MTL - I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl-Chapter 1327 Only this policy can be made

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The execution room on the top floor of the Emperor Building, when I was holding Shuzhe's shoulders and my heart was in a huge contradiction, the Black Holy Baby ordered impatiently:

"First send the palace color to the road! I am not interested in watching them delay the time!"

Seeing the security captain holding a syringe, he was so mad that he had to rush to the arm of Gong Caicai. I hurriedly shouted: "Don't! Gongcai Cai has nothing to do with this matter! Can you kill her... even if I am strong `暴舒莎也!"

As soon as the words were exported, Shu Zhe was shocked. The black holy baby and my dialogue all heard him. The black holy baby asked me to be as strong as the beast, and Shuzhe did not want to be treated like this. Object.

"Do you really want it?" Black Holy Baby stopped the action of the security captain. "In advance, if I let me find out even a little bit of acting, let me find out where you are."

The situation forced me to have no other choice. I looked at the sharp syringe in the hand of the security captain opposite the glass wall, and the palace color on the steel chair that was already unconscious and rebellious. I knew that there was only one left in front of me.

"Listen, pretend to be your sister, I will compensate you later..."

However, Shu Zhe read the ominous meaning from the eyes of me more and more like a beast. He subconsciously made a move to break my movement and screamed: "I don't..."

In order not to let Shu Zhe's stupid behavior kill the palace color, and even kill himself, I slap a slap in the face, did not let him shout "I am not my sister".

Shuzhe's half of his cheeks suddenly swollen, and his tongue was bitten by his own teeth. He couldn't speak clearly for a while.

I can't hesitate to have a long night dream. I slap a slap in Shuzhe. When my feet are about to fall, I rushed over and grabbed Shu Zhe's hair.

In order to avoid wearing a gang, Shuzhe's fake mother equipment has always been a high-end product, and the inside of the wig has a very strong headband. I am not worried that this will smash Shuzhe's wig.

"Hey woman! Actually dare not say yes??"

I immediately punched Shuzhe's lower abdomen, even though I only made a three-point force, it was enough to make Shuzhe's eyes turn white, almost vomiting sour water, like a strip of fish, I was squatting, completely lost resistance. ability.

"Hey?" Black Holy Baby was very surprised to see that I was decisive for the "squad leader" and the mad believers in the execution room were also very curious.

I know that I can draw their attention for a second, and the Palace will be able to live a second more, and the chances of our final rescue will become even greater.

At the moment of life and death, I can't take care of a lot. The only important thing is to satisfy the black baby, and let the "squad leader"'s counterfeit goods identity not be dismantled.

No way, twisting and pinching can only kill everyone! I thought so in my heart, and put Shu Zhe, who lost strength, on the floor in front of me, keeping him in a kneeling position.

I took a slap in the face and a heavy punch in the abdomen. Shuzhe’s eyes were scattered. Because I was holding my hair, I looked up more than any girl’s cheeky face, facing the middle of my body.

Ok, Shu Zhe was beaten by me! This time he should not be able to tell his true identity, right? My free bird stingy clenched into a fist, to make "Once you do not cooperate I'll knock your block off" the threat posture.

"This is not what I want to see. In my opinion, this is still a bitterness." Black Holy Baby urged, "I want you to destroy the fantasy of the virtual squad leader!"

Damn it! The horse police officer and Pentaxus have not broken the defense of Huo Jiangdong! It seems that I am finally going to take that difficult step! What will happen to my future life!

"Oh..." I made a ridiculous smile of the villain. "Squad leader, do you think that I respect you? In fact, I just think that a strong girl like you will have a pleasure! Now that I have such a Opportunity... I intend to show my true self!"

As I said, I pulled the zipper of my pants with a sigh of relief.

Shu Shu’s thoughts in front of me recovered a little. As one of the things reflected in his eyes, he began to shake his head in blush.

"No, don't..."

"There is no part for you to talk to!" In order to avoid what Shuzhe said, I gave him another slap in the other direction, playing with tears and no longer dare to speak.

He looked up at me with such a pitiful face, and I have to admit that his genetic similarity with the squad leader is more than 90%. This part of the similarity makes me proud.

"Is it really good?" The onlookers' eyes widened their eyes, and even the opposite security captain took a step closer to the glass wall.

The scene at this moment is really absurd and extremely bad, but I have no other choices. Even if I drain all the remaining brain cells, it is difficult to find another way to escape the birth.

"Hey, I really don't let you talk, but I didn't let you close your mouth."

Taking Shuzhe's hair, I ordered him in a very violent tone: "Open your mouth!"

A trembling flow through Shu Zhe's body, he learned from my iron-like eyes that I was not joking, and he did not want to suffer the same bitterness as before.

So he followed my orders with tears, and I slammed my heart into the territory of Shu Zhe.

※※※ can't reveal flaws! Can't stop! Nor can it end early!

In order to satisfy the evil taste of the black holy baby, I did not leave any room for a long time, so that Shu Zhe was on the verge of suffocation again and again, his well-prepared and original beauty face had collapsed.

"I was really surprised." Black Holy Baby said in a cheerful and doubtful tone, "Is there any omissions in data collection?"

Not good, the black holy baby may be suspicious! When I was riding a tiger, I could only treat Shu Zhe more violently. I hope that the Black Holy Baby will not distinguish the true identity of this "squad leader."


Shu Zhe wants to vomit several times, but I can't do it at all. He can only turn pain into more tears.

"Hey woman, this time I know that the young master is amazing! You don't often criticize me with this mouth? If you have the ability, now you continue to criticize!"

In order to make my behavior as reasonable as possible, I humiliated Shuzhe as a squad leader. In fact, in this confusing occasion, my body is slightly blurred between the squad leader and my brother.

Shuzhe's saliva and tears continually drip on the floor, but I didn't mean to stop, because I don't know what to do next after stopping.

Horse police officer and Pentax, you are going to hurry! You are deliberately passively absenteeism! The police officer of the horse feels that I am a criminal in the future, and that the peninsula of the peninsula knows that I am in a situation of being forced to go with him on the path of philosophy...

"He seems to really hate his squad leader..." A madman with a gun exclaimed, "I haven't seen such a rude scene in a German film!"

Wow, I usually watch German a piece! This Xiongtai, your taste is very heavy! Listening to Director Cao, there are only two kinds of a films in the world, one for the Germans and the other for the people outside the Germans. I don’t have much to say about the specifics. Don't say that I didn't warn you.

I am really glad that Gong Cai Cai passed out. If she stayed awake and was taken off her eye mask, she would see that I used Shu Zhe as if I used an inanimate airplane cup, and Shu Zhe was still the image of the squad leader on the outside.

five minutes? ten minutes? Still fifteen minutes? I recall the skills I learned in the cycle of dreams, and I will extend my time as much as I can. Of course, every one minute of extension is an unbearable pain for Shu Zhe, but I have no other way, if I can choose, I also don't want to do this kind of thing.

Shu Zhe’s identity must not be dismantled! If Black Holy Baby knows that the squad leader in front of him is actually Shu Zhe’s pretending, then he will not be angry and rejoicing, and he will most likely order his men to use more cruel means to kill Shu Zhe, in order to stimulate the virtual inside the program black box. The squad leader.

In other words, the virtual squad leader trapped in the black box can see things outside, right? Did she recognize that the person being bullied by me is her brother? What would she think in her heart? Will you hate me, or is it because I am doing this to save the palace color and her brother's life, and to some extent give understanding?

Just as the black holy baby enjoyed it with interest, and Shu Zhe’s face had become ruined, Huo Jiangdong suddenly pushed in.

"Black Santa, Shusha, this guy is going to chase the palace, the result is caught by our people, you should want to..."

Halfway through, Huo Jiangdong was shocked by what I did, and another long-haired girl who was pushed forward behind him and dressed in the Qingzi High School uniform was even more surprised to see the scene in the execution room.

"Xiao Zhe, how are you..."

It is a pro-sister, the squad leader recognizes the younger brother who pretends to be his own, but Shu Zhe has no response to his sister’s call. His beautiful face is blue and purple, and there are saliva and tears everywhere.

"Ye Lin! What are you doing!?" the squad leader shouted in anger and anger. "How can you do such a pervert to my brother! Hurry up and stop!"

Nima! Huo Jiangdong, I am not finished with you! You don't bring the squad leader early, don't bring the squad leader late, but bring the squad leader at this time!

I can't keep going! I am at the limit! I managed to overcome my body's greed and avoided continuing to swear by the inertia, but at the moment of separation - in addition to tears and saliva, Shu Zhe's face had something else. He then leaned back backwards as if it were the weight of these things that made him dump.

As Shu Zhe fell to the ground like a bad baby, the squad’s lips trembled, and I couldn’t believe that this scene was true, and I have not succeeded in tying the ugly behavior of the zipper several times. She is furious.

"No matter what you shouldn't do it!" the squad leader shouted in a soothing tone. "You did something unforgivable! I hate you! I don't want to see you again!"

The glittering tears spilled on the ground, and the squad wanted to rush to help the younger brother, but was stopped by Huo Jiangdong and the mad believers.

The squad leader, don't look at me with that kind of look, I know that I am already a member of the metamorphosis...