MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 215 A New Generation of Asura God Mobai

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  Chapter 215 A New Generation of Asura God Mobai

  From Tang San, he knew Mo Bai.

   is also the source of all hatred on Tang San.

  He also thought before, when training Tang San's mind, he arranged a task for Tang San to kill Mo Bai, so that Tang San could get out of hatred.

  But now, Mo Bai has become a new generation of Shura God, he naturally can't ask Tang San to kill Mo Bai.

   Besides, I can't beat it.

   And now he still has to worry about whether Mo Bai will come to Sea God Island to kill Tang San.

  Because if it was him, knowing that Tang San, a person who hated him and passed the divine test, existed, would definitely kill the danger in the bud.

  However Tang San was his chosen successor, he naturally didn't want to see Tang San killed.

   "It seems that we must find a way to let Tang San get the inheritance as soon as possible. Fighting between gods and gods is not allowed!"

   "After both of them become gods, even if there is hatred, they can only let it go!"

  Finally, Sea God felt that it was necessary for Tang San to quickly become a god.

   There are regulations in the God Realm, and fighting among the gods is not allowed.

  In the Legend of the God Realm, it was mentioned that Tang San broke the rules by killing the Raksha God and destroying the Angel God in the Douluo World.


   Sea God was worried that he would kill Tang San, and planned to let Tang San complete the divine test ahead of time.

  Mobai is not clear at all.

  At this time, Mo Bai is almost familiar with the power of Shura God, and it is actually the power of killing.

  Sura God's divine power can make all of Mo Bai's attacks have killing effects, making them more lethal.

  After becoming a deity, Mo Bai also possesses the consciousness, and can use the body of consciousness, which is the body of spiritual energy.

  Mo Bai, who has successfully controlled the power of God Shura, is truly a new generation of God Shura.

  Also, while Mo Bai is familiar with his own divine power, he is also trying to control the power related to time.

   That is, the time power inherited from the evil god. Compared with the power of Shura God, it just lacks the number of gods.

   "This should be time versus power!"

   At this time, Mo Bai's hands condensed a gray energy.

  Using this energy to flood the whole body, Mo Bai can use this energy to speed up the flow of time or slow it down.

   Even, he can reverse the time of everything in a small area.

   "As expected, the power of time is so strong!"

   "Especially when the two abilities of time and space are used together, the effect is even more remarkable."

   "Then can I also incorporate God Shura's killing power into it?"

  Mo Bai boldly made various attempts.


  However, when the space-time power representing time and space in Mo Bai's hand collided with the killing power pair of God Shura, an accident happened, and the two sides seemed to be repelling each other.

   Chi Chi Chi Chi—

   Immediately afterwards, the two forces collided beyond Mo Bai's control.

"what happened?"

   Mo Bai was slightly startled when he saw this, and calmly tried to control these two forces.

   "Is it because the two divine powers don't blend together?"

   Mo Bai thought to himself, the space-time energy he condensed is not a simple space-time power, but it is inherited from the evil god, and has a divine nature.

  It is also possible that the power between the two gods is unwilling to blend.

   Even in the past, there may have been filth between Shura God and evil god, so the power of the two gods repelled each other so much.

  Before when each of them blended into Mo Bai's body, they were not doing well. Mo Bai wanted to knead them together, but they were not happy.

  But Mo Bai is not very afraid, anyway, he is now a first-level god.

   Uncontrollable power is uncontrollable, but it will not hurt him.

   Chi Chi Chi! !

  The killing power of the Asura God and the time-space power of the Evil God are constantly intertwined.

  Inexplicably, as the two forces fought, in front of Mo Bai, the two energies suddenly intertwined to form a blue hole.

  Can't see anything clearly inside, Mobai feels like a space-time wormhole.

  With the appearance of this wormhole, the two forces of Mo Bai, as if frightened, returned to Mo Bai one after another, and stopped fighting each other.

   However, the wormhole is still there, but it has gradually shrunk.

   "Spiritual consciousness avatar!"

  Seeing that the wormhole was shrinking, Mo Bai's heart moved, and a clone of his consciousness was immediately separated out, and entered into the wormhole in a flash.

   Not long after, Mo Bai realized that the consciousness avatar came out again in a flash.

  After the spiritual consciousness avatar returned to Mo Bai, Mo Bai knew what was inside the wormhole.

  Different time and space, inside the wormhole is actually another time and space.

  Over there, it seems to be the Douluo Continent.

   After Mobai went to the avatar of spiritual consciousness and quickly searched inside, he knew the opposite place, which was the Tangmen sect site.

  As for why Mo Bai is sure that there is another time and space, it is because Mo Bai saw Yu Xiaogang who had been killed by him.

  After confirming that the different time and space is also the Douluo Continent, Mo Bai's consciousness avatar came back immediately.

   "A different space-time wormhole was actually opened, is it because of space-time energy?"

   "But it seems that there is no need to be too surprised. Back then, the Dark Devilgod Tiger almost escaped through the space-time wormhole!"

   "The question is now, should I go in?"

  Mo Bai looked at the shrinking space-time wormhole in front of him, and hesitated.

   Adventures in another time and space are obviously very interesting things.

  Mo Bai was just afraid that he would not come back.

  In the end, until the space-time wormhole in front of him disappeared, Mo Bai didn't go in either.

   Before he was sure that he could come back, Mo Bai would not rush in.

   When Mo Bai re-perceived his own power of time and space, Mo Bai found that he had a little more understanding of the power of time and space.

  It seems that the opening of the space-time wormhole just brought feedback to Mo Bai.

   Then, Mo Bai tried to use the evil god's multi-dimensional power and the killing power of Shura God again to open the time-space wormhole.

   Not to mention, it’s really possible.

  Through this method, the time-space wormhole is continuously opened, and through the feedback of the time-space wormhole, Mo Bai gradually and truly masters his own time-space power.

  Afterwards, Mo Bai truly controlled his own power of time and space.

   No need to cooperate with God Shura's killing power, Mo Bai has already mastered the method of opening the time-space wormhole.

  Then Mo Bai discovered that opening a space-time wormhole is generally unknown.

   Only by leaving the space-time coordinates and recording them, can the space-time wormhole of that coordinate be opened when necessary.

  Spiritual consciousness avatar is also a kind of space-time coordinates.

  So Mo Bai took advantage of the traces left by the divine sense avatar to successfully locate the different time and space that he traveled through before, and used the divine sense coordinates to locate it.

  Because Mo Bai discovered that he has opened so many time-space wormholes, only that one is quite special, not only does life exist, it seems to be in the past, because Yu Xiaogang is still alive there.

  After mastering the power of time and space, especially the power of time, Mo Bai discovered that time passes and is irreversible.

  He can restore his physical state to a certain past, but he cannot return to the past time.

  So Mo Bai became more and more curious about the different space he traveled through before.

   After truly controlling the power of time and space, and mastering the method of opening the space-time wormhole, after leaving the space-time coordinates in the original world, Mo Bai opened the space-time wormhole again, and then the deity traveled through the past.


   "There is indeed a problem in this world. After traveling over, Lao Tzu's space-time wormhole has actually entered a cooling state!"

  After Mo Bai traveled over, his expression changed slightly.

  Because he found himself unable to open the space-time wormhole of his original world in a short period of time.

   It seems that two time-spaces are not completely in the same time-space.

   "Forget it, if you come, you will be safe. If you can't go back in a short time, you can't go back. Fortunately, it won't be too long!"

   "Now, let me take a closer look at this world!"

   "Yu Xiaogang is still alive, and time is irreversible, so is this a parallel world?"

   "The world I'm in, a parallel world that doesn't intersect at all!"

   Smiled, Mo Bai was not too worried, but was extremely curious about this world.

  The main reason is that Mo Bai has become a **** now, and his own strength is strong, so don't worry about anything.

  Looking at Tangmen in front of him, Mo Bai smiled slightly, and then walked up.

   "Stop, who are you? What are you doing in our Tang Sect?"

  Mo Bai came to the gate of the Tang Sect, but was stopped by Tang Sect disciples.

"you do not know me?"

  Mo Bai looked at the two guards in front of him, a little surprised.

   His appearance, not to mention the sects, the Tang Sect must know it, but now it doesn't recognize him, it seems a little strange.

  He thought that when he walked over, the Tang Sect would be facing a big enemy.

   "I don't know, who are you?"

   The guard saw that Mo Bai had an extraordinary temperament. After thinking about it, he still didn't recognize him, but his tone was much more polite.

  After all, Mobai's appearance, one can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary person.


   Mo Bai smiled.

   "Mobai? I'm sorry we don't know who you are. May I ask why you came to our Tangmen?"

  When the guard heard Mo Bai's name, he was even more sure that he didn't recognize him.

   "It seems that you really don't know me. It's strange. Could it be that I don't exist in this world?"

   Hearing this, Mo Bai smiled playfully again.

  Mo Bai thought of a possibility, that is, this world should be a parallel world without him.

   Or the parallel world of the original normal plot.

   Only in this way can the people of Tangmen not know him.

   This is interesting.

  Mo Bai didn’t finish watching the animation of Douluo Dalu, so he didn’t know the original follow-up development, and he didn’t know what the original world was like, but now he can witness it with his own eyes.

   "Who the **** are you? What are you doing here at our Tang Sect?"

  The guard disciples of the Tang Sect saw Mo Bai's attitude, and they never answered who they were, and they became a little impatient.

   "The holy son of Wuhundian, Mobai!"

   This time, Mo Bai didn't hide any more, and revealed his identity.

   "Sacred Son of Wuhundian?"

  The expressions of the two guard disciples suddenly changed when they heard Mo Bai's words.

  They have never heard of Mo Bai, and they have never heard of a holy son named Mo Bai in Wuhun Temple.

   But without hindering them, they immediately became alert.

  Wuhundian, the current Wuhun Empire, is their enemy.

   "Boy, this is not a place for joking, are you really the holy son of Wuhundian?"

  One of the guarding disciples, while being on guard, didn't really believe Mo Bai's words.

   "You guys talk a lot of nonsense!"

  Mo Bai glanced at the other party lightly, and the soul pressure on his body, or divine power, was displayed instantly.


  A tremblingly powerful divine power immediately radiated from Mo Bai's body, rippling around.

  The entire Tang Sect was instantly enveloped by Mo Bai's divine power.

   "So strong!"

   "Enemy attack!"

  The two guard disciples felt the terrifying aura on Mo Bai's body, and were instantly stunned. One of them immediately shouted.

   Actually, they don’t need to shout. After Mo Bai’s divine power erupted, everyone in the Tang Sect was alarmed.

   "Who? Has such a terrible soul pressure!"

   "Go out and have a look..."

   "Hope it's not an enemy!"


  In the Tangmen meeting hall, Yu Xiaogang was discussing matters with the four ministers. After feeling the power of Mo Bai, they all stood up in shock.

  Afterwards, several people immediately came to the gate of the Tang Sect, and saw the imposing Mo Bai.

   "Several ministers, master, he is the holy son of Wuhundian!"

  One of the guard disciples saw Yu Xiaogang and the others coming out, and immediately revealed Mo Bai's identity.

   "The holy son of Wuhundian? When did Wuhundian have a holy son? Isn't Hu Liena the only saint among them?"

  Yu Xiaogang and the others were all surprised when they heard Mo Bai's identity.

   But without hindering them, they looked at Mobai warily.

   "Your Excellency is really the Son of Spirit Hall?"

  Yu Xiaogang stood up, looked at Mo Bai solemnly and asked.

   "Yu Xiaogang, seeing that you are still alive, why am I so upset!"

  Mo Bai didn't answer Yu Xiaogang's words, but looked at Yu Xiaogang and snorted coldly.

  Mo Bai came here because he discovered the existence of Yu Xiaogang. Even if this Yu Xiaogang is not the Yu Xiaogang his teacher liked before, Mo Bai still makes Mo Bai unhappy.

  He just didn't want to see this man.

   "Your Excellency came to our Tangmen, what do you want to do?"

   "If Your Excellency is really the Holy Son of Wuhundian, if you dare to come here alone, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to leave?"

  After hearing Mo Bai's words, Yu Xiaogang's expression sank slightly, knowing that even if Mo Bai wasn't the holy son of Wuhun Temple, he must be an enemy.

   "It's not that I underestimate you, even if you have ten or a hundred times more people, you won't be able to keep me!"

  Mo Bai smiled disdainfully when he heard the words, "As for what I want to do?"

  Mo Bai looked at Yu Xiaogang and smiled playfully, and said cruel words with a smile: "Kill you!"

   After finishing speaking, Mo Bai summoned his own martial soul, the Dark Blue Silver Emperor, and dozens of blue and silver sword leaves floated behind Mo Bai, exuding a cold aura.


  ps: If you don’t like to watch the plot of parallel time and space, you can ignore it and watch it when you come back.

  (end of this chapter)