MTL - I Thought I Got the Redemption Script-Chapter 19

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Shortly after Yu Que came back, her dog was also sent back.

She and the dog are now comrades-in-arms who have fought together. Seeing that the dog is safe and sound, she is very excited and said intimately: "Xiao Ha~" rushed over and hugged it neck.

According to the original character of the dog, he will inevitably dodge in place with a frightened look on his face, and Yu Que is already ready to pounce.

down, and then stop playing.

The back looks very depressed.

Like the **** dog that just got stabbed.

Yu Que stared for a while, a little suspicious that they sterilized the dog behind his back.

She looked at the senior sister who brought the dog back, and the accusation in her eyes was very obvious.

Senior sister looks weird.

Yu Que said when she saw her face, they definitely sterilized the dog behind their backs!

Yu Que shook his hands and couldn't believe it: " really did this? I brought the dog to fight! What's wrong with the dog!"

The dog in the corner raised his head and pricked his ears.

Senior sister looked at her for a moment, then slowly said: "So you already know, but this is not what I did, it was made by Master."

Yu Que couldn't believe it: "Master stabbed Xiaoha's balls?!"

This sentence is too powerful. Xiao Zhuo, who just stood up quietly, stumbled and fell again, turning his head to look at Yu Que in disbelief.

Senior sister's expression was blank for a moment.

For a long time, she asked lightly: "Why do you think that the teacher respected him... would do such a thing?" After all, he is his disciple, no matter what he did, it would be too cruel to directly cut off his descendants. Come on!

Master is in the eyes of the younger this image?

Yu Que wondered: "Didn't you just say..."

"No!" In order to prevent Yu Que from saying the phrase "Dandan" again, Senior Sister quickly interrupted her.

She took a deep breath and said, "Master, he just... gave you this."

She quickly took out the three-foot brocade, the color of the brocade was more flowery than the most flowery color Yu Que had ever seen, and the flowers dazzled her eyes. And most importantly, in the middle of the piece of cloth, two large characters were written with a brush.


Senior sister sounded a somewhat indescribable voice: "Your little ha... broke the master's things, the master said that since men have male virtues, then dogs should also have dog virtues, he asked you to put This piece of cloth with Goude written on is made into clothes for Xiao Hu to wear, so that he will always remember Goude."

Yu Que took the cloth tremblingly.

The two large characters on the floral cloth are eye-catching.

To tell you the truth, Yu Que of this fabric felt that it was too much to say.

Not to mention…

Yu Que turned to look at the dog.

Gouzi looked back in anticipation, as if expecting her rejection.

Yu Que struggled.

One is her new comrade-in-arms, and the other is her parents in the future.


Yu Que immediately turned his head and sold his comrades decisively: "Senior sister, don't worry! I can make clothes very quickly!"

Xiao Zhuo’s heart was ashes.

Yu Que sent her sister away.

Turning her head, she saw Xiao Ha lying motionless in the corner.

Yu Que felt a little guilty about betraying his comrades in arms, but he still walked over to him and comforted him: "Xiao Ha, things have already happened, you have to look forward, think for the best, and be Killing the **** and wearing a floral dress, which one do you want to choose?"

Xiao Zhuo: "..." He doesn't want to choose either!

Yu Que said earnestly: "Wear the dog's morality, and from now on we will learn the dog's morality! The master is so powerful that he must learn the male's morality! What's wrong with learning the dog's morality!"

Xiao Zhuo is even more unlovable.

He didn't understand what was going on in the world.

Reborn once, the dignified demon emperor has become a dog, and the cold and dignified master in the impression is carrying him to learn male virtue.

He couldn't help but remember the expression Master looked at him at that time.

He had no doubt that at that moment, the master really had stabbed his balls.

Fortunately, he is now treated as a dog.

Xiao Zhuo closed his eyes, not looking at Yu Que who started making clothes after taking scissors.

It doesn't matter, it's the dog who wears the clothes, not him!

No one knows that this dog is Xiao Zhuo!

Absolutely impossible!

While making clothes, Yu Que turned to "Thirty Days to Make Her Love You".

The system is worried: "Host, is that book really useful?"

Yu Que vowed: "This is the most useful book I have synthesized using big data. It covers all aspects. You have charged me ten points, how could it be useless!"

Different from the system's worry, Yu Que felt that as long as he had that book, it would be no problem for the master to catch up with the future mistress.

"Thirty Days Let Her Love You" includes "100 Codes of Men's Morality (Latest Edition and "25 Musts to Be a Top Ten Best Boyfriends (Cultivation World Edition.

Master himself has full marks for male morality. Yu Que believes that as long as he understands these two, Master can directly graduate from the Men's Durban class and become a lecturer, and he will become a generation of virtuous and virtuous men and women .

And the main chapters are all about teaching newbies how to gain a good impression of different surnames. Although Yu Que has never been in love, after reading it, he feels that he is full of dry goods.

From "Acquaintance", "Rivals", "Talking Skills" to "How to Grab Her Stomach", "Ten Ways to Show Your Charm", "From Habit to Love" , "Establishment of a Stable Relationship", etc. After reading it, Yu Que felt that he could be a stunning demon girl in minutes, and it was no problem to seduce a man.

And the most important thing is...Cough, there is an R18 version of Yuque here.

Yu Que took a peek at it, and various postures and positions made her jump repeatedly between "outrageous" and "playable".

She felt that the "Can't Stop" in the title of the book was probably here.

Yu Que, a single mother and child, can't stop watching.

Of course, the R18 version of Yuque is definitely not available to Master.

Otherwise, is she playing a hooligan, or is she encouraging the master to play a hooligan to the wife.

Yu Que decides that if Shizun catches up with his wife, the extravaganza will be a congratulatory gift for Shizun's marriage!


It was not yet dawn, Yu Que slept confidently after making clothes for a while.

At the same time, Master was holding the book with a serious face, reading it at night.

"...nine days from acquaintance to company, 21 days to form a habit, love begins with company, love comes from habit, a high-quality man only needs 30 days to make her get used to your company, depending on you as part of life..."

Master took out the heart to study the most difficult exercises and read it down, and his complexion gradually changed.

From a slight frown, to a gradual confusion, to a sudden realization.

The moon sets and the sun rises, and the sky is pale.

The thickness of the book gradually decreases in the hands of the master.

Even if he became a devil in his last life, the master, who has never been moved by the second person again, feels that his three views seem to have undergone a baptism.

The master who was hit tightly squeezed the pages of the book, thinking in a trance, it turns out, it can still be like this.

Yu Que got up and went out.

As soon as she opened the curtain, she bumped into the master waiting at her door.

The Sword Immortal in white stood indifferently outside the door, holding a book tightly in her hand.

Yu Que was taken aback: "Master, what's the matter?"

Master glanced at Xiao Zhuo who heard the movement and followed.

Xiao Zhuo turned around like a conditioned reflex and ran back to the tent.

Master said lightly: "I don't understand something."

Yu Que, who admitted that he had thoroughly studied the extra chapters, immediately said, "Why don't you understand Shizun? I'll explain it to you!"

Master handed the book to her.

The book is also marked.

& nbsp; your strangeness...

Yu Que looked thoughtful.

She asked: "Is the future teacher a strong person?"

The master said proudly: "She is a refiner, with a neat and neat personality, and hates being sloppy."

Yu Que snapped his fingers: "Understood! You wait! I'll show you!"

Then she didn't say a word and took Shizun to find the future wife.

Master couldn't help but be nervous: "This, is this too abrupt?"

Yu Que: "I'll show you something that is not abrupt!"

She took Shizun around the camp and found her future wife by a lake.

There is also a pua scumbag beside the future teacher who is beeping.

Yu Que became furious when he saw it.

She didn't forget how the mistress died in the original book!

In the original book, both Shi Niang's family and this dog's family were attacked by other families, and the two families were forced to unite.

The other's family is even weaker, so they want to marry just in case.

As the direct daughter of the family, Shi Niang proposed a fake engagement after weighing the pros and cons.

The other party agreed at the time, but who knew they wanted to get through the crisis was true, but seeing that there was only one direct daughter in the Shi-niang family, they had the idea of ​​​​to be completely dead, and let the pua scumbag After deceiving the mistress, she nibbled away at the other's family.

But who knows that the wife does not eat this kind of thing, the pua scumbag feels wronged by seducing a woman who does not look like a woman at all, and at the same time feels that the other party does not know how to praise, and he found a chance when he became angry Then they joined forces with the family that attacked them, and backstabbed the Shi Niang family, so that Shi Niang died tragically, and the entire family was divided up!

He's so faceless now!

Now she only thinks that thirty days is still too long, why are you fighting such a long tug of war? Enter the cave!

Under the anger, Yu Que took out the extra part of "Thirty Days Let Her Love You" that he treasured, put it into Master's hand, and said earnestly: "Careful Learn this, when it's useful!"

Master was full of killing intent and was taken aback by Yu Que.

He looked at the book in his hand and opened it subconsciously.

Then he slowly opened his eyes.

The pupils quake and close!

Yu Que did not realize that his master was wrong at all, and said earnestly: "Next, it's time for me to perform."

She walked towards the lake with her head held high.

Approaching, suddenly his expression changed again, his arrogant expression became weaker.

The weak Yu Que walked to the side of the future mistress, performed a flat fall on the spot, and fell into the arms of the future mistress with a very accurate angle.

Master, who was hiding and watching, never expected to have such an operation, and his eyes widened all of a sudden!

At this time, the handsome and wild lady, who is less than 1.75 meters tall, caught her and asked in confusion: "Little girl, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Que burst into tears and cried, "I, I seem to have slapped my feet."

The mistress is not doing well, the pua scumbag on the side shows a clear expression.

He was often thrown into his arms by others in this way, and at this moment he subconsciously felt that this girl was coming for him.

He couldn't help but feel a little proud.

He thought, this man-like woman doesn't know anything, so let her see how popular she is among women.

He leaned over with a concerned look, "Girl, next..."

Yu Que's expression changed suddenly, he plunged his head into his mistress's arms, hugged his mistress's waist, and said, "Sister, he's so scary, he won't hurt me. "

The mistress immediately frowned, looked at the greasy scumbag, and frowned: "Stay away, you scare her."

The scumbag is confused.

He, he scared people?

Shouldn't this woman be more terrifying?

This girl…

At this time, Yu Que showed his face from under the arm of his teacher, and the scumbag man showed a provocative smile.

Her voice was still pitiful: "Sister, can you let him go? I'm afraid." She raised her head, a face with pear flowers and rain.

The handsome sister softened her heart.

She immediately rebuked coldly: "Stay away."

The scumbag got up in a trance.

After walking a long way, he could still hear the evil girl's mouth full of tea and tea: "Sister, was that your fiance just now? If I do this, your fiance won't blame me, right? ~ Will he hit people? He's so scary!"

The handsome sister comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, I'll let him go, come, little sister, let me see how your feet are doing."

"Sister is so nice..."

Scumbag: "..." What's going on! Has the world changed? !

Why would a girl seduce that man instead of him!

In the end, Yu Que, with her cute looks and a mouthful of tea words, got the treatment of being hugged by the handsome sister princess.

The handsome lady of 1.75 meters held Yu Que, who was in her early 1.6 meters, and walked past the master without squinting.

Master's face was blank, a kind of worldview was shattered and reorganized.

Yu Que winked at him.

Master suddenly came back to his senses!

At that moment, the door to the new world slowly opened in front of him.

It turns out...that's still the case.

He watched his sweetheart princess carry his apprentice back to the camp, his eyes brighter and brighter.

He knows what to do!

"Acquaintance": Show weakness.

In the afternoon, the master injured himself without changing his face. In order to be realistic, he went to Cangdang Mountain to catch two ghosts and added some ghost wounds.

The handsome man staggered out of Cangdang Mountain. His white clothes were stained with blood, and the blood on the corners of his lips set off his gorgeous and thrilling appearance.

The urgent voice sounded in his ear: "Xianjun? Xianjun! What's wrong with you?"

This injury is no big deal to him, he is conscious, but at this time he feels like he is drunk.

In his last life, until the end, he had never been so close to her.

He didn't say anything, thinking that he was too seriously injured, he picked him up and prepared to send him to the medical camp.

Master crooked into the other's arms.

The scumbag who died miserably under his sword in his last life disagreed and said, "No, let's not meddle in business."

Master coughed twice.

The magnetic female voice said coldly: "If you don't want to cause trouble, you should stay away from me."

At this moment, Master suddenly wanted to laugh.

He grabbed the other's sleeve and asked softly, "What's your name?"

"Mo Hanshen."

"What a coincidence, my name is Jiang Han."

It's great, I met you again in this life.

Master successfully met his sweetheart in the medical camp.

An experiment was successful, and he felt that he had a new understanding of the book "Thirty Days Let Her Love You".

The Rivals of Love: Show your strengths and use your strengths to make the opponent lose without a fight.

What are his strengths? Can hit.

Master thinks he is enlightened!

So that night, the first son of the Song family was beaten with a sack by an unknown person when he woke up, not only his two legs were directly broken, but his third leg was almost in danger. He was also thrown into the toilet, and was found by the person who was going to the toilet the next day.

In order to save the life of their own son, the Song family rushed back.

Master knows that he can't kill that guy for the time being, but he doesn't mind showing his advantages first.

Without that scumbag, he is even more like a duck to water.

"Ten Ways to Show Your Charm": Your advantages will not only shock your rival, but also make her like it.

Master was "severely injured" in the afternoon. He came out of the medical and medical camp the next morning and rushed into Cangdang Mountain, where he performed one fight ten times in front of his sweetheart.

"Talking Skills": Master taught the Tao to the sweetheart all morning.

"Catch Her Stomach": At noon, Master silently caught a hare and performed a rabbit eating eighteen.

Finally, in the afternoon, due to the strong presence of the master, Mo Hanxian could not pay attention.

She took the initiative to walk in front of the resting sword immortal, and said helplessly: "This immortal, I come from a small family, and I don't have any skills except for refining weapons, and I don't join other sects or believe in anything. A mess of religion, and not buying any health care products, what exactly does Xianjun want to follow me like this?"

She walked up to her.


Master suddenly smiled.

He doesn't laugh often, but when he laughs, the beauty can make people stunned.

Mo Hanli heard the other party say in a daze: "It's a coincidence, I am also a small school, I have an apprentice, I just need a magic tool, and I want to ask the girl to refine it for my apprentice. magic weapon."

Mo Hanli immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Please let me refine the weapon, just say it directly, you don't need to do so much."

Master: "It is also to repay the girl's life-saving grace."

Mo Hanli: "It's just a small matter."

Master touched the "Thirty Days Let Her Love You Extra Story" in his arms, and he blushed and thought, this book...maybe it will come in handy soon.

So, that afternoon, Yu Que was trying his best to put on the dog's new clothes, and the master came to the door.

Master said indifferently: "Queer, I have found a refiner for your magic weapon, and the furnace will be opened in a few days."

"The craftsman is you... It's Miss Mo. We will go with Miss Mo to her refining room to open the furnace for you."

After being silent for a moment, Yu Que asked his soul doubts: "So, is Master going to decide to join the family?"

Made, what is male virtue?

This is too masculine!

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