MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 476 Find Yuan

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Soon after the reversal of Rainbow Art, Murong had no fallacies, and soon he rebelled against God.

For the betrayal of Ni Yunya, God is struggling. For so many years, he has always been loyal to the Virgin. Moreover, if there is nothing, there is no such achievement as he is today.

But now the saint is completely different from the past. The saints are now only paying attention to their own likes and dislikes, and they simply ignore the future of the realm of God. If you continue this way, the gods will soon face extinction.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the saint actually captured the master after the devil. She clearly knows that doing this is not just a matter of confronting Murong, but directly confronting the entire devil world.

Murong also did not give him other choices. In addition to betraying the saint, he has no other choice. Besides, he has also noticed that the saints are killing him now. Not just distrust, the saint is now trying to kill him. If he wants to keep his life and wants to keep the world safe, then he can only promise to admire.

Ni Yunya didn't know at the moment that the two people around him had decided to betray themselves. At this moment, she wants to think about how to use Yuan Yuan to deal with Murong.

Although Yuan is now in her hands, but for a while, she did not think about how to do it. Originally, she took Yuan Yuan away, just because Yuan is the master of Murong. She just wants to hold the soft underbelly of Murong in her hand. In this way, it is much easier for her to deal with Murong.

However, now Yuan is indeed in her hands, but she can't do anything for the time being. Because if you act rashly at this time, it will give the Devil a reason to enter the army. At that time, what kind of consequences the gods will face can be imagined.

However, there is such a ace in the hand, but nothing can be done, Ni Yunya is really a bit unwilling.

Inside the devil world -

Murong’s face is not so entangled with Ni Yunya, she is deploying everything in an orderly manner. This time, Ni Yunya took away Master, and that was officially declared war with her. That being the case, then between them, this time must have a result.

Not dead end!

Huangfu walked in and saw the gloom on Murong’s face. He came to the side of Murong’s face and whispered, “Is still worried about your master?”

"Yeah." Murong leaned her head on the chest of Huangfu, and her tone was a bit boring. "It has been so many days, but the rainbow art and the gods are separated from each other, but there is still no news." I don't know if Ni Yunya is hiding the Master."

"Don't worry so much." Huangfu patted the back of Murong's face and opened his mouth. "Ni Yunya took your master, just to threaten you. Therefore, Yuan is not dangerous for the time being."

"I know," Murong nodded and nodded. "But I still have some concerns. If it is not because I am too big, Master will not be taken away by Ni Yunya."

"This has nothing to do with you." Huangfu said. "This is not your fault. If Ni Yunya really wants to catch the Yuan to threaten you, then she will always find opportunities. Even if it is not this time, It is also very likely that it will be the next time. Therefore, it is the best way to remove the aftermath."

"I know everything you said, so this time, I will never let Ni Yunya go." Murong squinted and opened his mouth. "Ni Yunya always regards me as an enemy, so I will not let She is better. I will do all the things she has done before."

"It seems that you have already planned." The Emperor's eyes flashed a little, "What are you going to do?"

"When I know Master's whereabouts, I will try my best to save Master." During the speech, Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "Then, I will let Ni Yunya pay for it. Devil and God." This war is inevitable."

"You agreed with what I said before, decided to go to the gods?" Huangfu raised an eyebrow and had a trace of interest in his eyes. "But, before, did you not agree? And, I thought you already Promise that God is away from the hustle and the rainbow, and will not send troops to the realm."

"Before, I did not have such a plan. However, in order to get rid of Ni Yunya, there must be a reason for being bright." Murong’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "And I also need a chance." Let the people of the realm know what kind of person Ni Yunya is. Besides, I only said that the war is about to begin, but whether it can be played in the end is another matter."

"Well, if that's the case, then we should prepare for it." Huangfu nodded. "I will tell the rotor to start assembling training."

"Yeah." Murong nodded and nodded. Then he continued to speak as if he had thought of something. "Right, hey, don't forget to inform the demon world! They have already taken the initiative to form an alliance with us."

"The demon world will not necessarily shoot." Huangfu whispered. "A few days ago, I have sent people to the demon world. However, the attitude of the demon world is still very unclear until now."

"It seems that the demon world is at this time, and wants to retreat!" Murong’s mouth smirked with a sardonic smile. "However, it doesn't matter. Even if there is no demon world, there will be no loss for us." However, the practice of the demon world is really invisible! At the beginning, the demon world came to the door."

"Their ideas are very simple." Huangfu said without hesitation. "At first, they found us, but because they saw the power of the devil, they wanted to use the power of the devil to continue to suppress the gods. But if It’s really necessary to get to the point of starting a war. Many things, they all need to be considered."

"And, although they don't want to shoot, they should still want to benefit from it!"

"Hunting, the oriole is behind, isn't it?" Murong nodded and said sarcastically. "They don't look good at their strength. With their ability, can they do that squash?" ?"

"Don't think too much about the demon world." Huangfu shook his head gently. "Even if there is no demon world, it is definitely our upper hand."

"You are right." Murong nodded and nodded. "As for the demon world, there is no need to manage so much. Seeing that they gave us the sky away, let's forget it!"

At the beginning of the sky, she had already swallowed it. Now she has nine kinds of fires. The power of the fire is so powerful, it is simply unimaginable. Only now, she has not found the last kind of fire. I don't know what the local heart will look like after swallowing all the fires.

"Listen to you." For Murong's face, Huangfu never objected. "Well, you still have a good rest now! I see you are very tired these days. If you continue this way If you haven't found Yuan, you will be tired first."

During the speech, Huangfu directly embraced Murong and then walked in the direction of the bed.

Within the realm of God -

Ni Yunya sat in the temple, and the cold frost was still half on the ground.

"Cold frost, I ask you, in the recent period of time, is there any movement in the devil world?" Ni Yunya leaned on the back of the chair with a hint of laziness on his face.

Now she has taken back all the power that God has left in her hands. She is completely distrustful of God's departure, but because God is still the identity of God, it will not do anything for a while. However, the current **** is far from being awkward, but it is really a veritable embarrassment.

Most of the things now, she has already handed it to the cold cream to do it. Cold frost also turned from the dark to the bright spot. It can be said that now everyone in the temple knows that the most trusted person of the saint is cold frost.

"Back to the saints, the Devil world seems to have begun to train." The face of the cold frost with a hint of tension, "Saints, you said, are they planning to fight with us?"

In this regard, her heart is still a little nervous. Because now if you really start the war, which side of the winner will be, it is simply predictable.

"No." Ni Yunya's face is full of self-confidence. "In the past, Murong was still not doing it, not to mention that her master is still in my hands. She is absolutely afraid to act rashly." Unless she doesn't want her master's life."

After hearing Ni Yunya's words, the cold frost did not feel any relaxation. She frowned and continued to speak. "But the actions of the devil world are still very big. Do we really need to do some precautions?"

"Precaution is definitely to be done, but I am sure that the devil will not fight the gods." Ni Yunya's face is full of confidence, she definitely said, "Mu Rong is my enemy, I am very clear Her temper. At this time, she is impossible to fight."

She felt that the actions of the ink were just to scare her.

Murong pours her face and thinks that she can lose her? This is impossible.

After hearing Ni Yunya's words, the cold frost nodded and said, "Well, the subordinates will start training tomorrow, and they will also train the soldiers and horses of the gods. No matter what, they will always be prepared."

"Alright." Ni Yunya nodded. "Yes, Yuan is away from the old man, and finally he can still be safe."

"The saint is relieved. The old man yelled there all day. But no one heard it. Only he himself sang a one-man show there." Cold frost replied, "However, recently In the past two days, he has slowly quieted down, probably because he knows that even if he is so badly troubled, no one will save him! So he is quieter."

"That's good." Ni Yunya nodded. "And, remember to send someone to look at the old man every day. You know, he is now one of the most important emperors in our hands. It is also because of him. Exist, so Murong will be able to vote for the mouse. He can't have any problems."

"My family will go to see the old man every day." Cold Frost replied reverently, "I will never let him have any accidents."

"Yeah." Ni Yunya nodded, then inadvertently asked, "God is still safe to leave?"

When I heard that Ni Yunya suddenly mentioned God’s departure, the cold frost slammed, but it was quickly returned. “In the recent period, God’s Lord has been staying in his bedroom, except when he walks out from time to time, there is no Doing something else, it looks very safe."

"That's good." Ni Yunya said coldly, "Now God is leaving, I have already given up. However, if he has been so safe and self-sufficient, the seat of the Lord, he can still sit well."

After all, it is too much trouble to change the Lord again. Therefore, as long as God is separated from her, she will not be moved for the time being.

"If the saint does not have any instructions, then the subordinate will retire first." Cold Frost said, "The subordinates now plan to assemble the people first, and then start training tomorrow. This is absolutely beneficial to us. ""

"Okay, just do it!" Ni Yunya waved her hand and said that the cold cream could be retired.

Just before the cold frost left the hall, there was a shadow outside. Before she left, she had already slipped away.

This shadow is not someone else, it is Rainbow Art. Since this time, she has been trying to find out if she can find out what the master of the demon is, where it is being held, but there has been no way. Today she was brave enough to overhear the conversation between the Virgin and the Frost. Because her heart is very clear, the most trusted person of the saint is cold frost. Moreover, every time, when the cold frost goes to the glimpse, the saints will retreat. Therefore, she felt that they might say when they were talking.

If it is normal, she is certainly not afraid to eavesdrop. As for her cultivation, I am already aware of it if I am not close. However, because of the devil's side, she was given a treasure that could cover her breath, so she dared to be so bold.

However, fortunately, she chose to eavesdrop before she could know so many things. Although I still can't know where the Master of the Devil is behind, I know some important news. In this case, she will be able to find it soon.

In the devil world, it is still training every day. It can be said that people in the Devils can now feel the tension of the atmosphere.

Murong was fascinated by the rest of the temple. She saw that Huangfu came in. She got up from the beautiful couch and smiled and said, "How is it so early today!"

"There is news out there in the realm of the gods." Huangfu did not answer the question of Murong's remarks. Instead, he directly said, "The rainbow art and the gods are separated, and there are news, and the Yuan is related."

"Really?" After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong looked particularly surprised. She quickly ran to the side of Huangfu, pulling the sleeves of Huangfu, and eagerly asked, "They found that Master was Is it closed?"

Seeing Murong’s eager appearance, Huangfu reached out and took her little hand. After they sat down on the beautiful couch, he only said again, “You don’t have to worry so much, listen to me slowly. Yuan The separation should be closed by the cold frost. According to the news from the rainbow art and the gods, the Yuan should be in the temple now, that is, in Ni Yunya’s original dormitory."

"Ni Yunya was in the hall of the original." Murong frowned and frowned, and a flash of aura in his head, then suddenly realized, "Hey, are you talking about the secret room that imprisoned the moon?"

If it is really in the bedroom where Ni Yunya was originally in the temple, then there is only that secret room. Moreover, for that secret room, Ni Yunya is very confident that she will not be found.

"God did not find out and the rainbow art, but according to my guess, it should be in that place." Huangfu nodded and continued to speak. "Ni Yunya took away the Yuan, but she is absolutely not afraid. Let other people know about this. If this matter is spread, then Ni Yunya’s status is even more dangerous. Although she is now holding the power of the realm, there are still many people who refuse to accept her."

"Since now that I know where Master is being held, it is really a good plan to see how to save Master." Murong frowned and continued to speak. "Ni Yunya has confidence. In the secret room, it will not be found by outsiders, but she will not be unprepared. Therefore, I feel that there should be many guards guarded by the high guards outside the temple."

"This is indeed the case." Huangfu nodded. "So the rainbow art and the gods are not close to each other. They can only see that the cold frost will go in there every day, but they don't know what the situation is in the temple."

"In this way, I am afraid I really have to go to the realm in person." Murong smiled and said, "Hey, do you want to go with me?"

When I heard the invitation of Murong, the emperor smiled helplessly. "Let you go alone, I am not at ease. So, I naturally have to follow you. You are a little bad guy, you know it well." I have to ask here."

"Oh, I am not asking your opinion!" Murong said with a smile. "Of course, you know, I am not going to be strong."

Seeing the appearance of Murong's face, the emperor shook his head with a funny smile.

Within the realm of God -

Yuan sat on a stone bed and sighed helplessly. He felt that he was really unlucky enough, but it was just a short flight. He was going to go to the devil with his little apprentice. But I did not expect it to be robbed in the middle.

That day, he still didn't know what was going on, and he found himself in a strange environment. Then, someone soon grabbed him and then locked it in the secret room.

In the beginning, he will continue to pick up those who locked him up. However, after a few days, he has discovered that all his yelling and yelling will not have any effect on those people. Since this is the case, then he does not need to do this, it is simply a waste of his own tongue.

However, being locked up in such a place, he really feels particularly depressed. He also wants to go out as soon as possible, but he knows that those people will not let him go.

He did not worry very much about his safety, because no one had hurt him for so many days, and no one even asked him anything, let alone what it was. The other party seems to just want to lock him up.

However, even so, he still wants to leave this ghost place. Such a ghost place, even if you don't even talk to someone, he really can't stay.

"Master, it seems that you have a good time these days!"

Just as Yuan was still thinking, suddenly a crisp voice sounded in this confined space.

Suddenly I heard such a familiar voice. For a time, Yuan Yuan was really a bit embarrassed. He even suspects that he has been shut down for a long time, so he will have auditory hallucinations.

Seeing that Yuan did not react at all, Murong had some doubts. She came directly to Yuan’s face, frowning and said, “Master, what happened to you? Didn’t you hear me?”

"Looking at the face, is it really you?" Seeing the real figure appearing in front of him, Yuan Li knew that he was not an auditory hallucination. Just when he was, Murong was talking.

It’s hard to see my little apprentice again. Yuan is very surprised. When he stepped forward, he wanted to hold Murong’s face and express his excitement.

However, just as he stepped forward, he rushed to the air. At the same time, he felt a cold, rising from his soles.

At this time, he noticed that his little apprentice did come, but he was not alone. Just beside Murong’s face, there is also a big Buddha, Huangfu.

When I saw the cold face of Huangfu, Yuan Yuan was really shocked. However, after he returned to God, he went straight to the emperor and directly opened it. "Huang, you What do you mean? Despicable, but my apprentice, yeah!"

This imperial concubine is too rude, but he is an elder! How can I treat him with such an attitude? Anyway, he is the master of the face!

After hearing the Yuan’s departure, Huangfu simply did not move. He opened his mouth coldly. “Speak as you speak, don’t move your hands. Even if you are her master, you can’t just hold it like this. This has a bad influence."