MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 086 No one will think about fighting

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The weather is not very good on this day.

The wind that ravages the sky is somewhat embarrassing.

The sky that the line of sight is not a little bright.

Just like the storm is coming, the whole sky is clouded and dark, and it makes people feel that it is not a strange thing when the lightning suddenly hits.

Under such a sky, a military helicopter rotates the propeller, and as if it is arranged in a formation, they fly by the wind.

The square is on one of the helicopters.

In the cabin, soldiers dressed in military uniforms sat next to the long row of seats, holding guns in their hands, and raised their heads in a serious and silent atmosphere, waiting quietly for the passing of time.

Only in the square, some are not very regular, not as rigorous as other soldiers, but turned their heads and looked at the scenery outside the window.

More precisely, it should be said that the scenery below the earth is right.

However, everything that comes into view is just a piece of broken ruins.

The earth is covered by dust and rubble.

Buildings, like half a cake, are broken.

In the ruins of the piece, the occasional one or two black shadows can be seen slowly passing through.

Looking at such a scene, the square could not help but mutter.

"It’s really terrible..."

The world has collapsed more thoroughly than in the last world.

At least, in the last world, no one in addition to the fusion group has the ability to change the terrain.

However, in this world, even the smallest of the wild gods have the ability to prey on everything.

The so-called ants are biting dead elephants, and the existence of the wild gods. Once the number is increased, it is regarded as the most small wild god. If you slowly swear, the world will be riddled with holes.

That scene is now presented in front of the party.

Perhaps he heard the words in the square, and the person next to him was talking to him.

"That is also a no-brainer. For us humans, the wild gods are too strong."

Saying such a sentence is a very cute girl who is also wearing a military uniform but is surprised.

The age is estimated to be between the middle and the middle.

The hair on one shoulder and shoulder is bright red and tied into two hairpins.

Looking at this girl, Fang Li always feels familiar.

"Sorry, I suddenly talked to you." The girl smiled a little embarrassedly: "My name is Skylark. This time the task was assigned to the correspondent in the communication class. Please give me more advice."

"Lark?" Fang Li was a glimpse, and then he thought about it.

This girl, in the original book, also has a lot of dramas. She can often see her figure in the commander's office. As a correspondent, she has been responsible for contacting the various devotees and accurately ordering the instructions from the top. Be active.

I did not expect that this communicator was actually assigned in this mission.

"My name is Fang Li." Fang Li smiled at the skylark and said: "As you can see, it is just an ordinary soldier."

"Ordinary soldiers don't want to go down to the gods." The skylark lowered his voice and looked at the gaze in the square but was full of curiosity and admiration. "To tell the truth, everyone didn't think that you would suddenly say that at that time." ""

"Is this very strange?" Fang said in a hurry: "That is, the rain captain himself said that there are problems that can be raised."

"But, in general, no one but the gods will think about fighting the wild gods?" The expression of the skylark has become somewhat low, saying: "After all, the average person can't beat the gods, Therefore, our world will become like this."

With the spread of this sentence, the atmosphere between the square and the skylark has become a bit heavy.

The skylark seems to have noticed this, and quickly said: "Sorry, I am too self-talking, in fact, I am..."

In a word, before it was finished, the driver’s voice was heard in the cabin.

"The Russian branch is here."

However, this sentence has just fallen, and the driver's voice has become alarmed.

"How... what happened?"

The panicked voice made the soldiers in the cabin all in one heart.

In the square, his brow wrinkled and cast his eyes out of the window, looking at the direction of the ground.

In the next second, the square saw a base that was tightly surrounded by thick steel walls.

There are many high-rise buildings in the base.

However, outside the wall of the base, the black spots are like ants, and they flock to the direction of the base.

"That is..." The skylark couldn't help but exclaim.

"The gods!"

The words of the skylark made the soldiers in the entire cabin panic.

"what happened?"

“Why is there a wild **** attacking the Russian branch at this time?”

“Don't it take three days to arrive?”

The entire cabin suddenly seemed a bit confusing.

Seeing this situation, the brows in the square are wrinkled and deeper.

"It’s just to hear the name of the gods, is the scene chaotic?"

Is this still a trained soldier?

Of course, this also shows how deeply the horror of the gods is deeply rooted in the people of this world.

Until a sound rang, the chaos in the cabin was finally alleviated.

It was the sound from an advanced instrument in the cabin.

"Communication class, can you hear it?"

This is the voice of the rain palace gentian.

Upon hearing this voice, the skylark sitting next to the side reacted in the first time. He quickly sat in front of the instrument, picked up the earphones, started the operation, and replied: "This is the A4, please give instructions."

In each helicopter, there is a communicator in the communication class so that instructions can be issued to each machine at any time.

Therefore, the voice of the rain palace gentian should now ring in every helicopter.

Then, the rain palace gentian said so.

"Next, the first unit will go to attack the attack of the gods, and each plane will land on its own to assist the Russian branch."

Leave such a sentence, the communication of the rain palace gentian is hung up.

Then, I saw it in the square.

In the queue of the helicopter, one of the cabins suddenly opened.

The rain palace gentian, orange sow night and Soma three all came out of the cabin, and then suddenly jumped one by one.

Immediately afterwards, a military helicopter began to descend to the Russian branch below.

In this moment, only the party noticed it.

In the distance, a group of black shadows are like black clouds, coming to this side.