MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 087 Special occupation: God machine

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"That is…"

Inside the cabin, the eyes of the crowd of black shadows were found through the window.

From the direction of the square, it can be seen very clearly.

The large number of black shadows are all wild gods.

The whole body is composed of black and white, and it is like a wild **** that can fly black eggs.

The vast number of wild gods came in like this, like a black tide, and the helicopter queue was swallowed up before the soldiers in a military helicopter had not reacted.


Along with the sound of an explosion, in the wild army that engulfed the helicopter group, a burst of fire and shock suddenly appeared.


Just like causing a chain reaction, a helicopter of a car exploded in the wave of the wild gods, turning into the fire and rubble of the sky, completely disappearing into this world.

The army from the extreme east branch of Finril did not have time to land even before landing.

In the last moment, there was only one person who responded in time.

That is the square.


The wind in the ear has been whistling.

In the black tide that engulfed the helicopter group, the figure in the square suddenly appeared, and along the gravity, riding the wind, descending from the sky, in the muffled sound of "砰", the feet stepped on the ground.

In the arms of Fang Li, there are still no ones who have reacted from sudden accidents and have a look of fright.

"Hey." Fang Li quickly took a picture of the skylark's face and asked, "Are you okay?"

"No...nothing." The skylark finally reacted and understood what happened, and a face became a bit white.

After all, just if there was no Fangli grabbing the skylark, opening the hatch and jumping off the cabin together, the skylark would have died.

"Is this the first time that the teacher died before the teacher?" Fang Li grinned, put down the skylark in his arms, looked up and looked up.

"And, the trouble is not over yet?"

When I heard the words from the party, the skylark raised her head subconsciously and looked at the sky.

There, a black egg is gradually starting to fly down, like the downpour of dark rain, and it is extremely horrible.


The skylark trembled and could not help but step back and pulled out the gun worn around the waist.

It is a pity that that kind of thing does not work for the gods.

The so-called wild gods are actually a group of single-celled creatures that only prey on.

That kind of cell is called a oracle cell.

Every wild **** is a creature made up of thousands of **** cells.

These oracle cells are able to prey on everything and quickly evolve to have the function of being preyed by themselves.

Therefore, some **** cells have the function of the eye, and some **** cells have the function of the teeth. These **** cells with various functions are combined together to form a wild god.

There is no way for human weapons to work against the gods, not only because the functions of the weapons are also preyed, but also because the physical weapons alone cannot cut off the bonds between the cells of the gods.

It is because of this that both Soma and the Skylark will say this.

"The only one who can fight the gods is the gods."


Only the gods.

Even the messenger that God can kill.


"This kind of monster is actually called God, it is too much people to laugh."

Looking at the vast number of wild gods that poured in like a downpour, the expression in the square calmed to a terrible point.

In the eyes, a pair of dark pupils flashed a hint of ice blue.


Just in the hands of Fang Li, he also took a short blade like a crescent moon. Above it, in the black tide of the wild god, an explosion suddenly appeared.


Along with the sound of a gunshot, a bullet that could not be captured by the naked eye, like a meteor, crossed the sky above the square and landed in the army of the gods, causing bursts of explosions and igniting the fire.

Within the explosion and the fire, the body of the monster that humans could not knock down was pierced and burned, completely turned into ashes, and dissipated in the air.

Fangli and Yunchai suddenly glimpse together, then turned their heads and looked at the direction of the gunshot.

I saw that Tachibana was crouching on a ruin, holding a heavy sniper rifle of the size of the human body, shooting at a very fast speed, causing the muzzle to burst into a burst of muzzle inflammation. Dazzling.

In addition, two figures rushed at an astonishing speed. In an instant, they rushed to the front of the square and the skylark, welcoming a group of wild gods.


For example, the epee of a chainsaw cuts through the sky, and it is easy to break the wild gods that have swept away.


The big sword with a gear-like general blade also slams down, killing the gods and bringing a **** flower.

Rain Palace gentian and Soma rushed to the front of a large number of wild gods, arms madly waving in the hands, and a wild **** in the future will kill the spot.

Obviously, the weapon is so cumbersome, the rain palace gentian and Soma are like a wave of branches, easily swaying, in the blood and flesh, like a **** of war, the human being named "God" in the name of the monster Give it to the sword, it is extremely brave.

The square looked at the cumbersome weapon, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"That is the **** machine?"

The biological weapon, the **** machine, is made from the core of the **** cell.

In a nutshell, that is the wildness of the weapon form that can be manipulated manually.

By injecting the same **** cells into the body, the gods not only gain the powerful physical condition of the gods, but also form a connection with the **** machine, thus using this weapon to fight the wild god.

That is the only weapon that can fight against the gods.

Because it is also composed of wild **** cells, the **** machine also has the function of predation, which can in turn prey on the gods, cut off the bond between the gods and destroy the gods.

On one side is a monster that devours humans.

On one side is a human being that devours monsters.

The relationship between the gods and the gods is so simple.

Either be swallowed up.

Either devour others.

At this moment, the system's prompt tone sounded.

“There is a special occupation in the world of this copy – the **** machine.”

"With certain fitness, injecting the **** cells into the body, connecting the **** machine, you can transfer to become a **** machine, get strong physical strength and qualification to use the **** machine."