MTL - I Will Be The Crowned King-v5 Chapter 128 banquet

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At the moment when the rare sunset appeared at the end of the skyline, the New Year banquet at Osteria Palace finally kicked off.

According to the tradition of the Clovis people, the vast majority of visitors are only eligible to "observe the ceremony"—that is, to meet the king, present gifts and blessings, and only a very small part of them are really eligible to participate in the banquet.

This is not because the royal family of Osteria is stingy, but because the custom of "family banquet" of the Clovis people is deeply rooted, and even the king's banquet cannot keep his guests; , similar to the fact that the Franz family did not attend the king's New Year's banquet last year but went home to celebrate, all of which are "privileges" of special grace.

However, due to the "little" accident that happened this year, and the fact that the banquet was held at the same time as the coronation ceremony of the new king, the restrictions on hospitality were relaxed a lot; Allowed to enter the banquet hall and enjoy the hospitality offered by the king.

Of course, you don’t have to think about toasting and drinking in the same room as the king... In order to cope with the number of guests several times higher than that of Ping, the Osteria Palace has opened up the Royal Garden and two other halls to roughly accommodate the guests. Divided into three categories of hospitality: the most important of course is the inner court, foreign nobles and some groups directly related to the royal family in the banquet hall, cabinet ministers, members of the Privy Council in the queen's hall with card tables, dance floors and other entertainment facilities, and small boxes .

As for the minor nobles, wealthy businessmen with important industries, the family scrolls of the wealthy families, and the "influential people" in the capital...all of them were arranged in the imperial garden—they were clearly separated from each other, and the hierarchy was strict.

"So... some people should know how to be grateful. If Miss Ben is not here, they don't even have the qualification to enter the gate of this banquet hall!"

In the colorful banquet hall, the eldest lady of Beigang, Fraura Cecil, tightly hugged the arm of a certain deputy commander, her slightly drunken cheeks were filled with extreme arrogance: "Only with your colleagues Just like you guys, wandering around in the imperial garden, drinking two glasses of wine and getting it done hastily, wasting such an important banquet in vain!"

"Yes, yes, all of this is due to Miss Fraura." As if being entangled by an octopus, Fabian's face was stiff and his upper body remained motionless. It is really lucky for Sansheng to be favored by the young lady."

"Hmph, good to know."

Fu Laura blushed, expressing her dissatisfaction with words that didn't match her heart, but she was secretly delighted in her heart.

After all, this was the first occasion that I could dress up with this guy after leaving Beigang.

Since Fraura left Northport without the consent of the Cecil family, she has always been active as a member of the Free Confederate Diplomatic Corps after arriving in Clovis, and spent most of her time at the Osteria Palace Not to mention meeting Fabian, even the scope of activities is severely restricted.

Fortunately, Carlos II has already planned to form an alliance with the Free Confederation, and the conditions provided in terms of living conditions are quite favorable; coupled with Christian Bach's many proactive attacks, members of the mission can even buy newspapers, go shopping... not at all Too boring in the long wait.

But for a girl who loves crime and aspires to be the protagonist of a detective, such a life is still too painful.

Therefore, she paid special attention to this dinner—not only to be able to get along with Fabian in private, but also to use this opportunity to find ways to make herself no longer bound by the family and stay in Clovis City forever. stay in someone's...

"Look around, everyone here is the group of people who are closest to the king in Clovis City - in the words of my father and uncle, this is the hunting ground." The girl looked serious and lowered her voice deliberately: "As long as you can get along with them If you get in touch with someone, you may be able to speak out smoothly, transforming from a small officer into a powerful figure in Clovis City!"

"Of course, such an opportunity is very rare, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a needle in a haystack... But Fabian, you are very lucky today, because your female partner has unique eyesight and is very good at discovering such existences that can help your future .”

Fraura coughed twice pretending to be reserved: "Besides, being accompanied by a young, beautiful and charismatic person like me will also make you look a lot better in just wearing a military uniform, and increase the probability of being caught by others. "

"Ah...then I will thank you in advance. Fabian twitched the corners of his mouth, pretending not to notice the expectant eyes of the girl beside him.

this wood! stone! Sculpture! Is he blind? Even though he is right next to him... Fraura, who was specially dressed, was screaming in her heart, but she still pretended to be indifferent on the surface, as if she didn't care about it at all:

"It's good to know, then let me wait and see for you; since it is a hunting ground, choosing prey is a very important thing, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the most important thing; let me see, um..."

Looking around, the smile on the corner of the girl's mouth suddenly became a little unnatural.

"That... Fabian."


"Do you ever feel..."

"What do you think?"

"Those people around me are looking at us." Fu Laura turned her head stiffly, her eyes seemed to be frightened:

"Yes, it's a little strange..."

"Is it?"

Fabian said with a blank face, comfortingly patted the **** the shoulder, swept the audience coldly, countless pairs of eyes avoided his sight instantly, and the lively banquet hall suddenly became a little deserted:

"Don't worry, that's just your illusion, no one here dares to hurt you."


"But in doing so, you are making the entire Privy Council against you."

In the small box in the Queen's Hall, Luther Franz listened quietly to Anson's plan, his expression unchanged, and it seemed that he would never lose his composure: "I think you two seem to have not realized that a united Privy Council means What are you wearing?"

"But you must admit that this is a good plan." Anson nodded, and the old man's reaction was completely within his expectations:

"Things turned out like this is also beyond my expectations. It must be admitted that the Queen Mother Anne is indeed superior; she wants to split the Franz family and avoid the dominance of the family, so that she can get rid of the fate of being a puppet."

"But she gave us a perfect opportunity... Without this opportunity, the Privy Council would never have been able to give birth to something like a 'government'... This is an extraordinary variable."

"You introduced steam core technology to Clovis, you made an enemy of the Holy See, you cooperated with people like Perigord Jr., and you even acquiesced in the death of Carlos II... all of this, isn't it because of this variable ?”

"I'm not telling you whether it's worth it, nor am I preparing to sacrifice Ludwig." Ansen took a deep breath: "What I'm saying is that if we miss this opportunity, it may be difficult for us to create such a huge changed."

"If everything goes right, what happens next is nothing more than the countless political games that have played out over the past few hundred years, thousands of years; Royalists and Liberals, Reformers and Conservatives, wealthy and change .”

"But! A group of soldiers with the goal of defending the highest interests of the kingdom, a brand new political party with a common program and goals, they... can create something brand new, you absolutely cannot deny it."

"I totally agree."

The archbishop nodded slightly, and said almost without thinking: "But you need to think clearly, Ludwig will not thank you for this, and he will probably regard you as his opponent and enemy forever."

"Most half of the Clovis Kingdom will not thank you. In their eyes, you are a real careerist, and you are ready to eat all the cakes; this kind of undisguised greed will make it difficult for you to move forward. "

"Mostly half of Clovis, or most of the nobles of Clovis." Anson smiled: "Let them oppose it. With the support of the Storm Legion and the 'Heart', I don't care."

"Or I can also ask you, have you hesitated to try to confront the entire church as the Archbishop?"

At that moment, the old man's face showed a very rare surprise—although it was really only for a moment.

"Draco is right, you are indeed born to be with the Truth Society." Luther Franz said with emotion:

"The lack of desire and desire in the past was just your camouflage. You protected your heart so perfectly that you ignored the rapidly expanding ambition—the more you are content with the status quo, the more it proves that you want to break the destruction, or Said to create changes beyond the limits of anyone's imagination."

"I don't have any ambitions, I'm just an ordinary person."

Anson smiled: "Everything I do is only for the benefit of myself and Clovis."

"The interests of you and Clovis—repeat this sentence ten thousand times, and those who follow you will treasure it." Luther Franz didn't take it seriously:

"This world needs to change, maybe it will perish because of the change, but if it really follows the regulations of the Ring of Order Church, the eternal and unchanging order will only wait for slow death."

"I wholeheartedly agree."

Anson breathed a sigh of relief: "So, you agree?"

"I have nothing to agree with—the current Franz family, the real power is no longer me." The old man shook his head: "I only have one question, who are you going to tell Ludwig about this? "


"It's not an exaggeration to say that apart from you, there is no other more suitable person."

In front of the wine table in the corner of the inner court, the old Leyner looked at the major general in front of him earnestly: "After discussion, we agreed that only you are the most suitable for this position."

"Yes, then I'm really honored." Ludwig's face was quite ugly: "Then can I ask, who did you discuss with, and who are we...?"


Old Rainer said in a deep voice: "All the members of the Privy Council—including at least two hundred conservatives and reformers at the same time—share this view!"


"Because of your identity."


"You are the blood of the Franz family. Although this blood is not famous, it has at least hundreds of years of history. It may not be a big deal in the empire, but in Clovis, it is already enough for the minimum standard of a wealthy family. .”

The old Renal's tone was very serious: "At the same time, because of your father's relationship, you also have a pretty good friendship with the reformist congressmen; it is not an exaggeration to say that if the entire Clovis Kingdom except His Majesty Carlos who has left us Besides, who else can unite the entire Privy Council, that is your father, and next... is you!"

"Of course, Mr. Luther Franz is the archbishop of Clovis Diocese, and he is absolutely not allowed to participate in politics; but you are different. This position can almost be said to be tailor-made for you."

"Did you tailor it for me?"

Ludwig with an ugly face said coldly: "In order to become this power, you want me to take off my military uniform, join the Privy Council, and become a...member?"

"To be in power is to be in power!" Old Renard corrected:

"Your identity is the chief ruler of the Clovis Kingdom. As a plenipotentiary representative of the Privy Council, you can propose proposals to the king, and even replace the king to rule the entire Clovis administration!"

Finally, Ludwig's eyes changed slightly.

"You may wish to think about it, Ansen Bach's current military rank is higher than yours, and he has also received the post of Chief of the Royal Guard, coupled with the support of the Minister of War, even if you continue to stay in the Ministry of War, you are definitely not theirs Opponents are almost doomed to be ostracized—a good general, why do you want to fight a battle that is sure to lose?"

Old Renner's voice was like a battering ram, hitting Ludwig's psychological defense line repeatedly: "Joining the Privy Council is completely different. You can immediately gain the absolute support of all members, fight against the army, and even fight against the army. Press across.

"After all... the Ministry of the Army is just the Ministry of the Army after They are just a pure army, but the ruling of the Privy Council...has the real power to manage the entire kingdom in a legitimate way."

"Yes, but this is just your promise, and it's still an empty promise."

Ludwig's expression was still indifferent, but his eyes had already betrayed his heart: "Why do you believe that Queen Mother Anne can agree to this matter, and what can guarantee that I can definitely become this... ruling?"

"In that case, would you like to make a bet with me?" Old Renal suddenly smiled playfully.

"Bet on whether you can successfully persuade the Queen Mother?"

"No, it's a bet on Queen Anne...She will also take the initiative to make this suggestion."

The old Rayner with burning eyes said word by word: "After she signs the covenant with the Free Confederation, she will announce this decision in public immediately; if she doesn't say it, then we will treat today's conversation as if it didn't exist; but if she says it, You must promise us."

"How, do you dare to take a gamble?"

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