MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 43 repair

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Chapter 43

Su Xiaopei first met her mother-in-law. The mother-in-law looked harsh and first talked with Su Xiaopei about how her daughter-in-law of the tea kungfu was not good, until Su Xiaopei felt that it was too good, and led her to say elsewhere, she began to talk about today.

In fact, it was really a normal day. Because of the good sun, my mother-in-law’s daughter-in-law took the winter clothes from her house and dried it. She washed the sheets and asked her to clean her clothes. The daughter-in-law is doing it. In the afternoon, when the old lady slept, she woke up and checked the work carefully and carefully, but found that her favorite jade pendant was gone.

She asked her daughter-in-law on the spot, but her daughter-in-law only said that she did not know, and she overturned the house of her mother-in-law and did not find it. The nature of her mother-in-law did not believe that she did not take it, so she personally searched the house and body of her wife, but she did not find it. The last two people came to the door.

The old lady said that she would swear by two sentences, and that she would swear by two sentences. Su Xiaopei listened to the temper.

After chatting with the old lady, Su Xiaopei met her wife. The young daughter-in-law is already a child's mother. The child is ten years old. She went to the school today. She only went home to eat at noon, took a nap, and then went. After the child went out, the old lady woke up. She turned around in the yard and played with some flowers. After returning, she checked whether the clothes washed by the wife were clean, whether the retracted items were neatly folded, and whether they were sorted according to the rules and placed in the cabinet. Then I checked the comb jewelry and she cleaned it. At this time, I found that there was one jade pendant.

"The jade pendant you wiped today?"

The daughter-in-law nodded and said: "I have wiped it. Because it is the favorite pendant of the mother, I have been very careful. I remember this clearly."

"Where did you put it after the wipe?"

"I just put it back in the box with other jewelry, I never took it."

“Is the child naughty and playing?”

The wife shook her head: "When I cleaned up the jewelry, the child was studying in the school. And the mother taught me to be strict, and the child did not dare to take it."

"Are you sure you put the jade pendant in the box?"

The daughter-in-law burst into tears and said: "I really remembered that I put it in the box. But my mother asked me a few times. I thought about it and thought about it, but I couldn’t remember the scene that I put back. Jewelry I rubbed together. Yes, everything else is there, I must have put it all in. Yes, today, I am coming back at noon, saying that I was punished by the Master, I don’t want to go to the school again. I have been thinking about this in the afternoon, some swaying, I was afraid that he would play somewhere else. When I was rubbing the jewelry, my mother told me to go to the yard to collect the sheets. I quickly put the jewels in the box and went out to collect the sheets. There was no one in the middle who had entered the house. But the pendant was gone. ""

"So you are not sure if you put it in the box?"

"I..." The daughter-in-law bite her lips and tears. Finally, she slammed down and cried: "Adult, ask the grown-up to see, I am not a thief. My mother-in-law has never been happy with me, but I have always been a member of the book, serious and filial. She is an old man. I don't want to be separated from you. I don't want to be close to the official. I can't afford this crime. If I am sentenced to steal, I will take me back to my family. How can I be a man in the future?"

Su Xiaopei was shocked and quickly lifted her up. She can imagine how this miserable reputation would be if the woman was really desecrated and her husband and children were taken away from her. She thought about it and looked out the window. In the yard outside the window, the man surnamed Zhan looked at the direction of the house, waiting anxiously, his mother standing beside him still mourning what was being held. Su Xiaopei’s eyes turned, but he saw Zhai Feize.

She was happy in her heart, and she was gazing at her, and nodded at her.

Su Xiaopei let the wife and so on, then pushed the door out.

"How did the heroes come?" As soon as she went out, she was coming over, and she was busy asking.

"I heard that the girl took a case and I came."

Su Xiaope smiled and nodded: "It is a small case."

Yan Fei Zewen also laughed: "It seems that the girl is in the chest."

"There is a way to argue with them, what advice does the strong man have?"

冉非泽闻言 moved his brow, he understood the meaning of Su Xiaopei, her method, it must be a little weird.

"Girl, Mo made a self-proclaimed, Mo Zhang Yangsheng, it’s good to be cautious."

Su Xiaopei nodded.

Yan Feize did not trust, asked: "Can the girl understand?"

"Understand." Su Xiaopei was teased by his expression and replied: "There is a sword in the hand."

"The girl said very much."

The two looked at each other and felt like laughing.

Su Xiaopei lowered his head and said: "Then I went to the Fu Yin adults first."

冉非泽 nodded, did not move. Show that he does not intend to accompany her.

Su Xiaopei took a few steps and looked back. He saw that he was turning to look at her. Su Xiaopei warmed up and stepped away. She felt that she was going to the examination room alone, and that she was sent to the station, like a parent who sent the exam. Su Xiaopei hurriedly, and saw Qin Dezheng in front of Fu Yin House.

"Su girl." Qin Dezheng called: "I heard that the adult gave the girl a case."

"It is a small pile of cases." Su Xiaopei.

Qin Dezheng listened, smiled slightly, and left.

Is he also worried about her?

Su Xiaopei fixed his mind and suddenly understood it. This is really an exam.

But she is not worried, this is really a small case, she can do it, a small matter.

Su Xiaopei went to see Fu Yin. When Fu Yin saw her, she asked, "How is it?"

"Adult, the wife said, it is indeed some uncertain things."

"This official has already known."

"I have a way to help her remember where she puts her things, or if she is stealing, she can teach her where to put it."

"Really?" Fu Yin frowned.

"Really, don't fight, don't scare. I just talk to her. Only my method needs a quiet environment, can't disturb people. This, I hope adults know."

Fu Yin thought about it, nodded, called a servant to come in and confessed a few words. The servant led the way with Su Xiaopei.

Su Xiaopei returned to the house where the wife was tried. The wife was still there, but she was talking with her official in tears through the window. Su Xiaopei came over and nodded to the servant. The servant took two people and took the other idlers to the outside and got the outside of the yard. Yan Fei Ze did not stay, followed by the yard.

The wife was a little panicked and looked at Su Xiaopei.

Su Xiaopei smiled at her: "Mrs. Mo Pan, because the lady did not remember where the pendant was placed, I married the adult, let the lady quietly think about it, will be able to wash the lady's wrongs."

The daughter-in-law was surprised: "I didn't lie, I thought about it carefully. I remember putting it in the wooden box together."

"Mrs. Mo is anxious." Su Xiaopei greeted her: "Sit."

The daughter-in-law sat down.

"Mrs. believe me, I will find the sinker for my wife." Su Xiaopei's voice is soft, but very firm. The daughter-in-law listened and nodded involuntarily.

"Mrs. listened carefully to me and said, as I said, can you?"

"Good." The daughter-in-law nodded again.

"The weather is very good today, the sun is warm, the lady is drying the clothes and the sheets."


"Mrs. Please close your eyes."

The daughter-in-law closed.

"Recall the feeling of standing under the sun today, warm. Lady, please take a breath, exhale, inhale, exhale... very warm, and some hot."


Su Xiaopei slowly guided and let the wife completely relax, which took her some time. She confirmed that the wife completely relaxed and followed her instructions, and then she said: "Now, the lady is standing in front of the clothes, the clothes are hanging out, madam. You see very clearly, just before your eyes."

The daughter-in-law walked with her voice and saw the picture: "Yes. I saw it and it was all dry. The clothes were in front of the sheets."

"Now, how many pieces of clothes are told to hang out?"

"Ah..." The daughter-in-law was surprised.

"You can see it, just in front of you."

The daughter-in-law nodded, she could see, very clear, she said the number, from left to right, adults and children.

"Well, now the lady is going back to the house, and the lady is going to pack up the jewelry." Su Xiaopei said very slowly. "How did the wife clean up?"

"I took a thick quilt and went out on my mother's bed. I had to dissipate the heat and fold it again. Then I sat on the chair by the bed and opened the wooden box on the low cabinet on the bed. I wiped it. Then, I put it on the bed, wiped it all over, and wiped the box again."

"The lady started to wipe, which one did the lady wipe first?"

"It is a silver scorpion." The daughter-in-law saw it very clearly. "I took all the things out, rubbed the silver plaque, the silver comb..." She made the order clear.

Su Xiaopei waited for her to finish it one by one, without interrupting her.

After waiting for a while, she said: "This will call you outside, who is it?"

"It’s a mother. She said that the sheets were soaked. She didn’t like to sun for too long, saying that there was a taste.”

"What do you do then?"

"I put things in the box and hurry out."

"Okay, don't worry. Look carefully, put one by one."

The daughter-in-law breathed a little anxiously: "I grabbed the bun and the scorpion, put it in, and then the silver comb..." She counted one by one, then she slammed: "Pendant, the sinker is on the bed, I didn't let it, I Run out."

"No problem, no problem." Su Xiaopei almost said "it doesn't matter", and changed her mouth to the mouth, she fixed the god, carefully said: "The sinker is still there, no hurry. What are you going out to do?"

"Receive the receipt."


"Expand in bed."

"You started, then what did you do?"

"The wooden box is under the sheet, and I probed it out and put it on the table."


"I folded the sheet and folded the thick quilt and put it in the mother's box."

"What about the sinker?"

The daughter-in-law did not speak, and her breathing was clear and audible. After a while, she said: "I saw it. It was on the quilt and was folded by me along with the quilt."

"Good, no hurry. Then what?"

"I laid the bed, took the clothes back and folded them, and put them into the mother's clothes box according to the rules. I packed up the house and I went out."

"Okay, now we are back in the yard. Do you feel the warm sun?"


"Where is the sinker?"

"In the quilt, I put it in the big wooden box in the east corner of the house."

"Very good, now you can feel at ease, you feel very comfortable. You are in the yard, there is a breeze, do you like to be in the yard?"

The daughter-in-law did not speak. After a while, she said, "It’s a bit hot, I still like to go back to the house."

"Okay, then go back to the house now."

After another good meeting, Su Xiaopei asked: "Is it in the house?"

"Yes, I am sitting, the chair is made by the official for me, very comfortable."

"Then you will sit for a while, then rest, rest, and you will open your eyes and tell me, okay?"

"it is good."

Su Xiaopei waited for a while, confirming that she was all right and relieved. She patiently waited for the wife to blink, and waited for a long time, she finally woke up and opened her eyes.

"Adult." The wife looked around and was surprised and happy. "I remembered, I know where the sinker is."

Su Xiaopei nodded: "Yes. The lady thought carefully and seriously."

"I only rested for a while." So she remembers everything. She remembers that Su Xiaopei chatted with her. She remembered thinking about the details she had happened. She remembered that she sat for a while.

Su Xiaope smiled and nodded again: "It is to be so restful, so that you can concentrate all the spirits and think carefully. The lady is doing very well."

The daughter-in-law could not sit still: "I, I want to go to the official, I thought."

Su Xiaopei nodded again. She opened the door and went out to call the servant of Fangcai. The crowds poured into the yard. The daughter-in-law rushed over and told the matter carefully with her own official. The mother-in-law would be suspicious, Su Xiaopei let them wait, she Going back to Fu Yin, Fu Yin listened, and then he went back to the family with the servant. As a result, it was indeed in the wooden box that was folded, and the green and clear jade pendant was shaken out.

Su Xiaopei, who heard the result, and the non-Ze Ze, who had been waiting for her side, said: "The last time I failed, this time I will always succeed."

冉非泽道: "This is a very good way to remember things. The girl is good."

Last time he asked her if she was *surgery, this time he said that he remembered the law. Su Xiaopei blinked and realized.

Houfu Yin called Su Xiaopei and asked her what method she used. Su Xiaopei changed her hypnosis to a name called Remembrance. Fu Yin did not say much, let her go down. After a few days, Su Xiaopei was called in the past and asked her how to use it to confess.

If in modern times, Su Xiaopei will discuss with him the results that are legally and technically enforceable, but here is another world, and the strongest man she trusts in this world, she succeeded in hypnotism. On that day, I will teach her that the people who are arrogant must have the knowledge of the first. The skill he said was the skill of the sword. Su Xiaopei certainly understands.

So Su Xiaopei replied to Fu Yin. This method is just to help others to think about something more in a very relaxed situation. It is like tired and tired. Listening to the music reading is the same, but the method is different. Therefore, for the purpose of interrogating confessions, I am afraid that it is not too fascinating.

However, Fu Yin did not give up his heart. He called Su Xiaopei from time to time to chat. Even Qin Chuantou and several masters were pulled to discuss how this method can be used.

This incident made Yan Feize frown and sighed: "Girl, some people are born to love trouble, maybe you are." For this trouble, he wants to go and can't go, can go and don't want to go, how much do you want to go It is a bit confusing to walk him. He sighed and poked Su Xiaopei's head.

Just when the people were keen to discuss the new method of confession and confession, Luo Kui, who had been sentenced to the decapitation, was only approved by the official letter, and he wore his belt around his neck in the middle of the night and squandered himself in prison.

The author has something to say: I read that hypnotism is not about slumbering people, but on the other side's most focused and relaxed moment, entering the other's subconscious. As long as you give enough hints to catch the command at that moment, you can hypnotize successfully.

This foreshadowing should appear later. 2k novel reading network

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