MTL - I Thought I Got the Redemption Script-Chapter 14

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What is the first reaction of contemporary youth when they encounter a large-scale street fight?

Call the police, then record the video and send it to the circle of friends.

Yu Que is now in the realm of self-cultivation, and she can't do it to the police, so her first reaction is to directly take out the black iron ling that is equivalent to the cell phone of the realm of self-cultivation, and quickly call up the photo-taking function , find a good angle, and start recording.

This is her first circle of friends in the realm of cultivation!

When she started recording, the female ghost had already entered the stage of harsh words, and all her ghost brothers gathered around her and followed her with harsh words.

I don't know if it's the rule of the comprehension world to speak harshly before a fight, Xie Qianqiu and Yan Xingzhou didn't interrupt her, even the giant rabbit squatted beside them and listened. Lick the fur from time to time.

All in all, what Yu Que saw was like this:

The female ghost: "You have been trapped in the enchantment. I advise you not to overestimate your strength. I still have some pity for you. If you obey, I can forgive balabala..."

Xie Qianqiu: Indifferent jpg.

Yan Xingzhou: "Mmmmmmm."

Rabbit: Licking.

Female ghost: "My patience is limited, you have alarmed me and there is still a way to live, if it is my companion balabala..."

Xie Qianqiu: Indifferent jpg.

Yan Xingzhou: "Yes, yes."

Rabbit: Keep licking.

The two and the rabbits began to collectively spoil her.

The female ghost they put on was not even able to let go of the cruel words, she was very angry, and in a blink of an eye she saw Yu Que holding a black object at her.

At that time, in order to find a good photo angle for Yan Xingzhou, the god-level prosperous beauty in her heart, she was holding the Xuan Tie Ling in a classic posture of 45 degrees of elevation with her legs tied on a horse. The female ghost looked over and said subconsciously, "Don't worry about me, continue."

Then completely ignited the anger of the female ghost.

She sneered: "Toasting, not eating and drinking, whoever catches this woman for me, I will reward him with three consecutive promotions."

The voice fell, and those ghosts rushed towards her like evil dogs that smelled meat.

Yu Que never imagined that the fire of war would burn on her first, so she groaned and immediately took out the erhu.

All the ghosts are silent.

Behind him, Yan Xingzhou put away his sword unhurriedly.

Yu Que looked at the sword marks on the ground and slowly opened his mouth.

The female ghost's expression turned cold.

She looked at Yan Xingzhou for a moment, but suddenly smiled softly.

She said slowly: "If husband has such strength, I only need you, and it is not impossible."

Yan Xingzhou smiled gently: "Sorry, I don't like you yet."

This sentence became the fuse of this large-scale fight.

The female ghost and Yan Xingzhou fought without warning, Yu Que reacted and immediately ordered the rabbit to help.

The rabbit was kicked back by Yan Xingzhou before he intervened.

His voice was even calm: "Don't let this rabbit mess up, let it follow you."

The rabbit was kicked back to Yu Que's side, and groaned twice in grievance.

Yu Que quickly appeased it, and then directed it to deal with the endless stream of goblins around.

The rabbit is big, and it is quick and hard to beat the little devil.

Yu Que looked at it for a while and asked the system, "What rank is this rabbit equivalent to now?"

The system calculated it and said, "It's probably the third level of Jindan, there's no way, it just woke up, and it's not full. It's very good to have such strength."

Yu Que: "I've spent so much gold on mythical beasts that I can only fight mobs?"

The system quickly said: "This is a growing beast, don't think it's a bit tasteless now, think about the appearance of the gold swallowing beast in the later period of the original work."

Yu Que smiled: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

System: "Why?"

Yu Que continued to smile: "Because I am poor."

In the original book, the heroine’s first sect, the elder disciple, naturally has a lot of spirit stones to feed the rabbits.

But Yu Que is poor, she just apprenticed to a small sect with only four people.

This is doomed that if the rabbit follows her, then only the two of them will suffer from poverty and starvation for the rest of their lives.

Eat Spirit Stones…

Yu Que can almost imagine his life in poverty from now on.

Yu Que suffocated.

She took two steps back in discomfort, just bumping into Xie Qianqiu who brought the sword to kill here.

Xie Qianqiu gave her a hand and said concisely: "Miss, be careful."

Yu Que was surprised when he saw him: "You didn't help Yan Xingzhou?"

Xie Qianqiu paused, his eyes fell on Yan Xingzhou in the distance.

He said calmly: "I can't get involved."

Yu Que looked at him and Yan Xingzhou, and finally felt something was wrong.

It seems that they are about the same age, and the two are of the same generation. To deal with that female ghost, Yan Xingzhou can get on, but Canghaizong's chief disciple can't get involved?

This Yan Xingzhou...what is this character?

Yu Que's gaze involuntarily fell on the big "Important Person" sign above his head.

She hesitated: "Is it because Brother Xie is still sealed with meridians?"

Xie Qianqiu said calmly: "I can't get in when I'm not blocked by meridians."

He paused and asked, "You know Yan Xingzhou, he never told you..."

Halfway through his words, his eyes suddenly froze.

After a pause, he hesitated: "Miss Yu, your rabbit..."

Yu Que followed his line of sight subconsciously.

As far as she can see, she can see her krypton gold beast fighting bravely among the ghosts, a child with one paw, and a fierce and abnormal one.

Then... getting smaller and smaller at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Then with a "pop", there was a leak.

The leaking rabbit froze.

Then it reacted quickly, fled wildly in the ghost group, ran directly into Yu Que's arms at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye, and got into the storage bag.


Yu Que opened his mouth slowly.

She screamed in her heart: "System! How is it leaking!"

The system laughed dryly: "This... It's probably time for krypton gold, but it doesn't matter, you can continue to recharge and continue to use."

Spicy Chicken Game! Waste my money! Ruin my youth.

But it was too late for her to argue with the system, because there was no shelter from the rabbit, and the ghosts were all around.

At that time, Yan Xingzhou and the female ghost fought farther and farther, and Yu Que and Xie Qianqiu were helpless.

Xie Qianqiu was still very calm at this time, looking at the evil ghosts around, and asked: "Miss Yu, what happened to your rabbit?"

Yu Que took a deep breath: "It's nothing, it's just that I was deceived again."

She picked up the erhu, but at this moment, she only had the erhu in her hand and was still warm.

Seeing this, Xie Qianqiu immediately said: "You come to assist me, and I will kill the enemy."

Yu Que nodded: "Don't worry, I'm very good at pulling erhu!"

Xie Qianqiu couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw her rare and reliable appearance.

However, it turned out that he was relieved early!

The first sound of the tune of "I'm Playing in the Mud in the Northeast", Xie Qianqiu stumbled and looked back at her in astonishment.

However, Yu Que had already plugged in his earplugs. He didn't know anything about the lethality of the Divine Comedy, so he was very engaged with his eyes closed.

The melody sounded faintly.

Xie Qianqiu couldn't help shaking his legs.

Under the indiscriminate attack of the erhu sound, the rhythm of the sound seemed to hit the hearts of the ghosts, and the demons were brainwashed, making all the ghosts involuntarily want to shake their legs.

So for a while, only a piece of shaking thighs could be seen on the battlefield that should have been drawn with swords.


A moment later, a ghost pressed his involuntarily shaking thigh, and said angrily, "The one with hemorrhoids actually used such an attack method! Brothers, don't let him go!"

The face of the cold hero was twisted.

With unprecedented killing intent, he turned and rushed into the ghost group.

…with a magical bgm.

Yu Que was immersed in the world of Erhu after plugging in his earplugs, ignorant of everything around him.

She occasionally raised her head, only to see Xie Qianqiu's extraordinarily brave killing of the enemy, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

She said: "Fortunately, the male protagonist is still reliable. You can see that he is more indomitable in my erhu voice."

System: "..." Just be happy.

When Yu Que pulled "I'm Playing Mud in the Northeast" for the second time, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

The feeling of pulling the erhu is wrong.

How to say, Yu Que has never been in contact with Erhu before, she has not even studied music, she bought a piece of music from the system, it is equivalent to the system directly copying this piece of music The process of playing and the way of coordinating the operation of spiritual power are stuffed into her mind, and she can only pull it out.

But when she used it, she always had a feeling that the hosting mode was turned on in the game, and she could pull it, but she felt that it was not hers, and the pulling was very rigid, Yu Que always felt that the system was used The hosting model is good for mobs, but if she really wants to fight with people, she probably won't even be able to work around.

And this always feels a bit like pulling myself instead of being hosted.

Yu Que asked what happened to the system.

The system said lightly: "We are a cannon fodder counterattack system, not a brainless cheat system, I said at the beginning, when you buy, you only buy that song, and what are you waiting for? When you really understand this song, you can exert its power without relying on the spiritual power operation provided by the system, and even know how to be flexible and change the murderous intention, then you really have it."

It paused, and said calmly: "Otherwise, you are just a melody, and you don't understand it. A little bit of a sword of the same level as you can defeat you."

Yu Que plays this song again and again, which is a process of continuous understanding.

Without a master, she can only understand this.

Yu Que listened thoughtfully.

The next moment, the hand she held the erhu suddenly changed, the spiritual power in her body changed and a piercing sharp sound came out.

The music of the magical brainwashing has changed!

System: "...what are you doing?"

Yu Que: "Although I don't understand it yet, I'll try it myself first!"

Then there was an even more harsh sound, like sawing wood.

System: "...Open your eyes first."

Yu Que opened his eyes for unknown reasons.

Then was taken aback.

Yan Xingzhou and Xie Qianqiu stood far away from her, looking at her expressionlessly.

There is no ghost in the whole yard.

Yu Que was taken aback: "Why are you all here? Where are the ghosts?"

Yan Xingzhou was silent for a moment, then smiled slowly: "It's over, you don't have to pull it."

Yu Que: "Where's the female ghost?"

Yan Xingzhou, who didn't want to listen to Yu Que's erhu and quickly solved his opponent: "Dead."

Yu Que looked at Xie Qianqiu again: "So many ghosts just now?"

Yu Que was overjoyed and was about to celebrate when a man suddenly walked in from the back door.

The man was slender, holding a big white dog.

She asked, "Yu Que, did you pull the erhu!"

Yu Que surprise: "Sister Beauty!"

The beautiful sister ignored her, she looked at Yan Xingzhou and said in shock, "Junior brother!"

Yan Xingzhou smiled: "Senior sister."

Yu Que: "???" Are you two brothers and sisters?

But before she could ask, another person walked in from the main entrance.

The man was dressed in white and asked in a cold voice, "Who pulled the erhu?"

Yu Que looked over and was surprised: "Master!"

Yan Xingzhou: "Master."

Sister Beauty: "...Master."

Three voices sounded back and forth.

Yu Que slowly opened his eyes.

She looked at Yan Xingzhou and then at Sister Beauty.

What happened? We are a master?

At this time, the master said: "This is your senior sister and your younger brother. Since we met, let's get to know each other."

Yu Que: "..."

She said in a trance: "What a coincidence, in that case, should I pull an erhu to celebrate?"

"No need!" Three voices sounded in unison.

Then a moment of silence.

Everyone looked at each other.

In the end, the master coughed and said, "Let's go out first."

Yu Que followed everyone out in a daze.

Walking, she suddenly froze and raised her head.

Everyone has a label on their head.

In addition to Xie Qianqiu's "male protagonist", several other people...

Jiang Han - "The Important Person".

Sheng Yuan—"important person".

Yan Xingzhou - "The Important Person".

There is also a big white dog that is an important dog.

If it is a division, how likely is it that everyone from people to dogs will be marked as "important"?

She paused and asked, "System, did I forget something?"

The system that watched the host step into the villain's nest: "..." You finally found it.