MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 36 transfer

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  Chapter 36 Assignment

  Chen Chu looked around, seeing densely packed human heads.

  These students are similar to them. They gather together in classes and are divided into more than 40 camps. The number of participants is expected to be around 500.

   It was the first time for Chen Chu to see so many freshmen who practiced real martial arts, all of whom were unfamiliar faces, because they usually practiced in two buildings.

  Besides, those freshmen who had just built their foundation for a few days all chose to give up, otherwise there would be more people.


  As the broadcast sounded, the audience fell silent.

  Looking at the sound, I saw more than ten teachers sitting on the main stage in the distance, including Chen Qi and Pang Long.

  Among the teachers, a bearded middle-aged man held a microphone and said in a deep voice: "I am Lin Xiong, the head teacher of Class 1, and the teachers present are today's judges."

   "Cultivation is a very boring thing, especially for you freshmen, many of you slowly slow down after getting through the initial novelty."

   "That's why the official organized this competition to let you realize the gap between yourself and your peers, let you know your shame and be brave, and work harder in cultivation."

   "You have no idea how much the country has paid to train your generation."

   "Don't take these things for granted. You must know that every resource you use is captured by other fighters on the battlefield."

   "At the same time, each exercise is created by the creator with all his painstaking efforts, so that there is a division of initial authority, because waste is not eligible to enjoy these."

   "Of course, this trash does not refer to those students who are slow to build a foundation, but refers to those who are lazy, lazy, and do not want to make progress after getting the opportunity to practice."

   "This kind of person will be gradually eliminated by the school in the next three years."

  Lin Xiong said in a deep voice: "Speaking of which, let me say a few more words."

   "At present, on the Internet, there are rumors that people who cannot build a foundation for a month have no talent for cultivation, or that people who can build a foundation for a month are inferior in talent."

   "These are all nonsense in my opinion. Foundation building is just a start, so what if it's slower?"

   "You must know that cultivation is a road of continuous self-evolution and self-breaking the limit. In the later stage, every breakthrough in the realm is counted as ten or twenty years."

   "Every big breakthrough is a sublimation, a transformation of life level, how can it be compared to the one or two months when foundation building was slow at the beginning?"

   "Everyone reminds me that cultivation is a long and arduous road, and only those with strong will and perseverance can reach the end."

   "The speed at the beginning is just a stumbling block encountered along the way, and it can be smashed with a little effort."

   "If you can't even bear this bit of tempering, no matter whether you are practicing or stepping into other industries, you will be mediocre in this life."

  What the head teacher named Lin Xiong said made the blood of many students who had established their foundation within a month very excited.

  Including some freshmen who had given up in the auditorium, their belief in cultivation once again surged in their hearts.

  Yeah, they are only half a month late, why can't they practice?

   "Okay, it's about time, let me talk about the rules of the game."

   "This competition is divided into three rounds. In the first round, everyone will fight six opponents in a row. Each round lasts ten minutes. One point will be added for each win, and one point will be deducted for each loss."

   "For those who do not win or lose within ten minutes, the referee teacher will decide the winner based on the battle performance."

   "After the first round of competition, the top 200 with the highest points will advance."

   "The second round is divided into defending the ring. Everyone needs to defeat four people in a row in the ring to count as a successful defending. And each person only has one chance to challenge."

   "After the top 50 are determined, the third round of free challenges will start. Those who are not satisfied with their current ranking in the ring can challenge for the top ten."

   "Winners continue, losers remain unchanged."

   "By the way, although the positions of the top fifty are different, the contribution points rewarded every month are the same."

   "Okay, now the competition starts. Everyone will start the first round of competition according to the names that appear behind the ring number on the big screen."

   "I am ring number 13."

   "My ring number nine..."

   "I am number forty-five..."

   "I'm in the No. 2 ring. Hey, squad leader, Ah Chu, I'll go first." Saying that, Xia Youhui excitedly ran to the No. 2 ring in the distance.

   Then Chen Chu also saw his name, in ring 49.

   Greeted Lin Xue and the others, and Chen Chu hurried over.

  There was already a girl standing on the ring with an ordinary appearance. Seeing Chen Chu jumping up, she said politely: "Student, how about we simply exchange ideas without using weapons?"

   "Yes." Chen Chu nodded, and then put the knife on the edge of the ring.

   "Pay attention to ring 49, the competition will officially start in three seconds."

  Accompanied by the sound of the electronic broadcast, both Chen Chu and the girl turned serious, and meditated in their hearts for three seconds, when the **** the opposite side suddenly let out a low shout.

   "Be careful." After the voice fell, the girl burst out at an astonishing speed, faster than Lu Haitao back then.

   Obviously, the exercises she majors in belong to speed.

   But... Boom!

  Chen Chu's left arm was crossed, and he stopped the girl from turning around and kicking her high. Her arm remained motionless, ignoring the girl's explosive power of hundreds of kilograms.

  The moment she was stopped, the girl twisted her body, and kicked three times in the air with her strength. The speed was as fast as lightning, and her feet did not leave Chen Chu's head and neck and other weak spots.

   But they were all easily blocked by Chen Chu, who reacted faster.

   And at the moment when the girl's third leg was exhausted, Chen Chu's body suddenly moved when she retreated in mid-air, and he grabbed her ankle with one arm like an elephant's trunk.

ah! The girl in midair was startled.

   Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge force coming, and he was thrown more than ten meters away by Chen Chu, and fell under the ring with a bang.

  The girl who fell from the sky startled the surrounding students.

  Looking at the girl who was sitting on the ground in a daze, her **** hurts and she couldn't stand up for a while, Chen Chu smiled slightly: "I've accepted."

  This girl is a little stronger than Lu Haitao, and she is also good at legwork and speed.

   But it's a pity that he met Chen Chu, who exceeded the limit of the first-tier heaven in terms of speed, strength, reaction, etc., and was directly crushed and instantly killed.

  The voice of the referee teacher came from the loudspeaker in the ring: "Ring No. 49, student Chen Chu won, and the next round will start after an eight-minute break."

  Chen Chu looked up, looked at the camera on the pillar, and said with a smile, "Teacher, I think you can start the next game directly without taking a break."

   It's not that Chen Chu is pretending, it's mainly because the girl just now was too weak, there's no need to rest and waste time.

   "...OK." The teacher on the rostrum gave a slight pause.

   Immediately, not far away, a mighty young man with a heavy hammer on his back ran over excitedly, and jumped onto the No. 49 ring.

   There will be more tomorrow. By the way, the previous chapter has been revised, and part of the girl's dialogue has been deleted, which is indeed a bit inappropriate.

   At the same time, some content was added after the previous chapter, and it was linked with this chapter.

   Don’t worry, everyone, this kind of competition for junior students won’t be too long, just two or three chapters. .



  (end of this chapter)