MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 021 born to fight with Kabane

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Looking at the namelessness of taking away his dagger, the square frowned, somewhat helpless.

In the original book, the namelessness is quite arbitrary, and it is my own way to let many people take her.

Unexpectedly, in the face of the stranger who met for the first time, this girl is still like this, so that the party does not know whether it should be angry.

On the other hand, the nameless is the beginning of the study of the dagger in the square, the finger gently slipped over the blade face, and then point the tip of the blade, followed by a confusing look into the square, saying: "This seems like a Put the ordinary dagger."

"Yes." Fang Li said of course: "Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!" The nameless hand akimbo, holding the dagger in one hand, and waving up and down, said: "You just used it to kill so many Kabane, even the heart membrane is easily penetrated, this How could it be an ordinary dagger?"

It’s a bit confusing to hear the words.

It turned out that this nameless mistakenly thought that his weapon was a weapon of the gods, and it was easy to kill Kabane, so it suddenly appeared in front of himself.

Unfortunately, this is a misunderstanding.

It is not easy to kill Kabane because of the sharpness of the dagger, but because the magic eyes in the square are too sharp.

Of course, this point will not be explained to the first time.

Even if the other party is the heroine of the original, it is still a pretty girl, that is the same.

As a result, Fang directly regained his dagger.

"Even if this dagger is really a weapon of the gods and wants to rely on it to deal with Kabane, then the person who needs this weapon is strong enough." Fang Li looked at the nameless, saying: "And I am only It’s just a little clever, you don’t care.”

"Is it?" The namelessness seems to be somewhat unresolved, but he nodded. He said: "Your strength is really weak, but the head is very smart, and it can also break through the heart membrane of Kabane. I have been fighting with Kabane."

"That's the way it is." Fang Li revealed this topic, and then immediately asked: "How come you are here?"

"Because it is no longer here." Nameless in a relaxed tone, talking about some cruel words in others. "I just passed this stop. I wanted to take a break here for a night. I didn't expect this to happen. If so, I certainly have to escape."

“Escape?” said in a smile, “I can see you, not so much as if I am at large.”

"It's not as easy as traveling." Unnamed turned and said: "I still need to fight with Kabane, or I can't escape."

Fight with Kabane.

If this sentence is heard by the warriors, will 80% laugh at the big teeth?

Even the authentic warriors are very difficult to fight with a Kabane. They can only use the steam gun to attack. A so childish girl actually said to fight with Kabane. Whose first reaction is not to laugh?

However, Fang Li could not laugh.

Because, Fang Li knows that the nameless is the truth.

So far, Fang Li has been using some small cleverness, bullying Kabane has no wisdom, killing Kabane one by one, compared to the average person and even the warrior, this record can be described as awkward.

However, this record is nothing compared to the nameless.

Compared to the side of the party, you need to use some cleverness to fight with Kabane. No name can completely use the positive breakthrough method to strangle a large number of Kabane.

After all, the nameless is only to be cultivated in order to fight with Kabane.

Don't say a dozen or twenty Kabane, even if hundreds of Kabane are killed, no name can be highlighted, killing opponents?

In terms of strength alone, Fangli and No Name are not a grade.

Even if the opponent is Jiuzhi, and his name is one hand, can he easily defeat him?

When I think of it, I can't help but look at it again.

The ice-blue magic eye flashed in the eyes of the square.

Suddenly, a crack-like dead line emerged in the eyes of the square.

Those lines are scattered throughout the corners of the nameless body.

Moreover, almost every one is connected to one place.


Like blood vessels, the dead lines of a strip are connected to the nameless heart.

That is the place where the nameless body is closest to "death".

In other words, the heart is the nameless weakness.

(Sure enough?)

Recalling the special features of the nameless, I feel that this is taken for granted.

At this time, the nameless was suddenly a chill, and turned hard.

Before that, Fang Li had already closed the eyes of the dead.

However, the nameless or frowning, staring at the side, said: "What have you just done?"

"What?" said in an innocent way: "I didn't do anything."

"Is it?" The nameless brow wrinkled deeper and deeper, and whispered: "So why did I have a very annoying feeling?"

Very annoying?

That is also a matter of course?

Because, just now, Fang Li directly visually saw the cause of the nameless "death", as long as he rushed up and waved a knife, the namelessly completely finished.

Therefore, the instinct feels the threat, the nameless will feel uncomfortable, right?

Of course, if the current strength of Fang Li, if it really rushes up, it is estimated that it will be spotted by the nameless, and then killed.

Plus there is no enmity in the top with no name, naturally it will not really rush to go for a knife.

"No matter what, let's get out of here first." Fang Li shook his head and raised the business. "As you said, this station is no longer working. We must find the Iron City for escape."

"That's also true." Unnamed loosened the frowning brow, glanced at the side and said: "Then follow me quickly, I can help you open the way."

With that said, the nameless person in the side of the gaze, pulled out his own weapons.

That is two steam guns.

The model is about the same as a pistol. The whole body is red, and the front end also has a military thorn. It is better to say that it is a gun.

It is a nameless steam shovel that can penetrate the heart of Kabane's heart.

"It seems that the speed of just watching you is not bad. I hope you can keep up with me."

After that, the nameless will no longer pay attention to the party, and directly jumped into the roof of the building next to it with the jumping power that human beings could not achieve.

There was no hesitation in the party and he followed it directly.

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