A little boy who looked to be eight years old at most galloped over, shouted joyfully, and threw himself into the opponent's arms.

Achilles showed a smiling face and caught the boy: "Pullo."

The boy spit out a series of words quickly, all in the language of the local aborigines. Lu Liran and Ke Ji couldn't understand them at all, but they saw Akeliu's face suddenly turned ugly, and he strode towards a thatched hut.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji looked at each other, and then followed.

In the thatched hut, a tall and strong young man with a face ashen ashes was lying on a stone bed, and a snake was hanging limply on the side of the stone bed.

The young man's ankles were swollen high, as if a steamed bun had been propped inside, making his dark brown skin transparent and shiny.

Lu Liran knew at a glance that this person had been poisoned.

Akeliu sat beside the man's bed in frustration, said a few words in a low voice, and then walked out of the thatched hut.

"How is he?" Lu Liran asked Achilles, "Aren't you...doing something?"

He looked into the thatched hut with some surprise. From his point of view, those people inside seemed not to be planning to do anything, as if they were waiting by default... for the death of that young man.

Achilles' eyes were red: "He was bitten by a devil snake, and there is no way to save him. Even if there is water from the Mangya Spring...but someone used it before, but it took a few days longer, and he still died. And, Even if I can get there, I won't be able to come back in time, it's too far away."

"Devil snake?" Lu Liran thought of the dead snake hanging beside the man's bed, and pointed from a distance, "Is that the diamond-striped lancehead snake?"

"That's it." Achilles nodded, "This kind of snake sees blood and seals its throat. Salius was bitten when he went hunting this morning. He will probably die before dark. I'm going to find someone to replace him." Pray for death, you wait here for me."

Lu Liran stopped Akeliu: "I brought medicine, try it first, he should not die."

Achilles was stunned: "Medicine? Those medicines from the outside world? It's useless, the poison of the devil snake is even from the outside..."

"Try it." Lu Liran walked into the hut, "If you are going to die anyway, you might have a chance if you try my medicine."

Akeliu pursed his lips, and followed Lu Liran into the cottage.

"Akeleu?" The boy Pulo looked up at the man suspiciously, and then noticed two strangers walking in with the man.

"They want to try to save Saryus, and I want to give them and Saryus a chance." Achilles explained to the clansmen in the hut.

Those people relaxed their vigilance when they heard the words, and even showed a friendly smile to Lu Liran and Ke Ji.

Lu Liran used a small knife to sterilize over a fire, pierced the bulging fluid bag, and squeezed out the pus and poisonous blood inside.

Salius, who was lying on the bed, trembled violently, and the tribesmen next to him also chattered excitedly to Achilles.

"What are they talking about?" Ke Ji asked Akeliu, while Lu Liran concentrated on treating the man's wound on the bed.

Achilles looked at Saryus with complicated eyes, and replied after hearing the words: "They think that opening the wound will make Saryus more painful, and it will not get better. Because our tribe lacks medicine, the open wound is easy to be infected." Inflammation, many small tribes would rather seal up the wound."

Because Achilles has been trading and exchanging with the outside world, he understands how rough and wrong their wounds were treated in the past compared to the tribesmen from small closed tribes around him, but they still lack basic medicines, even A small tetanus may endanger their lives.

Ke Ji nodded when he heard the words, and just said: "Your friend will be fine."

Achilles sighed softly. He guessed that the two people might have some serum on them, but that thing was useless to the venom of the devil snake.

Lu Liran exchanged an antidote to the system in his mind, used up his 1.5 research points, and then pretended to take it out of his backpack.

The powerful detoxification agent produced by the system can fool people just by looking at it. The tall quick-freezing power device will emit frozen white smoke after it is activated, and the purple liquid agent is directly injected into Salius' thigh artery.

Lu Liran then injected basic anti-inflammatory drugs and concentrated glucose into Salius.

After doing all this, it was already half an hour later, and miraculously, Salius' complexion did not get worse, but gradually warmed up a bit.

Salius even opened his eyes and was able to speak: "Akeleu?"

Achilles walked over quickly in amazement: "Saleus?!"

The clansmen next to them were also very pleasantly surprised, this is more miraculous than the water in Mangya Spring!

Achilles stayed in front of Saryus' bed for a while longer, and he could see his partner's complexion getting better little by little. He felt relieved and let Saryus rest well, while he left the hut to find Lu Liran and Ke Ji.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji were surrounded by the enthusiasm of the tribe at the moment, and the elderly kindly invited them to eat a bowl of mushy food with meat mixed in it.

That thing Lu Liran saw a woman break up pieces of loess before, and kept using a large sieve to sieve out the fine and fine soil, then mixed it with water, poured it into a stone pot, boiled it and stirred it, and finally it became this bowl Gooey.

This kind of food can satisfy their hunger, and it is the three daily meals of these people. The added meat is the treasure they are most reluctant to eat, and it is only eaten by young adults and a few children who can go out to hunt.

Lu Liran declined their kindness, and turned to ask the patient they took in.

It's a pity that there is a language barrier, and it's like talking to a duck after pointing fingers for a long time.

After Akeliu came over, he finally rescued Lu Liran and Ke Ji from this embarrassment.

"That man is in this thatched hut. He still has a fever, so he can only survive by himself." Akeliu said, "But if you brought medicine, then he should be fine."

"Go in and have a look." Akeliu looked at Lu Liran, took a deep breath, as if he had made a major decision, "And, you saved Salius, thank you."

"I owe you a favor. The previous transaction is void. I don't need to exchange anything. I will take you to Mangya Spring."

Lu Liran was a little surprised, then he shook his head and said, "No, a deal is a deal. Even if we saved Salius, you also saved our companions. You don't owe anything."

Achilles eyes lit up.

Lu Liran lifted the curtain in front of the thatched cottage, walked into the thatched cottage, and saw the man lying on the bed with his face flushed with heat, he took a light breath, never expecting that he would see an acquaintance here.


He remembered that the DFA team members said that Mo Sang was knocked out by a big tree and was involved in the torrent. In such a situation, he was almost dead.

"What a fateful guy." Lu Liran laughed. He had a good impression of Mosang. He felt a little sorry when he thought he died, but he didn't expect to be rescued after a turnaround.

He looked at Achilles, "He is indeed our companion, thank you for saving him."

Achilles smiled and scratched his head: "Actually, he saved me."

When the big tree fell down, he was hiding in the tree, but Mosang blocked it, so he finally dragged the unconscious Mosang back to the tribe.

Lu Liran gave Mosang a few injections, but Mosang was still burning in a drowsy state and did not wake up.

Lu Liran wanted to stay in the hut to observe Mosang's situation, so Ke Ji wandered around the tribe.

Achilles was standing in the open space, closing his eyes as if he was resting.

Ke Ji noticed in surprise that a bunch of ants had gathered around the opponent's feet at some point. The number was so large that it gave people goosebumps.

Perhaps it was Ke Ji's breath that frightened the ants. The ants suddenly scattered and got into the cracks in the soil, and Akeliu opened his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, they are my good helpers. If you want to go to Mangya Spring, you have to rely on them to avoid the traps of the Saiyan tribe."