MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 976 Baize's death

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Ye Cheng's speed was so fast that it was almost comparable to Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox, and it was really like a bolt of lightning when he ran.

This is not surprising, before entering this world, his body has almost reached the limit of what humans can achieve.

After coming to this world and being nourished by the special power of this world, the body seems to have quietly broken through a certain layer of shackles and shackles, and came to another level.

There is also the little red flower, although it is not used, but there are benefits.

This is also the reason why Ye Cheng's physical fitness will be greatly improved again within a period of time.

However, this kind of improvement is easy at the beginning, and it will become slower later.

He ran happily, but Bai Ze behind him was going crazy.

Seeing that Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox were getting closer and closer to him, but it could no longer see Ye Cheng in front of it, it made him feel inexplicably panicked.

"Damn it, this kid definitely has something to do with that person. He obviously came in from the outside, but how could he be so strong? It's just too perverted. It's just too speechless. Let the beast live!"

"No, no matter what I say today, I can't let them catch up, otherwise, today will be really unlucky, and whoever comes may not be able to save me!"

Bai Ze knew very well in his heart that if Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox couldn't catch up with Ye Cheng and get the flower, they would definitely take their anger on him in the end. At that time, there would really be no way out. There is nowhere to go.

Moreover, he offended these two guys enough, put themselves in their shoes and exchanged each other's positions, and he would definitely not spare each other.

The more I think about it, the colder my heart becomes. It's all caused by greed.

This might really be the end of the game.

Thinking of this, Bai Ze hastened to speed up his pace, and his four hooves were about to take off, but his speed still didn't increase much, which was already his limit.

"Bai Ze, die!"

Suddenly, the nine-tailed fox shouted loudly behind him, and a thick tail fell from the sky, hitting Bai Ze directly!

"Damn, Nine Tails, you're serious!"

Bai Ze cursed, and quickly dodged to the side, the big tail almost brushed his body and hit the ground.

With a bang, it was like a shell hit the ground directly, sending Bai Ze flying.

Bai Ze rolled on the ground, but he didn't dare to delay at all. After rolling around on the ground, he jumped up and continued running without daring to stop.

And the nine-tailed fox behind kept attacking, and the nine big tails kept attacking Bai Ze. Bai Ze dodged left and right, jumped up and down, and almost got hit several times.

Even the snake can't stop the big tail. If its small body is hit once, it will be directly GG. It is estimated that even the cremation will be saved, and it will be turned into a meat paste.

"Jiuwei, my dear uncle, don't forget, I helped you back then, and you actually wanted to kill me, you treacherous white-eyed wolf, I should have watched you die in the first place!"

"Bastard, you are so mad at me, you ungrateful bastard, bastard!"

"You wait for me, if you can't kill Laozi, Laozi will never end with you!"

"Fuck, even if I die, I will never let you be safe. You just wait for me. I will do what I say. You bastard, you treacherous bastard!"

Bai Ze was also beaten up, although he couldn't beat him, but he started cursing as soon as he pulled his neck. In terms of swearing and spitting, the Nine-Tailed Fox is really no match for him.

He cursed at each bastard, how could the Nine-Tailed Fox have been so angry!

The Nine-Tailed Fox was furious, and attacked more frequently and more lethally!


A big tail brushed against Bai Ze's body and hit him, causing Bai Ze to fly instantly.

This time it was a bit miserable, his skin was ripped apart, he fell a long way, and was seriously injured. This guy rolled on the ground a few times, trying to get up, but he didn't.

Immediately afterwards, he vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

The Nine-Tailed Fox's aggressiveness is really too strong. With its small body, it has no way to fight head-to-head.

"Should die!" The nine-tailed fox didn't have the slightest intention to stop, the nine-tailed fox soared into the sky, and then fell from the sky like nine sharp swords!

Obviously, the Nine-Tailed Fox had decided to kill him, and he didn't want to leave any way for Bai Ze to survive, so he was completely motivated to kill.

No matter what kind of affection he had before, but this time he was teased so miserably and caused him to suffer such serious injuries, he couldn't forgive Bai Ze.

Never die.

At this moment, Bai Ze fell to the ground and struggled hard a few times, but he didn't get up. The blow just now was too much damage for it, and it won't be able to recover in a short while.

Although it is a divine beast, he is not an aggressive divine beast at all, but represents luck. These things are all illusory existences, and sometimes they really don't help much.

In the face of absolute strength, the only thing left to do is to be beaten.

Looking at the nine huge tails in the sky, Bai Ze became much calmer.

"Come on, Nine Tails, your uncle, I am not afraid of you anymore, you ungrateful bastard, come on, I am not afraid of you!"

In the end, Bai Ze scratched his neck and cursed, but the nine-tailed fox was not moved at all, and the nine tails instantly reached above Bai Ze!

In fact, let alone nine tails, even one is not something Bai Ze can resist.

A big fluffy tail penetrated Bai Ze's body in an instant, and Bai Ze's eyes dimmed instantly.

The other eight big tails were inserted into the surrounding ground, piercing the ground with eight deep holes, showing the anger of the nine-tailed fox.

He didn't put away his big tail until he pierced the ground.

One of the tails was already covered with bright red blood, and Bai Ze lay there motionless, obviously dead.

In this extremely low temperature environment, the blood at the wound was immediately frozen, and soon, Bai Ze's body was covered with a layer of frost, almost merging with the surrounding ice and snow.

No one knows how many corpses are buried in this snow-white ground, and their final destination is the same, covered by ice and snow, no matter how many years it takes, they will not rot.

Because this land is sealed forever!

Ye Cheng, who was running in front, suddenly couldn't hear the voice behind him, and suddenly Gordon felt in his heart.

"Is that guy going to be okay?"

Ye Cheng was actually a little worried.

Although that Bai Ze is quite shameless, this guy is not bad, he just came to the Mountain Sea Realm before, if it weren't for Bai Ze, I am afraid he would have escaped Xiang Liu's poisonous hands.

Afterwards, even though Bai Ze tricked him into picking the flowers, after getting the flowers, Bai Ze didn't **** them from his hands, and kept them in Ye Cheng's own hands.

Although this guy speaks harshly, has a strong temper, and is still an arrogant narcissist, he has never abandoned Ye Cheng, even when he was running, he has always carried Ye Cheng on his back and never abandoned him.

Inadvertently, one person and one beast have lived and died together.

Strictly speaking, it should be a fatal friendship, if something happened to Bai Ze, Ye Cheng would really feel a little uncomfortable.

(end of this chapter)