MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 3 contempt from scholars

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Facing the aggressive Chen Bing, Ye Cheng was still not in a hurry.

"It's better to explain what you said. The Tang Dynasty had a strong national power and invested more in tombs. Most of the tombs of royal family members and nobles were hidden in the mountains.

"Moreover, there are many organs in the Tang Tomb. The bar stones and hanging soul ladders they encountered are just a kind of mechanism!"

"What about the black cockroach?"

"I have studied some local anecdotes. When someone went up the mountain, they encountered that kind of big spider with a human face behind it. Later, I checked the information and found that this thing is not some kind of monster, its scientific name is black cockroach, not only It exists near Longling, and it also exists in other places!"

Ye Cheng's answers were fluent, and there were no flaws!

This time, Chen Bing didn't know what to do.

It's hard to come by, is this really a coincidence?

Seeing that Chen Bing didn't speak, Ye Cheng smiled, "There is one more important point, Officer Chen, if I were a tomb robber, I wouldn't be able to take the heavy face coffin, but it wouldn't be difficult to take away the piece of Wen Xiangyu. Well, with this treasure, what kind of novels can I write, and I will be rich enough to sell anything!"


Chen Bing was speechless for a while.

Isn't that right? Tomb raiding is for money, so Ye Cheng can't go sightseeing, right?

Chen Bing left Ye Cheng himself in the interrogation room.

Outside, the director and others were watching.

After all, the case had a big impact.

"Zhang Bureau, you have also read those questions. He answered those questions fluently, without any flaws. Judging from the current evidence, we can't determine whether he is a tomb robber or not, let alone convict him!" Chen Bing said helplessly!

Zhang Ju touched his chin, "Xiao Chen, don't you think, this may be an excuse that he has long thought of, long before he decided to write down his own experience, he left a way out for himself!"

Chen Bing nodded, "I also thought about this possibility, but it's a little unreasonable. If he really went there, why didn't he take the contents?"

"Well, some people always have some special hobbies. Maybe this Ye Cheng treats money like dung and just likes taking risks?" Zhang Ju said!

If Ye Cheng heard this, he would have to thank this game for giving him such a high evaluation.

Treat money like dung.


After two lifetimes, what he lacked most was money.

Beside the green hills, the green water river.

The archaeological team has been stationed here for three days.

For the past three days, it has been rainy and rainy, and the archaeological team has been unable to cross the mountain in front of them and head to the real destination.

There was a group of people sitting around the tent!

This time, Professor Chen, the general manager, looked at his students and staff and was a little impatient!

"It's been a week, and everyone has come up with a solution. It can't be dragged on like this anymore. Today, we must come up with a reasonable plan as soon as possible. No matter what, we must go into the mountains and stop wasting national resources like this!"

The following people looked at each other in dismay!

A serious-looking middle-aged man with glasses stood up.

He is Professor Chen's student Wang Yan and his deputy.

"Teacher, it has been raining successively recently, and the mountains are very fragile. If we rush into the mountains, once we encounter landslides and cause casualties, we cannot afford this responsibility!"

"Also, even if we can get in, the equipment can't get in for a while. I know you are in a hurry, and I am in a hurry, but we can't take risks!"

"Yeah, Professor Chen, wait a little longer. I confirmed with the weather station. The rain should stop in a week at most."

"Our equipment team is always on call!"

Professor Chen sighed.

"Hey, I also understand, but it's been a month since we got the map. It's an uncertain thing. I'm worried that if we drag it on, the project will be terminated. At that time, we will Another opportunity to study ancient culture will be missed.”

As he was talking, he saw a girl below, not only not listening, but looking down at her phone.

Professor Chen is a little angry!

"Li Duoduo, have you listened to me? Everyone is trying to figure out a solution. You are still looking at your phone. Can you find a solution on your phone?"

Everyone looked over.

Li Duoduo was startled, her face turned red!

"Chen, Professor Chen, I'm sorry!"

Professor Chen sighed and his tone softened.

"Hey, I'm not targeting you, but this matter is really important to us. I hope everyone can take it seriously!"

But Li Duoduo murmured: "Professor Chen, I, I think, there is a person who may be able to help us!"

"Who, who are you talking about?" Professor Chen was instantly overjoyed!

Everyone else is also looking forward to looking at Li Duoduo!

"That's right, Ye Cheng, do you know?"

"Ye Cheng? Why are you so familiar?" Professor Chen frowned. UU Reading seemed to have heard the name, but couldn't remember it.

After all, he usually does research, but he doesn't have time to read novels.

On the other hand, Wang Yan frowned, "You're talking about the tomb robber Ye Cheng who was caught this morning, the writer who wrote the novel about tomb robbers?"

Li Duoduo nodded!


As a result, Wang Yan slammed the table, "Nonsense, don't you know that we do archaeology, and the most hated is tomb robbers?"

Li Duoduo lowered his head in fright and murmured, "But haven't the police determined that he is a tomb robber?"

"Hmph, even if he isn't, how can he help us as a novelist?" Wang Yan is an academic, and he doesn't look down on a writer like Ye Cheng who makes up his mind.

That is simply misleading the children.

He had read Ye Cheng's novels.

If you move inside, you will encounter strange creatures such as zongzi and forbidden women.

It's just nonsense, misleading children!

He had never seen any of these in the thirty years he had been in the business.

On the contrary, Professor Chen has some interest.

"Little Li, what do you mean when you say he can help us?"

Anyway, as long as he can enter the mountain as soon as possible, as long as there is a little hope, Professor Chen is willing to try.

He was really in a hurry.

Others don't know, he has been under tremendous pressure recently, and the above has deliberately told them to leave here and go elsewhere.

But Professor Chen always felt that the map he got was unusual. There might be a big tomb here, so he has been dragging it until now.

But the rain didn't stop, and he was in a hurry!

Even if there is a glimmer of hope now, he doesn't want to give up!