MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 298 Treasure hunt in space of black-grained stone pillars

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The space of the black-grained stone pillars is indeed a good place to hone your will.

Five thousand times the speed of time flow brought Lu Ge a huge improvement.

I don't know what it will be like to experience a hundred thousand times the speed of time in the future.

Leave hundreds of clones to hone their will.

The other clones in the space of the black-grained stone pillar went to find the secret room.

over the years.

Lu Ge either explored, or robbed openly, or exchanged, and he really got a lot of black or cyan tokens.

The tokens of different colors correspond to secret rooms of different levels.

The secret room is hidden in the huge black-striped stone pillar space.

No specific orientation.

Only when the tokens of the carrier get close will they feel it.

Lu Ge was also curious.

What kind of treasures and inheritances did these strong men who left their tokens and went to reincarnation finally leave behind?

For example, he appeared in an independent space at this time.

A secret room with a black token.

The secret room can only be entered if you have the corresponding token.

Otherwise, even the strongest in the universe cannot open it.

Although it is said to be a secret room, this independent space is extremely large.

There are even mountains, grasslands, and sky inside.

And a huge stone wall that can connect the sky and the earth.

Lu Ge flew to the front of those huge stone walls.

As expected.

The writings of various life groups are densely recorded on the stone wall.

A variety of complex and mysterious dense patterns.

Lu Ge began to carefully read the text and dense patterns recorded on it.

This is due to the profound knowledge of his countless clones.

Otherwise, most of the characters will not be recognized.

Can only comprehend the meaning in the text.

"I, the Lord of Meteor, accidentally obtained this black token and became the owner of this secret room. Before me, this secret room has been passed down for countless generations. I have seen the information left by the powerful in the past, and the traces of the fall. , I am extremely moved, even if I traverse the sea of ​​the universe, when the limit comes, the most powerful person in the universe will also fall. I have already experienced three eras of reincarnation and the universe, and I decided to go to reincarnation. No matter whether I can come back alive or not, I will stay The inheritance and treasures of my life are left to those who come after me, wish me success!"

"I, the Lord of Nine Sounds, is the successor of the secret room after the Lord of Meteor. After many inquiries, the Lord of Meteor failed to break into reincarnation and fell. Now it's my turn. I leave here , for future generations to comprehend..."

Lu Ge looked at the records on the stone wall.

This is left by generations of secret room masters.

There are not many treasures in the secret room, most of them are some top heavy treasure sets, or some ordinary treasures.

There are almost no peak treasures.

Even if there was, they were taken by those masters to reincarnate.

However, the unique records left by the masters of these secret rooms, as well as the secret patterns are also priceless treasures.

Not only that.

The owners of these chambers also left maps of the Jedi in the cosmic sea.

The maps left by each generation of secret room masters may be incomplete and incomplete.

However, if the maps of the masters of the past dynasties are combined, it will be much richer.

Lu Ge scanned around.

The secret room he was in had experienced thirty-two thousand six hundred and fifty-two masters.

He is the 32653rd.

Lu Ge felt emotional in his heart.

This represents more than 30,000 strong men from different reincarnation universe eras.

These mighty ones may all perish.

The only things that can prove their existence are the records on these stone walls and the unique skills they created.

Lu Ge looked at the huge stone wall connecting the sky and the earth.


If a generation of masters represents an era of reincarnation universe.

The more than 30,000 owners of this secret room represent more than 30,000 eras of the universe of reincarnation.

The hard work left by more than 30,000 strong men in the reincarnation universe era is definitely the essence of their life.

Although Lu Ge has countless avatars who jointly comprehend the law and create unique skills.

But the essence of hard work left by these more than 30,000 strong men of the cosmic age is also of great help to him.

Thousands of reincarnation cosmic epochs ago, such a secret method was still circulated.

Lu Ge looked at the records on the stone wall, and his mind collided with inspiration.

Many stalled games were suddenly inspired.

The huge stone wall records countless secret techniques and explanations on the laws.

If only one person wants to read them all, it will take countless years.

Fortunately, as long as he entered this secret room, Lu Ge could summon other clones.

Behind him, clones appeared one after another.

There are more than 30,000 clones.

Each avatar corresponds to the inheritance secret method left by the master of the secret room, and it is carefully inherited and understood.

Then integrate and optimize through hive thinking.

In the end, it became a nutrient that Lu Ge could absorb.

In addition to the inheritance secrets left by the masters of these secret rooms, Lu Ge's biggest harvest is the maps of the universe.

The maps of various places in the universe sea have been sorted out and become more and more abundant.

What he has to do now is to enrich and organize the maps he has obtained now, and integrate them with the maps explored by his countless avatars.

The cosmic sea is really too big.

Even with the assistance of the hive mind, it took him three days to complete the arrangement.

In the palm of Lu Ge's hand, there is a finger-long black crystal.

With a trace of his divine power penetrated into it.

A huge three-dimensional map was suspended in front of him.

Among the maps, there are detailed maps of each Jedi.

Including the "cosmic boat" in front of me, including the Qingfeng Realm that I have explored before, and another Jedi Mountain that has not yet been explored.

The more Lu Ge looked at it, the happier he became.

The current map is not known to be many times more complete than the map he compiled before.

With this complete map, it will be more efficient for Lu Ge to explore the universe in the future.

Lu Ge thought about it.

This is the space secret room where only a black token is located.

He still has more than a dozen black or cyan tokens in his hand.

This represents more than a dozen secret rooms that are the same as the space they are in now.

There are inheritances and maps in this secret room.

It must be indispensable in other secret rooms.

Lu Ge now has no hope for the treasures left in these spaces.

But these inheritances and maps are good things.

Keep exploring and organizing.

He wants both inheritance and maps.

Forget about the inheritance and secrets left by the strong in different reincarnation universe eras.

These are the essence of those strong people's perception and life.

But those maps don't have to think about it, there will definitely be many repetitions.

But adding up the maps of more than a dozen secret rooms, the complete map in his hands will definitely be more detailed.

The space corresponding to the cyan token is the core of the inner domain, and he can't get through it for the time being.

First collect the secret room where the black token is located.

Lu Ge began to get busy.

With the unremitting efforts of other clones, they gradually found the secret rooms corresponding to different black tokens.

Sure enough, there is a lot to be gained here.

In each secret room, Lu Ge left a large number of avatars to comprehend his unique skills.

The maps left by the masters of past generations were collected by him.

Before Lu Ge was about to leave.

Looking at the reluctant and unwilling messages of those strong people on the huge stone wall, I feel touched in my heart.

He didn't know where he could go in the end.

However, foresight, as well as the huge advantage of having countless clones, will definitely allow him to go further.

Now that he is full of fights and calculations, he has only practiced for less than ten epochs.

It is still long before the end of a cosmic era.

Lu Ge is confident that he will break through to the most powerful person in the universe, and even break through reincarnation, become the true **** of the void, and create a holy place in the universe.

Now that the map is complete, Lu Ge has left a large number of clones in the space of the black-grained stone pillars to continue to hone his will and understand the unique skills left by tens of thousands of strong men in the era of reincarnation.

He continued to explore the cosmic sea with other clones.

The current location is only on the surface of the "cosmic boat".

The more you go inside the "cosmic boat", the greater the danger you will encounter.

Deep inside the "cosmic boat", even the master of the universe will fall if he is not careful.

In the "cosmic boat", the vast majority of powerhouses have to ride on the treasure of the palace.

At this time, Lu Ge was riding a top-level palace treasure.

The defensive power of the top palace treasures, even if the strongest in the universe puts all their efforts, they may not be able to destroy them.

But if it's inside the "cosmic boat", it can be destroyed if you don't pay attention.

Whether it is the gust of wind inside the "cosmic boat" or the fragments of stars flying around, they are all more powerful than the full attack of the strongest in the universe.

This is only the inner domain of the "cosmic boat".

If it is the core part of the "spaceship", it will be even more dangerous.

Lu Ge carefully manipulated the palace-like treasures, and officially entered the inner domain of the "cosmic boat".

Lu Ge's other avatars are also busy in their own way.

Inside the primordial universe, his top overlord clones broke through in batches.

Now there are 300,000 clones who have broken through to the Lord of the Universe.

This number is still increasing gradually and steadily.

Lu Ge's background and accumulation are rich enough, what is lacking is that sliver of insight.

After breaking through to the Master of the Universe, although he is still some distance away from the strongest in the Universe.

But he has already sensed the limit of the most powerful person in the universe.

Just don't know when to break through.

In the original universe, he still left a large number of clones to study the laws and absorb the energy of the universe.

Only a world as vast as the original universe can give birth to the strongest in the universe.

This is something that neither of the two holy places of the universe sea can do.

Nowadays, the territory occupied by the human race is getting bigger and bigger, and the space for the strong among the human race to improve is also getting bigger and bigger.

Over the past few years, there have been five strong men who have been trapped in the peak cosmic overlord for many years, and successfully broke through the cosmic lord.

The master of the universe of the human race broke through twenty-four.

This is definitely great news for the human race.

All human races know why.

It is because the Green Bee Organization snatched a huge territory from the Zerg, Monster, and Machine Race, and expanded the living space of the Human Race.

In addition, the world master level and immortal level powerhouses of the human race have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

The overall power of the human race is getting stronger and stronger.

This made Lu Ge very pleased.

He would like to see the human race grow stronger.

By the way, Lu Ge gave a copy of the sorted out map to the Lord of Chaos City and the creator of the giant axe.

When the detailed three-dimensional map is displayed in front of the Chaos City Lord and the creator of the giant axe.

What the two giants of the human race showed was not shock, but fright.

The creator of the giant ax and the master of the chaotic city almost fell in front of the three-dimensional map.

They widened their eyes and observed carefully.

Apart from being terrified, my heart was filled with ecstasy.

The Lord of Chaos City asked Lu Bu in disbelief: "Master Peerless, I am afraid that the two holy places are far inferior to such a detailed map of the universe sea. Where did you get it?"

The creator of the giant axe also had his eyes glowing.

He rubbed his hands excitedly: "Great, the map of "Cosmic Boat" and Qingfeng Realm is so detailed, we can explore more places."

The creator of the giant ax and the owner of Chaos City looked at each other: "This map is of inestimable value, and it is definitely a priceless treasure for the human race."

Lu Ge smiled slightly: "This is shared by the Green Bee Organization, and I have no problem contributing to the human race."

The creator of the giant ax and the lord of Chaos City were full of emotion: "The Green Bee organization has given us a lot of help to our human race."

"No matter what, the human race will be the strongest ally of the Green Bee Organization in the future!"

The Lord of Chaos and the Creator of the Giant Axe are too aware of the importance of the Cosmic Sea Map.

The incomplete map of the Qingfeng Realm that the original master of Yuan Ao took out.

It can be snatched by the powerhouses of countless ethnic groups in the entire primordial universe.

It can be seen that the map Lu Ge took out is important.

The Lord of Chaos and the creator of the Greataxe carefully treasured this map.

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

Even the strong in the group cannot provide all of them.

They need to exchange it with contribution points.

Only in this way will the entire human race be twisted into one rope.

The Chaos City Lord was inexplicably excited.

Maybe it's time for him to make a good start and take it a step further.

He has been trapped in the Lord of the Universe for countless epochs.

It's time to break through the cosmology powerhouse.

For a long time, the human race has been independently supported by the creator of the giant axe.

Being able to break through yourself can also help the creator of the great ax relieve the pressure.

It would be even better if his strength increases and he can rescue his teacher Yuan Zu.

Although the original ancestor was permanently suppressed by the original universe, it is not impossible to rescue him.

The Chaos City Lord was very excited to discuss the development direction of the human race with the creator of the giant axe.

At this time, Lu Ge went to ride a palace-like treasure and appeared in a black swamp.

This is a very dangerous place inside the "Cosmic Ship": Flame and Ice Domain.

Magma flowed in the black swamp, and huge bubbles exploded one after another.

In the inner domain of the "Cosmic Ship", the Flaming Ice Domain is also a very popular place for explorers.

Dangerous as it is, there is really something good going on.

In recent years, several top-level treasures in the field have been born here.

At this time, there are seven or eight powerful figures entrenched in the black swamp.

Their eyes are fixed on a magma boiling area in the black There are violent spatial fluctuations there.

Experienced explorers know that this is the news of the birth of a treasure.

The movement was so strong this time that the entire space shook endlessly.

At least it must be a peak-level treasure.

These powerful men from different forces are on guard against each other, their eyes are full of fierceness.

Once the treasure is born, it is the time to fight and kill.

At this moment, Lu Ge also came.

"It's a good luck. Just arrived here, a treasure was born. Let me see what it is."

"As for the others, you can go away!"

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Chapter 298 Black-patterned Stone Pillar Space Treasure Hunt for free reading.https://