MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 21 ruthlessly crushed

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It's no wonder that Shinji was being careless, it's just that the performance of these people before was completely unmatched by ninjas.

Who would have thought that this guy who was begging for mercy just now was actually a real ninja!

"Tu Dun·Tuling Tuanzi!"

Okamoto squatted down, slammed the ground violently, dug up a huge stone more than ten meters in diameter, raised it above his head, and then threw it forward with force.

The unlucky strong man who was bound could only watch in horror as the sky darkened.


The boulder falls!

Although it is only a C-rank Tudun, if he can grab such a huge boulder, Okamoto is at least at the Chunin level.

In this small country of waves, even Chunin is surprising.

Just like Shinji was only a Chunin before he was caught by the Heretic God Sect for human experiments.

Of course, the current Shinji's strength has already surpassed his past self.

"I now believe that you can take me to find Kaduo."

Shinji, who used his speed to dodge and reappeared on the boulder, said softly.

At this moment, an "X"-shaped bloodstain has appeared on his forehead, which means that he has entered the state of [Red Scale Vibration].

It is enough to make such a low-level mistake of carelessness.

Next, he will bring despair to the other party!

"Bai Lian·Blood-piercing!"

The two blood bags were directly crushed, and the spilled blood immediately turned into high-speed compressed 'bullets' and shot towards Okamoto!

And Okamoto, who knew that he couldn't do anything better, simply stopped running, and immediately pressed his hands to the ground after forming a seal.

"Tu Dun·Tulu returns!"

The next moment, he saw that the land in front of Okamoto immediately turned over and a large stone slab stood in front of him.

This slate is two or three centimeters thick, and its defense is not weak.

But Okamoto underestimated Shinji's attack.

I saw that under the shooting of a large number of blood bullets, the surface of the slate in front of Gang itself became pitted in an instant, and it was still 'thin' at an extremely fast speed, and it would be completely penetrated in about five seconds. , smash it!

After realizing this, Okamoto's expression changed again, and he quickly gritted his teeth and used the only B-rank ninjutsu he knew.

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

At the moment when the slate was shattered, a harder, thicker and taller wall rose from the ground in time, blocking all subsequent attacks.

Under this kind of defense, the Bai Lian·Blood Piercing that Shinji had made at hand could not be easily penetrated.

But don't forget, from the very beginning, Shinji didn't expect to be able to defeat the enemy directly by just relying on this move.

Okamoto blocked his attacks with earth walls one after another, but it also meant that Okamoto gave up his battle vision!

In other words, Okamoto completely lost Shinji's position at this moment.

He could only judge that he was still in front of him based on the attack he resisted.

However, one of the biggest differences between Shinji's spells and ninjutsu is that most of the ninjutsus are released at one time, while his spells can be controlled all the way!

The one who was releasing blood bullets to attack Okamoto at the moment was not himself at all, just a blood sphere congealed by his infusion of magic power.

And he himself took advantage of this opportunity to use the high-speed movement under the blessing of the [Red Scale Vibration] state to bypass the earth wall and appear behind Okamoto like a ghost.

A short dagger made of blood was aimed at Okamoto's back center.

But after thinking about it for a while, Shinji still moved the weapon in his hand, avoiding the opponent's key points.

Before meeting Cardo, this guy is still useful.

With such a thought in mind, Shensi whispered in a wicked voice, "Shoot him, magic gun!"


The short dagger stretched out in an instant, becoming thin, long and sharp.

Okamoto was aware of the danger when he heard the voice behind him, but it was too late to react, and a hole was opened in his stomach.

Looking from a distance, it was as if Shinji had pierced Okamoto's stomach with a long blood-red needle.

Then Shensi withdrew the magic power and let the 'long needle' in his hand turn back to normal blood.

Because the stomach was pierced, part of the blood was directly left in Okamoto's body.

At this moment, Okamoto, who had just groaned in pain, jumped a few times to distance himself.

He was afraid!

The bald guy who couldn't be killed before only made him feel difficult, and he thought about what to do if he ran away if it was a big deal.

But this guy in front of him not only has a very strange ninjutsu skill, but he doesn't even notice when he touches him, which means that the two of them are not opponents on the same level at all.

Can't delay any longer, or the next life will be explained here.

Thinking of this, Okamoto immediately took out two smoke bombs from his bag and slammed them under his feet, ready to slip away.

But just two steps after he ran out, he only felt his head dizzy, his whole body weak and weak, and then he fell to the ground.


"Damn! When exactly is it?"

Okamoto barely managed to maintain a sense of sobriety, but he was speechless.

click, click, click...

At this time, the smoke had dissipated, and there was the sound of unhurried Shinji looked down at Okamoto with a condescending attitude. After noticing the extremely puzzled look of the other party, he seemed to In order to answer Okamoto's doubts, he raised a finger and condensed the previously unused blood on the finger to form a blood sphere, and said:

"I just dissolved the toxin into these blood in advance, and then sealed it up. When I use it in battle, it will produce some unexpected effects, just like now."

After hearing this, Okamoto immediately recalled the scene where he was injured just now.

Presumably the poisonous blood remained in his body, which caused him to fall to the ground at this moment.

Facing such an enemy, he has lost the idea of ​​resisting again.

So he became very cooperative when faced with the two choices that Shinji gave him.

"If you're willing to take me to find Cardo, just blink twice in a row. If you want to die, it's fine, but at most it's a waste of time."

After speaking, Shinji pointed the raised index finger at Okamoto's head, and the blood cell began to spin at a high speed.

Okamoto has no doubts that if he moves a little slower, his head will be mercilessly collapsed by the opponent, so he hurriedly used all his strength to blink his eyes twice, and even squeezed out tears because he was too hard. .

Seeing this, Shinji made no secret of the regret on his face.

Then in the next second, the blood cells at the front of the finger were ejected!

It's just that the target has changed from underfoot to a distance.


One person fell down in response, and his head was directly exploded.

"Hey hey hey! This is my prey!"

Hidean, who had just dealt with the last person, turned his head in dismay and shouted loudly.