MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 144 144

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Lin Yi stared at the storefront, because of the keywords of 'advanced monster' and 'attraction', he didn't know what to do now. Turning to look at Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou also frowned and thought.

When Lin Yi came over, Qin Zhou asked him softly, "Are you together?"

Lin Yi's heart suddenly jumped.

He knew what Qin Zhou was worried about. This is a high-level monster, and the danger and difficulty are not low. The most important point is that they only have one day, no, not even a day, they still have to Back to school, the journey back to school will take time.

If they can't escape in the remaining time, they will not die in the hands of this monster, but they will definitely be killed by the Unnatural Engineering University.

Time makes things even more difficult now.

"Yes." Lin Yi nodded without hesitation: "Together."

Qin Zhou smiled, as if he had expected Lin Yi's answer.

Lock the car, and the two walked to the escape room store.

When passing the poster, Lin Yi cast a glance. Some people on the poster had their eyes open and some people had their eyes closed.

Lin Yi followed behind Qin Zhou, he looked forward, there were people who were attracted walking in front of them, Lin Yi looked back, there were people behind them.

No wonder Qin Zhou can be directly evaluated as a high-level monster, even the 2-6 monsters and 4-4 monsters that have existed for ten years are involved in a prey at most a dozen people, but here before and after Later, Lin Yi initially estimated that there were already more than 20 people.

Qin Zhou reached out and held Lin Yi, and Lin Yi paused.

Qin Zhou took him to his side: "Don't look around."

High-level monsters are intelligent. If it hides among those involved like regular monsters, Lin Yi's action of searching for clues may directly lead to him being targeted by monsters.

Lin Yi answered in a low voice, and obediently led Qin Zhou up to the second floor.

The two held hands like this, and people looked at them from time to time.

Lin Yi blushed and received a reminder that the people who entered the store were not being manipulated, they still retained their independent thinking ability, probably like impulse purchases, and now they are being Such impulsive emotions occupy the brain.

Other than that, they can play on their phones normally.

Lin Yi glanced at the phone screen of a girl next to him.

The girl is chatting with someone on WeChat.

【Sister, I’ve been waiting for you for almost an hour, why haven’t you arrived yet? 】

Girls type reply.

【I went to escape room】

[? ? ? 】

[? 】

【Aren't you claustrophobic? Did I remember wrong? 】

[Remember, but I just want to play]

[? No, didn't we make an appointment to watch a movie? The movie is about to start]

[Next time, I want to play the secret room today]


Lin Yi retracted his eyes and turned his attention to the lady who sold the tickets at the front desk.

When a guest arrives, the lady at the front desk stands up: "Hello, which book do you want to play?"

Lin Yi felt that his hand was being pressed, and he tilted his head to look at Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou shook his head gently, no one spoke at the moment, he motioned Lin Yi not to be the first to speak.

The lady at the front desk was not surprised, and introduced to the guests who were almost filling the hall in front of her: "At 10:30 there is a "Slim Academy", which is the most popular book in the store, everyone needs Do you want to take a look?"

The lady at the front desk sent the introduction sheet of "Slim Academy" to everyone.

Lin Yi got the introduction sheet, and the rejection he felt was even stronger, so Lin Yi immediately raised his head to look at Qin Zhou.

He felt repulsion, what Qin Zhou should feel is attraction.

However, Qin Zhou was able to control the impulse in his heart, and others couldn't control it. They rushed forward: "I want to play this."

The lady at the front desk seems to be used to the popularity of "Self-cultivation Academy", and it is not surprising for the enthusiasm of the guests: "Okay, don't crowd, this book is right There is no limit to the number of people, everyone can play.”


Lin Yi saw Qin Zhou frown deeply because of this sentence.

The lady at the front desk said again: "Please queue up here to pay."

When Lin Yi heard this, he could not help but imitate Qin Zhou and frowned.

Then he heard a chuckle beside him, Qin Zhou lowered his head and looked at him: "I have money."

Lin Yi was silent for a while and said, "Ow."

He felt that he had become a fun person for a while, and Qin Zhou felt a lot more relaxed when he was happy.

Very good.

Lin whimsical.

The team quickly lined up, with Lin Yi and Qin Zhou at the bottom.

It's not that you're in a hurry, it's useless, this shop makes it clear that you want to cut the leeks at one time.

However, the payment was very fast, and it was their turn in no time.


Qin Zhou took out his wallet, took out a few hundred-yuan bills and handed them to the lady at the front desk.

Lin Yi watched quietly, the lady at the front desk was charging normally, and her expression was normal. He thought about it and asked, "Hello, can you play with us?"

The lady at the front desk mistakenly thought that Lin Yi was inviting her, and rejected him with a smile: "I can't do it, I still have a job."

Speaking, I found some change and returned it to Qin Zhou.

Lin Yi: "Sorry for disturbing you."

Qin Zhou put the change in the wallet and pulled Lin Yi to the side.

There are also several staff there, who organize the players who have paid the fee to prepare for the game.

You need to put away your mobile phone, and there are some precautions.

Lin Yi looked at the staff and said to Qin Zhou, "They seem to be normal."

Qin Zhou looked around: "Hmm."

Then lowered her head and sent a message to Ou Ying, lest they suddenly lose contact, Ou Ying will send someone out to find someone.

When Qin Zhou sent a message, Lin Yi lowered his head and thought.

That is to say, the lady at the front desk and other staff members are like him and have no urge to play games.

There are two reasons for the lack of consumption impulse. The first is that the staff here has the same overlap with his situation in a certain dimension. It may be that the parents are weird, or it may be that they are still not clear about who they are. people or something...

The second is that the monsters did not choose them as their prey.

These two reasons have consequences as soon as they come out.

There is more than one staff member, and because of the large number of people, the possibility of the first cause of lack of consumption impulse is infinitely low.

The second reason also increased, because the monster did not choose the staff here as its prey.

Why the monster did not choose the staff to be his prey, Lin Yi did not make assumptions, the game is about to start, he is about to enter the world created by the monster, and there is no way to find clues to confirm his own any assumptions.

The staff came to the two of them, "Hello, I need to hand over my mobile phone temporarily."

Qin Zhou has ended the conversation with Ou Ying, and the phone is also turned off and handed over to the staff.

Lin Yi quickly took out his mobile phone and handed it to the staff.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

The staff said: "After five minutes, someone will take you into the secret room, you can take a rest before that."

Qin Zhou did not speak, Lin Yi said, "Well, thank you."

After the staff left, Qin Zhou looked over to Lin Yi and instructed: "Little genius, don't be on point."

Lin Yi nodded, Qin Zhou reached out and rubbed his hair, the only thing he did in five minutes was to mess and smooth his hair.

Five minutes are up, and the staff who want to take the players to the secret room appeared.

Because of the large number of people, the staff member held a loudspeaker in his hand and said, "Before entering the secret room, let me introduce the background of "Slim Body Academy" to you."

Everyone looked up at the staff member.

"Slim Body Academy is a closed academy, its purpose is to create the most obedient children. Any child who enters the Slim Body Academy, whether it is puppy love, truancy, poor grades, Internet addiction... Everything and rebellion The behavior of the hook can be completely corrected in the Sau San Academy in just a few months to a year, and then it will be returned to the parents as a good, obedient and well-behaved child. Of course, the Sau Body Academy can guarantee that changing the way of the child will never be violent corporal punishment.”

The staff's remarks caused a discussion among players.

"Not corporal punishment?"

"How to correct a child with a personality defect?"

The staff smiled: "This requires you to explore."

After saying this, he said: "And you, just today were sent to Xiu Shen Academy..."