MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 53 I see

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The glutinous rice cake is fried to a crisp and fragrant.

Yu Xing always disliked this glutinous rice cake because of its high calories and easy to gain weight. Whenever this happens, Yu Wanzhen would hate her: "You are a child, what fat is fat!"

She was always treated like a child.

Here at Yu Wanzhen, at any time. Yu Wanzhen gave her all the love and care she wanted without reservation.

Yu Xing stood in front of the entrance, a little stunned.

Yu Wanzhen waved to her at the dining table: "What are you doing, come over quickly."

Yu Xing stepped forward, his movements a little stiff.

Mingming told my aunt before she came back that she still prepared snacks for her after eating out.

Depressed in his chest, Yu Xing couldn't breathe easily.

"Auntie." She put down her chopsticks.

"Huh?" Yu Wanzhen looked back and saw that she seemed to have something to say, "What's wrong?"

"How are you... how are you and Uncle Zhan lately?"

Yu Wanzhen paused, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"No, just curious." She pursed her lips, "Uncle Zhan hasn't been here for a long time, I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Miss him?"

She nodded.

Yu Wanzhen raised her hand and rubbed her head, "If you miss him, let's go out to eat together after a while."

Yu Xing asked tentatively, "You and Uncle Zhan didn't quarrel, right?"

"No, why ask?"

"He hasn't been here for a long time..."

Yu Wanzhen thought she was childish and laughed, and was about to speak when Yu Xing said again: "We've been together for so long, what are you going to do?"

"What should I do?" Yu Wanzhen's eyes flashed unnaturally for a moment.

"Uncle Zhan likes you."

"Never mind these things, little ones."


Yu Wanzhen knocked on her head, unwilling to talk to her about this: "Eat well."

Yu Xing asked to the end: "Auntie, don't you like Uncle Zhan? Do you like him?"


To the serious and stubborn eyes of Shangyu star, Yu Wanzhen was silent for a moment.

Afterwards, Yu Wanzhen said goodbye, grabbed the rag and wiped the cabinet.

It was quiet for a long time.

It took a long time to hear her say: "...what do you like or not. I'm so old, what are you talking about?"

How could Yu Xing not know about Yu Wanzhen? If he really has no feelings for Zhan Xuming, just say "no" directly.

The more you avoid talking about it, the more it proves that Yu Wanzhen has him in her heart.

Yu Xing moved her lips and looked at Yu Wanzhen's escaping back, and suddenly lost her appetite.

This year's college entrance examination is over, and the senior high school students will graduate from this year, and start a relaxed and leisurely summer vacation early.

Sheng Yi's group of people are the same before and after the test. They didn't entrust their future here. Regarding university and beyond, they have family to rely on, and no one is really worried.

However, affected by the atmosphere, they played more vigorously. Shen Shiyu and Jiang Zhiyan saw the sky flying outside.

Sophomores are in the other extreme, and their schoolwork is getting heavier. Lintian was okay, the school didn't point to these eldest young ladies and young masters to be famous, but the scene still had to go. Compared with before, the time was much more tense.

Like God deliberately teased, Sheng Shuyuan ordered Sheng Yi to follow Sheng Lan to America. He's getting older, and it's time to learn to take responsibility - that's what Sheng Shuyuan said.

Follow Sheng Lan and start learning to deal with business affairs earlier. It will be beneficial for Sheng as well as himself and the Sheng family.

Yu Xing learned that he was disappointed for a while, and then confirmed again and again: "Aren't you coming back for the whole summer vacation?"

Sheng Yi was also forced to, "Well, I shouldn't be back before the holiday ends."

"Not even a day?"

He looked at her and lost the strength to shake his head.

Yu Xing was discouraged and his shoulders collapsed: "Ah, what if—"

"It's fine." Sheng Yi touched her head, "Jiang Zhiyan is here."

"I don't want him." She said it a little disgustingly.

Sheng Yi squinted: "Otherwise, who else are you looking for? Qin Huai?"

"What nonsense, I haven't contacted Qin Huai for a long time." Yu Xing glared at him.

"Anyway, if you have something to do, just ask Jiang Zhiyan." Sheng Yi said, "I've arranged everything."

She murmured, "Got it."

He is going to go away soon, and it will take two months for her to go to the airport.

Sheng Yi took a private jet, not only him, but also Sheng Lan. Although Sheng Lan treated her well, if she went, Sheng Shuyuan would definitely know, and it was better not to show up.

Thinking of this, Yu Xing felt even worse.

Without the senior year students, the huge Lintian looked even more empty.

The summer heat is scorching hot, and there are always people dozing off in class.

Sit in the cafe in the afternoon.

Yu Xing went to the bathroom, and when he came out to wash his hands, he couldn't help splashing a few handfuls of water on his face. The air conditioner in this bathroom is much higher than the outside, which is a little more comfortable.

Just walked out of the bathroom, not long after walking, turned the corridor, and voices came from the small box with the door closed.

Yu Xing hasn't seen others gossiping about him for a long time. In this regard, the radar is quite slow, and it takes two seconds to react.

"...I come to pick me up near the school every three or five times. I've met him several times. Sheng is not here. She still has a luxury car. Who believes there is nothing strange in it?"

The voice was a little familiar, Yu Xing thought about it and recognized it.

Old friend.

"A while ago it was rumored that the Sheng family was looking for trouble with her, but she turned the page lightly. She was still like a normal person, and Sheng Yi was also circling around her. She really held Sheng Yi firmly. It's gone!"

"Fortunately, we didn't have the urge to endure it, and let's take a look at it. Otherwise, if we went to trouble her at that time, we might have to be cleaned up by Sheng Yi again."

"It's really annoying! What's so good about a person like her, otherwise she has a fox face..."

One of them is Qiu Huini's voice.

Listen carefully and Xia Yuanqing, no matter how many, there are a few people around them who are usually fooling around.

Yu Xing tugged at the broken hair around her ear, smiled indifferently, and walked towards her box.

Recently, there is indeed a car to pick her up from time to time - Fu Feichen went to the house several times and officially met Yu Wanzhen.

Dirty people see everything dirty.

In their eyes, whatever she did was wrong. There must be something strange about getting in a luxury car with Sheng Yi, who made her a "poor ghost"?

It's just a pity, she is a "poor ghost", they're afraid they won't have the chance to bully her again in the future.

Growing up so big, Yu Xing has never left Yu Wanzhen for a long time.

Suddenly coming apart, both of them felt uncomfortable.

"Auntie." Yu Xing leaned into Yu Wanzhen's arms, "Are you really not going to have a wedding?"

Yu Wanzhen said with a smile: "What kind of wedding is it, just have a meal with yourself." Touching Yu Xing's long hair, she was still worried, "It's you, be obedient, know do not know?"

"I know."

"Don't be afraid, if you are unhappy, call and tell my aunt, don't bear it when you are bullied, and tell me. Don't feel that you are inferior to others, you are my aunt's baby , if they treat you badly, and the big deal comes home, my aunt will always accompany you."

"I know." Yu Xing said repeatedly, "I know, auntie, don't worry, I know."

Yu Wanzhen choked and her eyes were red.

"Auntie..." Yu Xing said softly, "If Uncle Zhan treats you badly, you should also tell me that I will never let him go!"

These words made Yu Wanzhen smile a little, with tears in her laughter.

She pouted, "I'm serious."

Yu Wanzhen sighed and patted her on the back.

Yu Xing was greedy for this embrace, she came up coquettishly, and said crookedly: "Auntie, you really want to leave so soon, really not..."

"No." Yu Wanzhen cut off the conversation and teased, "You are urging me to get married again, and now you think I'm going on my honeymoon quickly?" The fingertip tapped her forehead, "You? ."

Yu Xing muttered twice, rubbed her cheek against Yu Wanzhen's shoulder, and stopped talking.

Yu Wanzhen and Zhan Xuming only got a marriage certificate and did not have a wedding.

Of course Yu Xing hoped that they would have a perfect formal wedding, but Yu Wanzhen said she didn't want trouble, so she gave up the plan.

Right now, they're going on their honeymoon—one that goes for months.

Yu Wanzhen's childhood dream was to travel around the world, and Yu Xing always wanted her to fulfill her wish, but it was too late. So this time, Zhan Xuming decided to take Yu Wanzhen on a tour of Europe.

Yu Xing is about to be in her third year of high school, and now she is even more nervous about her studies. Yu Wanzhen chose this stall for her honeymoon, but she actually avoided it.

She was not happy.

Yu Wanzhen believes that her identity will bring inconvenience, and she is afraid of sadness, and even more afraid of affecting her. By this time, all aspects are still being considered for her.

Heartfelt and warm, this is probably the feeling of being loved.

Yu Xing didn't mention her unhappiness, and asked in a low voice in Yu Wanzhen's arms, "Auntie, will I have a younger brother or sister?"

Yu Wanzhen was stunned for a moment, her sadness was diluted, and her face was ashamed: "What do you say!"

"I'm asking the truth." Yu Xing said, "I'm afraid it will be bad for you, but I also think that if I have a younger brother or sister, when I can't accompany you when I'm too old, They can accompany you..."

Yu Wanzhen was silent for a moment, unable to speak, and after a while said: "Silly child."

They are both worried about each other's future, and because of this, they are not alone.

How can I be lonely.

If you are loved, you will never feel lonely.

The afternoon tea time became long and unforgettable.

Yu Wanzhen hugged Yu Xing and was reluctant to let go. She is always like this, and likes to be tired of being in Yu Wanzhen's arms. Yu Wanzhen also always let her be, no matter when, like she was still a child, let her act like a spoiled child and cheat.

It has been more than ten years since she took the swaddling clothes, and Yu Wanzhen will always remember her loud cry at that time. This child is so tenacious and full of vitality.

Now, she will soon return to her biological father.

Yu Wanzhen has no other wishes, but only hopes that her future will be the same as the previous 18 years, but not the same.

I hope she will not experience ups and downs and haze again, I hope she can have more and more love.