MTL - I’m Driving An RV In the Doomsday-Chapter 129 Deyang Reserve

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Out of the simple wooden house with welded iron and steel bars, Wang Shan grabbed the head of the chicken coop.

The strong man who used to be 1.85 meters is now also thin. The eye sockets are deep, the eyes are dull, the skin is rough and dirty, and the lips are dry and cracked with a few blood seams. It's better than the zombies wandering outside.

He was wrapped in several coats he picked up from the mall, looking a little nondescript. But he didn't care too much, he took out a compressed biscuit from his pocket deep in his arms, twisted the dry and flat mineral water bottle, and there was only one hundred milliliters of water left in it.

"Damn, there's no food again! It's worse than a mouse!"

After pouring out the last drop of water, she chewed a half-moist and half-dry compressed biscuit and swallowed it hard.

Wang Shan walked towards the protective wall of the reserve with his welding shovel. Today, I have to work with cement to build the wall that was broken yesterday. These **** zombies will not stop for a day, Wang Shan is talking viciously.

Deyang, a small and impoverished county, had a resident population of only 300,000 before the end of the day. Those who fled to death, there are still 30,000 to 50,000 people left trapped here, except for those in remote mountains. Most of them are clustered in a small protected area in the county seat, formerly a cement factory.

The leader of the reserve is Zhao Rongfa, the owner of the cement factory. On the seventh day of the doomsday, he successfully awakened his abilities ahead of time. He brought a group of his employees and stationed in the factory to defend against zombies.

Afterwards, the survivors were gathered, and some lucky awakened abilities were established to set up a protected area, and they were temporarily safely guarded in the county cement factory.

At first everyone thought that the government would send troops to rescue them, but a month or two passed without any news. The information in the flyer gave everyone hope and despair, because they had to go to the base by themselves.

Later, there were sporadic troops who came. After seeing the situation in the reserve, they said it was very good. The reserve needs to take root and some arms and food aid. Unless you really can't hold it, you can contact the Jade Dragon City base when necessary.

In the end, only a small number of people were taken away by the troops, some of them were talents who knew medical care, construction, electricity, and those with great potential. The rest were left in the reserve.

Everyone also knows that the Jade Dragon City Base will not be able to gather so many people all at once. You can only appease and stay in the county seat to share the pressure around you.

Small counties have a small population and inconvenient transportation, so the spread of zombies is not as fast as in big cities. With the aid of weapons from the Jade Dragon City Base, there are still a group of power users who want to survive, and they have persisted until now.

Over time, Deyang Reserve has become the only place where the survivors who escaped in the county can go. There are walls, guns, food, and powerful abilities, and zombies can't attack them. go in.

Wang Shan is an ordinary farmer in a village in Deyang County.

In recent years, some developers want to build buildings in the county seat, saying that the leadership of the county government wants to attract investment to Deyang, revitalize the economy, and take off the hat of a poor county. Therefore, a large number of workers are needed, and the surrounding labor force is concentrated, and there is a new prosperity in the county town.

Unfortunately, the end is coming, the hat of poverty cannot be taken off, and the building is half-built and now it is history. Half of the workers on the construction site became cannibalistic zombies. Wang Shan survived by luck and escaped to Zhao Rongfa's protected area.

Wang Shan has been guarding the cement factory for half a year, and he has no ability to go home to check the situation. It is estimated that all the elderly in the family are dead.

I am a bachelor and live one day. Later, he awakened his powers and became the most common power-type power user. He strengthened his physique a bit, and his strength was nothing special, and he ate a lot.

Yesterday, the protected area was attacked by a late second-order licker, and the four-meter-high wall was destroyed to pieces, revealing a gap of more than ten meters wide. The group of zombies rushed in all of a sudden, biting a lot of people.

In the end, all the power users in the Zhao Rongfa Joint Reserve did their best to repel the lickers, and the firepower swept away. The zombies were full and retreated in an orderly manner.

These zombies seem to have wisdom, and they seem to treat the humans in the reserve as their own blood food, and plunder them every now and then. Seventy or eighty people were lost just yesterday, plus hundreds of people who were bitten.

Although the physique of the supernatural beings is better than that of ordinary people, the wounds will become inflamed if they are not treated for a long time. If it takes a long time, the ability user will also be infected with mutation, and such zombies will be more difficult to deal with.

Recently, for some reason, a huge licker with super strong defense has appeared. The weapons in the reserve are all guns, and there are few artillery pieces. Meat thick fat.

Wang Shan stirred the cement beside his feet, shoveling the ground and sand, mixed with dirty sewage, and poured them into the wall one by one, just waiting for them to solidify and form.

"Shanzi, did you sleep well last night?"

A middle-aged man with a stubborn beard and a yellow face rested on Wang Shan's shoulder, and the stench of big yellow teeth came.


"Brother, don't scare me! I've been nerfed by zombies lately, where can I sleep! You're a little excited, could it be that you picked up some compressed biscuits or mineral water?"

Wang Shan looked at Wang Changgui with a thief and greedy look, he must have got something good.

Although the shops and supermarkets in the county town have been looted, all places where you can find food have been turned upside down. Or they are occupied by zombies and dare not enter. But there is always something missing, and there is something to be found in the cracks of the horns.

"Hey, don't say I got something good! I can't give you a cigarette!"

Wang Changgui looked around and saw no one in the corner, so he carefully took out a pack of golden cigarette cases from the seam of his trousers, took one out and handed it to Wang Shan.

They all came out of a village to work. There used to be seven or eight, but now there are only myself and Wang Shan left.

"Sure enough!"

Wang Shan unceremoniously took the cigarette and smoked it beautifully. Puffing clouds and mist, the expression is extremely wonderful to enjoy, and the exhaustion and hunger are relieved.

"Brother has something to share with you. A pack of cigarettes can be exchanged for eight compressed biscuits and two bottles of water. I'm not willing to give it to others. Brother used three cigarettes last night. Changed a compressed biscuit and quietly went to the factory to have a good time."

"Not to mention the taste, they are so good, they almost didn't **** me dry! The price can also be suppressed. Anyway, life is precarious now, it's better to be cool and clean."

Wang Changgui smiled wickedly and intoxicated, recalling the woman's service last night. If you have food, you can really do whatever you want, if you don't have a lot of food in your hands, or you want to go again tonight. Maybe you can call me an Omega, and her body is softer than beta.

"I don't have anything to exchange, and I can't even get enough to eat! And brother, be careful, don't get caught."

Wang Shan shook his head stingy about what Wang Changgui did. Those men and women who lie down and earn food, they absolutely do not want to touch them. They are afraid of getting dirty and even more afraid of death.

This happened a lot. As soon as I put on my pants and left, I was caught on my back foot. Even if you have physical needs, don't you have hands? What to do with that money.

"You shouldn't be able to hold back your anger this year, don't hold back!"

"Nothing! I'm fine!"

Wang Changgui stabbed him in the waist, Wang Shan explained with great effort that although he couldn't find a partner, he couldn't lose his self-esteem.

A cigarette was quickly exhausted, and Wang Shan was reluctant to throw the cigarette **** into the cement.

Relatively safe.

Some minced flesh and bones were also picked up, burned and thrown in, so that the smell of blood would not attract crazy zombies again. The crackling fire was burning with nauseating rot, but the burning corpse oil and meat had an inexplicable smell like saliva.

There are probably thousands of survivors in the reserve, all skinny, numb and bleak, like walking dead. Of course, these are ordinary people who have not awakened their abilities. Every day, you can only go to the street to pick up garbage, or you can be driven by powers to lure zombies, and then take down the store occupied by zombies.

The living people can't eat, they are squeezed for the last trace of value. When all the resistance becomes the minced flesh in the mouth of the zombies, people will also learn to be silent, become a cold hedgehog, plunge into each other's body fiercely, and never die.

The survivors hiding in Tibet outside long for a safe shelter, and the protected area is by no means a paradise, and people die every day. There is no kingly law here. There is no restriction of power, no competition for power, and there are only the most cruel and naked sins of human nature.

Well enclosed.

This is built into a concrete urn, the steel mesh is strengthened and thickened by the metallic power user, and there are solid earth walls covered with wooden thorns, all of which are traps laid by the power user .

The guards have machine guns on their mouths, as well as some small artillery pieces, and a security team composed of strong alphas patrols all the time. There is also a guard team composed of power users recruited by Zhao Rongfa, guarding the protected area.

Many of these people are Zhao Rongfa's former employees, and they are also trusted direct descendants, who give them great power. The ability users who joined later were gradually subdued by Zhao Rongfa with a big stick and red dates.

The protected area of ​​Deyang County has completely become Zhao Rongfa's hall of speech, just like the emperor of the earth who is in charge of a piece of land, life and death, no matter what.

The increase in power and power can make a person extremely inflated. Especially those small bosses with a little money suddenly rose to high positions.

Zhao Rongfa is no exception, but he is also a smart man and knows how to divide the cake. He has a group of loyal younger brothers, and he is also the only third-order ability user in the protected area. It is useless for others to resist.

To gather a group of power users, they are all bending over to do things for the sweet ones. Anyone with ambitions was killed in advance by him, and he would not allow others to sleep soundly under the couch.

Besides, Zhao Rongfa in a small county town is also a well-rounded person. Everyone is ordinary ordinary people, and they don’t have so many crooked thoughts. It’s good to live with the flow.

In the past, the leadership of the county government came over and wanted to preside over the work of the reserve, but unfortunately they didn't realize that Zhao Rongfa was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The regime collapses, who the **** knows what kind of official you are, and comes to steal Laozi's things and feed him all the zombies! The handling of this matter was concealed, and because they were all ordinary people, no one dared to guess the story behind it.

In the battle yesterday, almost ordinary people died, but five of the guards also died, and seven died. Half of the small county town was occupied by zombies, among which the school and the station were two corpse nests, and the licker ran out of the station.

Fortunately, the location of the cement factory is relatively remote. Generally, as long as it does not meet directly, it will not attract zombies. It's a pity that the licker accidentally bumped in. This exposes the location of the protected area. The second-order zombie will have a little memory, and maybe it will return to the cement factory.

Although Zhao Rongfa is a third-order ability user, but it is difficult to support alone, and the next time the lickers come, it is likely to be third-order!

Swarms of mutant rats crawl past the smelly bones of abandoned vehicles jammed in the corner. Dirty sewers are full of squeaking and sharp bites, food is scarce, and mutant rats will also use weaker siblings as food.

The traces of dilapidation can be seen everywhere, and the end of the world is staged every day as scheduled.

An RV is approaching Deyang County, the bumpy road is very difficult, abandoned and crashed cars are blocked in the middle of the road, the potholed ground looks like a cracked spider web, and there is a danger of collapse from time to time .

The people in the car are also observing the surrounding environment on the display screen. The image from the hummingbird detector is fully displayed.

Le Buqun controls the final destination on the console. The map of Deyang County is magnified ten times, and the county seat and surrounding conditions are marked with different shades of red, yellow and green.

A closer look reveals no dark red, only a few yellow and two light red circles. It is estimated that there is no large corpse group, so the fourth-order zombies should not appear.

No wonder the navigation system had to take a remote route, avoiding many large circles of red flags.

"Let's go to the county town to rest first, there is a small protected area there, to see the situation there."

"Also, if there are zombies around, we can help clean it up! I haven't moved my muscles and bones for the past two days, and my hands are a little itchy!"

Bai Yu was stubborn and smiled. Finally came out of the base and wanted to let go of myself.

"Don't take it lightly, although the place is small, there are also high-level zombies hidden."

Xue Lin has always been cautious and careful.

"Cher is right! We have to be careful!"

My Omega spoke, Bai Yu naturally bowed his head and obeyed.

Le Buqun glanced at Bai Yu who was soft, raised his eyebrows and smiled, the teasing in his eyes was unclear.

The RV entered Deyang County unhurriedly, and Qian Jun, who was far away at the Yulong City Base, finally woke up from the tent, and found at a glance that the RV had driven away, and his heart sank. , Lin Xue will not be abducted by them!

"I have to tell Colonel Han quickly! That Le Buqun is still a fourth-order ability user!"

Qian Jun clutched the sore back of his head and hurried to report.

When Han Feng heard Qian Jun's report, his eyebrows knitted together, and a trace of regret and regret appeared on his face.

"I should have absorbed them all at first, but now I have let them all run away, and let go a fourth-order ability user and a third-order healing system ability user."

"Perhaps they just went out to hunt mutant beasts, otherwise where would they go!"

Qian Jun couldn't understand why they were leaving, how safe is the Yulong City Base!

"Humph! Lin Xueduo sent me a message saying that she thanked the military for taking care of herself during this time, and she also worked hard to repay the military. She wanted to go outside with her friends. "

Only then did Han Feng realize that the news of the star table was not a joke.

"Should we send someone to get them back?" His dereliction of duty caused the base to lose an important ability user, and Qian Jun tried to make up for it.

"Do you know where they went? It's been three hours, and they've already left the base's safety circle!" Han Feng frowned deeply, and his angry face was majestic. Qian Jun shrank his head and said nothing, as if he was willing to be punished.

"Forget it, she is a fourth-order spiritual power user, you can't stop her if she wants to go. As for Lin Xue, the base also has healing powers, which can also be replaced."

"But you screwed up a simple task, and this month's salary is deducted!"


Only deduction of wages, Qian Jun is guilty, but still acceptable.

"However, there is one more task for you, this time don't make mistakes!"

Han Feng took the documents on the table to Qian Jun, his eyes were sharp, and he was unselfish.

"Guaranteed to get the job done!"

Seeing what was on the document, Qian Jun stood upright with his legs at attention, and saluted with a loud voice.

It turned out that some people at the base were constantly making small movements, and it was not long before the quiet days began to do things.

Qian Jun was ordered to monitor a leader, and there are really too few stealth abilities. Unless it is a fourth-order psychic like Le Buqun, it is difficult to find a pair of mysterious surveillance eyes hidden in the space around him. This is also the reason why Han Feng did not punish Qian Jun, and used merit instead of fault.

The author has this to say:

Some nonsense. Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-09 18:54:18~2021-12-1120:29:01~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of ghost; 6 bottles of those flowers; 2 bottles of lonely moon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!