MTL - Interstellar Zerg Pet Marriage-Chapter 16 fight back

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Taking a breath, Aobe's chest felt stuffy and painful for some reason.

"Is it easy? Don't I just think..."

As soon as Xi Ling complained halfway through, he was pulled down by Aubei's neck, sealed with his lips, and immediately widened his eyes. almost?

Never mind, I am drunk now!

The lips parted, Aobe opened his eyes, the usually cold handsome face was flushed all over, there was an indescribable charm, Xi Ling was still unfinished, the evil eyes flashed a touch of desire/fire, chasing after Past, deepened the kiss.

Aubei's kiss is as soft as a touch of water, and it is beautiful and kind.

, When Xi Lingzhen's kiss broke out, Aubei was already dead.


The bottom was hard, but he fainted...

Damn it, take a cold shower and read the information mentally. When he came out of the bathroom, Xi Ling saw the small cube that caused him to lose the opportunity to wipe the oil just now.

What is this?

Xi Ling put the wheelchair gentleman in, and once and for all tossed small squares: "I test you, what is this thing?"

The wheelchair was spread on the ground, and the monitor was full of foam, which was the rhythm of vomiting.

"I know you're useless, I don't even know this."

The wheelchair man immediately jumped up, and the display flashed and thundered: "I know, that is the weapon of the main bug! The most advanced big killer in the entire interstellar, it is one of the four great artifacts!" I have no culture? cry for you.

Xi Ling touched his chin, Aubei is…

I thought it was a toy, but it turned out to be such an important thing. Suddenly, the little emotion that I couldn't satisfy just now disappeared.

waving her hand, Xi Ling didn't look at the wheelchair gentleman from beginning to end: "You can go out."


The monitor of the wheelchair gentleman was full of black lines, shook the depressed body, lost two parts, and left in dejection.

Xi Ling stayed up all night. The royal family information that Aobe gave him was very complete, which was not accessible to the outside world. There were many important annotations, including personality, characteristics, hobbies, conduct, etc. There is also Aobe's power information, including confidants and other content.

When Aobe woke up, Xi Ling sat next to him, staring at the screen with a burning gaze.

"Didn't sleep?"

Xi Ling put away the optical brain monitor and rested his chin with one hand: "I fell asleep and woke up again, I'm bored, read the materials to pass the time, when do I go to school?"


I'm afraid of my hard work, so take a day off! Xi Ling was so happy in her heart, she bowed her head and kissed him.

Obey sat up: "I'm going to the military department today, you can go out for a walk, buy whatever you like, Bellara's identity is quite special, I arranged for other females take care of you together."

"Okay, these are small things, let's have a good morning kiss."

Irregular, Aubei leaned his head close, and sipped Xi Ling's face, which was satisfied.

Breakfast was plentiful. After dinner, Aubei picked up the small cube and left. Xi Ling stretched and planned to visit the pharmacy. As the **** of the flower demon world, how can you not know how to make potions? Is there any shame?

No matter how carefully Faith taught him, he still didn't understand. He was eaten by Xi'an, notorious, and a complete defeat.

No matter how beautiful and fragrant, the fake is fake, Xi Ling touched his chin, Aubei does not have high requirements for the quality of life, and when he has a real home in the future, Xi Ling has to arrange it by himself, not deserted, Must be warm and comfortable.

By the way, what about my big butler?

How dare you be late for work on the first day?

In fact, Mr. Butler lives in the villa. When Ai Li was called, he smiled, but his heart was baffled: "I'm not being lazy, I'm taking care of the bills."


Uh, you understand? Allie talked and talked, and stated the expense accounts in an orderly manner.

Xi Ling naturally understands: "Isn't it just buying fruits, vegetables, meat, and paying for the newly transferred guards? Are there costs for newly purchased supplies? Even if I add some custom-made clothes for me , you don’t have to see insects in the morning, right? You are the housekeeper, not the second ancestor, what about morning tea? What about snacks?”

"My lord, calm down, I was negligent."

"The housekeeper on the star really doesn't have to do it by himself. That's because every young master has a female to serve. It seems that you took my words yesterday as a deaf ear."

"I don't dare, I did read the aristocratic materials of Mang Xing, I am afraid that I will not take good care of it, please forgive me, I will understand your habits as soon as possible, and take good care of you."

"I hope so," Xi Ling squinted, the wind was blowing, the big trees in the yard were shaking, making a rattling sound like a real tree, but no leaves dropped: "Ya Can the female go to school?"

Ellie froze for a moment, and she couldn't tell from the outside: "No, the law stipulates that the female is a slave," Humph.

"Where's the college?"

"I can't," Ellie sneered in his heart, not even a vocational school: "Master, the law is solemn."

"That's right, I'm a higher level than you, so you don't dare to die."

The delicate cold sweat formed in an instant, and Ellis shivered. For the first time, Xi Ling was regarded as the main bug, and she dared not underestimate it again.

"Obey said that you are the best, and you have obtained a diploma from the Butler Institute of Higher Education. Beberara is my younger brother, very smart, please."

Slap hard and give a sweet date. The two females are Xi Ling's confidants, and it is a great trust to entrust the confidants to Elli.

Ellie's eyes lit up, she bent down proudly, and no longer dared to raise her hair.

Walking to the gate of the courtyard, Xi Ling, who had read the information, smiled, the guy who guarded her safety was actually Rafael!

The female meat worm offended Xi Ling on the spaceship, and even fought.

Xi Ling smiled like a spring breeze.

Raphael has been waiting outside the door, feeling up and down. I didn't leave a good impression last time, and this time I must make it better. After all, he defeated more than 100 female insects to get this beauty. The male worm, the lord of the fourth prince, what a wonderful word.

Oh, the male is smiling!

It's very beautiful and cute, a bunch of pink hearts are soaring into the sky! Rafael felt that he was really wise and extremely smart, and he immediately smiled, softening the tough lines on his face, showing a friendly and harmless appearance.

"I heard you were on duty in the kitchen for two days?"

Raphael: "..." I was astonished, please forget, that is a great shame!

"Are you a soldier? What position?" Xi Ling smiled innocently.

"I'm the prince's bodyguard!" Raphael finally pulled back a game with his head held high and his chest high, ah, ah, he should know my excellent status immediately. Change your attitude? Hahaha, Rafael secretly looked at the handsome male insect, secretly wanting to praise me quickly.

"So you are Aubei's property?"

The development of "…" is a little off.

"What is the number?"

Bugle? Rafael replied blankly: "4756"

"Hey," Xi Ling patted the ash that did not exist on his body, and the smile on his face became even brighter: "So you are not a bug, 4756, I will work hard for you from today onwards. !"

"Huh? Oh, well, please!"

The ring on Rafael's thumb suddenly lit up and turned into a low-key and domineering black suspension car, very long, very beautiful, with beautiful lines, as stunning as a cheetah. Xi Ling was very satisfied, walked in and sat down. And Rafael had a dark face. The male worm said that it was not a worm, just like saying that you were not a human being, but Rafael couldn't find a reason to break out.

Who said males are cute, silly and sweet? This is so clearly a vile female in a beautiful male skin, woohoo!

No, the war has started and we must win!

Xi Ling just wants to suppress and suppress, and it will be for her own use in the future. After all, Aubei cannot tell himself everything, and his personal guard is just right. As for how to let the personal guard know everything The words are endless, then it depends on Xi Ling's ability.

In a few seconds, Rafael smiled again: "Where are you going?"

"Just the two of us?"


No matter how Raphael's heart breaks down, Xi Ling's goal has been achieved.

Actually, she silently followed a few invisible female worms, secretly protecting her.

The 7th branch of the Magic Plant Association will arrive soon. Xi Ling is very curious. This is the first time he has visited the Alien Store. If there are worms in their arms, it's a lively event. For the first time, Xi Ling felt a sense of disobedience. He was special and could not fit in.

"The first floor sells bug supplies, the second floor is for grass and insect supplies, the third floor is for meat and insect supplies, the fourth floor has protective gear and weapons, and the fifth floor is for special items, you must have an S-class pass. ," mentioned s, which Rafael was particularly proud of.

"It's like you are S," Xi Ling looked at Rafael curiously: "Are you S?"

Because Xi Ling was looking at the hall, he had been standing in the center, there were many insects stopping or passing by, and Xi Ling deliberately asked loudly, his eyes were excited, and he stared at Rafael with great anticipation .

What is Alexander?

The male blushed and asked the female grade! A group of melon-eating spectators around.

The face was shattered, the petrified Raphael's face was pale and his lips were purple... Dejected: "I am b."

"I think you are also a second b," Xi Ling stood with his hands behind his back, with first-class acting skills: "Okay, b is b, it's not your fault, it takes courage to dare to admit that you are b, I'm very optimistic about you, b."

Huh? Why is there a slight sense of irony? Rafael couldn't keep up with Xi Ling's rhythm, even if he didn't have to rack his brains to think about it, he knew he was laughed at by the male insect.

Because there were a lot of bugs waiting for the elevator, Xi Ling strolled up to the third floor. After all, it was an alien who passed through. Everything was fresh and she was not in a hurry to go back.

Where there are many people, there are many right and wrong, and the same is true here.

The golden-haired male was very happy when he found Xi Ling, and actually ran over: "You must be a sixth-level meat worm male, right? Come and help me!"