MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 58 058

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The slender fingers pinched a bunch of white rose branches, and slowly inserted it into the copper vase.

The morning sun shines through the windows, making the morning dew rolling on the petals crystal clear.

"Good morning." Hua Zhuoyu turned to Ning Buyi who came out of the bathroom, his eyes stayed on her cheek for a moment, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Ning Buyi saw the bouquet of white roses.

Usually, she or Beidou would replace the flower branches in the copper vase, but she always felt that something was missing, as if only at this time could she smell the fragrance of flowers.

"Morning." Ning Buyi nodded to Hua Zhuoyu, paused for a moment, and said, "You went to the flower field, did you see Chris?"

Hua Zhuoyu replied: "I see." The Zerg Queen is a dangerous person after all, and she can only feel at ease when she sees it with her own eyes. Speaking of which, this queen is indeed very different from what she has seen in the past. If the queen's loyal guards know that her awakened ability is only for honey harvesting, they don't know what they will think.

Ning Buyi: "You didn't do anything to her, did you? She is now a hero in the flower field."

Hua Zhuoyu opened his eyes wide and looked at Ning Buyi in surprise: "Why do you think so?"

Ning Buyi hesitated for a while before saying: "She hunted you down before."

Hua Zhuoyu smiled when he heard the words: "That's all in the past. But about Chris, I'm afraid I will know the pure white queen of Chongxing."

"Why?" Ning Buyi learned from Hua Zhuoyu that there was a change in Zong Xing, but there was still a confusion in front of him. She wiped off the water drops on her hands, found a chair and sat down, looked at Hua Zhuoyu curiously, waiting for her explanation.

"That queen is very concerned about her own sister." Hua Zhuoyu smiled, her eyes were a little inexplicable.

"Keris is a betrayer to her." Ning Buyi muttered.

Hua Zhuoyu walked towards Ning Buyi with brisk steps, and sat down opposite her. She crossed her legs and put her folded hands on her legs casually. "Maybe it's because of the deep love between sisters. Even betrayal can be forgiven."

Ning Buyi didn't believe such nonsense, she glanced at Hua Zhuoyu, cleared her throat and pretended to be serious: "It's business."

Hua Zhuoyu shrugged: "Chris's betrayal was within Hill's expectations, or it was in line with her expectations. The queen of the Zerg was tired of the current social order of the Zerg and wanted to give the people of the past A relief for us."

"How to get rid of it? Is it related to the mental shackles mentioned earlier? Have they started to change?"

"The White Queen's abilities are very special. One is the source of chaos, and the other is truncation. She needs to break the spiritual link between the queen and the people in the chaos, so as to remove the shackles on her." Hua Zhuoyu paused for a moment, and leaned forward slightly, "One thing is certain, that is, the chaos of the Zerg race is closely related to the dark pollution, and the White Queen is looking for a solution."

"I can understand that after Chris disappeared, no new king among the Zerg has mastered the spiritual link and inherited the supreme throne of the Zerg?"


"So the old king who came out of the place of imprisonment became the hope of the Zerg? But according to your description, this queen has no intention of leading the Zerg society. Today's Zerg will fall into chaos and disorder. Some Zerg They will start to think for themselves, but there will still be some who continue to follow the inertia and regard themselves as war machines. What will happen if Chris returns to the Zerg at this time?" Ning Buyi's expression gradually became serious. This is actually the second time they have talked about this matter.

"A clear banner." Hua Zhuoyu smiled, "When Chris sat in that position, she actually only did one thing, and that was to fight against Hill."

Ning Buyi was a little speechless, before saying after a while: "She is not in the right state right now, could it be the White Queen who did it?"

Hua Zhuoyu raised his eyebrows: "Who else is there besides her?" Internal and external difficulties, the battle of the scythe star is doomed to be a defeat. "It's also a good choice to keep Chris and trap her in Shanhaixing."

Ning Buyi let out a long sigh and said, "It's really bad." It seems that the Zerg will have another battle, and I don't know if it will affect Da Xia. If Da Xia is involved, isn't it possible that a certain plot in the plot will come true? The mountains and sea stars will not become a battlefield, will they? If so, wouldn't all her hard work be in vain? And that sad oak seed, when will it germinate?

Seeing that Ning Buyi's mood was not high, Hua Zhuoyu took the initiative to change the subject: "How is the tourist park?"

"It's a lot of income." Ning Buyi replied, thinking of a large amount of Xing Yuan being credited to the account, the gloom in her heart dissipated a little. "I want to keep the members of the germination inspection team in Shanhaixing, what do you think?"

Hua Zhuoyu stared at Ning Buyi, and said gently: "Why do you plan?"

"There is a medicine field in the base that needs to be dealt with. Instead of directly putting the Xingguang platform on the shelves, it is better to hold the entire industry in your own hands. Anyway, there are already several assembly lines in Aurora City now. It is only natural to have one more medicine, and so is the planet. It needs to be built." The dark pollution of Shanhaixing is still too high, and it has not reached the level of construction stars, and the system will not open large-scale immigration.

Hua Zhuoyu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Medicine? A special medicine for dark pollution?"

"That's how it was imagined." Ning Buyi nodded, "But the details depend on the Germinal Research Team."

In the past, in order to protect Shanhaixing, she didn't want to get in touch with people in Daxia, but the situation is different now.

"Does Shanhaixing take care of everything?" Hua Zhuoyu asked again.

Ning Buyi heard what she meant, and asked back: "Do you want to invest?"

"Xingting." Hua Zhuoyu said seriously, she thought for a while, and added another candidate, "Lu family."

The fruits, vegetables, snacks and other products that were put on the shelves before are only considered as the "business" of Shanhaixing, which is a small business. But once drugs are involved, it is a matter of people's livelihood. Having Xing Ting and the Lu family to endorse, can save a lot of trouble.

Hua Zhuoyu said again: "In addition to funds, it can also transport talents."

Ning Buyi thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Shanhaixing Sightseeing Park.

Although the members of the Germination Research Group were very interested in planting by hand, one month was too short, and they had to give up some of their ideas and devote all their energy to the research of drugs. You must know that these medicinal herbs have been extinct for too long, and all their knowledge comes from ancient classics. The first thing to do now is to verify the science of "knowledge" before continuing to study.

"Teacher, you can't complete the task even if you don't sleep and rest." Zhang Xun was a little embarrassed, not only he thought so, but the others also nodded.

"Can we apply to stay longer?"

Mei Ping was a little moved when she heard the words. She knew the importance of these herbs and the urgency of time better than the students.

Time passed quickly, and the deadline was approaching in the blink of an eye.

Like the four members of the extreme investigation group, they came to Shanhaixing just for fun, and they didn't have much nostalgia and reluctance after enjoying it to their heart's content. Mountain Sea Star has something that attracts them, but it is not as good as the bustling Wang Xing. So after a lot of shopping, I decided to return.

As for Xia Zheng's investigation team, people like Zhao Yu in the team made them lose face. In addition, the experiment did not produce any results, and a large sum of money was spent only for a while, and they had no shame to force them to stay.

"Xia Zheng's investigation team is about to leave." Zhang Xun was very surprised, he thought that the rest of the researchers would find ways to stay, "The beast star is still here, I'll ask." Zhang Xun said again . He has a good temper, unlike his senior brothers and sisters, he would strike up a conversation with people in his spare time, and after going back and forth, he finally had a few people who could talk to him.

It was a young man from the cat tribe who replied to Zhang Xun. He stretched his waist and said with a smile, "Go back? Are we not going back? We will stay in Shanhaixing from now on."

"Isn't there a one-month deadline? How can you stay?" Zhang Xun asked in surprise.

The cat clan youth responded with a smile: "Because we joined Shanhaixing."

"Join?" Zhang Xun's mind was stuck for a moment. Although he thought of the rumors on the star network before - the planet owner of Shanhaixing prefers the beast race, is it true?

The cat clan youth shook his right hand, his eyeballs rolled around, and he smiled slyly: "You don't know yet, do you? Our Royal Highness Beast Star has a good relationship with the planet owner, and we have all immigrated and obtained residence cards. Not only the tourist park, but also the base in the city not far away, we can go there!"

The sightseeing park is just to the east of Aurora City, within easy reach.

But this city is not as glamorous and noisy as the big city in Zhang Xun's memory, he gradually forgot about Aurora City. Hearing what the young cat clan said at this moment, he immediately became a little more curious: "Have you ever been to Aurora City?"

"No, but my cousin works there. A lot of equipment in the tourist park is temporarily borrowed from Aurora City. When the park is closed, it will be moved back. It's a pity that the experimental area is closed most of the time. Someone with such a knack.”

Zhang Xun chatted with the cat clan youth for a while, and when the other party left with an excuse, he returned to the resting place of the Germination inspection team full of thoughts, and discussed the news he had found with his brothers. If you want to stay in Shanhaixing, immigration is probably the only way.

After the cat clan youth left, he hurried to Xiong Xun's office.

"I've already told them the news about the immigration, Brother Xiong, can I go fishing by the Wenyu Pond?" The cat clan youth looked at Xiong Xun eagerly. For cats, the favorite thing is fish. It's a pity that the group of aquariums in Beast Star can't be touched, and finally there is a pool of ray fish, but it is guarded by that **** face of Shi Huaixiang. Just because he is a cat clan, he was directly and ruthlessly deprived of his right to fish. Didn't he just lick it?

Xiong Xun glanced at the tool cat, waved his hand and said, "Go." As soon as the tool cat left, he immediately sent a message to Ning Buyi: "My lord! They will definitely stay here on their own initiative! Just wait for the good news. "

Ding sound.

When Ning Buyi saw the message, he simply replied with "OK".

At the moment, she is surfing the Xingwang forum.

The "roster" of the Demon Phantom Star Thief Group was originally only discussed in a small area, but something happened yesterday, which made those remarks gradually come to the public's attention, and more people participated in it.

As for that matter, it was done by Hua Zhuoyu.

She took the bounty for eradicating the demon Phantom Star Bandit.

The Star Thief Group has always been notorious, and everyone wants to get rid of it quickly. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the public to eradicate the star thieves, each star thief is worth a large amount of star coins, especially the big star thief groups like Demon Phantom. It's a pity that the effect of the bounty is not obvious, after all, even if the bounty is generous, it must have a life flower. If the entire Star Thief Group cannot be eradicated, they will face endless blows in the future.

—After the Great Sickle Star War, the roster fell into the hands of Xingting. But Xingting doesn't care about these things, it must be given to the government, right? So this time, the government avoided the "eyes and ears" in order to effectively and simply crack down on the star robbers?

——Finally, I feel like paying taxes and paying taxes, the demon Phantom Star Thief Group, so dead!

People on the Internet rejoiced that the demon phantom disappeared. No one thought that such a feat could be done by a single person, but believed that the government did it.

"First they praised the government, and then they praised the prince, obviously they didn't do anything." Ning Buyi browsed the news on Xingwang, her expression gradually became complicated, she turned to Hua Zhuoyu who was calm and composed, and began to defend her.

There was a smile in Hua Zhuoyu's eyes, she turned her head and stared at Ning Buyi: "These false names are of no use to me." After a pause, "It's just right to leave it to Xia Tu and the others."

Ning Buyi asked again: "Will he use the roster to attack dissidents?"

"Yes." Hua Zhuoyu nodded, "Xia Tu is caught in the vortex of struggle, and he will use all available weapons as much as possible."

"Won't he doubt Xing Ting?"

Hua Zhuoyu said innocently: "What does this have to do with Xingting? Xingting never manipulates politics."

At this moment, the important officials of the government are all confused, after all, they haven't targeted the star robbers for a long time. Could it be the action of the military? But I haven't heard any rumors recently. But who did it is no longer important, the important "roster" is in whose hands it is. You must know that sitting in their position, it is inevitable that there will be some dirty things in your hands, and it is inconvenient for you to do it yourself. Those desperadoes are the best knives to use.

But now the knife is about to bite back.

"With the style of the Star Court, the spoils of war will be presented directly to His Majesty the Emperor. But now His Majesty doesn't care, so there is a high probability that the roster is in the hands of His Highness the Crown Prince."

"The prince now has the support of some people in the military, and he is hiding everything from us old people."

"Is there any way to destroy it?"

"What's the use of destroying it? I'm afraid the list has already been memorized by the prince. Our Highness can't tolerate sand in his eyes."

"You don't have to say that."

In the prince's mansion.

Xia Tu caressed his forehead with a solemn expression. He does not have the authority to control the star network, at most he suppresses the news. But someone secretly opposed him, and instead heated up the topic even more.

"Your Highness, why don't you hand it over to the Superintendent?" the staff carefully suggested. The roster also recorded the names of some people in the supervisory department, which might be a lot of water to deal with, but at least it could get rid of this trouble.

Xia Tu frowned, he shook his head and said, "Didn't Zhuoyu give me the roster so that I could get rid of those silverfish?" Seeing that the staff looked unhappy, he added, "The supervisor's driver has been idle for a while, They can no longer be used.” His ultimate goal is to disband the supervisory department, and in the process, he does not want the supervisory department to have power.

"Then are you going to deal with these people?"

"There are too many people involved, and moving around will cause a big shock." Xia Tu thought for a while, then suddenly stood up, "It seems that it is necessary to visit those elders. The roster is in my hands now, and the roster recorded on it should not be Am I the one who has the final say?"

"But Your Highness, this roster was not intercepted by our own people."

"Are you suspicious of Xingting? Do you doubt Zhuoyu?" Xia Tu swept his sharp eyes forward, and his tone was cold.

The staff finally chose to shut up.

In the princess mansion.

Xia Sang supported her cheek with one hand, and the pen in her hand was spinning rapidly.

"There is no result from the civilization investigation team... It should have been expected. It is not so much a skill as a talent, is it?" Xia Sang covered her lips and yawned. The news from the investigation team It made her lose interest, but soon, she regained interest, slapped the pen on the table, and stared at Ying Jingqiu who was not far away, "But there is a medicine field over there."

"You should stop thinking about it." Ying Jingqiu's cold and ruthless words broke Xia Sang's thoughts, "The chief judge will not let us intervene."

"She really doesn't trust me." Xia Sang sighed. She reached out her hand to brush her long, smooth hair, and walked towards Ying Jingqiu with light steps. Rosette, and said again, "Is there any good news to hear? Like the roster?"

Ying Jingqiu looked firmly at Xia Sang's ear, and said softly, "Didn't you already know?"

Xia Sang blinked and said, her tone was as fragrant as a rose, with a hint of sweetness: "But I want to hear your voice."

"The Alliance of Civilizations has obtained the official register from the planet master. Once Xia Tu takes action, the original register will be made public. As for the source of the roster, it is also the giant scythe star. After all, the fleet of the Alliance of Civilizations is going to maintain order. The inhabitants of Sickle have seen it all."

Xia Sang said with a smile: "It seems that the empire will soon be shaken."

Ying Jingqiu stared at her: "Are you excited?"

Xia Sang reached out and stroked Ying Jingqiu's cheek, her beautiful eyes were full of pleasure and danger, she asked back: "Shouldn't it be?" In the family", obeying the ancestral precepts is a matter for the heirs of the empire. What does it have to do with her, the princess who is used for "marriage"? The Zerg has a queen, and the beast star also has a queen, so Da Xia should also have a queen.

The dark tide is surging on the Great Xia Wangxing, but the mountains and seas are calm. If there is any change, it is that Zhang Xun formally asked Xiong Xun about the conditions for immigrating to Shanhaixing. Xiong Xun knew that the planet owner intended to keep people, so he deliberately described the experimental base and the pharmaceutical factory well. In fact, he has never been there, but he believes that Ning Buyi, who has great powers, will definitely be able to arrange it.

As for Ning Buyi herself, she is not in the Shanhaixing Base.

The "Easter Egg" was suddenly refreshed in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, and she was driving a speeding car non-stop towards her destination.

Ning Buyi always feels that something bad is about to happen, but no matter what, the "easter eggs" are her property, and she will not give up the easter eggs to stay away from "trouble".

Compared with a year ago, the extreme weather in Shanhaixing has gradually decreased.

The gentle sunlight falls on the body, and there will be no more burning sensation.

Hua Zhuoyu followed behind Ning Buyi, his eyes fell on the strange-looking stone forest, and he raised his eyebrows: "Is it in the stone forest?"

"Yes." Ning Buyi nodded. The "Master" skill has improved her perception. She does not need to turn around blindly, but precisely locates the "easter eggs". As she guessed, it was still a strange beast. The body is like a unicorn, with blue hair, four legs, a dragon head and a single horn. The name recorded in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book is Xiezhi. As for its strange ability, it can break the prison and sentence life and death. There is also a line of small characters at the back: for the orcs.

Refreshing Xiezhi at this time, could it be that something happened to Beast Star? A flash of worry flashed through Ning Buyi's heart.

"Is that it?" Hua Zhuoyu glanced at Xiezhi, who was being held in Ning Buyi's arms, and asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes." Ning Buyi looked up at Hua Zhuoyu, saw that her expression was normal, but she couldn't help but said again, "Aren't you curious at all?" Hua Zhuoyu was different from those who came after her. She showed up at the Shanhaixing Base very early on, and even took the blame for her a few times. She must have known that the seeds appeared out of thin air.

Hua Zhuoyu smiled and said: "Isn't this your secret? I told you before, if you don't want to tell, I won't ask."

"Is everything like this?" Ning Buyi lowered her eyelashes, she was not ready to confess completely, but she still felt a sense of loss in her heart. Whether she is willing to answer is one thing, but whether she asks or not is another. When this thought surfaced, Ning Buyi secretly despised her hypocrisy.

"Of course not." Hua Zhuoyu gave Ning Buyi a look, her expression seemed to say "what are you thinking". She thought about it for a while, and then said, "For example. One day, you suddenly went out with Feng Er and didn't return at night. I will definitely ask the end."

Ning Buyi: "...can you use another person as an example?"

Hua Zhuoyu smiled, took the heavy Xiezhi from Ning Buyi's arms, and said slowly: "In short, I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

Ning Buyi was happy to hear it, but she would not be overwhelmed by the joy. She snorted softly and said, "Your guarantee is even weaker than the castle made of sea sand. If Shanhaixing's dark pollution standard at the moment Having crossed that dangerous line, you must be the first to judge it. As for my opinion, it does not matter at all."

Hua Zhuoyu: "..."

"Of course I won't give you this chance." Ning Buyi suddenly changed the subject, she walked in front of Hua Zhuoyu, turned around and stared at her, "Stick to your ideals and responsibilities, and in the field of 'life recovery' On the road, you are my closest partner."

Hua Zhuoyu smiled and followed Ning Buyi's footsteps: "Maybe 'partner' can be replaced by another more appropriate word?"

Ning Buyi: "Okay, Master Backer."