MTL - I’m Just a Pharmacist-Chapter 50 restaurant dispute

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Luo Heng sat in the main seat and nodded to them, "Come back, sit."

Qing Yuexue stood up with a smile on her face, "Wan Wan is back, this is Wan Wan's good friend Lin Jing, right? Come, sit down."

He pulled the stool next to him and gestured for the two to sit down.

Lin Jing didn't move, she saw that Wei Wan opened the stool for her, and then sat down with her.

The two of them sat down, Luo Heng picked up the chopsticks, Qing Yuexue also picked up the chopsticks, and served Ming Weiwan with vegetables, "Wan Wan, come and eat more, no matter what. If you don't take care of yourself, you've lost so much weight. When you said you had to wait for a few people, why did you toss yourself like this?"

Ming Weiwan looked at the meat piled in the bowl with a blank expression. Speaking of which, Qing Yuexue once mentioned that she would arrange someone for her when she left, but at that time she was like a bird in shock to the entire Luo family, and she didn't want anyone to follow, so she naturally did not agree.

So Qing Yuexue didn't care about her anymore, and gave her a sum of money to make her toss.

Twelve-year-old she walked out of Luo's house with a bewildered face. Later, I just got on a hover car and went to Midtown like this. After being confused for a long time, she was confused, but she bought a house for herself, and then found a school for herself.

A person's life is very difficult at the beginning, but there is a special home robot, you can take care of everything when you buy one, and gradually you get used to it. It just feels lonely. The characteristics of human beings living in groups made her instinctively want to make friends. After bumps and bumps, she finally met Lin Jing.

Thinking this way, Ming Weiwan raised her head and glanced to the side, seeing that Lin Jing was seriously competing with food, her heart gradually calmed down. A smile appeared on her face, and she looked at Qing Yuexue gratefully, "Thank you mom." In this exaggerated expression, there was also a bit of sincerity.

Her smile made Qingyuexue pause for a while, and then the smile on her face became softer and softer, completely like a gentle and loving mother, "It's been hard outside these days, move back in, Dad. Your school has been transferred back."

Speaking of which, she looked at Lin Jing, "Jingjing, do you mind if your aunt calls you that? The teaching in your school is too bad, let's turn around with Wanwan, our house It's big enough, you can live with Wanwan or live alone if you want."

Ming Weiwan accidentally snapped the chopsticks in her hand, the smile on her face could not be kept, she stared at Qing Yuexue, "You have changed our school. ?"

She just wanted to live a peaceful life with Lin Jing, and she didn't want the Luo family to deliberately find fault, so she would come back and be arrogant with them. Now these people actually changed their school without saying a word, and immediately stepped on her. Bottom line, this is absolutely unbearable!

Ming Weiwan's expression made everyone present frown. Luo Qing, who was sitting opposite, snorted coldly, trying to say something, but when she saw the father next to her, she didn't dare to speak.

Luo Heng raised his hand, and immediately someone brought a pair of chopsticks, replacing the pair in Ming Weiwan's hand, with a light expression, "Eat well."

Ming Weiwan shivered and wanted to say something, but because Luo Heng had a lot of power, he was inexplicably scared, and turned his head to look at Lin Jing subconsciously.

Lin Jing, who has been eating quietly, picked up a chopstick and placed it in Ming Weiwan, Ming Weiwan was stunned for a moment, looking at the dish in the bowl, her uneasy expression gradually subsided, she picked up the chopsticks and ate it too up.

Luo Heng and Qing Yuexue's eyes flashed a strange color.

The food of the big family is not ordinary, the color and flavor are complete, and the meat is almost all exotic animal meat with a certain spiritual energy. Lin Jing is very satisfied with the rare food. So when Qing Yuexue was talking, she filled her stomach by herself, and even served Ming Weiwan with vegetables to signal her to eat.

When she was full, she put down her chopsticks gracefully, looked at Qingyuexue, and said seriously, "This lady, we don't seem to know each other at all, so you still Call me by my name, I would mind."

Qing Yuexue: “…”

Luo Heng: “…”

Luo Qing: “…”

Ming Weiwan lowered her head to eat silently, but her ears perked up. I don't know why, Lin Jing is obviously a month younger than her, but as soon as she opens her mouth, she feels like her scumbag is standing aside.

Although she knew that this was just her own illusion, but strangely, her heart seemed to fall into place, she didn't even feel afraid, and started to eat with concentration. Well, it's really delicious. Jingjing's dishes are especially delicious!

Qing Yuexue glanced at Luo Heng subconsciously, and saw that he was eating with his head down, and there was no expression on his face, so she smiled dryly, "You and our family Wan Wan are friends, as Wan Wan's mother , you should call me auntie..."

Lin Jing looked blankly at the woman in front of her who had always wanted to be her elder. If it wasn't for the sake of her giving birth to Ming Weiwan, she would want to give her a slap in the face.

To be her elder? What a face.

So, she didn't speak, just looked at her without saying a word. And Ming Weiwan kept his head down, turning a deaf ear to what was happening now. The scene suddenly looked embarrassing.

Luo Qing watched her mother get angry, and finally couldn't take it anymore, and slammed the table, "How did you talk about this little commoner?! My mother made you an aunt to give you face, you Don't give your face shame!"

Ming Weiwan finally raised her head and looked at the younger brother who used to regard her as trash, her eyes indifferent. She also put down her chopsticks suddenly, stood up, and said to Lin Jing, "Since we are not welcome, Jing Jing, let's go."

Luo Qing said angrily, "Get out!"

Seeing that Lin Jingzhen stood up, Qingyuexue was also anxious, and shouted at Luo Qing, "Qinger, don't make trouble!"

Seeing that a meal turned into a farce, Luo Heng finally put down his chopsticks, took the handkerchief handed by Butler Zhao and wiped his mouth, looking at Ming Weiwan who was about to leave , "In three months it will be your grandfather's 200th birthday. At that time, the juniors will have a competition. The top three will all get a mecha as a reward."

Ming Weiwan's footsteps paused slightly, and Lin Jing also stopped, turning her head to look over. And Luo Qing looked up at Luo Heng with disbelief, her voice trembled, "Dad, why do you think I can't win her?"

Before Luo Heng said anything, Qing Yuexue had already stopped him, "Luo Qing, Weiwan is your sister!"

Luo Qing turned his head with disdain on his face. He doesn't have such a waste sister! Even if the ability is awakened, the waste is waste, how can it be compared with him!

Ming Weiwan directly ignored Luo Qing, but looked at Luo Heng and asked seriously, "What kind of mecha?"

"The latest mecha, currently only available to a small number of senior officers in the military, can't be bought outside." Luo Heng looked at Ming Weiwan with a faint smile in his eyes, It seems that she is also in a good mood to see her interest in mechas.

Ming Weiwan really hesitated. She must go to the seminary, but after she went to the pharmacy, she was really not good at pharmacy, so she could only go to the mecha department.

Moreover, as the strongest personal weapon, the mecha can increase her ability by hundreds or even thousands of times. .

She has also seen the mechas on Skynet. Not to mention the price, the performance is not very good. As the Luo family of the mecha family, the mecha in her hand is naturally very good. The reason why Ming Weiwan came back this time, she also wanted to get one. Even if you don't know how, you can play quietly.

Of course, the question of whether Lin Jing will have a mecha is completely out of Ming Weiwan's consideration. In her heart, Lin Jing is so powerful, even if she can't, she will soon learn it!

Lin Jing felt Ming Weiwan's hesitation and nodded at her, "If you want to try it, just try it."

Silly girl is originally from Luo's family, and now she should accept the benefits of her scumbag, and there is no need to feel any burden. As the saying goes, the cheap is not the bastard, and the good things must naturally be received in your own bag.

Being affirmed by Lin Jing, Ming Weiwan's eyes lit up instantly. She nodded at Luo Heng, "Okay, I'll write it down, thank the owner for your hospitality, we'll go first if we have something else to do."

After speaking, she pulled Lin Jing away.

Looking at the backs of the two who did not look back, Qing Yuexue said hesitantly, "Master, do you want to stop them?"

Luo Heng looked at the backs of the two and shook his head, "No need. That person is already the pharmacist of the Xi family. Even if we look at the face of the Xi family, we can't move this person. "

"She is still so young, is she really a pharmacist?" Qing Yuexue was a little surprised, she thought those were all rumors.

Luo Heng glanced at her, "The old man of the Xi family has personally assessed the certificate awarded by himself, what is wrong?"

"Then... Wanwan's study..." Qing Yuexue hesitated. I haven't seen her for a few years, and this daughter's temper is getting more and more strange. If Luo Heng hadn't spoken, she would have forgotten about this person.

Luo Heng shook his head, "Let's do it for now. We'll talk about everything after the assessment is over." Let him take the trouble to cultivate, but also to see if she has the strength.

After leaving the restaurant all the way, Ming Weiwan turned to look at the restaurant with a lingering fear, and patted his chest, "No one is chasing me, I'm scared to death."

Lin Jing gave her a funny look, but did not say that she had already guessed the result. After all, she is also a pharmacist, and she is a pharmacist who is backed by the Xi family. Although she doesn't like to care about other people's thoughts many times, she still knows the rules of survival in this world. It is a very important survival skill to rely on the strong when the strength is not enough.

She is not a fool, since the Xi family wants her to work hard, she will naturally not give up the idea of ​​​​nothing to talk about.

She Lin Jing's cheap, but not so easy to take.