MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Good." 冉非泽丝 did not hesitate, readily agreed.

He was so happy, but Su Xiaopei wrinkled his face.

Regret, missteps, I knew that he didn’t care about the money so he should say three or seven points. He is three of her seven.


"If the girl is too much, it doesn't matter if I get more points." Yan Feize was so welcoming, so that Su Xiaopei really vomited.

Who is too much? how is this possible!

Su Xiaopei ignored him and continued to turn over the case file. At this time, if there is a pen and paper on hand, she has many ideas to write down.

"The strong man, you said, ask the white catcher and ask for some paper and pencil. Can he give it?"


冉非泽真 is a rare glimpse, but fortunately his face is restrained.

Su Xiaopei still said: "In any case, the pen is a public. I mean, it’s a trick. It’s not taking his own things. If you don’t take it, can he give it? He worships you so much, he can give it. ""

Yan Fei did not look at her, only said: "When the girl wants, she will ask the white brother."

"I don't think I can give it, the strong man asks."

"I am afraid this is not easy with me."


"Why, why?"

"I am asking you, what are you asking?"

"I am teaching girls to talk. If a girl wants to be here for a safe day, the words really have to be amended. After I am not, others may not be able to do so."

This is really hitting Su Xiaopei, she suddenly vented her breath.

"I have tried hard to learn. I mean, I really studied it seriously."

"Yeah." 冉非泽 nodded.

"Hey." Su Xiaopei secretly sighed.

After a while, she reacted. Hey, how did you get rid of the topic by 冉非泽?

"Strong man."


"Why isn't it good for the strong man to ask the white catcher to have a pen?" She felt that as long as he spoke, Bai Yulang could give him a box of paper and pen.

"In the lower skin, thin."

Su Xiaopei reacted for a while, relying on it, the words are coming out, and they are thin!

Forget it, the original Mr. Zhuang Shi also wants to face, she understands.

Su Xiaopei did not mention this matter, turned around and helped pick up the table. At this time, the boss of Song came in and called out the 冉非泽, presumably asked the question of Bai Yulang.

This Song boss has always been unable to see Su Xiaopei, and he is not willing to say more to her, Su Xiaopei does not care, happy to be free. She took the booklet and went back to the house to carefully ponder it.

After a while, Yan Feize came back. At this time, Su Xiaopei passed the case seven or eighty-eight, and even strengthened her thoughts, but she still had a concern.

"The strong man, do you think that the white catch is reliable? He listened to what we said today. After returning, can the other people in the government really listen to his arrangement and go to Nakan County to investigate the identity of the criminal? He was only three months old. Will other people in the door think that he is a junior and ignore him?"

"Reassured, he can do something."

"Why?" She said that she can also speak the words of Wenyu.

"Because he is not an ordinary small catcher, he is the six sons of Baijiazhuang."

"The six sons of Baijiazhuang are very good?"

"Baijiazhuang is one of the top ten martial arts villages, and its reputation is loud. Bai Yulang is the white son of the six sons. It ranks at the end and is very painful. If it is not this identity, how can he enter the public door and follow the case with Qin? How can I even want to get the case file to get it? He brought back the news and asked to go back to Kangzhuang to investigate the case. Even if someone else has doubts about his head, it will not be too blocky. The official will not send someone to check, Bai Yulang You can also find people to help him check, of course, for him, that is the back. He has a way to deal with the public relations, you are at ease."

In this way, how can it sound so suspense, than the martial arts of the non-Zena, it is more powerful than the imaginary high-strength.

"He said that he is the six sons of Baijiazhuang, and the strong man believes?"

冉非泽笑: "I am not him, of course, I will not believe this."

Hey, he said that he knows that it is quite unreasonable for him to believe in people’s bragging.

"How is the strong man confirmed?"

"I know him."

"Ah?" So how did Bai Yulang just recognize the heroes?

" Six years ago, I went to Baijiazhuang. At that time, he was only twelve. It was a small head. It was only one side. He didn't remember me. It was normal."

"What do the heroes do in Baijiazhuang? Well, I mean, what?"

"Go and send him a weapon. By the way, look at the white family son who has good qualifications and can accept it as an apprentice."

Ah, it’s actually going to see each other.

"He called out their six brothers at that time and met with me. I remember his appearance. On that day I went to the door to find out the news, I saw him standing at the door, patiently listening to the old man who wrote the story, I I know that the girl can achieve it. Bai Yulang is refreshing, **** and good, but unfortunately, it is not a suitable apprentice."

Su Xiaopei was curious: "Is it a good man to teach him martial arts?"

"No, martial arts is second. My craft reputation is ten times stronger than martial arts."

"Oh." It sounds like a cow's fork, but the indifferent attitude of the person who talked has weakened the cow's fork ten times, and Su Xiaopei's art weapon is really not interesting, so no. feel. But since I talked about it, I still have to ask more questions.

"What craftsmanship does the strong man have?"


"Oh." If the casting weapon is very bullish, you should be able to earn a lot of money, but he is so poor.

Su Xiaopei wants to sigh again. This gentleman is really too special. She said everything he said, but his conditions are really unbelievable.

“Does the heroes accept female apprentices?” She asked casually, really not asking for herself.

Yan Fei Ze glanced over and replied: "You can accept the smashing hammer."


Forget it, when she didn't ask.

This evening, Su Xiaopei lay on the simple bed, thinking of the things that the singer said, and the scene of a strong female man wearing a bikini smashing his head, could not help but laugh out loud.

The disciple of the strong man, the strong man, please take care!

Su Xiaopei turned over and thought that she really didn't think too much. She only asked for the white house and six sons. She could really find out the identity of the criminal according to the analysis she gave, find out her identity, find his family, and they are away from the murderer. It’s a step closer.

Although it is a bit unreasonable to think so, she hopes that her speed of tracing here will be faster than that of the government.

She needs this thing to earn that little silver, and she needs this to enhance her self-confidence. She must live well.

The author has something to say: the number of words in this chapter is less.

I originally wanted to make up some more words tomorrow, but I saw it in a paragraph at a glance. I’m going to have another 12 o’clock, and I’m okay, and I’m even more, so I’m even more.

Look at the doubles, the diving is out of breath! ! ! ! ! ! 2k novel reading network