MTL - I’m Just a Pharmacist-Chapter 49 a family of three

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"What's the matter, isn't it an automatic driving system now? Who is in command?" The traffic policeman's brother A asked while holding the handrail.

"I don't know! It's really in autopilot mode, and there's no one to direct it!" Miss B of the traffic police was about to cry, "Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

No way, they didn't pull themselves well, the hover car was already tossing in the air, and they were also spinning around in the car, except for the two newly arrived interns who fell After a few moments, others responded fairly quickly.

The ventilation of the suspension car did not last long, that is, only ten seconds, which was enough for it to make two turns.

Rao is like this, and he also threw the little brothers and sisters of the traffic police into blue noses and swollen faces, and their handsome faces were almost disfigured, as if they were a group of people fighting together.

The hovering car stopped, everyone still had lingering expressions on their faces, looking at each other's expressions cautiously, and didn't dare to let out the air, for fear that the hovering car would be unhappy and move on its own.

Lin Jing has already unbuckled her seat belt, with a somewhat apologetic expression, "Hey, this car is a little too naughty, just because it is disobedient, I wanted to try to control it, but unfortunately it didn't work. "

Traffic police: “…”

The little brother who was a little fierce just now is no longer fierce at this time, looking at her expression with pity, "It's none of your business. You can't drive this car, put it here first, we Let the tow team tow it back and fix it."

He was still saying that his colleagues couldn't wait to leave, "Yeah, little sister, you can't take people in this car, safety first, get out of here first."

Afraid that they would be disobedient, there was also a young lady who enthusiastically helped them untie their seat belts and pulled them out.

Lin Jing felt a little miscalculated. Originally thought to get some Kailing to fool this matter, but it turned out to be a safety hazard, and the suspension car could not be driven.

She got out of the car door and looked at the small hover car, her expression was a little reluctant. Such a gadget is actually quite interesting to drive. Lin Jing began to think about whether to get a mecha to play with.

Ming Weiwan, who was terrified behind her, had no idea that Lin Jing had just gotten off the hovering car that made her tremble, and was already thinking about playing mecha.

The suspension car is "broken". After Lin Jing turned on her brain to check the distance, she found that there was no suspension car in the nearest site, but there was a land car, but where is the land car? ? And it will take a lot more time.

She was hesitating, and the middle-aged uncle of the traffic police who saw what happened next came over and said, "Miss Lin, where are you going, do you need us to give you a ride? ?"

His authority is a little higher. When he checked Lin Jing's personal terminal, he had already seen the sign of the pharmacist. Such a young pharmacist is still the pharmacist of Xi's family. He is a small traffic police captain who can't be offended. Such a great god, it is better to send him off early and politely.

When Lin Jing heard this, she didn't need to take the land car to go there, and her expression suddenly improved, "Okay, then I'll trouble you. Let's go to Luo's house."

He brought the two people into their hover car.

When Ming Weiwan sat in the blue suspension car, her expression was still in a trance, and she always felt that today was a bit mysterious, and many things happened inexplicably.

But no matter what, Lin Jing had a serious expression on her face, which made her adore it.

The suspension car driven by the uncle of the traffic police is stable and fast, and it didn't take long to arrive. This made Ming Weiwan a little suspicious, whether Lin Jing just let the car overturn somersaults along the way, and didn't remember to hurry at all.

Bidding farewell to the traffic police uncle, looking at the heavily guarded gate in front of him, Ming Weiwan felt complicated for a while.

This is the Luo family. She is an unrecognized illegitimate daughter who is not qualified to enter the Luo family gate. The younger brother has awakened his ability to live in Luo's house since he was a child, and she has been living outside with her grandmother and grandfather, probably because she still has some expectations for her. When they were young, their mother gave them a lot of living expenses, and she would visit her from time to time.

Later grandma and grandpa passed away one after another, she had nowhere to go, and was brought here by her mother to live for a while.

It was a bad memory. As an illegitimate daughter without a surname, she cannot appear in front of others. She didn't quite understand it at first. Although the 12-year-old girl lost her closest relatives, she still took the child's innocence and ran away secretly with her curiosity about her new home.

Then, the memory was a little blurry, trying to recall for a long time, there were only chaotic fragments, the pain and shame given by the Luo family, which made her need to send her out of this place after her mother said When she was alone, she promised faster than anything else.

Ming Weiwan always thought that she would never step into this place again. When she failed to use the Potential Potion, she felt relieved even though she was in pain all over her body.

Ming Weiwan's face was a little pale, and the strong emotional fluctuation finally made Lin Jing feel something, turned her head and looked over, Ming Weiwan only then reacted and smiled at her.

Lin Jing frowned, "If you don't want to go, don't go."

Ming Weiwan took a deep breath and smiled at Lin Jing, "It's okay, let's go and have a look." The Luo family is one of the largest families in Jupiter, if you really want to do something to them What, she was afraid that Lin Jing would be implicated.

Silently encouraged herself, Ming Weiwan, who deeply understood the strong nature of the Luo family, felt that she had a little confidence, so she took the initiative to pull Lin Jing's wrist , strode towards the door.

I don't know if it was Luo Heng or Qingyuexue who said hello, the two of them walked to the door and were not stopped by the guards, but gave her a military salute and shouted, "Miss Eighth! "

Ming Weiwan's footsteps paused, Lin Jing clearly felt the tightness of the hand holding her wrist, obviously the name shocked her. Lin Jing took a half step forward, walked side by side with her, patted her shoulder, and said again, "Let's go if you want."

Ming Weiwan gave her a deep look and shook her head at her. Lin Jing wouldn't understand what it meant to offend the head of a big family, but Ming Weiwan knew that if they wanted one or two people to suffer, even if they didn't do anything, just show a little bit of air, there would be countless people willing to let it go. They can't eat and walk around.

Lin Jing's medicine refining skills are so powerful, and she has a lofty ideal of going to the seminary, so she can't make trouble for her at this time. Moreover, if she can really return to the Luo family, with her current strength, she should be able to earn a place for herself.

As long as she has money, she can repay Lin Jing's debt, and she can make the medicine she wants without being coerced by the Xi family. She can even use the Luo family's connections for her Gather the desired materials.

Thinking about it this way, for her alone, it can be said that it is almost a no-brainer business. Apart from being a little irritable, it is quite cost-effective.

So, before she knew it, her steps became lighter.

Her emotions were immediately captured by Lin Jing, and after a glance, she said nothing.

Just a few steps, a middle-aged man with a handsome face stood in front of them, bowing slightly to the two of them, "Miss Eighth, Miss Lin is well, the owner and Aunt Xue are on the way. The restaurant is waiting for the two ladies to have dinner together."

Ming Weiwan's movements paused, Lin Jing tilted her head and looked at her suspiciously, Ming Weiwan hesitated for a while, "Housekeeper Zhao..."

Butler Zhao's smile suddenly deepened by two points, looking at Ming Weiwan's expression is very soft, "The eighth miss has also grown up."

Ming Weiwan nodded, she was actually not familiar with this housekeeper at all, but this man followed Luo Heng all the year round and had only met him a few times.

Since I am not familiar with it, there is nothing to say. In fact, Ming Weiwan also knew that if it was a normal process, when she entered the door with an illegitimate child, she had to give some gifts to these bigwigs to ask for care.

But she didn't have anything good in her hand, and the only thing she could get was the various potions that Lin Jingsai usually gave her. But it was something Lin Jing gave her, and she wasn't willing to use it herself, so she was naturally reluctant to give it.

Besides, she didn't ask for this house, but Luo Heng insisted that she come back. Anyway, she is a poor ghost, anyway, she has no father or mother to teach her, just what if she has no gifts!

Ming Weiwan has no gifts, and the housekeeper Zhao has no expression. He always wears a gentle smile on his face, like an exquisite mask poured out, every arc is so perfect that people can't see it what emotion. He probably saw that Ming Weiwan didn't want to talk much, and he was quiet all the way. Only when Ming Weiwan went the wrong way would he remind him and take the two directly into the restaurant.

The restaurant is a circular building, like the exquisite and beautiful crown on the queen's head. It is glittering and extravagant. At night, you can start a transparent installation to make the entire roof transparent , you can see the stars in the sky, and it will be very artistic to have a candlelight dinner in such a mood.

However, the two of them came a little early, and the sun has not yet set, but a table of exquisite dishes has been arranged. In addition to the delicious food, three people have already sat at the table.

A middle-aged man and woman, and a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

I have to say that the genes of this family are very good, the boys are handsome and the girls are beautiful, and the child has also grown the advantages of both of them. It is a happy and happy family of three who go out. .

Therefore, Ming Weiwan, who was standing next to him, seemed a little redundant.