MTL - I Was a Top Student In Conan, But I Was Actually An Onmyoji-Chapter 18

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The principal and Ishida-sensei rushed over.

"Everyone line up a little bit, everyone can be interviewed, don't worry."

At this time, there was a greater commotion from the periphery, as if someone had arrived again.

A big man who looked very amiable walked in with strides.

"This is Yan Sagawa who proposed the Sagawa conjecture, he is indeed a good-looking talent," the boss spoke first.

The camera paused to take a picture, and the flash continued to click.

Sagawa Yan realized that the real boss was coming.

Ishida whispered next to him, "This is Ryuji Koike, Governor of the Eastern Capital, and he came to see you specially today."

The governor of Dongdu is the executive officer of Dongdu. As the capital of Sakura Country and the governor of Dongdu's largest city circle, the power in his hands is astonishing.

It turned out to be a political boss, no wonder all the cameras were on him.

"Governor Koike, hello."

Sagawa asked a polite question mark, and at the same time stretched out his right hand.

"Hello," Governor Koike held Sagawa's right hand with a smile, shook it lightly, and praised again, "What a handsome young man, we are still talented in Dongdu."

"I just put forward a conjecture, you overestimate me," Sagawa said modestly, but in fact, what he thought in his heart was to blow hard, the higher the blow, the better.

Sagawa Yan’s expectations were no longer met, and Governor Koike really blew up for him, “That’s not an ordinary conjecture, it’s a world-class conjecture in the mathematics world. As a native of Dongdu, you have won honor for our Dongdu in the world. .”

As expected of a dalao in the political circle, he speaks one thing after another, making Sagawa dialect so embarrassing.

Governor Koike didn't know what Sagawa Yan was thinking, and continued, "We Dongdu has always attached great importance to education and personnel training. After learning about Sagawa's deeds, in order to prevent more students like him from living under pressure, we specially prepared 1,000 students. 10,000 special prize, and reward one outstanding student every year in the future, and the first recipient is Sagawa.”

emmm, okay, it's 10 million again, but a special scholarship has been set up by flipping hands, and it is estimated that it will get a lot of votes again.

Sagawa Yan was thinking wildly there, and Governor Koike had almost finished speaking, "Sagawa-san, do you have any other requests, we will definitely find a way to satisfy you."

He thought for a while, "Governor Koike, as a student who is interested in scientific research, I hope to reduce some media interviews. After all, science still needs a quiet environment."

Xiaochi dalao heard such a request, he immediately agreed, and at the same time murdered many camera negatives, "Of course, I will arrange it right away, but the media also have freedom of interview, I still hope that you two can communicate well."

Governor Koike left, taking away a large group of reporters, leaving only small reporters in twos and threes who wanted to interview Yan Sagawa.

"Sure enough, it's a fragrant bun, everyone wants to rub it for a while," Sagawayan laughed at himself, and suddenly understood Master Shimura's words.

But just rub it, Shili has already got it.

A few words ended these remaining reporters' interviews, and after dismissing them, calm once again returned to the campus.

Chapter 39 Xiaolan's troubles (Part 3, ask for flowers and support)

Saying goodbye to the principal and Teacher Ishida, Sagawa Yan walked to Sonoko and Xiaolan who were waiting at the side.

"What are you talking about? I was very happy to watch the fun just now?"

With a deliberately sullen face, he said in a cold voice.

Xiaolan had never seen him like this before, and she was still a little uneasy, thinking that seeing his lively behavior just now made Sagawa Yan angry, and wanted to explain.

Sonoko has been with Yan for a long time and knows Sagawa Yan's temper, so she won't be angry because of such a trivial matter, but she still cooperates and hugs Sagawa Yan's arm tightly, shaking and coquettishly saying, "We know we are wrong, forgive us OK."

As an excellent woman, she will maintain the majesty of the man outside. This is a skill she has recently learned from her mother Tomoko Suzuki.

Feeling the soft touch from his arm, Sagawa Yan couldn't keep his cold face any longer, he just had a soft temper, "It's alright, alright, I won't be angry anymore."

Sonoko secretly made a face at Xiaolan, and continued to hang around Yan Sagawa.

"What, these two people?" Xiaolan puffed her cheeks, looking dissatisfiedly at the two guys who were throwing dog food like a hamster.

Noticing Xiaolan's dissatisfied gaze, Yuanzi stopped her intimate behavior and coughed lightly, "Well, Yan, actually some strange things happened in Xiaolan's family recently, and some troubles are telling me."

"Strange thing?"

Sagawa Yan's gaze became strange, but neither Sonoko nor Xiaolan noticed it.

Said that Xiaolan showed a terrified look on his face, "Whenever I want to get close to Conan, some strange things will happen, such as the soap suddenly falling off, the lights in the living room suddenly turn on and off, and sometimes at night I You will hear the sound of drums beating."

Xiaolan imitated, "It's like a child secretly beating drums, boom, boom, boom, it scared me to death."

Yuanzi is not very courageous, he is only a little better than Xiaolan who is afraid of ghosts. Hearing Xiaolan's vivid imitation, the goosebumps got scared, "Could it be that there are ghosts?"

Seeing the yellow figure flying around Xiaolan's head, making a grimace from time to time, or stretching out his hands and stomping his feet, Sagawayan felt a little headache.

Xiaolan continued to talk about her troubles, "I told my father, but he laughed at me with Conan and said that there are no ghosts in the world."

"You can ask Yan, I think with the amount of knowledge in Yan, you may know the reason."

Yuanzi recommends her boyfriend who is a top student to Xiaolan.

The two women looked at Sagawa Yan with expectant eyes at the same time.

"First of all, let's make it clear that there are no ghosts in the world," Sagawa Yan said to the two daughters affirmatively, ignoring the yellow ghost sitting in the drum holding a drumstick and making faces at him.

"Xiao Lan, the situation you mentioned all came about after some contact with Conan, right?"

Sagawa asked.

Xiaolan recalled it carefully, and it was true, she nodded.

"Then could it be your psychological factor?" He induced Xiaolan to think in another direction.

"Maybe you subconsciously feel that contact with Conan is not good, for example, you feel that he is a little lewd, or a little skinny, so you have a psychological suggestion, and some strange things will happen when you come into contact with him."

"is that so?"

Xiaolan was confused, she tilted her head and thought about it, could it be Conan's fault?

"Try not to have too much physical contact with Conan, maybe the symptoms will improve."

"That's right, Xiao Lan, you should try it first, there can't be ghosts in this world."

Xiaolan nodded, clenched her fists to cheer herself up, "I'll try it when I get back today."

It must be successful, Sagawa Yan knew what was going on.

On the night when he killed the 3-member group of Yidai robbers and gained 30 spiritual power, Sagawa Yan tried to learn more advanced Onmyoji.

When it comes to the most iconic symbol of Onmyoji, it is naturally a unique hunting suit, wearing a high crown, holding a paper fan, and their mysterious shikigami.

The only yin and yang technique that Sagawayan learned that night was summoning shikigami.

And it was the shikigami summoned by Sagawa Yan, Tianxie Guihuang, who caused a disturbance in Xiaolan's house.

There are different types of ghosts that are transformed from evil thoughts in people's hearts, depending on the skin color.

Tianxie Guihuang looks like a child holding a drum hammer, sitting in a magic drum.

She has a timid personality and will run away when she sees strangers.

He usually hides under the floor, and only comes out in the dead of night, and then starts waving the drum hammer to beat the drum.

Because of its weak combat ability, Sagawayan simply sent it to Xiaolan's house to prevent Conan from taking advantage of Xiaolan. Unexpectedly, it would instinctively beat drums secretly at night.

"System, why did I try to summon Shikigami so many times, but in the end I only succeeded once, and I still summoned a Sky Evil Ghost, and explain why this Sky Evil Ghost is so similar to the N card in a mobile game I played in my previous life ?”

Chapter 40 Panicked Xiaolan (Chapter 4, ask for flowers and support)

"Didn't I tell you, master, this world is a world of tiny demons, those big monsters have long since disappeared, only those monsters born from the human heart can still exist, and the shikigami you summon without a medium can only be born from the evil thoughts of the human heart little monster."

The system paused for a while, and gave Sagawa Yan time to accept before continuing.

"Heavenly evil ghost looks like a character in the game, it's because of you."

"My reason?"

Sagawa was puzzled.

"Shikigami's summoning is to respond to your inner call. Whatever the evil spirit in your heart looks like, that's what the evil spirit you summon will look like."

He nodded thoughtfully, "Then what is the medium call you just said?"

"If the master can find a medium that contains the breath or characteristics of a big monster, it is possible to summon the big monster in your heart through the medium shikigami."

"The big monster in my heart...", Sagawa Yan suddenly became ecstatic.

"System, let me make a hypothesis, a hypothesis, if I get the killing stone, is it possible to summon the wife Hu Xiaoyu in fgo, or if I get the sword in the stone, can I summon Saber?"

"... Nine-Tails is fine. It will be summoned according to the deepest impression in your heart, master. I don't know if it is a wife fox. The sword in the stone cannot be used as a medium, because Shikigami summoning can only summon monsters in the Japanese system. In addition The probability of summoning a big monster is very low, and the combat ability of the big monster will be reduced due to the lack of spiritual power of the master."

Sagawa Yan has some regrets, but this news is already a surprise. It seems that we should pay attention to those antique artifacts in the future.

As for the lack of spiritual power, just rub Conan a few more times, he thought without any burden.

"Yan Jun, I haven't congratulated you on the publication of your thesis yet. You are now known as a once-in-a-thousand-year mathematics wizard, and you are a remarkable big shot."

Xiaolan looked into Sagawa Yan's eyes and sincerely congratulated him.

"The media is too exaggerated, and I just made an ordinary conjecture. The world of mathematics is vast."

Sagawa said with emotion from the bottom of his heart that since mathematics reached lv2, his perception of mathematics has changed again, and there are still too many things waiting for him to discover in the vast world of mathematics.

"Don't be so polite, Xiaolan, to celebrate the publication of Yan's thesis, let's have dinner together at noon, of course Yan treats guests," Yuanzi interrupted the politeness of the two.

"It's not a problem at all, then I invite the two ladies to appreciate you." Sagawa Yan made a gentleman's salute, and stretched out his left and right hands in front of the two of them.

Sonoko smiled coquettishly, and handed Sagawa Yan his hand first, and Sagawa Yan kissed it, completing a hand kiss.

"My warrior."

"Fighting for you, my lady."

Then the two looked at Xiaolan together.

"Me too?"

Xiaolan blushed slightly, and said coyly.

"It's just a hand kiss, come Xiao Lan."

Yuanzi encouraged.

"Okay", Xiao Lan hesitated and put Bai Nen's little hand into Sa Chuan Yan's other hand.

Sagawa Yan gently kissed the back of his hand, and let it go as soon as he touched it.

Xiaolan felt as if an electric current was transmitted from the back of her hand to her whole body, and she shivered, her heart beating even faster.

"What is this feeling?"

Before she could think about it carefully, Yuanzi's urging voice came, "Xiaolan, hurry up, take the last step."

Xiaolan pursed her lips, her pale pink lips parted slightly, "I, my warrior."

"Fighting for you, my lady."

For some reason, Xiaolan's heart jumped wildly again when she heard my lady.

"Is it me? No, I like Shinichi."

Xiaolan thought in a panic, and the more surprised she found that the image of Kudo Shinichi in her mind was getting weaker and weaker.

"Xiaolan, come here quickly," Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan who was holding her hand in surprise and was not moving.

"Here we come", Xiaolan suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and hurriedly followed Sagawa Yan and Yuanzi.

When Sagawayan's eyes met Xiaolan by chance, Xiaolan blushed and looked away.

"It seems that after the hand kiss, Xiaolan's attitude towards me has changed a lot." Sagawa Yan realized this problem, combined with Xiaolan's performance, after a little analysis, he immediately came to a conclusion that made him very happy.

"I, began to appear in Xiaolan's heart."

From the careful care during the roller coaster, to the courageous actions during the chairman's love daughter incident, the bits and pieces of Sagawa Yan I learned when chatting with Yuanzi every day, to the small outburst during the Valentine's Day incident, Sagawa Yan has been excellent these days It shows that today when he is afraid of ghosts and is comforted, the emotion of kissing hands explodes, and Sagawayan finally enters Xiaolan's heart.

According to Sagawa Yan's psychological analysis, although Xiaolan is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, growing up in a single-parent environment, she needs a sense of security in her heart, so she will always like Xinyi who gave her a sense of security since she was a child, but now , another boy who can give him a sense of security and good performance appears, just in the absence of Shinichi.

"Now, Kudo Shinichi and I are on the same starting line. His fatal disadvantage is that he can't show up. Even if Xiaolan tells herself that she doesn't care, she will still subconsciously look for another support in her heart. My chance has come!"

Chapter 41 Lunch (Chapter 5, ask for flowers and support)

The three of them came to a nice restaurant.

Sagawa Yan thinks that Yuanzi is really an anomaly among the rich second generation, who can enter high-end upper-class banquets and enjoy roadside snacks.

"Yan, why do you suddenly look at me, do you feel my love?"

"Stupid girl, I just think you are easy to support", said Sagawa

"Hey hey", Yuanzi smirked.