MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 44 repair

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On that day, Su Xiaopei was so flustered that it was really a bit "painful". Bai Yulang said that Wu Feize is leaving. Su Xiaopei thinks she should find something for herself. Maybe she should buy some gifts for Wu Feize? She went to the market, walked and walked, and walked along the road where she took her. Then she saw a street-shaped archway on the side street. Suddenly she thought that she had seen several blacksmith shops in this street in the old file. Su Xiaopei had never seen such a shop. She suddenly wanted to know the craftsman. What is the shop?

Later, will Fei Zeze open a shop with his apprentice? After he left, would he find Cheng Jiangyan suddenly go back, she still has time to say goodbye to him?

Su Xiaopei walked into the street, the street was a little winding, there were no shops on both sides, and the doors were closed. Su Xiaopei walked, walked two bends or didn't see the craftsmanship shop. She remembered that the house number on the file was 100. It was easy to remember. She looked up and found the house number, but found that there were no left and right doors. She is amazing, how can I not hang the house on the street? She hadn’t noticed it before, but now I’m looking for a place, but I found it. She continued to go inside and found that there was no house number all the way, but after she turned two laps, she found a hit iron shop.

There was a flag hanging in front of the shop, and a long board table was placed in front of the door. There was a small iron utensil on the top of the shop. The shop was small and deserted. The difference between the scene of the fire and the hammer that Su Xiaopei imagined was so hot. She was staring at the shop and was in a daze. Suddenly two drops of water were hit and Su Xiaopei was shocked. It was suddenly raining.

Su Xiaopei looked around and hurried back and ran a lap, only to find that the left and right doors were almost the same, the rain was getting bigger and bigger, and she was too late to find the way out. She turned back to the craftsmanship shop. There was a man in the shop who took out the longboard table and closed the door. Su Xiaopei did not have time to ask two sentences.

She stood up and hid under the eaves of that house, watching the rain getting bigger and bigger, and the sky was dark.

Is she doing something stupid? Su Xiaopei looked at the sky and laughed at himself, so he was looking for a hit iron shop and a neuropathy. Here, I don’t post the house number, I’m sick. What's good in the world, rain, neuropathy.

Ok, the house number is innocent, it is normal to rain, only she is not right.

The rain was very big, the eaves were very narrow, and the rain was floating on Su Xiaopei's body. She felt very cold. I can't see anyone else on the street. She doesn't dare to knock on the door behind her. The men and women don't know what to do. She remembers that there is only one man in the house, and she is a man and a woman.

It was just that she stood still and felt tired. It turned out that she had been away for a long time, and her body was wet. She felt cold. I don't know if it is easy to cure a cold in this world?

She was thinking, staring at the rain screen.

After a long time, she couldn’t stand for a long time, but the rain was still there. At this time she saw a tall figure, holding a blue paper umbrella and holding something like a coat on her hand. The rain was so big that she couldn’t see it clearly. The man stopped far, seemed to be watching her, and then came back soon.

"Girl." The man called.

"Strong man." Su Xiaopei was overjoyed.

Yan Feize approached and looked helpless.

Su Xiaopei screamed, although she was very happy, but she was so stunned that she had to smile too bright and seemed too heartless.

Yan Feize looked at the flag in the rain and turned to look at Su Xiaopei.

"I, I just walked away, I didn't expect it to rain."

Yan Fei did not speak, only looked at her.

Su Xiaopei was a bit awkward and had to find out: "How can a strong man come?"

"When I don't come, when is the girl going to be trapped?"

"Which can I plan to look at God's face." It seems that she wants to see God's face as if it is more than this.

Yan Fei Ze did not speak, staring at her.

"How can a strong man come?" she continued to find out.

"I went to the door to find you. They told you to come out for a long time." It was raining, and he didn't feel relieved, he came out to find her.

Su Xiaopei nodded. It is also difficult to ask how he found her.

Yan Fei Ze does not intend to explain. Finding her seems to only rely on intuition.

The place she had been to was almost all led by him. How far is her foot, he knows. There was only one street on the street, and the archway was noticeable. He didn't find her on the avenue and turned in.

Two people in the rain, you see me, I see you. Yan Fei Ze suddenly sighed, handed over the clothes and handed it over.

Su Xiaopei put on it, still feel cold. Yan Fei Ze looked at her, then turned and squatted.

Su Xiaopei looked at his generous back and jumped in his heart, then carefully looked around and slammed up.

"No one will see you?" She groaned.

"The rain is big, the girl is dressed like this, it is a human being that can't see anything, not to mention men and women."

What is human beings and things can't be seen, who is something?

Su Xiaopei was not convinced, but he still clung to him, for fear of falling.

Yan Feize handed the umbrella to her hand. She took it, and climbed his shoulder with one hand and an umbrella in one hand. He emptied his hand, holding her leg bend and slamming her up.

She stabilized her, and Fei Fei went into the rain.

"The strong man, there is no hanging number here."

"Get lost in the big city, the girl is the first person."

"I didn't get lost, it was raining."

"Why did the girl turn there?"

"Ah?" Su Xiaopei was silent for a while. "I lost my way."

"The girl's intelligence sometimes makes people worry." It is really a broken heart that can't prevent her from going out.


The two did not speak again, only the rain curtain hit the sound of the paper umbrella.

"The strong man, the rain is pretty good." She couldn't help but want to talk to him.


"The strong man, when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow, today I want to resign to the girl."


There was another silence, and then he couldn’t help but say: "It’s been two months, it’s been too long.”


"Not that I left the girl."

"The strong man has something to do, I understand."

"The girl is going to take care of herself."

"The strong man is assured."

Yan Fei Ze suddenly stopped. Su Xiaopei looked around, no one was there, heavy rain, and nothing happened. Why stop?




What if? Su Xiaopei waited.

Waited for a long time...

"If the girl's word is not well trained, I will see the girl's letter will want to laugh, the girl must be well-trained."

"..." Su Xiaopei gritted his teeth: "The strong man cares!"

Hefei Ze continued to go, he was more worried. This is not good, not good.

"Where do you want to send it?" She whispered after a long time.

Yan Fei’s footsteps stopped, and he bent his mouth and continued.

"The girl is relieved, if there is a heart, the letter will always come."