MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 911 Last Robbery 1

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The fourth abyss.

White robbery was so thick that he could not see his fingers.


Suddenly, there was a slight crack in the robbery space.

Suddenly black cracks emerged from all corners, spreading wildly in all directions.

Time passes slowly.

Before long, the cracks became more and more dense.

There was a loud noise, and the whole abyss was broken into a large hole. Countless black breaths spewed out of it.

Huge caves continued to spread around, and within half a month, they reached hundreds of light-years in diameter.

The white aura was mixed with the black one, and it was soon dyed dark white.

Robbery swallowed everything, and assimilated the black breath with a few clicks.

Two huge figures burst out from the black hole, entangled with each other, banged, and crashed into a large hole in the air, rushing in.

The two directly broke through this abyss and flew towards a weaker abyss.

Both disappeared for a while.


The horrible moon white sword light is like a laser beam, ejected from the black hole that has been broken, and has a star-like diameter, cutting and sweeping around.

Suddenly all the robbery space was annihilated, leaving only the dark abyss of the unknown abyss.

A golden lotus suddenly appeared in the hole, then exploded.

With a weird roar like a beast roar.

The whole abyss system, if someone can look at it at this time, it will be scary.

In front of the sixty-six abyss, more than ten layers, were actually smashed by a pair of Daozu and Tian Yao army masters who caught and killed each other.

The same is true for the first five levels of the heavens, but it is slightly better than the abyss.

After all, the heavens are the source of robberies, and naturally have a high concentration of robberies as a buffer resistance.

Lin Xin floated in the void of the first heaven, quietly perceiving the loud noise and fluctuations from the heaven and the abyss.

"There is no fluctuation in the breath of Nine Colors and Fang Jie. It should be killed in a deeper place.

But fortunately, I still don't think enough about these two people. "

He quickly screened the next pair of Taoist ancestors.

Soon a pair of strange Taoists appeared in his perception.

"The Lord of the Sword of Kuang secret, the Lord of War with the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Army. The Xianyin Daozu of the Bihu Mountain and the fourth Zuyunce remain untouched for the moment."

Lin Xin instinctively wanted to eat Xianyin and Yunce, but an irritable feeling would always disturb him to make a decision.

In fact, he also felt the position of Xianyin and Yunce before. After all, this black universe is so large, and now he has devoured everything, and all spaces have become spacious and empty, making it easier to find people.

Just gave up.

"Is the feeling for Bihushan still alive? Or ...? Simply return the cause and effect?"

Lin Xin was hiding in the dark void, murmuring at the huge hole.

"Then eat the Lord of the Secret Sword and the Lord of War first."

His body flashed, and 1 chased directly from the black giant hole.

After walking through the layers of the abyss, they quickly reached the third floor, where two giant beasts fought wildly.

Moon white sword light and horrible black gas overwhelm the sky, covering the whole abyss, changing the sky and changing the day into a black, white and two areas.

When Lin Xin came down, he could still see countless white long swords hovering around the owner of Kuangmi Sword.

Every time he brushed a row of blades with his hands.

There will be thousands of huge sword lights shot towards the Lord of War.

The master of the war hardly carried the armor and tried to walk towards the sword master step by step, but from time to time he would be stopped by countless sword lights and could not approach at all.

Both could see injuries.

The owner of Kuang Sword lost one of his right legs, and the bare one did not know whether he could not recover or if he could not recover.

The half of the war horse seated by the Lord of War was all flesh and blood, and he could see the viscera inside.

The horse is actually his lower body, so he was not hurt too.

Lin Xin was just approaching, and the two immediately became alert.


The master of the dense sword waved.

Tens of millions of swords made of countless slender sword lights form a horrific beam of light, and shot at Lin Xin.

Lin Xin raised his hand.

The blood-colored Yuanling Holy Light suddenly dispersed, and the Yuanling Holy Light at this time seemed to be filled with countless miserable white bones.

Just when it started, it was like dumping rubbish, and the bang rushed out all around.

Countless bones formed the ocean. They moved, opened their claw arms, and blocked toward Jianguang's body.

boom! !! !!

Jianguang and the corpse bone collided directly, and a large number of jianguang formed sawtooth-like saws, cutting wildly in the corpse bone.

But Lin Xin's body density at this time was even incredibly strong with the light of the Primal Spirit.

In other words, the holy light of the primitive spirit can no longer be called holy light.

In its own way, it evolves everything and forms an absolute means of protection.

This is Daohuan.

It is also the true symbol of Daozu.

After devouring several Daozu and a small world, coupled with Xiu Wei's promotion, Jian Jue was promoted with a breakthrough.

Lin Xin was at this time a completely standard master of the new generation of Shenfeng Sword, entering the ranks of Dao.

His ring of words was the **** halo of corpses that slowly wavered behind him.

This represents his Word.

That is, devour, kill.

"You are also invited by Nine Colors?" The Kuang Mi Sword master continued in succession, and countless Taoguang flew to Lin Xin like lightning.

The walls between the abyss and the abyss are being attacked by his horrific sharp cuts, fragmented.

"you guess."

Lin Xin smiled.

He stood still, letting Jianguang poured wildly into the sea around his bones.

But his density was too great, so that the more the Sword Master of Kuang Mi cut, the more ugly his face became. He used almost 90% of his power to make the blade sharper, sharper, and cut faster.

But it still feels slow.

Although Jian Guang is indeed advancing, he has no effect on the enemy with this degree.

On the other side, the Lord of War ignored Lin Xin and rode on the war horse towards the Lord of the Kuangmi Sword.

"Separation gun."

He clenched a huge black gun in his arms, stabbed a blast, and darted straight towards the Master of the Sword.

No halo, no explosion, not even radiation flow.

The Lord of the Sword of Sword and the Lord of War suddenly fainted.

Obviously all enter the time fault to fight at the same time.

Lin Xin didn't move, just watched the battle quietly.


The main arm of Kuangmi Sword was separated from the body instantly. The entire left arm did not fly far enough, and then automatically disappeared without a bubble.


Lin Xin took a step forward, and suddenly drew a flower. It also enters the time fault.

Everything suddenly stopped still.

Only the Lord of the Secret Sword and the Lord of War were re-substantiated, and the two did not know when they had begun to confront each other.

Jianguang and Black Gas are like giant artillery fire fired by the legions on both sides, and some of the hedges are extinguished and disappear in the mid-air.

Some blasted past them,

More of them fell on the opponent stiffly, spitting it again and again.

The Lord of the Secret Sword resigned.

The master of the war had been half-baked with him, and at this time another unidentified guy emerged. In case he also shot, it was really troublesome.

Just ready to start a quick evacuation.

Suddenly he saw the sudden emergence of Daozu, not knowing when to stand behind the Lord of War.


Contrast the huge body of the Lord of War.

The new Daozu was almost the same as the ant dust, but it turned out to be completely wrong.

He just reached out his hand gently.

A huge hole occupying three-quarters of the chest of the Lord of War appeared on the Lord of War.

hiss! !! !!

The black warhorse roared wildly, it was also part of the body of the Lord of War, and naturally felt the same severe pain.

"Damn humans! You dare to betray!"

The Lord of War roared and slammed Lin Xin behind him.

Just then, Lin Xin suddenly appeared a huge shadow.

The shadow was as large as the Lord of War, and a large number of Shadow Tentacles burst out from it, dragging the Lord of War in.


Black Shadow's tentacles were broken unexpectedly by more than a dozen.

Shows the power of terror of the Lord of War.

Even in the Taoist ancestors of the Milky Way as the body, the power of the Lord of War is far from the rest, reaching an incredible level.

hiss! !!

The warhorse roared, frantically resisting the pulling of the black tentacles.

As many as tens of thousands of tentacles began to break.

"Are you angry? Fear?"

Lin novice did not know when the sword of anger emerged.

"Stupid Terran!" The Lord of War growled, waving his arms at Lin Xin fiercely.

An invisible force flew over instantly, as if across space and time, appearing directly on Lin Xin.

"This is causality? No! It is a deeper magical power."

Lin Xin appeared slightly dumb.


A crack appeared directly on his waist ~ ~ a little bloodshot leaked out from it, less than half a second.

The scars began to heal again with horrific resilience.

"Impossible !? Separation of straight lines!" The Lord of War growled, and seemed unable to believe that his lore was actually useless.

He waved his huge gun again at Lin Xin.

Unlike other Taoist ancestors, his lore is to directly obliterate his opponent through the source of cause and effect.

However, because Daozu's energy level is too strong, he can only wipe out the weaker weak part of the opponent.

But this is the case, and there has never been a time when the separation lore did not take effect.

Hum! !!

An incomprehensible strange wave poured into Lin Xin's body, trying to separate the tissues and cells in his body.

But unfortunately, Lin Xin ’s body density is too high, so that this trick is aimed at the inside, which is a horrible lore to the general Daozu. For him, it is like someone is pulling his limbs gently outward pull.

Not only did it have no effect, but it also seemed to give him a massage.

The Lord of War could not understand it, even the Lord of the Secret Sword could not understand it.

How could this Daozu who ran out suddenly reach such a high strength?

Even if the two masters of the war killed hundreds of years and consumed a lot of money, the lore is the lore. It is the universal rules he represents that have evolved all lethal means to the ultimate horror.

This is actually equivalent to the entire universe rules obliterating opponents.

But this kind of arrogance means nothing to the current Lin Xin.

"No sense of resistance."

Lin Xin's mouth grinned, twice as many shadowy tentacles as before, flying out from behind him, entangled the Lord of War, and dragged it towards the black hole in front of his chest.

As the Lord of War approached, his huge size was rapidly shrinking. (To be continued.)