MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 446 Undead

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One after another, the magma fire pillars were precisely killed, and each spurt represented that a person was sacrificed here.

But they couldn't stop it no matter what they tried.

However, the sacrifices of these people are not completely meaningless. They created the only chance to make a shot for the same team.

"Konoha-style swordsmanship, undead slash!"

And it is like putting all of his energy and chakra into this knife.

He only has the power of this knife. After using it, he will not be able to get out of the hospital bed for a month, and his life expectancy will be greatly reduced.

But he still used it without hesitation.

In an instant, his whole person turned into a lightning bolt and moved towards the position of Shanhu at a high speed.

Seeing this, Shanhu couldn't help showing a sneer, "I won't be hit by the same trick a second time, feel what despair is!"

He had already noticed the same small movements, and it was his intention to save the same life until now.

Now is the time to destroy their hopes with your own hands.

A fire column of magma erupted instantly, and even at the same speed, it couldn't escape the effect of 'must hit', and it was immediately shrouded in magma and washed away.

At this time, he was less than two meters away from Shanhu.

Give him another 0.1 second and maybe he can create a miracle...

Then the miracle really happened!

A flame was burning all over the body, and the entire body surface was melted at high temperature. The figure that looked unrecognizable like an evil spirit rushed out of the magma fire column and came to the front of Shanhu.


Although Bingzu Lei Tong had lost the ability to speak at this moment, and even blinded one eye, the courage still allowed Shanhu to read out what this guy wanted to say.


And Zulei stabbed the third eye above Shanhu's forehead with the same knife...

The picture seems to freeze at this moment.


From the other party's eyes, Shanhu seems to have read such a sentence.

Then it was burned to fly ashes and disappeared completely.

His undead slash allowed him to survive an extra second between life and death, but it failed to let the knife in his hand borrow another second from the sky.

So when he finally stabbed Shanhu in the head, the knife had turned into molten iron.

Mr. Di opened his eyes, "Stop playing, get rid of them quickly."

Shanhu smiled, and several fire pillars of magma erupted, burning all the remaining people to death.

Although the last knife of the guy just now made him feel a little surprised, even if the knife is still intact, it is the same result.

Because Mr. enemy has not used a trace of strength from beginning to end.

If Shanhu was really in danger just now, Mr. Di would immediately launch the Obliteration Spell to obliterate it.


Shanhu lifted the domain and returned to the village.

In the distance, the mountain city Qingye, who had just finished saving the fire, saw that only the monster appeared, but no one else was seen, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

And his gaze naturally caught Shanhu's attention.

Shanhu smiled and said, "Isn't the little brother over there going to avenge your comrades?"

As soon as he heard this, Shancheng Qingye clenched his teeth, imprinted the appearance of Shanhu on his soul, and turned around and ran away without any hesitation!

Just now so many people joined forces and couldn't do anything to the other party. Now he is the only one left. Even if he rushed over, he would just die.

He wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't want to die so meaningless.

The information here needs to be spread out before someone can avenge the comrades.

"I ran away, I thought he would rush over regardless."

Seeing this, Shanhu felt a little regretful.

In terms of speed, he is not very good at it, let alone separated by such a long distance.

Besides, it's just a frightened waste, there's no need to waste time.

As for borrowing the power of Mr. Eni...

Would you borrow a bazooka just to kill a bug?

"There's no need to chase, just collect souls. When the chasers come, I've already got a new body, and the result will be the same no matter how many people come."

"Understood, wait for me to put the arm back first... Found it, here it is."

Shanhu picked up his previously severed arm and stuffed it back.

I saw some magma emerged from the broken arm, glued the arm, and then quickly solidified.

Although it is very outrageous, Shanhu has connected the broken arm in this way.

On the contrary, the volcano on his head had a corner cut off, and it could not be repaired. He was so angry that he couldn't kill him again and it was the same, because he became incomplete.

And this anger was vented on these innocent villagers.

"No one can protect you, burn them all to ashes!"

Shanhu shouted and punched the ground with a punch.

Before long, the entire village was in flames.

Countless souls were sucked into the purple soul stone by Shanhu.

Soon, the purple soul stone bloomed beautifully, and then returned to its normal appearance again.

Shanhu knew that this meant that the Soul Stone was full.

It's time to complete the transaction.

Maybe there are still fish that slipped through the net hiding in some corner of the village, but Shanhu is no longer in the mood to look for them, and it all depends on their luck.

He just set another fire before leaving to make the place burn more vigorously.

Not long after Shanhu left, Shancheng Qingye suddenly went back and returned, using the water escape to put out the fire like crazy.

When he exhausted all the chakras, the huge fire was finally controlled by him.

Then he heard a faint faint cry for help.

Many villagers hiding in cellars or other places are still alive, but they are not far from death, because the smoke and dust after burning are the most of the mountain city disregarded her own safety and rushed When he went in, as long as there was someone still breathing, he would rescue him immediately when he found it.

He had rescued nearly 100 people until he finally lost his strength, his eyes went black, and he collapsed to the ground.

In a trance, he seemed to have seen the dead companions, and they were smiling at him.

Sometimes it takes more courage to live than to die.

Yamashiro Aoba didn't know if he could withstand the pressure, but he would not give up easily.

He wants to take everyone's share, live, and take revenge!

When Yamashiro Aoba woke up again, he had already been sent back to Konoha.

Kakashi happened to pass there on his way back to the village, so he rescued him and the others.

I have to say, he was lucky.

And when Yamashiro Aoba wakes up, the first thing to do is to meet Hokage-sama and report on the whole process.

Although the doctors advised him to recuperate, he insisted.

So Sarutobi Hizan summoned him, learned everything that happened at that time, and then recorded the whole thing, and sent it to Sandyin Village and Iwayin Village respectively.