MTL - I Was a Group Pet In 80-Chapter 1535 out of training camp

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  Chapter 1535 Out of the training camp

   This kind of training lasted for a few days, and some sisters-in-law started to feel a little proud after learning self-defense.

  During dinner one day, one of the sister-in-laws casually said that it would be great if there was rabbit meat, because the wild rabbit meat she ate in the village was delicious.

   It was an unintentional chanting, but it was heard by someone with a heart.

  That night, led by the captains of the tenth and sixth teams, together with more than a dozen sister-in-laws, they went out to catch rabbits and roast them for eating.

  The people who went there were Yang Ying and Chu Dandan.

  Because of Chu Dandan and Huang Jinyu, some decisions gradually became estranged, Jin Yu's idea of ​​being the captain became less and less, and Chu Dandan and Yang Ying gradually came together.

  Wu Yue and others had finished training and went to the river to take a bath. After everyone else in the tent fell asleep, Chu Dandan woke up Jinyu softly.

   "Jinyu, we are going to catch wild rabbits and roast rabbit meat, will you go?"

   Jin Jinyu's face suddenly changed, "Are you crazy? If Instructor Wu finds out, do you know what the consequences will be?"

   More than half of the three months have passed, and looking for trouble now is simply courting death.

  Chu Dandan was a little impatient, "Jinyu, I only asked you because you were a good sister? Are you going? If you don't go, just say a word, what are you talking about?"

  She used to focus on Huang Jinyu, thinking that following her, when she became the captain, she would have someone to rely on in the army, and she would be able to straighten her back.

   Unexpectedly, the training was almost over, but Huang Jinyu was still not the captain, and she was getting closer and closer to Wu Yue and the others. When something happened, she stopped talking for her.

  In general, she got nothing from following Jin Jinyu, so why should she be so polite to Jin Jinyu?

   Huang Jinyu also noticed Chu Dandan's attitude towards her recently, she lowered her face and said: "Chu Dandan, what is your attitude? I kindly remind you, if you don't appreciate it, then you can go."

   Huang Jinyu turned around and threw Chu Dandan back.

  Chu Dandan snorted coldly, turned around and walked out.

  As soon as Chu Dandan left, Huang Jinyu turned around and sat up, looked at the surrounding beds, saw that Wu Yue and others hadn't come back, and thought of Chu Dandan's attitude, she turned around and went back to sleep.

  After more than ten minutes, Huang Jinyu suddenly turned over and got up again. After hesitating for a while, she gritted her teeth, put on her shoes and got out of bed, opened the curtain of the tent, and walked towards the river.

  Wu Yue and the others had just washed their clothes, while listening to Tang Sanduo's chattering, while walking towards the training camp, they suddenly saw Jin Jinyu walking towards them, and couldn't help being stunned.

  Seeing Huang Jinyu for the first time, the first thought that flashed in Wu Yue's mind was, is it possible that Jin Jinyu suffered from sleepwalking due to too much training pressure recently?

  As soon as she thought about it, Huang Jinyu said awkwardly: "It's just in time for you to come back, I have something to say."

  Wu Yue was the first to react, raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Huang Jinyu said: "Chu Dandan and Yang Ying have gone out, I am afraid that they are in danger, and I want to ask you to go find them together."

   Originally, she really didn't want to take care of Chu Dandan, but Chu Dandan called her. She knew that Chu Dandan and the others were going out together, but she didn't report to the two instructors immediately.

  If something happens to them, she must be responsible.

  (end of this chapter)