MTL - I Was a Group Pet In 80-Chapter 9 The idiot is here (promised Gagen)

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  Chapter 9 Here comes the fool (promised to add more)

  Wu Yue, whose self-esteem was completely hurt by her appearance, didn't even eat lunch, and just lay on the bed depressed all afternoon.

  The only thing that makes Wu Yue a little lucky is that her figure has not changed, she is 1.65 meters tall and weighs about 90 kilograms.

   If it wasn't for the family's financial difficulties, it is estimated that her figure would not be able to be seen now, right?

   "We can't go on like this." Wu Yue, who had been bald all afternoon, turned over and sat up from the bed.

  She must be so dark because she goes out in the sun every day. As long as she pays attention to sun protection in the future and uses some whitening products, it will definitely change. As for the frostbite on her face, there is no need to worry. It will naturally heal when the weather is warm.

  Thinking about Wu Yue in this way, her mood improved a bit, her eyes swept around the room, and Wu Yue's mood fell again.

  Her mother doesn't need to tell her about the situation, she can guess it just by looking at the things in the house. Her house is almost described as barren. How can she have money to stick it on her face?

  Wu Yue didn't know, but her family's situation was worse than she imagined.

  It's not that Wu Yue has never thought about earning money by herself, but because of her family's conditions, she probably won't be able to afford the capital if she wants to do some business, let alone work. People around her probably know that she is a fool, right? Who dares to use her?

  Even if someone dares to use her, it must be a physical labor with no technical content.

  Her goal is not just to live a good life for herself, she also wants to bring her family to live a well-off life.

  It's useless to dream like this, I still have to go out tomorrow to have a look.


   "Mom, what are you writing?" When Wu Yue passed the door of Zhang Chunlan's room after taking a shower, she saw Zhang Chunlan lying on an old desk writing something.

"I haven't informed your dad about the news of your recovery. I'll write him a letter and send it to him tomorrow. Your dad loves you the most. If he knows you're recovered, he will definitely come back from leave like Wu Xing." Tian Guang was so immersed in the joy of his daughter's recovery that he forgot to notify Wu Jianhua.

   Wu Yue bent down and hugged Zhang Chunlan's shoulder: "Mom, thank you for being so kind to me all these years." Even if I was stupid, I didn't dislike me because of it.

  Zhang Chunlan patted Wu Yue's hand holding her: "Silly boy, you are mother's daughter, if mother is not good to you, who is good to you?"

  The next day, after Wu Xing and Zhang Chunlan left, Wu Yue also went out.

  Because it was Sunday, Wu Yue didn't go far when she went out when she saw several 10-year-old children playing together and throwing sandbags.

  One of the children saw Wu Yue with sharp eyes, and suddenly shouted: "The idiot is here, everyone run."

  The other children heard the shout, picked up the sandbags and ran after them, as if some monster was chasing after them.


  Her appearance is quite deterrent, how come there is a feeling of Japanese devils entering the village.

  Suddenly, a memory of her beating a child and robbing him of food popped up in her mind, and Wu Yue felt bad all over.

  She used to be "stupid" really thoroughly.

After Wu Yue walked around the market, she stopped at the entrance of a shopping mall. She didn't know what the shopping mall was like now. She reached out and touched the two yuan change in her pocket. This is what Zhang Chunlan heard in the morning. Give it to her when she is going out.

   I don’t know what these two dollars can buy in this era.

  At first, Zhang Chunlan was worried about her coming out alone, as if she was afraid that she would get lost, so she lied to Zhang Chunlan that she would go with Xu Xiaoyan, and Zhang Chunlan agreed to her coming out.

   Receive the demon princess

   She is Long Qingle, the queen of demon catching, but she traveled through time by accident.

   The first time we met, I didn’t choose a crossing location, she was treated as an assassin “I’m not an assassin, I’m just passing by”,

   He said lightly, "Of course you are not an assassin. There is no such stupid assassin in Loulan Kingdom."

   "Since I believe that I am not an assassin, can I go?"

   "It is also a capital offense to break into the palace without permission."

   She defended, "I didn't fall here on purpose, it was God's intention to fall here"

   But he didn't even look at her, and said lazily, "Since the heavens let you die for trespassing on the palace, don't resist."



  (end of this chapter)