MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 429 Short-term gathering

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Once again, returning to Chen’s family, Murong’s face is really a feeling of being separated from the world. Looking at the familiar things, her mouth still involuntarily evoked a smile.

"Okay, let's go in!" Murong leaned down and took Huangfu's hand and walked straight toward Chen's house.

However, this time they did not want to alarm other people, so they did not intend to enter from the gate, but directly into the Chen family.

The two did not disturb anyone, and went directly to the habitat of Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui. It used to be the ruin of Chen Ruoshui. Later, Chen Ruoshui woke up, and after Murong Xi’s return, he lived there.

At this time, Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui were sitting in the yard drinking tea. The two had been talking, but suddenly, Chen Ruoshui’s voice stopped, and even the teacup in his hand fell unconsciously, making a crisp voice.

"Water, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Chen Ruoshui's appearance, Murong Hezhao immediately asked with concern, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"Hilsh, you look at it, you are looking at it, you are coming back." Chen Ruoshui excitedly grabbed the hand of Murong Xizhao, "Look at it!"

"What are you talking about? The face has already soared. How could she be--" Murong Hee turned and turned his head as he spoke, and when he saw the familiar figure, his voice stopped.

When seeing Murong’s familiar figure, Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui could not believe everything they saw. Although they have been married for many years, but the middle has been separated for a long time, they only have a daughter like Murong.

At that time, when they were rising, their hearts were filled with reluctance. But they also know that they should not hinder the development of their children. You must know that all the comprehensions are expected to fly to the upper bound. So, even if they don't give up, they don't say anything.

After they have risen, they know that unless they are soaring in the future, it is absolutely impossible to have a chance to see their daughter. Because their hearts are very clear, after flying up, want to go back to the original world, it is absolutely impossible. I have never heard of anyone who has risen and can return.

To this end, during this time, they have been working hard to cultivate, that is, they hope to fly as soon as possible and see their daughter again.

However, they did not think of it, but in just a few years, they once again saw their daughter standing in front of themselves. At this time, they are all wondering if they are still dreaming, and all of this is actually their own fantasy.

"Hey, mother, are you not happy when you see me coming back?" When Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui wanted to go forward, they seemed to be afraid of what they were looking for. Murong’s face was first opened. "I am It’s rare to come back, are you going to look at me like this?"

After hearing the words of Murong, the two men rushed to the front and took Murong’s face to look like a cold.

Huangfu stood by and looked at Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui's hand holding Murong's face. He kept talking and said nothing. He just stood there quietly.

It didn't take long for the group to sit down.

"Looking at the face, how come you come back?" Chen Ruoshui took the hand of Murong's face and said with a look of concern. "After flying up the upper bound, can't you just come back?"

Not only Chen Ruoshui, but even Murong Xizhao looked at Murong, and they had concerns and doubts in their eyes.

"This is indeed the case." Murong nodded and smiled and said, "This time is only an exception. I have something to go back here. I can stay for a long time."

Seeing Murong’s face is not detailed, Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui did not continue to ask. Although they have not yet soared, they know that the upper bound has the rules of the upper bound. Since the daughter is not willing to elaborate, it must have its own concerns. They also don't have to continue to hold on to such things. Besides, it is not easy for a daughter to come back to meet them. They don't want to waste time on these things.

Moreover, compared to why Murong retired, why come back, they pay more attention to the emperor who accompanied me at the moment.

Before, they had already seen Huangfu. However, at that time, they did not understand Huangfu, that is, they knew that Huangfu was the person their daughter liked. Later, I didn't know if something happened, and the emperor disappeared from her daughter's side.

At that time, they thought that the two had been separated. In order not to touch the sadness of her daughter, they did not ask much. However, now I see Huangfu again, and they can't help but think more.

It seems that their guess was wrong. This emperor is now with her daughter, and it is very likely that it is also the upper bound. Just, what kind of identity is this imperial concubine?

It seems that I saw the attention of the two men to Huangfu. Murong also smiled and introduced a few words. However, she did not say much about the true identity of Huangfu. Some things are still inconvenient to say.

"Well, don't say this." After Murong waved his hand and waved his hand, he smiled and said, "How about your time? You haven't seen it for a few years, you look so good!"

"We are very good here." Chen Ruoshui’s face showed a happy smile. "In the Chen family, I lived very well. For your sake, the Chen family is very respectful to us. We are in Chen. The family is very good."

"That's good." Murong smiled and nodded. However, at this time, she found that Murong Xi's side looked like a word and said, and he spoke directly. "Hey, if you have anything." Just say it right. In front of me, do you still need to be so swallowed?"

"Hey, what do he have to say?" Murong Xizhao did not say anything, and Chen Ruoshui first snarled. "Is he not bothering his father now?"

Later, Chen Ruoshui did not have any concealment, and directly said what happened during this time. It turned out that, some time ago, Murong Xizhao raised it and wanted to take his father, Murong Xiong, to the sea to live. Of course, he did not interrupt to take Murong Xiong to Chen Jialai to live, just want to buy a house outside, and then let Murong Xiong live in it.

Anyway, for many years, even if his father had done something wrong, it was his father. Therefore, he still wants to fulfill the responsibility of being a child.

Only when he raised this idea, he was strongly opposed by Chen Ruoshui. Because she was forgotten, when she and Murong Xizhao met the danger, there was no way to return to the Murong family, how did Murong Xiong treat his daughter.

For Murong Xiong to give up her and Murong Xi Zhao, she did not have any complaints. However, Murong is a granddaughter of Murong Xiong after all! How can Murong Xiong be able to marry his granddaughter? She couldn't imagine that if it weren't because her daughter was smart and talented, maybe a family of three would not have had such a reunion.

Moreover, more importantly, in addition to Murong Xiong, there is another person she does not like, that is Liu Mei.

Because of Chen Ruoshui’s opposition, Murong Xizhao did not dare to come hard. Because in his heart, the most important person is his wife and daughter. However, his heart is really abandoning the old father, especially after hearing about the fall of the Murong family.

Chen Ruoshui was very excited to say this thing. At the end, he also said with indignation. "Although he is an elder, but he does those things, I really can't respect it."

When I heard Chen Ruoshui’s excited narrative, Murong Xizhao did not say anything, just playing haha ​​on the side, and his face looked a bit more sly.

"Mother, since you want to take over your grandfather, you can pick it up." Murong smiled and said, "Although he used to be very bad to me, but the decline of the Murong family. There are also my handwritings, even if we are even."

"He is my grandfather after all, it is awkward, taking care of him is also a matter of course."

To be honest, for Murong Xiong, she has no extra feelings. Before, she had already burned the Murong family. At that time, the grievance between her and the Murong family was also considered. Moreover, she believes that after that time, Murong Xiong's repairs can't be done very well. As for wanting to go further, it is almost impossible.

Now, if it is not because of sudden mention, she almost forgot that there is another Murong family, and there is a person named Murong Xiong. Speaking of it, the grudge between her and the Murong family has already been around for many years!

Therefore, even if the father wants to take Murong Xiong to the cloud, she will not have any opinions. What's more, she has already soared and is not living here.

After hearing the words of Murong, Murong Xizhao looked very happy. His face was a little unbelievable. "Looking at it, are you really talking? Do you really don't mind?"

On the side of Chen Ruoshui is also staring at Murong's face, it seems that I want to see if there is a hint of reluctance on the face.

"I really don't mind." After Murong nodded, he looked at Murong Xizhao and continued to speak. "However, father, if you want to pick up your grandfather, I don't have any opinions, but I don't. I hope that there will be other messy people coming over. Can you guarantee this?"

Let Murong Xiong come over, it is already her biggest concession. As for Liu Mei and her half-sister, Murong, it’s snowing. If Murong is also in the clouds, she will feel embarrassed, even though she has now soared.

"Of course, only your grandfather is alone." Murong He looked at Murong and smiled and said, "In the Murong family, the only person I care about is only your grandfather. As for others, I I don’t care about it at all. I know very well that now, for me, the most important person is you and your mother."

Although he was very dissatisfied with the things that his father had done to his daughter. But when he thinks about his father's care from him, he still has a soft heart. As for other people, he has absolutely no feelings.

"Oh, it’s better than singing." Although he said this, Chen Ruoshui’s attitude seems to have softened a bit.

Murong nodded and then nodded. Then he looked at Murong Hee, and after the eyeball turned around, he suddenly said, "Hey, you said that you don't care about other people. What about Murong's snow? She is also your daughter." what!"

Although knowing that mentioning Murong snow at this time will make the atmosphere very embarrassing, there are still some things that need to be made clear. When Murong Xiong came out, the others came along. At that time, it only made everyone unhappy.

After hearing Murong’s words, Murong Xi’s silence was silent. Even in the end, even Chen Ruoshui did not speak. Both of them turned a little weird.

"Hey, mother, is there anything else I don't know?" Murong looked at the two, frowning and asked, "If there is anything, you will say it, I don't like being Feeling in the dark."

"In fact, it is not a big deal." After Murong He thought about it for a while, he still spoke. "You may not know it yet! Actually, Murong Snow is not my own daughter. She is my second brother." Daughter, even Liu Mei, I have never touched her."

It turned out that the second brother and Liu Mei of Murong Xizhao had already been dyed. However, the wife of his second brother is too strong, and is another prostitute of a big family. Therefore, his second brother and Liu Mei wanted to plant the child on the head of Murong Xizhao.

At that time, there were still many people in the cloud and wanted to inquire about Chen Ruoshui’s news. Because they didn't want to be disturbed, in order to hide their eyes and ears, after the couple discussed it, they decided to count it. Murong Xi took a look at Liu Mei, but he never rested in Liu Mei’s room. Even after Murong was born, he did not take a look.

Suddenly hearing such a thing, Murong was really a bit surprised, but she quickly calmed down. "That's good, then there is nothing more to worry about."

She has no interest in the resentment and hatred of the year. Moreover, looking at that look, the mother-in-law seems to know. In this case, she has nothing to worry about.

"Well, my daughter will rarely come back, don't say these troubles any more." After Chen Woo-shui waved his hand, he smiled and said, "It's rare to come back, our family must gather together."

Said, Chen Ruoshui turned his head and looked at Murong and asked, "Let's face, can you stay for a few days?"

"Up to three days," Murong said with a smile and said, "We have other things to do, and we must go back as soon as possible."

After hearing only three days, Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui’s face were a little disappointed. However, the two quickly revived. Anyway, after the daughter has soared, it is impossible to see one side. It’s a gift from God now, and they should be happy.

Three days are fleeting. During these three days, Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui have seized the time they can spend with their daughter every minute. They did not inform the other people of Chen’s family that Murong was coming back because they did not want others to bother.

If the other people in Chen’s family know that it will inevitably come to visit, they are very clear that their daughters like to be quiet and absolutely do not like to socialize. Moreover, although they did not know why the daughter came back, but they knew that after flying up the upper bound, it is impossible to come back again.

If the news that the daughter is able to come back after the daughter has soared, it is not necessarily a good thing. At that time, I don't know if I will cause trouble to my daughter!

No matter how cherished the time of reunion, three days have passed, and Murong is about to leave.

Chen Ruoshui’s heart is full of disappointment. This time, I don’t know how long it will take to see you again. Of course, Murong Xizhao is no better than where to go, but he is a man, his feelings have always been more restrained.

"Hey, mother, you don't have to do this," Murong said, shaking his head and shaking his head. "You will work hard to cultivate, and after flying up the upper bound, we can meet at any time."

After hearing the words of Murong, Chen Ruoshui’s heart was even more reluctant. “With my and your cultivation, I don’t know how long it will take to fly. When you are in the upper bound, you should take care of yourself. Don't be willful. I can see that Huangfu is a good boy and I believe he will take care of you."

Through these three days of observation, Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui are very satisfied with Huangfu’s future son-in-law. Although there are not many words about this emperor, it will not say too much good. But I can see that he is very good at Murong. Many times, even if Murong did not say anything, she knew the thoughts in Murong’s heart.

It can be seen that the Emperor Huang really used the sincerity for Murong. So they are more at ease.

When I heard Chen Ruoshui mentioning Huangfu, Murong’s cheeks couldn’t help but dye a blush. She smiled and shook her head and said, “I believe that you will soon be able to fly. And, if there is a chance in the future. I will come back to visit you."

"Well," Chen Ruoshui nodded and continued to open his mouth. "You don't have to come back to visit us. We are all here. You don't have to worry too much. You just have to take care of yourself."

After a while, Huangfu and Murong left the Chen family.

Although Chen Ruoshui and Murong Xizhao are indifferent in their hearts, they have not made any reservations.

After leaving Chen, the mood of Murong’s face was a bit low.

Looking at such a Murong face, Huangfu reached out and took a look at her head and said, "Yan, otherwise, after the marriage of God and Ni Yunya, I will bring you back. Let's go!"

He just didn't like to see any loss on the face of Murong's face.

"I'm fine." Murong looked up and raised his mouth. The corner of his mouth smirked and said, "Just just separated, so there is something to give up. There is no need for me to run around again. This thing, etc. Let's talk about it later!"

Although she has a lot of disappointment for her parents, she also knows that it is not easy to get back from the upper bounds, so there is no need to go as often.

"Well, then where are you going to go next?" Huangfu looked at Murong and said softly, "You should have someone you want to see!"

"Then go to see the master first, then go to the dragon house!" Murong sighed and spit out his tongue, and said naughtyly, "Now go to the Dragon House, if you bother to Lily and the rotor, I am afraid Li will have the urge to kill me."

Now the rotor is still in the Dragon family. Although he passed the news of the fire, he did not go back.

"Alright," Huangfu nodded. "It’s time to let the rotors go back together. The time he left is not short."

After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong couldn't help but laugh. At the time she was, she might still be joking. Now she feels that Lily may actually kill her and maybe. Who told her to go to the Dragon House, the rotor is going away!

Soon, the two went to Qinglong College.

Yuan Yuan is very happy when he sees Murong’s face. You must know that the most proud thing in his life is to be able to have such an apprentice as Murong.

Although I don't know how Murong will have a chance to come back, he didn't ask much. Being able to meet people is an unexpected surprise for him. Others do not need to continue to ask.

The two gathered together and exchanged a lot of ideas about alchemy. It can be said that the two are in high spirits of discussion. If it is not because of limited time, maybe two people can discuss for a few months, and they can't finish it.

However, it is very gratifying to see that Yuan is now a strong man in the late period of the robbery. Because this shows that in the near future, she will see the master in the upper bound.

When Murong left to leave, Yuan was very reluctant to leave. However, I did not say anything. I just made a decision in my heart. I must step up my cultivation and fly as soon as possible. After waiting for the upper limit, he can continue to study the alchemy things with his little apprentice.