MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 15

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Yan Fei Ze did not defend, only smiled slightly, and looked at Su Xiaopei.

Bai Yulang asked again: "That depends on Big Brother, how should this start?"

Yan Fei Ze talked about himself and said to Su Xiaopei: "The girl listened to me a lot of words, what's the idea?"

Su Xiaopei’s heart was praised by the people, and they were very interesting. They were busy grasping the opportunity: “I was inspired by the strong men. I also think that the strong men said that there are some truths. The first case committed by the murderer is the closest to the truth, such as the location of the crime. Not too far from his residence, the familiar place will have a sense of security, and the courage is relatively large, so at the beginning he will choose a more recent place to commit a crime. The government can check whether someone has seen him nearby, maybe find out His people. If Kang County was not his first crime, then he would need to trace it down to see if there were any earlier cases in the nearby counties.

Bai Yulang originally saw that Shao Ze’s Su Xiaopei’s speech was somewhat unpleasant, but she said that this is also somewhat reasonable, so he quickly said: “This we naturally have to do. After the portrait came out, we took the portrait and asked all the victims’ girls. Those people did not recognize this person, including the servants of the upper and lower servants, and they did not recognize the murder. Therefore, we also inferred that this person has some martial arts and can easily sneak into the house to commit crimes."

Su Xiaopei nodded and continued: "From the perspective of modus operandi, the case is an angry type. He uses violence to cut off the girls' hair. This is a very humiliating act of the victim. His goals have the same characteristics. The family is good, unmarried, and the ring is not important to him. It is not his goal, so he used a vase to hurt her. Regardless of her life and death, he didn’t even check to see if she was dying. Don’t forget the ring. It’s the only eyewitness. If she doesn’t die, she can recognize him. It’s a very troublesome thing for him. He has time to give her a knife or use other means to ensure her death, but He didn't. He knocked her down and just ignored it, indicating that this ring is not important to him. His goal is Miss."

"The six cases he committed, the victims are all the ladies of the big family." Bai Yulang said.

"So this identity must have special significance for him." Su Xiaopei said, "The psychological motive of the angry type is revenge. He may have been treated unfairly. This type of personality, usually with violent pre-existing. For example, he special It is easy to get angry, have conflicts with the neighbors, beat people, abuse animals, etc. If he is not living alone in the mountains, these behaviors must be known." Su Xiaopei paused, thinking about his extremely limited observations in the world. After Tang Lian came back, the neighbors all came over. A long man would come to visit. The neighborhood relationship here should be closer than modern ones. People’s talks are also introverted...

She thought about it and said: "These behaviors should not be tempted and will be noticed by the people around them. Even if his violence is serious, the government may have his case."

She said this, turning her head and looking at it, Bai Yulang frowned and frowned. Su Xiaopei can't help but frown, is her word wrong? She turned her head and looked at Yan Feize. He was also watching Bai Yulang. She saw her look over and clenched her fists and coughed twice on her lips: "The girl continued."

go on? Their expressions are too serious. Su Xiaopei is a bit frustrated.

Then Bai Yulang asked: "The older sister just said that the person should be a violent and violent person. He often clashed with people and was detained by the government?"

"Yes, yes." Su Xiaopei nodded.

"Oh. This will understand." Bai Yulang looked awkward and asked: "Where is the big sister?" The accent is not generally spoken with them, and the words used in the speech are also weird, and people listen to guessing. Only understand.

Su Xiaopei squatted and didn't know how to answer. Although they will all abandon her eccentricity, it is obviously not a few times better than Zebi’s Bai Yulang.

At this time, Fei Fei Ze solved her for another. He said: "White brother, don't fight, let the girl continue, we can solve this thief's work quickly."

"Okay, good." As long as you are not a fan, Bai Yulang feels reasonable. At this time, he has neglected to express his opinions and opinions on the woman who he did not see very much.

Su Xiaopei gratefully glanced at Yu Feize and continued: "Defining the type of criminals will be much smaller than the scope of only one notice. It will be better to check some. If the case is not found in Nakan County, then go to the surrounding city. The county will look for it again. Someone like this will be known. In addition, is the case used to kill the victim, is it a dagger?"


"The dagger represents absolute control. In a sense, it also represents sex. The action of piercing itself contains many sexual meanings. In related cases, some murderers with physiologic functions will use daggers. The murderer will get sexual pleasure from it."

Su Xiaopei said, and saw Bai Yulang’s very frightened expression. She quickly shifted the topic and turned to 冉非泽Q: “What is the meaning of hair for a woman without hair?”

This time, both men stared at her in a weird way. Su Xiaopei thought for a moment and felt his short hair: "I don't think so, I mean you."

Bai Yulang was confused again, and he was weak and coughed.

Su Xiaopei pretended not to see their reaction, and asked: "Which situation does the woman have to cut her hair?"

"Shaving hair for Nepal." Bai Yulang stared at Su Xiaopei's short hair, as if he understood something.

Su Xiaopei is not angry, she is not a nun.

She looked at 冉非泽, and 冉非泽 added: "The widow will also cut a short cut to show her thoughts and loyalty to the dead."


Su Xiaopei thought about it and was still not sure.

After waiting for a meeting, no one spoke. Bai Yulang simply asked: "What we are going to do now is to go back to Kangxian and check the identity of this person carefully?"

Su Xiaopei nodded and continued to talk about his views and help him narrow the scope.

"Yes, find out his identity and help him. He said that he is over twenty years old. We can set the search target in the 20s and have a history of violence. I mean, he often fights. Fighting, temperament, I am not good at judging the profession here, but his family situation will have some problems. His mother may be a widow who remarries and marries him. The father has some weight in his mind, so he remarried in his childhood. Come to the shadow. For example, his stepfather is not good to him, he has been violently treated, or discriminated and ridiculed. These will cause his psychological problems. His family is good, so he has no pressure on entering the big family, he is not good for money. He valued, he was seeking psychological pleasure. He hated women. The government looked in this direction, and there may be gains."

"The big family, the widow remarries, the stepchildren who are discriminated against?"

"Of course, this is just one of the ideas. There is another possibility. His cruel personality has been lurking. He shows the evasive personality, autism, loneliness, and low self-esteem. It is an honest person in the eyes of others, but a piece has happened. The matter that has a great impact on him, this incident caused his lurking and brutal personality to break out."

Bai Yulang is guessing what the big sister said is awkward.

Su Xiaopei continued: "He hates women. From the order of his first shaving and then killing, he first humiliates them, tortures their spirit and *, and then pushes them to death. It is of great significance to him to cut it. There is one thing that can influence him, so the widow's remarriage and monk's marriage is the biggest possibility. Maybe he likes a girl, he was unfortunate in his childhood, he didn't get love, only the girl was kind to him, he tried his best. For her, he forced himself to play the type she likes, but this is contrary to his own nature, which has caused his spirit to be in a state of tension for a long time, and his heart is full of desire, hoping to get the approval and love of the other party, but finally He didn't get it, and he couldn't get it. At this time he broke out."

"Do you mean that the girl he likes is a monk?"

"Yes, and it is to escape from him and to be a monk, desperately unable to return him, and to be a monk. This is a fatal blow to him. At this point, his cruel side will appear."

"Then why isn't the girl he likes marry someone else, he is resentful, so I look forward to her becoming a widow?"

"Then he should kill the man. From the circumstances of his crime, he is capable and can do this, but he does not. He killed the woman, his hatred target on the woman. So infer that he is eager The girl is a monk. For him, the girl’s body and mind are dedicated to the person who can’t kill him. She can never come back. He can only vent this anger and revenge on other women. He is Prove that he can control, he can get it."

Bai Yulang heard the fog in the clouds, and was surprised and suspicious, but Su Xiaopei’s chiseling was extremely convincing. Bai Yulang will be suspicious, and he discussed a few words with Ruan Fei, and wrote down all of them. He plans to go back and check it according to this scope.

When Bai Yulang left, he took the 冉非泽 out and whispered, "Big brother, where did this big sister come from?"

"It’s awkward in the mountains."

"Ah!" Bai Yulang was shocked.

"So, how is Big Brother with her?"

"Everyone is in trouble, and it is the help of the husband."

"Big brother is really high-spirited." The small catch is a bit higher for the worship of Fei Ze. "Can Big Brother not be afraid of her weird?"

"Afraid she is weird?" 冉非泽笑, "Is she not always weird?"

"Well, it's really weird." Bai Yulang nodded. "Is that big brother not guarding?"

"The girl's eyes are clear, her eyebrows are correct, what is her defense against?" Fei Feize said: "I have traveled all over the country and have seen many people, but I have got a reason."

"What is the reason?"

"The world's characters are weird."

Bai Yulang squinted for a long time and patted his palm: "Big brother said it."

Yan Feize sent Bai Yulang and returned to the backyard. Su Xiaopei was walking around, some embarrassing. Seeing that he is back, he quickly asked: "Do you believe what the strong man said?"

"And it doesn't matter."

Also, he believes that there is no loss.

"What about catching a little brother?"

"He will find people according to what the girl said."

"Great." Su Xiaopei finally put down his heart.

Looking at it, I thought that this weird girl was quite confident in her judgment.

At this time, Su Xiaopei asked again: "A strong man, if you catch the case according to the scope of what I said, will the five or two silver medals be given?"

冉非泽 nodded.

"Great." Su Xiaopei was happy. "The strong man, although I just moved my mouth, but the five or two silver, I really have a credit, so I think that we should be half-pointed for five or two silver. One person takes half, this is fair!" 2k Read novel