MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 236 Fatal gap between the two

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"You... did you actually do this?"

At this moment, not only the question of the North Bell sound, but also the people who heard Long Yuanxiang’s words were shocked.

In particular, the three indiscriminate people, such as Yi Fanbo, Putian Campanulaceae and Hetian Tiansuke, also flashed a hint of indignation.

Let everyone in the class hand over the phone and check all the emails to find the three privileged people in class c.

This kind of thing is already in the category of fouls.

You should know that the rules of this special test have long been written, and you must not steal other people's mobile phones, nor threaten or intimidate the rest of the students, thus confirming the identity of the preferential treatment, and the offenders will be dropped out of school.

Long Yuanxiang conveniently used his identity as a dictator, forcibly confiscated everyone's mobile phone, and checked all the mail without authorization, which is undoubtedly the scope of this foul.

This will be dropped out.

But Long Yuanxiang is indeed doing such a thing.

And, there is no fear.

Because Long Yuanxiang is sure that even if he does such a thing, no one in the c class will stand up and tell himself.

And no one has reported the crime of Long Yuan Xiang to the school. What is Long Yuanxiang still afraid of?

Therefore, as early as this morning, when the school sent an email to inform the identity of the privilege, Long Yuanxiang had confirmed the three preferential treatments of class c.

Earlier than anyone.

"You can't do this kind of thing? This is the benefit of the dictator!"

Long Yuan Xiang Yu boasted his power without knowing shame.

This is indeed something that the other three classes can't do.

Needless to say, even if the Gecheng faction obeys Gecheng Kangping, there are people in the class who have the willow pie. Among them, as long as one person is selected as a preferential person, it will never tell Gecheng Kangping. Therefore, Gecheng Kangping has not yet mastered the preferential treatment of class a.

Not to mention the d class, a plate of scattered sand, there is no unity at all, even the Putian platycodon has chosen the identity of the privilege of the privilege for its own purposes, the rest of the people are afraid of making a big fortune or for the surrounding The person can't produce the suspicion of trust, so that the class d also does not have all the preferential treatment, but the small road Qinglong relies on his own ability to find out.

In the case of class b, with the popularity of the sails and the unity of the class, there may be ways for the three preferential treatments to stand up and reveal their identity.

However, the first wave will not ignore the feelings of others. It will definitely be the same as that of Hirakata Yosuke. It will not force the students to come out and admit it. It will consider who among them wants to count and think that they should come by themselves. Decide whether you want to show it?

In other words, now, in the four classes of the first grade, only class c has reached the condition of sharing the identity of the preferential treatment.

Even if this condition is not equal, it is completely forced, and that is the same.

In this way, Long Yuanxiang, who has mastered the three preferential treatments, can solve the puzzles by finding out the connections, guessing the mystery, and throwing out all the 12 preferential treatments.

Understand this, some people in the place feel that even the breathing becomes clear and audible, abnormally depressed.

Long Yuan Xiang, indeed close to the end.

Everyone has to admit this thing.

at this time…

"It turned out to be."

I have been listening silently to Long Yuanxiang’s speech and suddenly smiled.

I laughed quite comfortably.

"It seems that you have no way to find out all the preferential treatments, Longyuan."

In a word, some people in the place have been stunned.


Long Yuanxiang was also a brow, so he laughed with a mysterious look.

"Why do you say that?"

Hearing the words, the faint voice in the square.

"Just here I am here, you are here too."

The words in the Fang made the eyes of Long Yuanxiang slightly pick up.

The people present at the scene finally reacted and gradually understood the meaning of the party.

"It’s also true." One of the sails waved the first to laugh and said: "If Longyuan students have already found out the preferential treatment, then you don't need to call the seven-night classmates here, and you don't need to stay in the dragon. In the group, there is no meaningful discussion with everyone."

That's it.

With the personality of Long Yuanxiang, if the identity of all the preferential treatments has been confirmed, then the class c students in each group must have answered and won the test.

However, Long Yuanxiang did not do this, and he began to speak in the Dragon Group, oppressing everyone.

This just proves that Long Yuanxiang has not yet found all the preferential treatment.

That is a matter of course.

Even if all the philanthropists have something in common, as long as they find this common point, they can find out the other philanthropists who have the same common points in the other groups. .

If there are only two preferential treatments, there may be several things in common on them, and no one knows which one is the way to choose the preferential treatment.

If there are only three preferential treatments, then there may be two or three in common.

Only by constantly confirming the identity of the preferential treatment, increasing the number of preferential treatments, and gradually eliminating the common points, and eliminating only one, then it is certain that this common point is the way to choose the preferential treatment.

Even if there are only one common point among the three preferential treatments, who can be sure, in fact, there are other common points among the three people, but they have not found out?

In case, if you haven't figured it out, what should you do if you guess wrong?

Instead of taking points, I will send points.

Long Yuanxiang is now in this state.

"With only three preferential treatments, you still have no way to be sure that your answer is correct."

Fang Li has exposed the state of Long Yuanxiang.

“So, you need to find more philanthropists to confirm your answer.”

This is the fatal gap between Fang Li and Long Yuan Xiang.

With Fang Li's powerful insight, observation, analytical power and keen intuition, even if there are only three preferential treatments, Fang Li can find out the answers he has affirmed.

Long Yuanxiang is totally behind the square in terms of ability. Therefore, only three preferential treatments are not enough.

He also needs more philanthropists to compare and gradually confirm the answer.

There will be a rare and heated discussion here. In fact, Long Yuanxiang is testing the other three classes. I want to suppress the psychological defense of the other three classes by announcing my victory and find out more preferential treatments.

And Long Yuanxiang will invite Fang Li, the reason is even simpler.

"You want to know if I have already taken your step and confirmed the answer, right?"

The party said such a discourse like laughing and laughing.

I am afraid that after Yi Biao reported the performance of Fang Li in the rabbit group to Long Yuanxiang, Long Yuanxiang guessed that Fang is likely to have taken a step ahead of him, just to confirm the invitation, will Fang Li invite it?

Still the same as before, that is, you are bold.