MTL - I Was a Top Student In Conan, But I Was Actually An Onmyoji-Chapter 17

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Letters like snowflakes were sent to Tohto University and Teidan High School, Sagawa's literary units, inviting discussions, lectures, and begging for teaching.

The sensation in the academic world gradually spread to the dull mathematics circle of Sakura Country.

The mathematics world of Sakura Country was shocked!

And this shock was transmitted to the press!

As a result, Sagawa Gon became popular, and he completely became what Professor Shimura called a fragrant bun.


A new star is rising, and in the media, Yan Sagawa has become the darling of mathematics, a mathematical genius who meets once in thousands of years.

"Dudu News" reported how he failed alone in the exam during high school, seeking an opponent but not getting it.

"Asahi Shimbun" talked about how he got out of the shadow of his parents' death, devoted himself to mathematics, and finally broke through.

Even the "Sakura Economic News", which focuses on economics, reported his mathematical talent for the first time.

Not to be outdone, the TV media quickly followed up.

At this time, the people of Cherry Blossom Country after the economic crisis knew that we, Guo Jia, had a math genius, and God Amaterasu did not give up on us.


maori detective agency

Mori Kogoro, who was looking at the daily racecourse information, was taken aback for a moment.

"Xiao Lan, Xiao Lan!"

"Dad, what's the matter?" Xiaolan's voice came from the kitchen.

"What's the name of your senior we met last time?" Kogoro asked in a strange tone.

"Senior Sagawa, his full name is Yan Sagawa." Xiaolan poked her head out of the kitchen, not understanding why Kogoro asked this suddenly.

"Is it this person?"

Kogoro asked, pointing to the newspaper.


Xiaolan came over, and Conan, who was pricking up his ears, also followed.

I saw a big photo of Sagawa Yan hanging on the front page of the newspaper, and the headline was "Sagawa Conjecture, Sagawa Genius, Mathematics Genius!" "

"It turned out to be the front page headline of the Asahi Shimbun?"

Conan didn't dare believe it. Even if he was a famous high school detective, he had only been featured in some local newspapers in Dongdu, but that guy Sagawa Gen made the headlines of Asahi, and he was even famous internationally after reading the contents of the newspaper?

He couldn't help but feel like he was defeated.

Xiaolan laughed, "That's him, Dad, Sagawa-senpai has always been very good."


suzuki home

Sonoko watched in astonishment as her boyfriend's face appeared on the TV, and couldn't help recalling what Sagawa Yan said, "In half a month, my thesis will also be reported on TV." '

"He really did it, he made it!"

Sonoko suddenly wanted to cry. No one knew Sagawa Yan's hard work during this time better than her. Now that she has personally witnessed her boyfriend's success, she really wanted to be by Sagawa Yan's side now.

"Yuanzi, it's time to eat."

The older sister Suzuki Ayako, who has a very close relationship with Sonoko, entered the room and urged.

"Hey, is this person from your school? He's amazing. He has completed an academic paper of this level at this age."

Suzuki Ayako, a graduate student, is well aware of the difficulty.

"Well, he's the best!"

A bright smile spread across Yuanzi's face.


Toho University

"That nasty liar, what did you say senior, big liar, I actually believed it!"



"Dad, Mom, look, brother Sagawa appeared on TV."


Half a month after Yan Sagawa let go of his bold words, his name resounded throughout the Sakura Kingdom.

(Every reader is so awesome, thank you for your support, the more you owe, the more you owe. Now you owe 5 more)

Chapter 37 Rewards (Part 1, ask for flowers and support)

In his own home, Sagawa Yan curiously looked through the discussions about him from netizens.

Netizens in this era are relatively high-quality, and Sagawayan glanced at them, and they were all praises.

[Si Guoyi, this Sagawa-kun is still a high school student, so he named a conjecture. 】

[The key point is that he is still very handsome, how can he be cultivated? Learning to be so handsome and a winner in life actually exists in reality]

[I don’t know if he has a girlfriend, I want to try it...]

[Those upstairs might as well consider me, single and unmarried, excellent social animal]

[You are all wrong, the most important thing is not that the media predicts that he can become the second Kunihiko Kodaira, will he be exaggerating too much?]

[Great, nothing good has happened since the **** agreement, I finally feel that there is still hope for our Sakura Country]

[Didan High School seems to be near my house, I want to see real people]

[Is he the man with a deviation of more than 80 in the mock test every time? Tears in my eyes, I was in the same class as such a person, how did I win? 】


After reading the comments with relish, the netizens are still supernatural, and there are several comments that mention his class in Didan High School, and it seems that he is a classmate from the same school.

ring ring ring

The phone rang, and he took it to see that it belonged to Mr. Ishida.

"Could it be that the teacher's conscience found out that I skipped too many classes and wanted to save me?"

While muttering, Sagawa Yan picked up the phone and picked up a bottle of Coke.

"Sagawa, where are you now?"

The phone is sandwiched between the shoulder and the cheek, "At home, I have some new ideas for the Diagonal Valley Conjecture recently, so I want to try it."

Teacher Ishida exclaimed from the phone, "It turned out to be a 3n+1 conjecture, as expected of you, Sagawa."

"Um, is that what you want to ask?"

"Ah, bah, bah, bah, that's not what I want to say. Come to the school quickly. There are a bunch of media reporters outside, all of whom are interviewing you. The principal asked me to come to you quickly to save the situation."

"Reporters, can't you handle it yourself?" Sagawa Yan also had some headaches for these media reporters, but his pen is very powerful.

"Come on, there are great benefits waiting for you", Ishida didn't say much, and directly lured.

If you say this, I won't be sleepy.jpg

"Okay, I'll be right there."

After drinking the fat house happy water in his hand, Sagawa Yan jumped up, simply chose his clothes, looked in the mirror, and a handsome boy appeared on the mirror again.

After thinking about it, he found another peaked cap and put it on his head.



When Sagawa Yan came to Teidan High School, he found that there were indeed many vans parked at the school gate, with the logos of Asahi, Fuji, and NHK printed on them. He counted them carefully, and only Toto TV Station, which had a unique style, did not come.

Emmm, even if the world has changed, Dongdu TV Station is still the weirdest one.

Wearing a peaked cap, he carefully bypassed many media, fearing that a microphone would suddenly be handed over.

He came to teacher Ishida's office without any risk, and Ishida was pacing back and forth anxiously inside. He was overjoyed when he saw Yan Sagawa.

"I'll talk about the rest later, come with me first."

There is a feeling that it is too late to explain and get in the car.

Ishida took Sagawa Yan and ran all the way to the meeting room, and knocked on the door directly.

"Principal, school trustees, I brought Sagawa-san."

More than a dozen pairs of eyes glanced at Sagawa Yan, some of them admired, some appreciated, some were happy, and some were disdainful.

Facing their gazes, Sagawa Yan showed no sign of nervousness, and said generously, "Principal, good morning, principal."

The principal, who is usually only seen at the school assembly, showed admiring eyes, "This is Mr. Sagawa, who has brought glory to our school. Today we are discussing how to better publicize this matter, and at the same time give Mr. Sagawa even greater respect." reward."

The school is really happy, the opportunity to promote their school for free, and a mathematician, which is much better than a big detective, which parents don't want their children to get better grades.

A group of old foxes opened their mouths one after another. They were all veterans of the shopping malls. They didn't have a few publicity tricks, and they confirmed the specific matters in a short while.

Only Sagawa Yan listened very boring, and it had nothing to do with him.

The sophisticated principal noticed Yan Sagawa's impatience and offered a real reward, "Student Sagawa, in view of the status of your conjecture in the world of mathematics, our school has specially added some rewards on the basis of the original."

The principal stopped, looked at Yan Sagawa's reaction, and saw that he was really interested, so he continued to speak, "First, in order to let Sagawa student study mathematics without worrying about life, I hereby reward 30 million yuan."

30 million yen is 300,000 U.S. dollars, which is not a small amount, but Sagawa said nothing, even the maple leaf gold coins that he 'brought' are still waiting to mold in the yard, it is good to get it, be happy, but not It's worth getting excited about.

If I really want to say, it is not a problem for him to get the Internet casually in this day and age and become a giant, but it would be a pity to let go of the opportunity to be the father of all mankind and not just be a rich man.

The principal also noticed that Sagawa Yan didn't care. He didn't know Sagawa Yan's thoughts. He thought that Sagawa Yan regarded money as dung. He was more optimistic and had a headache about how to reward Sagawa Yan.

Chapter 38 Media Interviews (Part 2, Asking for Flowers and Support)

The principal thought about it for a while and temporarily changed the second material reward, "The second reward is to allow Sagawa to join our outstanding alumni association now."

The directors were in an uproar.

"Principal, isn't it too early?"

"Wait a few more years and see."

"Yeah, yeah, it's getting old, it might not be good."

Seeing the extremely fierce reaction of the school directors, Sagawa Yan felt that this outstanding alumni association was a good thing.

In this case, let's get it first and then talk.

"Thank you principal, I am very grateful to the school for rewarding me," Sagawa said, confirming the matter.

"As long as you like it," the headmaster said with a smile, "Go to the interview now and accept the glory that belongs to you."

As expected, Nihong people are all second graders, Sagawa slandered.

But I like the word glory. With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he bid farewell to everyone in the conference room and left here.

As soon as he walked down the teaching building, a large group of reporters rushed up as if they had discovered their target.

"Hello, are you Yan Sagawa's classmate?"

"Sagawa-san, how did you come up with Sagawa's conjecture?"

"Sagawa-san, I heard that you are the first in every exam in school. Is it true? How did you do it?"

"...It is said on the Internet that you bully men and women in school. Is it true that you have **** with women every night and do all kinds of evil?"

"...May I ask what you think of the current education sector, do you agree with reforming education?"


All kinds of weird questions were asked, and the microphones and recording pens almost fell into his mouth.

Several cameras kept making Sagawa dialects, and there were passing students watching. He even saw Yuanzi and Xiaolan watching the scene, smiling very happily.

These two girls, Yan Sagawa was already thinking about what punishment he would give Sonoko.

Fortunately, the staff from the school immediately came to rescue the siege.