MTL - I Was a Group Pet In 80-Chapter 1546 Good hands and feet and no injuries

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  Chapter 1546 Good hands and feet without injury

  Wu Yue's eyes were indifferent. Although she didn't say anything, the two sisters-in-law who watched were very stressed. She wanted to agree, but she was a little timid.

  Seeing this, Wu Yue immediately understood what they meant, and didn't say whether to let them go back. She went directly to the sister-in-law who had already changed her clothes, and gave them the anti-inflammatory medicine.

   "Wu Yue, what do you mean by not saying a word? Do you agree or disagree?"

   Seeing Wu Yue like this, the sister-in-law felt that Wu Yue was putting on airs, and felt a little unhappy.

  Wu Yue didn't turn her head back, and said calmly: "If you think you can withstand the blame and gossip from those sister-in-laws in the tent, then you can go back after I finish asking, and I won't stop you."

  She didn't want these people to go back, she just didn't want them to get hurt on their bodies, but at the same time, their hearts would also be hurt, causing unnecessary things to happen.

  But if they insist on going back, she certainly won't stop them.

  The sister-in-laws turned pale when they heard the words, and sat down honestly on the bed, not daring to gossip anymore.

   After a while, Tang Sanduo and Zhang Yun Xu Rumeng came back with their clothes, and those sister-in-laws changed their clothes honestly, and had no other opinions.

   "Where are my clothes?"

  Chu Dandan saw that the sisters-in-law's clothes were all brought, but hers were not there, so she immediately lowered her face.

  Tang Sanduo gave her a white look, "You are so good and you are not injured, so you won't go back and get it?"

  Other people were slightly injured, but these two people were the only ones who had nothing to do except the skin on their hands was scratched by a tree branch. They still wanted to wait for someone to serve them.

   "You..." Chu Dandan stared at Tang Sanduo ferociously, but couldn't find anything to refute, finally gritted his teeth and stood up, "I'll get it myself."

  Before she left, she turned her head to please Zhao Qiqi and said, "Qiqi, I'll go get the clothes, you should change your clothes quickly."

  Sitting here for so long just now, she has already figured it out, and now the only one who can cover her is Zhao Qiqi.

   When such a big thing happened, Zhao Qiqi didn't worry about the consequences except for being scared. Obviously, her identity was stronger than she guessed. As long as she hugged Zhao Qiqi's thigh tightly, maybe this matter would be settled?

  Anyway, she was not the leader, those sister-in-laws were bitten by wild boars, not her.

   "Did something wrong and still be so confident, who is this?"

  Tang Sanduo looked at Chu Dandan, and felt the urge to roll up his sleeves and fight her.

   "Okay." Zhang Yun pulled Tang Sanduo's sleeve, "Let's help them deal with their wounds, Wu Yue and Ru Meng are already busy."

  People like Chu Dandan will have nothing good to eat sooner or later. If such a big incident happens, everyone who goes there will be punished, and Chu Dandan will not be able to escape.

  Tang Sanduo snorted when he heard the words, and then stopped talking.

  The sister-in-law who had boiled the hot water brought hot water in from the outside, and several people helped these sister-in-laws clean the wounds and deal with them, and then let the sister-in-laws who helped them go back to rest.

  After that, Wu Yue went back to the tent and took out a small notebook, and began to ask these sister-in-laws what happened at that time.

  Everyone hesitated, glanced at Zhao Qiqi from time to time, but no one took the initiative to speak.

  Chu Dandan burst into joy, isn't Wu Yue embarrassed? With Zhao Qiqi here, what kind of onion is she? If Zhao Qiqi doesn't speak, even if everyone knows what happened, no one dares to say anything.

  (end of this chapter)