MTL - I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl-Chapter 15 exotic dolls

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"Dududu, Dongshan Lake Station is here, passengers arriving at the station please get off -"

I was downcast and grabbed the handrails of the rolling elevators. Together with the same group of dead office workers, I was taken to the first floor of the subway station.

The first floor is mainly a wide platform composed of ticket offices, ticket gates and gates.

There are still many people, all with clear goals and directions, and hurriedly walked down and walked.

Suddenly, I saw a dazzling golden yellow in front of my eyes.

It seems that there is a doll that has passed by me.

I blinked and thought I had an illusion.

But the doll has already stood facing the western wall of the hall and began to study the map of the city on the wall.

It turned out to be a little girl with a blond blue eye at the age of 11 or 2.

Her golden hair shines under the illumination of the light, and the bow is tied into a short ponytail that is not long or short. It is very elastic. With the movement of the walk, it will be awkward and cocky. It should be a naughty and lively. Character.

Both eyes account for almost half of the face, and the pupil is as blue as the afternoon sky.

Is it a foreigner?

Since the construction of the film and television city in Xicheng District, it has been promoted as the city's main tourist attraction (in addition to Dongshan Lake), so it is not unusual for foreign tourists to appear.

But this little girl like a doll, the face is not entirely Western.

Many Western girls have a lot of freckles on their faces, or the nose is too big and too thick, and the little girl in front of me has a lot of oriental charm in the air.

- Is it a mixed race?

Her skin is white like fine porcelain, and her blue eyes are full of self-confidence and seriousness. The small mouth that is tightly held is like being angry, but it is so angry and irritating. Heartbeat.

The poet must ask: Can Darwin's ruthless evolution theory really create such beautiful art?

She is a creature of two worlds compared to me, and the people who come and go.

In addition to her natural beauty, her dress is very sweet and lovely, so cute that she does not give ordinary people a way to live.

The upper body wore a short shirt with white lace, and the short vest of denim was placed on the outside of the shirt. The edges of the vest were also worn.

There is a playful red belt on the waist, a short black skirt underneath the belt, and a pair of light pink striped stockings on the slender legs.

There are also children's diamond-studded princess shoes at the foot.

Directly shrinking her as a Barbie doll to sell, will definitely sell well?

At this moment, she was dragging the red suitcase behind her with one hand, and the other hand holding a folded note paper and carefully checking it back and forth with the map on the wall.

Is this... is she lost?

Is this little girl who looks like a doll traveling to China? Why are you separated from your mom and dad? And should she not speak Chinese?

She stared at the map for a long time and couldn't get it. The expression was more and more impetuous.

But there is still a particularly proud look in the eyes, it seems that it is not the type that will ask for directions.

I unknowingly approached her a little.

Don't get me wrong, I am not the shameless Loli control in H Man, I just want to see if there is any way to help her.

It’s normal to see a little girl who is in a foreign country and is alone.

Moreover, I have a kind of intimacy that she does not know about her, as if she is not a stranger to me.

It's hard to tell, but it really feels like this.

However, my English scores, you also know, rotten to the extent of the past.

Can I talk to her?

"Hey~" I made the gentlest smile I could make and greeted the little girl.

I hope she won't be scared away by my fierce face?

She put her face to her side and stared at me with a vigilant look.

Although she is a tall man among her peers, her actual height is only about 140CM. She can only see my stomach if she looks at her eyes.

Because I had to look up to see my face, she showed an offensive look, so she glared at me as if she were a princess of a certain country, and a civilian like me, should kneel down to meet basic etiquette. .

Because her attitude was too unfriendly, I couldn't speak English. I stayed for a while and looked at her face.

I was stared at me for a long time, and she took a deep breath with her irritated eyes.


She spit out a syllable, is it "looking"? Can she speak Chinese? Or am I getting it wrong?

"--Look at your sister!!"

She stared at me very angrily and pulled out the sentence above.

Very loud, people in the entire hall are audible.

It’s true that Chinese is very clear, the words are very clear, the tone is also very accurate, and the extreme contempt and disgust for me is properly expressed.

Say, Miss Doll, your temper is too bad, right? I originally wanted to help you!

"Comrades... No, no, you, an international friend, we have a little misunderstanding between you. Are you not lost?"

"Your sister is lost!!"

She rushed up and caught it, and it was a foot to my calf!

The princess shoes are firmly kicked on my face.

I am relying on the death of me! I subconsciously kneel and hold on to the painful calf.

"Hey? How do you play this bear kid..."

Don't give me any breathing space, the dolls slammed me down the opportunity, quickly raised a small slap, and made me slap in the face!


Loud and crisp, slap in the hall for three days.

The left face is burning hot.

I admit that I am underestimating, but her attack does not cause any substantial harm to me, and I will not use the true ability to deal with a little girl.

The doll looked at me and looked at it twice, frowning, smashing the notes that I had been studying, like pitching, and throwing the paper ball all over my eyes.

I reached out and grabbed the paper ball. When I went to see it, the doll had dragged the suitcase with the roller and quickly ran away.

"Death! Inferior! Give this lady to die!"

She yelled as she ran, probably worried that I would catch up and look back from time to time.

The pulsating double pony tail quickly disappeared behind the crowd.

I didn't chase it, otherwise I would definitely be seen by the onlookers as a young girl. If it is now, their eyes will be obviously different.

One of the mothers who apparently took the children home after school, hid the young children who had just entered elementary school.

You look at people like this, my heart is broken! And this mother, what you just hidden is a boy?

I am not interested in cute boys! Also, wipe off the two green noses dragged by your son!

I returned home with tears in my heart.

Dad waited for me to open the gas stove when I entered the door, saying that I would wait for a while to eat.

Dad didn't ask me why I came back later than usual. Maybe he didn't have any time concept.

During the time I was waiting for dinner, I went back to my room and lay in bed thinking about what happened this day.

It seems that everything that can happen in a lifetime happens in a day.

It’s so tired!

Suddenly, I found something in my trouser pocket and took it out. It turned out that when I was at the subway station, the paper group that the doll had thrown at me, I received it and stuffed it into my trouser pocket.

Out of curiosity, I started the note paper and wanted to see what was written on it.

This note paper is very advanced, and the ink on it also exudes a good smell.

But the content is a bit ridiculous.

The upper part is completely English, I don't know a word.

The lower part began to contain Chinese characters, and the names of “dongshan Lake” and “Western District” appeared. One place is worth noting. It is “the first grade of the middle school of Qingzi Academy”.

Isn't that a private secondary school dedicated to the second generation of students? Is this doll not coming to travel, but the students there?

In addition, all Chinese characters are written as primary school students, and childish.

When I think of the expression of the doll's serious pride, I want to laugh more.

English is written very well.

The last part of the note appeared with an English signature, followed by a few strings of Chinese characters.

"Amir", "Emile", "Ai Mier", "Ai Mier"

Looking at it, it’s like a foreigner picking his own Chinese translation.

The first three names have been hit with a red cross.

Only the last "Ai Mier" was circled by a big red circle.

So, a bad-tempered little doll, do you choose Ai Mier as your Chinese name?

In terms of appearance, it is really sweet like honey!

However, the character is too bad, only to be far away, it is forbidden to lean forward, or to make a Barbie doll, it is better to put it in the window.

There should be no chance to meet in the future, and I don't want her to remember me.

I re-wrapped the note paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Dad told me to go eat.