MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 977 Kunpeng

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Ye Cheng was a little worried about Bai Ze. Although this guy was a stinky fart, after all, one man and one beast lived and died together along the way, shared weal and woe, and had some feelings.

If Bai Ze really died like this, Ye Cheng would feel bad.

Just as Ye Cheng was thinking about it, he suddenly realized that there was no way ahead, and his eyes were pitch black.

It turned out to be a cliff, and below it was an abyss.

Ye Cheng ran too fast, slammed on the brakes, and finally stopped in front of the cliff, almost fell directly.

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, there is a **** river under the cliff.

The black water of the big river is rolling, and there is no end in sight. I don't know how wide the river is.

Can't see the other side at all.

As far as the eye can see, it is like the sea.

Although the temperature here is extremely low, the sea water does not feel frozen at all.

"Damn it, there is no way out!"

Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment, at this moment, there was no way to go in front of him, unless he jumped down, but the river below was very rough, in such a cold day, jumping down would definitely kill him.

"Damn, what should I do?"

Ye Cheng is in a hurry!

He glanced back, and saw that Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox had already caught up, and the distance was getting closer, but Bai Ze was not in sight.

"This guy, something really happened, right?" Ye Cheng was even more worried.

"Human, hand over that flower, and I'll leave you a whole body!" Nine-Tailed Fox's voice came from behind, and Ba Snake's huge eyes also stared at him, extremely fierce.

"Where's Bai Ze?" Ye Cheng asked!

"It's dead!" Nine-Tailed Fox said bluntly!

Although he already had guesses in his heart, Ye Cheng still felt a little sad when he heard Nine-Tailed Fox say it himself.

An unknown fire rose from his heart.

He looked at Nine-Tailed Fox and Ba Snake, gritted his teeth, and took out the flower without any fear!

"Don't you guys want to shake this flower, then grab it!" Ye Cheng sneered again and again.

At this moment, facing Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox, he has no fear.

The scarlet eyes of the nine-tailed fox glistened with blood, representing killing intent.

Ba She opened her mouth wide, and the snake's heart moved!

"you wanna die!"

The nine-tailed fox demon shouted loudly, and the nine giant tails entangled directly.

Bashe's snake letter also stretched out.

In desperation, Ye Cheng sneered!

"Since I can't get it, everyone don't want it!"

Saying that, without hesitation, he turned around and jumped off the cliff!

The cold wind whistled in his ears, Ye Cheng didn't resist at all, and let his body fall freely, falling rapidly towards the bottom of the cliff.

Now, Nine-Tailed Fox and Ba Snake were in a hurry.

Both Nine-Tails and Shexin stretched out, trying to catch Yecheng before he fell into the water!

The fall was getting faster and faster, and the cold wind whistling past his ears kept blowing, covering Ye Cheng's hair and eyebrows with a layer of hoarfrost.

Above, nine huge tails and a snake heart have already caught up, but their speed is far behind the speed of Ye Cheng's fall.

Seeing that Ye Cheng was getting closer and closer to the water, he could already hear the sound of splashing water.

The big waves are raging, and the water splashes in all directions.

"It's really over this time. I don't know whether to die directly after death, or return to the original world!" Ye Cheng thought in his heart, and slowly closed his eyes.

This time, even if Bai Ze did not die, he did not believe that there would be a miracle.

If Bai Ze was here, he could still summon Lovebird to save him, but now that Bai Ze himself is dead, there will be nothing to save him.

After all, for him, this place is just a completely strange place, with no relatives, no friends, and no help.

Even, until now, he hasn't even seen a single person.

Just when Ye Cheng lost all hope, he suddenly heard the sound of huge water waves coming from below.

Ye Cheng ignored it, didn't even open his eyes to look, he didn't bother to pay attention, it was a dead end anyway.

And in the water under his feet, the pitch-black surface suddenly became darker, as if some huge creature was floating at the bottom of the water.

The figure was so huge that it seemed that the entire sea area had turned black. Then, a huge monster broke through the water and set off huge waves.

The falling Yecheng was hit by huge waves, and the falling speed slowed down a lot in an instant, almost choking on a mouthful of water.

Cough cough cough!

At this moment, Ye Cheng's whole body was wrapped in the water waves, coughing non-stop.

The river water is icy cold, and the chill is so cold that people can't help but shiver all over!

"Cough, cough, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Ye Cheng himself was stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

Could it be that he has already fallen? It shouldn't be. Falling from such a high place is not a joke. Even if there is water below, the body will be smashed to pieces.

But now nothing happened except for choking on a few mouthfuls of water.

Could it be that another miracle happened?

But it shouldn't be, Bai Ze is gone, how can there be a miracle happen.

Or, Bai Ze is not dead yet?

This is even more impossible, under the pursuit of Nine-Tailed Fox and Ba Snake, it is impossible for Bai Ze to survive.

At this moment, a mass of blue light gradually lit up on his chest, and the surrounding water unexpectedly separated from his body and wrapped him up.

"It's the reverse scale of the water unicorn!" Ye Cheng was a little surprised, the reverse scale of the water unicorn really has the effect of avoiding water.

However, now is not the time to think about these things.

He knew that this matter was far from that simple.

The water unicorn's scales can only help him avoid the water, but the water is not the water in the river, but the water washed up from the river.

Ye Cheng lowered his head and looked down.

He was stunned when he saw the scene below.

At this moment, he was still hundreds of meters away from the water surface. Standing on a commanding height, he could clearly see that within a radius of a hundred miles above the water surface, a super huge behemoth emerged from the water.

This turbulent water wave was made by this thing.

"What the **** is this?" Ye Cheng was stunned.

In the line of sight, is the body of that thing, can't see the end, don't know how big this thing is, and don't know what it is.

However, as soon as this thing appeared, the tail of the nine-tailed fox and the letter of the snake were all taken Ba Snake's huge body several kilometers long is nothing in front of this thing, it can only be regarded as a younger brother.

Just the exposed part of that thing is several circles bigger than Ba ​​Snake, which is very exaggerated and terrifying.

"The land of the northern cold, could it be that this is Beiming?" Ye Cheng's heart suddenly jumped wildly.

There is a fish in Dark North, its name is Kun, the size of Kun is unknown for thousands of miles, it turns into a bird, its name is Peng, and the size of Peng is unknown for thousands of miles.

Here's a slice of the getaway everyone knows!

And he and Bai Ze have been running north, and the temperature here is getting lower and lower. It is not impossible to say that it is Bei Ming, a land of northern cold.

With such a big body, living in the sea, and being able to surface, Ye Cheng really couldn't think of anything else except Kunpeng.

(end of this chapter)