MTL - Interstellar Zerg Pet Marriage-Chapter 14 poison

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I really dare to say anything.

You're young, it's understandable, but Aubei's relationship with Xi Ling is not pure, so she will naturally want to go elsewhere, so her ears are red.

Larabebe saluted and left silently.

Obey, who has always been stern, coughed, and then said: "Are you still used to it on the spacecraft?"

"No more patience, there will be fresh fruit on the ground."

"My dear, I'm not a child," Xi Ling shook his head with a wry smile, the wheelchair gentleman had already brought the beauty to him, Xi Ling stretched out his long arms, put Aubei in his arms, and took a chopstick The cultivated vegetables were handed to the wife's mouth: "Ah~"

Obey turned his head and looked away.

"There are no flowers there, it's not good for picky eaters, dear," Xi Ling held out her hand forward.

Before Aobe would compromise, it was indeed his subordinates' unfavorable work and offending Xi Ling, which was different from the current situation. Aubei is willing to be used to the hero, but vegetables... really want to stay away. Meat worms, especially females, only like to eat meat.

Xi Ling wondered, she didn't know good people. I ate it by myself. Eh, the taste is very ordinary, not salty or bland, and even a bit bitter after chewing carefully. The uncle and aunt who love wild vegetables will definitely like it, Xi Ling can only laugh. But losers don't lose, right? The dishes that I picked up, I have to swallow even when I cry.

Obey thought that Xi Ling was unhappy because he was unhappy, and suddenly regretted it a little. After all, he came back specifically to accompany the hero to dinner. When he arrives at the main star, I am afraid that he will not be able to accompany him often. He is, although the prince does not have to stay in the army all the time, but the military affairs are indeed busy.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little quiet.

Obey really didn't know how to coax the hero. When he was thinking about what to say to break the deadlock, Xi Ling took a chopstick and handed it to his mouth again.

Obey opened his mouth indifferently, thinking that even if it is poisonous, he must eat it.

"Is it delicious?" Xi Ling licked his lower lip.


Obey's eyes fluttered upward, and he met a pair of snow-white ears, wanting to touch.

Black hair, snow fungus, world special/object.

Xi Ling took another chopstick, and Aubei opened his mouth habitually, never thinking that a certain insect would cheat. Xi Ling, whose eyes were shining, bowed his head and kissed him. Aobe let out a whimper. Something went from the hero's mouth to his own. He thought it was a vegetable. He was stubborn when he was young. , typical of rebellious willfulness.

It's meat!

Obey's suspicious eyes flashed past.

Xi Ling laughed: "Don't tell me you think it's a vegetable!"


"If you don't want to eat, I won't force you, but it's not good to be picky eaters." Xi Ling can cook, and many kinds of dishes flashed in his mind: "I will show you in the future. I'll give you a taste with both hands, I'm sure you still want to eat it."

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see," suddenly remembered the tragedy of the insect queen cooking, and with a loud bang, the whole palace sounded a first-level alarm, and the kitchen was naturally blown to pieces, even the insect queen He was also in a coma for three days. Aubei, who had a shadow in his heart, froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

The power of dark cooking is no less than that of poison/drug!

And the dark cooking process is harmful to health!

No, it is life-threatening, three points higher than the doctors who develop ammunition!

This topic is too scary, it is better to transfer, Aobe is a little unnatural: "You will not enter Hong Kong in eight hours, why don't you look at the school information first? What major do you like? Pharmacy training ?Medical?"

"There are also specialties such as weapon maintenance, mecha maintenance, precision control, command department, reserve department, and military affairs department."

What Aobe said is the choice of ordinary males, and what Xi Ling said has something to do with the army. Under special circumstances, you must go to the battlefield unconditionally!

"My dear, you are the prince!"

Obey's eyes were sharp and serious: "Shut up."

Xi Ling went up against the wind: "It's not easy for me to shut up, maybe other bugs can't do it in a lifetime, your words..." The fingernails slipped on his wife's soft lips, Don't be mean.

Obey's ears turned red, and he hooked the male master's hand up and up, pinching the fluffy white ears... tugging.

The triumphant Xi Ling froze for a moment, smiling bitterly. His ears were his weakness: "Okay, okay, let's eat, eat meat!"

It was getting dark before the spacecraft entered the port. Because it was a secret voyage, there were no insects to welcome it.

Obey brought Xi Ling secretly to the private house, and led Polk to the basement. Several high-ranking insects have been waiting for a long time.

Xi Ling wanders around, the servants here are all females, the general guards are females of grass bugs, the leader is females of meat bugs, there is not a single female, it seems that Aobe's situation is not what he thinks. It was so bad, Beberara followed behind, silently surveying the entire mansion.

"Hello young master, I'm Aili from the official family, and I will be responsible for your daily life from today."

Xi Ling looked back, it was a very gentleman male, wearing a black dress, from the head, it should be a grass worm, about four, slightly bent, with very short hair Spirit, with a stern face, slightly curved mouth, no age can be seen from the appearance. He feels just right, not kissy or indifferent, and has an elegant demeanor.

Xi Ling looked at it, stretched out her hand, and asked the other party to stand up.



"My daily life can be handed over to the two of them. The rest of the time when I am away, they are free to move around, which is equivalent to half a master bug. Is it as clear as the treatment of a young master?"


"I like to be free and quiet, I don't like a bunch of bugs to follow, and I don't like bugs to disturb you understand?"


"I like smart bugs, thank you for your hard work."


Haven't you seen the world so easy to handle? Who said that the fifth-level male worm will definitely curry favor with himself? Who said he would give a 100% gift package?

Why did you suppress me as soon as I met? Why do I feel he is so strong? Those who want to shake the male worm's tricks are still useless, stillborn, **** / egg.

"The housekeeper sued?"

Obey's indifferent and cold face was expressionless: "He is the first worm to graduate from the Butler Academy this year, and his bloodline and ability are the best."

"I see," Xi Ling walked a few steps and stood a meter away from Aobe: "Since he is a treasure you fancy, as a husband, I will naturally polish him well. of."

"As long as you're happy," the hero spit out some unheard words from time to time. Aubei has a high IQ and can take the right seat.

"Your leg injury is caused by external force, but the meridian is caused by poison, baby, should you tell me something?"