MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 109 The mountain collapsed, and the battle of the Nine Heavens (for the leader of the Nuanyang alliance)

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  Chapter 109 The mountain collapses, the battle of the Nine Heavens (addition for the leader of Nuanyang)

   Following the departure of the two active guys Liu Fengbaimu, Chen Chu felt that the hotel base felt a little deserted.

   But these have no effect on him.

  Chen Chu who returned to the hotel continued to practice, but because he was reluctant to exchange his contribution points for energy crystals, his normal practice speed was much slower.

  During cultivation, Chen Chu's consciousness sank and he came to the sword armored beast.

   Under the sea surface more than 200 meters deep, a black beast that has grown to eight meters is lurking in the darkness.

  Because not far from it, three crystal-horned mutated fish with a body length of ten meters are patrolling the site, looking for the dangerous creature that keeps attacking and killing their own kind.

  After more than ten days, the sword armored beast almost hunted down more than a dozen crystal-horned mutant fish under nine meters.

  In this case, these mutated fish with a little intelligence are more vigilant, and the remaining six 10-meter-long mutated fish will patrol the territory every day.

  Even the three huge mutant fish with a body length of 15 meters, 20 meters, and 23 meters are dispatched every day to patrol the surrounding sea area of ​​more than ten kilometers.

   But the ocean is different from the land, it is a three-dimensional.

  So as long as the sword armored beast lay motionless on the dark seabed hundreds of meters away, those crystal-horned mutated fish would not be able to find it at all.

   Unless luck is unlucky, the two sides meet face-to-face at close range.

  Wait until the three crystal-horned mutated fish were far away, and sensed the gentle fluctuations in the nearby seawater, the sword-armored beast swam slightly: "These guys are too vigilant, it's hard to kill."

  In its perception, these ten-meter-long crystal-horned mutated fish can confidently kill a sword armored beast alone.

   But it is a bit troublesome for the opponent to gather three together. The energy attack speed of the freezing beam is too fast, and it cannot guarantee that it will be fine after being frozen.

  And if a mutant fish with crystal horns of more than ten to twenty meters is attracted, even it will be very troublesome.

  After all, these guys are not strong enough in physical combat, but because of their high level, their energy attack power is terrible, and even sword armored beasts are afraid of the cold light that freezes everything.

   "Forget it, let them go first." After weighing it up, the sword armored beast chose to turn around and leave, planning to eat them later when it was stronger.

  Under the dark deep sea, the same dark and ferocious mutant beast disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  With the speed of the sword armored beast, it quickly swam out of the sea area of ​​tens of kilometers, far away from the domain of the crystal-horned mutated fish, and began to float up.

  The ocean is the ocean. As soon as the sword armored beast swam to a depth of more than 50 meters, two mutated great white sharks with a body length of 10 meters appeared in front of it.

  Compared with ordinary great white sharks, these two mutant sharks are larger in size, and their bodies are covered with armor-like gray armor, and their mouths are full of sharp teeth.

  At this time, the sun shines through the sea water, and the light is bright, allowing the sword armored beast to see far away, and the sight of other fish is also sharper.

  So when the black mutated beast approached tens of meters, the two mutated white sharks also spotted it.

  Compared to the two stout mutant white sharks, the sword armored beast looks more ferocious, but its tail occupies half of its body, and its deterrent power is obviously insufficient.

  So the two mutated white sharks swung their tails, immediately rolled up the billowing sea water, and rushed towards the sword armored beast from left to right, making a hunting and besieging gesture, very fast.


   The moment the sword armored beast approached, the two mutated white sharks opened their mouths, and an invisible ultrasonic roar erupted, and under the shock, all the small fish and shrimps within a range of more than ten meters turned white.

   Even the sword armored beast was a little surprised.

   I didn’t expect that the mutated white shark without vocal cords would actually have the ability to attack ultrasonic waves. It was so shocked that it was a little... nothing.

Roar! The sword-armored beast roared like a tiger but not a tiger, and the sound pierced through the sea, full of invisible majesty.

  The ferocious black beast flashed sideways while roaring, and its left paw slapped the head of the rushing mutant shark with terrifying force. The flesh and blood burst under the terrifying force, and the seawater exploded.

  At the same time, the tail behind him swayed like a dragon, like a black afterimage tearing through the sea water, and slammed on the head of the mutant beast on the right, its scales burst instantly, and its skin was ripped apart.

  Originally, this blow was going to penetrate its head, but this mutant shark reacted quickly and avoided the bone spur that could kill it with one blow.

   But even so, the terrifying power carried by the black tail still drove the mutated white shark away and kept rolling in the sea.

  Pfft! At the moment when the mutated white shark on the right was sent flying, the sword armored beast burst out with terrifying speed, and in the blink of an eye, it jumped in front of the dazed white shark on the left.

  I saw its forelimb muscles swell suddenly, and the terrifying power gathered from the whole body in an instant, and its claws fell like palms.


  As if a substantial force blasted the sea water, a circle of white shock waves exploded in the sea, and the mutant white shark's head, which was bigger than a car, exploded instantly.

   Suddenly thick blood and white water gushed out, dyeing the surrounding sea red.

  Although the body is a mutant beast, the master consciousness of the sword armor beast is Chen Chu, so every time he attacks his prey, he likes to attack the weak points of the head, back, and abdomen.

   Just as the sword armored beast instantly killed a mutant white shark, the other white shark felt the ferocious aura emanating from its body when its power exploded, and an instinct to escape was born.

  This instinct is like a seal encountering a killer whale, completely losing the courage to fight back.

  Instinctively, the mutated white shark swung its tail and wanted to run away, but just as it turned around, a black shadow flashed in the sea, and a ferocious sword armored beast appeared in front of it.

  After three evolutions, the speed of the sword-armored beast with optimized and adjusted body structure becomes terrifying in the water.


  Seeing that there was no way to escape, the mutated white shark was also aroused fiercely, its eyes were red and it launched an ultrasonic attack again, and its huge mouth opened angrily, revealing hundreds of fangs.


  The two claws of the sword armored beast grabbed the upper and lower jaws of the white shark, and the terrifying force prevented it from closing. At the same time, the two giants collided and the surrounding sea rolled up waves.

   Bang bang bang bang! The mutated white shark whose mouth was grabbed crazily rolled its body, bursting out with astonishing power, but...

   Tear! Accompanied by the expansion of the muscles of the two claws of the sword-armored beast, the head of the white shark was directly torn apart by the terrifying force, and countless blood spurted out in an instant.

  In just a moment, the sea water within a range of tens of meters was stained red by the blood flowing from two mutated white sharks.

  In the scarlet sea water, the eight-meter-long black ferocious beast slowly exuded a terrifying and tyrannical aura, like a king of beasts.

   And when the sword armored beast was biting and devouring the flesh and blood of the white shark, Chen Chu, who was far away on the balcony of the hotel, slowly opened his eyes, frowning slightly.

   "It's actually just a second-level mutant beast."

  By comparing the energy contained in the flesh and blood, Chen Chu could confirm that the two ten-meter-long mutant white sharks were only at the second-level late stage. No wonder they were killed so easily.

   However, the ultrasonic talent has evolved at the second level. It seems that sharks are very strong even if they are mutated.

  At the same time, Chen Chumin keenly discovered that in the ocean, the level cannot be judged entirely by body size, especially those marine creatures that are inherently huge.

   But the two second-level white sharks are not useless. At least after eating, the sword armor beast has grown in size again, and Chen Chu's four attributes have also increased by 1 point.

  At the same time, he got two evolution points.

   Just as Chen Chu was immersed in hunting and eating.

  Countless powerhouses of Kailya gathered thousands of miles away.

  There are seventy-two first-class schools in Dongxia, and hundreds of second-class and third-class colleges and universities. Every teacher who leads the team is a senior practitioner of the sixth heaven.

  Especially in first-class colleges and universities, such as Nantian Wugao, there are as many as six teachers leading the team, and all of them are at the peak of the sixth heaven or the seventh heaven.

  In this case, with the gathering of summoning orders, the number of high-end powerhouses of Kailya can be called terrifying.

  That night, a terrifying battle broke out in the mountains dozens of kilometers away from Celtic.

  Even a mountain was smashed down.

  The next morning, Sanjiu's small group chatted like crazy.

   “@陈楚, @夏右辉, it’s a pity you didn’t come.”

  Yi Rui's tone was a little excited: "Last night, there was a strong man at the peak of the Nine Heavens who made a move. The terrifying power can be felt more than ten kilometers away. It's too scary."

  Lin Xue also exclaimed: "Yes, I used to say that the peak powerhouse can sink the aircraft carrier, and I thought it was an exaggeration to ignore the bombing of the surrounding frigates and fighter jets."

  Xia Youhui popped up and said in shock: "This time even this kind of strong man came out. How is it possible? Doesn't it mean that the top strong men are not in this world?"

  Lin Yu said softly: "It is said that there is a fallen person from the Nine Heavens, and that strong person came to deal with him."

  Luo Fei also opened her mouth and said: "Last night, there were also a lot of high-ranking powerhouses from the seventh and eighth heavens. They walked through the air and joined forces to encircle the bishops and envoys of the evil **** sect."

   "Last night the scene was too grand, fortunately we chose to come here, otherwise we would not have seen this scene at all." Yi Rui continued to stimulate them.

  Xia Youhui said sourly: "What scene, do you think you've fooled me? Those high-level powerhouses have too much fighting range, and you shrimps dare not approach at all."

   "Let's not talk about it, just getting close to the terrifying real martial arts will can seriously injure you."

  Yi Rui who was exposed was a little embarrassed: "Although we can't see it, we can feel the terrifying power."

   "And we are not without gains. Those high-level powerhouses besieged the masters of the evil gods, and we went to chase and kill those ordinary believers."

  At this time, Chen Chu asked curiously: "How is it? How did you get it?"

  Although he was a little curious about the huge scene last night, he was not envious at all, after all, even the peak powerhouse of the Nine Heavens appeared there.

   It is said that the kind of strong man who destroys mountains and mountains can move at supersonic speed with his physical body alone.

  Dare to watch onlookers in this situation is completely courting death.

   "It's not much, I just killed two Second Heavens and one Three Heavens." Yi Rui's tone was a little smug, and he completely removed his prudent and shrewd mask.

  Lin Xue: "I killed a second heaven, a third heaven believer."

  Lin Yu: "Two triple Catholics."

  Luo Fei: "A quadruple blood angel."

   "Concubine Luo, you actually killed a Blood Envoy from the Fourth Heaven!" Xia Youhui was a little surprised.

  Blood envoys who have absorbed high-level blood species are not weak, even if they meet geniuses of the same fourth level, Luo Fei who has just broken through the third level actually...

  Luo Fei: "[Blink] Good luck, that blood envoy was wounded by some high-level cultivator. Even so, I also consumed a hybrid armor-piercing bullet."

   Well, forget that her weapons are different, special sniper cannons and powerful bullets, plus special skills that can weaken the sense of presence and block killing intent.

   He is simply a born assassin.

   Coupled with the clear division of labor in the four-person team, Lin Xuelinyu and Yi Rui teamed up to fight head-on, while Luo Fei secretly searched for the commanding heights to snipe.

  In this situation, they were invincible in Kurutur City. They killed more believers and rebel practitioners than Chen Chu and the others, and their record was brilliant.

   At this time, Chen Chu asked: "Have all the masters of the evil **** sect been killed?"

  Lin Xue replied: "No, it is very difficult to kill a strong man of that level if he wants to run away, especially some lunatics will blow themselves up if they disagree with each other, which is dreadful."

   "It is said that one tenth of the cult masters escaped in the end, but most of them were seriously injured."

  Chen Chu frowned: "In that case, you should be more careful in your actions over there."

   "Well, we understand."

   Brothers, in addition to guaranteeing a minimum of 10,000 words today, the ten chapters of the leader have been added and updated. Tomorrow will continue. Remember to subscribe and support.



  (end of this chapter)