MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 134

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This new house is also the most popular unit today. There are two bedrooms and a living room at the beginning of 60 square meters. There is no decoration in the home. Only a layer of light-colored tiles is affixed to the floor. In order to keep the ground clean, you have to change your slippers to enter the house. However, every inch of tile on the ground is as smooth as a mirror, and it can be seen that it took a lot of effort to maintain.

Following his father's footsteps, Chen Yuanming simply made a round in the room. Because it was the first new family home built in the factory, the structure of the room was more cramped than expected, and the three rooms were similar in size. At that time, there was no such thing as a large living room and a small bedroom. The master bedroom was larger than the living room. some.

Although the second bedroom was unoccupied, it was quite clean, and looking at the small wooden bed in the corner of the room, Chen Yuanming couldn't help smiling. Furniture can be added, but the bed is still the original old bed. Obviously, I didn't want to throw it. The narrow wooden bed less than 1.7 meters. Now I can sleep on my own, I'm afraid I can't even stretch my legs.

Chen Jianhua apparently noticed this too, and coughed softly, "You don't say hello before you come back. I will go to the furniture market with your mother at the weekend to change your shop ..."

"No need to……"

What Chen Yuanming just wanted to say, Chen Jianhua's eyes just stared. "Why? Not ready to go home this time? Only one bed, our family can still afford it!"

Chen Yuanming smiled, didn't talk anymore, and returned to the living room with his father. Originally, the living room could only set up two small sofas and a glass coffee table. Now the dining table is also opened, and the room can't turn away. Chen Jianhua and his wife used to eat at a small table in the kitchen. Today, my son is home.

Sitting in such a crowded and narrow living room, Chen Yuanming watched his mother hand and foot swiftly serve the table. In addition to peanut rice and cold pig ears, he also fried a plate of bamboo shoots and a plate of eggs and tomatoes. Three bowls of noodle soup, four large white steamed buns, and bowls of bowls all have to come out sharp. There are not many things, but the victory is sincere.

Chen Jianhua didn't know where to find a bottle of liquor, not Wuliangye, which was sent home by himself, but Du Kang at 42 degrees, and he poured a glass. Wang Juan sat at the table full of joy and saw her husband take out the wine and complained to his son.

"Doudou, the wine you sent back is really expensive. I only asked Xiao Zhang to eat at her mouth that time. This Wuliangye actually cost a hundred dollars a bottle, and we were so distressed to drink it. Both my father and I I ’m ready to give you the leaders during the Chinese New Year and the New Year. So do you, and you ca n’t spend too much money. It ’s not easy to go out. How dad you drink such high-grade wine, smoke such high-grade cigarettes, waste! ”

But just muttering, she happily shoved a gimmick into her son's hand, "How about? Is this time you are ready to develop at home? I have inquired about it, and the shop on the other side of the building is 30,000 You can buy it for more than 50 square meters. When you come back and set up a shop, we can also do it at home! The money moms you sent home are holding you, almost 150,000 ... this time you Won't leave again? "

I still can't understand the earnest meaning in the words. In the past two years, Chen Yuanming sent 5,000 yuan to his home every month. There are extra expenses for the festival, but the original intention is not to make his parents earn interest. He shook his head with a smile, and said softly, "I will stay at home for a while and invest in doing business here, but it is difficult to say in the long run."

Hearing this, Chen Jianhua's eyebrows frowned, and Wang Juan's eyes showed a little disappointment, but immediately she was cheered up again, and stopped her husband's urge to jump up and preach with his eyes, turning the topic with a smile, "First Do n’t talk about it, eat quickly! Eat first! ”

Knowing that his parents were not dead, Chen Yuanming smiled and raised his chopsticks as kindly as possible. Wang Juan's cooking is quite ordinary, it is just a level that can just be imported. Earlier, her family was poor. Where did she come from to practice this? However, I was used to such meals from snacks, but there was a bit of nostalgia.

Except for Wang Juan's excitement at the dinner table, neither the father nor the son said anything. Chen Jianhua was used to silence, drinking and drinking, and looking at his son's eyes with contentment, but the words of praise or consolation were not very clear. Chen Yuanming was thinking about things in his heart, not so relaxed.

I ate a meal for an hour, and when it was time to wash the dishes, Wang Juan pushed her son to help aside. "What kitchen does the big man go into! Go and sit and rest!"

Chen Yuanming didn't persist, and stood by to help his mother hand in the tableware or something. One side asked casually, "Mom, how is your situation at home recently?"

"Okay!" Wang Juan couldn't stop smiling. "Your dad is going to comment on the advanced captain recently. Listening to the leader said that next time it is possible, I recently forced him to go to the TV University. Anyway, we also plated it. Gold-plated, maybe by the time the director can be mixed ... "

"Juanzi, what do you tell your son!"

There was some shameful and angry voice from Chen Jianhua in the outside living room, which caused Wang Juan to cover her mouth with a smile and whispered to his son, "Your dad has been studying hard recently, because he is the oldest and the poorest in the class. Worried ... By the way, how's your adult university going? Have you got your diploma? Is it really a regular university? "

This was what Chen Yuanming told his mother at the time. After receiving adult education in Beijing and preparing to get a college diploma, he only stabilized his parents who had always wanted to urge his son to go home. But now Chen Yuanming is also one of the directors of the National People's Congress. He has long forgotten this and was told by his mother that he only remembered it.

"Don't worry about it, it's smooth." Chen Yuanming turned his words at will. "The situation is good at home, relatives? Are you okay, auntie and sister-in-law?"

Wang Juan's hand for washing dishes suddenly stagnated, and her mouth also whipped twice, "Okay, how can it be bad. Tingting is doing well in high school. It is said that working hard for two years at Peking University is not a problem! Yuan also passed the test, and he was struggling. The family is all right, don't worry about it. "

Listening to his mother's perfunctory laughter, Chen Yuanming sighed in his heart. Yes, no matter how much money they make, no one will tell him about the elders. This time, if it wasn't for Zhang Gang who called himself in time, it would be years before he knew the truth.

But this is not the time to say these things. Chen Yuanming smiled and didn't follow up. After helping my mother wash the dishes, she went to the master bedroom and watched TV chat. At this time, CCTV was playing the movie starring Liu Xiaoqing. Wang Juanai couldn't see it, but she couldn't help but disdain the watery Yang Hua and Wu Meiniang who did not abide by women's ethics.

Chen Yuanming didn't pierce, and accompany her old lady to gossip. Chen Jianhua sneaked into the second bedroom, seemingly trying to learn something. Seeing that at half past nine o'clock, a group of people packed up and prepared to sleep. For a few hours, I did n’t know how many times I had been inculcated by my mother to hurry home. When lying on the small wooden bed, Chen Yuanming felt a little light of heart.

In fact, for this family, his emotions are extremely complicated. The relationship between my last life and my family was very stale. Whether I went out to work or were unmarried or infertile, my parents had pointed at their noses and scolded them. Difficulties at home, the two did not have the ease and comfort of this life, the pressure of life has kept them from raising their heads, self-esteem has been crushed by cruel reality, the only thing that can be controlled is the life of the son. However, Chen Yuanming was not willing to sink in this small city. Every conflict and every decision made the relationship at home a little colder.

In this life, due to time constraints, he once again left the family prematurely. Although many goals have been achieved, this home has become more unfamiliar. In two lifetimes, he has separated a gap of 20 years between him and his parents. How to fill this gap is actually not a bit of a game in his heart. This is not a stand-alone game. Sensitivity can change everything. If you want to change the concept of the second old man, it takes more than another twenty years. Raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, Chen Yuanming changed his posture and stretched his long legs slightly. It depends on tomorrow, I hope to take this first step ...

Early in the morning the next morning, Chen Yuanming didn't go to bed this time. He woke up early at 6 o'clock. At this time, his parents had already packed breakfast, and they were ready to go to work after eating. A little surprised that his son got up so early, Wang Juan immediately got up and brought out the hot white porridge in the pot.

"Doudou, come and eat. I and your dad are going to work. You can watch TV at home or go shopping. I will come back and cook for you at noon ..."

"Mom." After stopping her mother's movement, Chen Yuanming smiled and pressed the person to the chair. "Today, you and my dad have to take a day off. I want to take you to a place."

"What is it ?!" Chen Jianhua frowned immediately. "Is there anything I can't say on the weekend? Serious office hours, what kind of leave please?"

Wang Juan was obviously a little confused, and just wanted to say something, but she was blocked by her son.

"It's important. At least it's more important than a day's vacation. Dad and mom, please follow me. The car is already parked downstairs."

This is not a negotiated tone. Chen Yuanming's expression is a little more serious and he has been in the upper rank for a long time. The pressure on this aura is also quite amazing. Chen Jianhua and Wang Juan were immediately calmed by his son's expression, and looked at each other with a bit of uncertainty. Wang Juan hesitantly asked, "Do you not scare me, do you have any big deal? Mom? It's not someone to look for ... "

Chen Yuanming shook his head. "It's not a bad thing. Just follow me and know."

With this faction, Chen Jianhua was also quite rare and did not say anything that made people sad. After eating without a meal, after a bit of packing, the two followed Chen Yuanming and went downstairs. At this time is the peak period of work. The entire courtyard is staffed by the factory, and only leading cadres with a slight status can be assigned to this house.

Along the way, Chen Jianhua and Wang Juan also greeted a lot of colleagues. Since they did not ride a bicycle, they had to go along with the director of a factory in Song. The director Song is going to take a car outside the community. He ignores Chen Jianhua and Wang Juan's restrained buttocks. He just glanced curiously at the young man behind the couple. It is said that their Son, he ’s not small, and he looks like a dog, but I heard that he ran a cart outside, would n’t he want to come back and find his own job?

A few people chatted without a word, but when they walked to the gate of the community, the situation suddenly changed. I could n’t help turning around and looking at the roadside, and many were whispering. It ’s like seeing something surprising. Because she didn't ride a bicycle, Wang Juan could not help but walk a few steps curiously, and wanted to see what was rare outside. However, looking out of the community, only a car parked outside.

However, when he saw the car, the eyes of the factory director Song, who was still slouching, suddenly flashed, "Oh, isn't this Grand Cherokee? It doesn't seem to be made in China ... who's?"

Director Song is also a person who knows the goods. Now the cars in the factory are Nissan and Bluebird. The level is not low. If it is a domestic Grand Cherokee, it is okay to say, but the foreign imports can obviously be higher than the front line. The size and model of this kind of car are not comparable to those of small cars. Well, men always prefer big cars. However, it is not an official vehicle. Even the senior officials of the head office may not have been seated. It is an eye-opener to see outside their own community.

Who knew that before he finished his exaggeration, a tall man standing next to the car walked up quickly, "Boss, you are here."

The director Song suddenly froze, boss? Which boss?

"Well, Brother Zhang, you worked hard."

A bland voice came from behind him, and the director Song blinked suddenly, turned his head and looked back, and saw the boy of Chen Jianhua's family calmly step forward and nodded to himself.

"Director Song, let's take a step first and talk back later."

"Okay ... okay ..." The talk was a little vulture, and the director Song opened his mouth and looked at the boy who was said to be driving a car and took the same shocked Chen Jianhua husband and wife into the car.

It took him a long time to calm down with an excitement, really the kid's car? Who the **** said that this child drove a big car? !! Not a few million people can afford this car? !!

Too bad! Angrily took a sigh, and the director of the Song couldn't help wondering whether he had offended someone just now, and the old Chen's family was not kind, which made his family make such a big joke. What kind of grandson is this? The official is really not as good as the self-employed!

When I got on the car there, Wang Juan ’s soul never came back. I was sitting in a panic for a while and looked at my son who was sitting next to me. ... "

"Don't panic, Mom." Chen Yuanming smiled, "coming soon."

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: Scratching his head, in fact, it has been checked for a long time and it has not been found that it was released in months. It should be that time.

Rewrite as usual. Is to see a bunch of reminders, silently wipe sweat ...

It's really that my code is too slow. Basically it is 800 words per hour. I have to check all kinds of information. It takes 3 or 4 hours to write a chapter. This month is very busy. , I am afraid that the explosion will be dead ...

Uh, wait until I work hard tomorrow to see if I can add a few yards of braille. This month ’s earnings are bleak. I want to try if I can get more full-time daily. Very difficult thing, this is already my limit, and please forgive me a lot> _ <

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