MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 884 Lost 2

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"Take everything, close !!!"

Lin Xin shouted loudly at the entire Umbra. Fiction

Hum! !!

Suddenly, the space in front of him trembled violently.

The whole Umbra shuddered with it.

Focusing on the land of offering sacrifice to gods, the Umbra continued to shake, and the core area began to slowly rise into the air.

Numerous disciples who have been arranged for a long time have already been in the Nether Palace and Umbra,

Umbrella Underworld, centered on the Great Umbrella, is surrounded by satellites and begins to shrink rapidly.

A mysterious law fluctuated, spreading from Lin Xin.

The location of the Umbra Sacrifice God's Land also began to spread in response to the general laws and fluctuations.

The void was shaking.

Space is distorted.

The robbery also continued to flow like waves, leaving a gap centered on Lin Xin.

Underworld, in the endless white robbery sea, like a small piece of black-yellow floating matter, is being compressed by the fierce waves.

As if with a big invisible hand, he was pulling the black-yellow float tightly, and then trying to pinch it.

唰 唰 .....

A large amount of finely divided impurities were removed from the edge of the Underworld.

Lin Xin appeared in its original shape, with eight arms outstretched, the palm of each arm lingering with a hint of bright yellow shimmer.

"Take everything, close !!!"

He yelled again.

All arms were like spiders, and they shrank fiercely towards the center.

Bang! !! !!

Suddenly, Umbra Underworld shrank violently at the same time, like a sponge that was squeezed severely. At the moment of a thousandth of a second, it suddenly contracted, turning into a ball of fist-sized black and yellow beads.

There are horrible gravitational twists around the beads.

But Lin Xin stretched out his hand.

Beads trembled suddenly, and her distortion disappeared completely.


Lin Xin opened his arms and revealed his chest.

Huh! !!

The black and yellow beads flew like lightning, and instantly hit Lin Xin's torso.

There was no impact sound, no breaking sound, or even any noise.

The beads melted into Lin Xin's torso and disappeared.

"Sleep ... Sleep ..."

Lin Xin chanted softly.

Sweat continued to flow down his forehead and horns.

The object **** is universal to this level, and it is already the terrifying magical power of the world of Sumi Mustard.

However, the area of ​​Umbra Underworld is too large, and the strength of the individuals living in it is too strong.

There are digits at the level of Light Heaven.

The rest of the immortals are not in the minority, such a huge city.

Even with Lin Xin's horrible body, it is a huge burden.

Only then will the beads be taken into the body and stored.

Lin Xin felt a burning pain in the internal organs, which was the distortional damage caused by the magical power of the object.

The storage of the containment of the great underworld and the strong ones requires physical strength and load, which is simply an astronomical figure.

Even Dao's grandparents did not dare to mess around like him.

This is not just simply a large volume, but also the need to compress it and maintain it into black and yellow beads, the required terrorist power and the strength of imprisoned space.

It is also a huge exaggeration.

Lin Xin was constantly sweating, and his body was madly consuming the stored energy to recover himself.

But the gravity and distortion of Umbra Underworld are even stronger.

So much so that he is beginning to feel his body slowly torn.

Simply putting it in the body, relying on the body's hardness and resilience, resisting the distortion of the Umbra Beads is almost an incredible thing.

It's like wrapping a hundred kilograms of iron in a piece of paper with a thickness of one millimeter.

Click ...

Lin Xin's body, the surface of the skin, has begun to appear cracks.

But he didn't care.

Looking at the empty area of ​​the Underworld, the corner of the mouth slightly evoked a slight arc.

"Soon ... I will be back ..."

Huh! !!

Suddenly, he disappeared.

偌 Dream of Underworld seems to have never appeared before.

Just less than half an hour after he left, a golden light shot from a distance, and in a blink of an eye hovered over hundreds of spirits from the Umbra.

The golden light dispersed and a golden crystal emerged.

Three halos exploded inside the crystal and scattered around three places.

Become an inanimate Buddha, a fighting Buddha, and a fighting Buddha.

The three were expressionless, looking towards the Underworld.

"Hidden? Why can't you see anything?" Wusheng Buddha's face was in doubt.

"Don't care so much, start to lead the Buddha."

War spirit Buddha said coldly.

The three quickly stood in a triangular orientation, with light bursts on their bodies, and large white lotuses appeared behind them.

Bailian turned and gathered together to form a larger group of white lotus, which shot out into the air and landed in the distant void.

Click! !!

Suddenly, a golden lightning exploded from the middle of Bailian.

The golden electro-optical light was instantly dazzling, and the three lords around him couldn't help closing their eyes.

When it opened again, a white-gold car pulled by one black, one white and two dragons appeared in front of the three.

"See Buddha!"

The three quickly bowed to salute.

"What about Umbra?"

There was a sound coming out of the car.

"Just in front." Zhan Lingfo quickly explained.

Che Yan was silent and asked again.

"Are you sure the teleportation is correct here?"


The War Spirit Buddha also felt something wrong.

Even if it were hidden, would n’t the future Buddha conceal it?

On the other side, the fighting Buddha was impatient. He reached out and grabbed, and a palm was formed with two palms, and he waved in the direction of the Umbra.

Nine black dragons whistled and flew out, shooting around from all sides, crossing the distance a few times, and converging at the original location of the Umbra.

Bang! !! !!

The entire sea of ​​Qiqi was directly blasted into a hollow.

But after the explosion, nothing was left.

The follow-up moves being prepared by the Fighting Buddha also quickly dissipated with his slightly open mouth.

He couldn't believe it, staring at the location of the Umbra, and the spirit kept scanning the direction over and over again. But it can only feel empty.

The restless Buddhas and War Spirit Buddhas were stunned, and they tried to test.

The result remains the same.

The original location of Umare Underworld has become completely empty.

"Don't try it." A cold voice came from inside the car.

"He left already."

"But ..." War Lingfo also wanted to say something.

A icy cold-hearted killing rushed past him, and in front of his eyes, a hallucination like blood, blood and sea suddenly appeared.

He was so scared that he couldn't say any more.

The other two were ugly, but they did not dare to talk.

"It's just a rat in a ditch. What if he let him escape? Let's go ..." Che Jin flashed and disappeared.

The three Buddhas stared at each other, did not dare to say more, and quickly followed.

The robbery gas was continuously devoured by Lin Xin, and then spouted again, and the robbery gas around them was swept away.

He was flying in a sea of ​​turmoil, as if there were clear goals waiting for him to rush to rescue.

But no one knows that Lin Xin is flying aimlessly. Anyway, it is better to stay away from the battlefield between Fang Prison and Jiu Se.

While flying high, Lin Xin's cracks began to increase. Even the slightest **** fluid began to seep out of the body.

"it's time...."

He looked indifferent, closed his eyes and looked down at the line of light red attribute columns.

‘Lin Sheri—kill 41723441, defense 43367166, dodge 31275o21, physique 4153oo21, free attribute 15oooo4125. ’

Blood scars began to appear on his cheeks, as if there was a huge amount of yellow light inside his body trying to burst through.

"Look then, is it that I am well prepared, or is this ingenious enough?"

His gaze fell directly on the physique column of his attributes.

Huh! !!

One hundred thousand attribute points per second, the free attribute quickly began to drop like a rocket.

And physical attributes began to soar from more than 41 million.

42 million.

43 million ...

44 million ...

However, for a moment, the attribute points increased a little bit again.

From 100,000 a second to 500,000 a second!

Lin Xin calmly looked at the physical properties, from 40 million, unconsciously increased to 50 million.

The increase is once again increased to one million.

This crazy addition makes his body shape more subtle changes at this time.

The body is getting bigger and bigger, from the original height of more than eight meters, gradually becoming ten meters, twelve meters, fifteen meters ...

The cracks on the body also gradually slowed down, and the number of increases began to decrease. The blood in the crack wound also gradually reduced the exudation.

"not enough."

Lin Xin frowned slightly, still in flight.

He can feel that there is still an irresistible pressure inside him, and he wants to burst his body and release the inner city of the underworld.

This is the disadvantage of relying solely on the physical seal to seal a huge subject.

But Lin Xin still chose to do so.

Because he is more confident in his physical strength than any other object or treasure.

The attribute point physique column has reached 70 million at this time, and it is still soaring.

But this is only a fraction of the 1.5 billion free attribute.


Lin Xin's spirit was shocked, and all the mental energy gathered in the past, urging the attribute of freedom to increase.

Constitutional attributes have soared even faster.

Before it was one million points per second, now it is five million points per second!

This is Lin Xin's full strength now, and it is also the limit he added.

Physical fitness is constantly improving.

It quickly broke through to 100 million ~ ~ then 200 million, 300 million, 400 million ...

Lin Xin's body is getting bigger and bigger, more and more terrifying. It has expanded from the previous eight meters to the current thirty meters.

And it is getting bigger.

Gradually, the cracks on Lin Xin's body surface completely disappeared, replaced by smooth and pale soft skin.


It was another dark golden eye, opened on Lin Xin's chin, side by side with the previous eyes.

But just opened, the pupils closed quickly.

With the increasing number of physical points, Lin Xin clearly felt that his body and cultivation recovery degree was changing with an amazing degree.

Even his spirit, under the influence of over 400 million constitutional attributes, produced some unknown qualitative change. (To be continued.)