MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 133

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At noon that day, Chen Yuanming stayed at Xiao House for a light meal and authentic Shanghai home cooking. Two of them were cooked by Liu Lanxin himself, which tasted quite delicious. Xiao Yun also rushed over from the company for a meal, and ate a meal. By the way, he turned Chen Yuanming to the headquarters of Anxin to discuss the investment of handheld computers and tablet together.

Today, Anxin's separation is imperative. There is too much power in the PHS pot. Both assets and shares are quite complicated. If the newly opened line follows this model, it is estimated that it will be necessary. A big problem has arisen, so both Xiao Yun and Xiao Junyi are quite concerned about the independence of the new department. At the same time, the research and development and production of the two projects also urgently require a large amount of funding support. Of course, Chen Yuanming, who knows the best, is certainly the best choice. Chen Yuanming is also very optimistic about the development potential of these two technologies.

In the end, a simple agreement was formed in the draft. A high-tech electronic product company named Hongshang was launched from the main part of Anxin, with business office as the core of research and development. The company's registered capital was 180 million yuan. Chen Yuanming personally invested 10 million US dollars and obtained 12 % Of shares.

Of course, this is only a preliminary oral agreement by the high-level officials, and the following legal staff must discuss it carefully. After a busy afternoon, this time when Xiao Yun asked for dinner, Chen Yuanming did not refuse. This meal was quite casual. Although there was a scene just in the morning, none of the two little guys accompanying us showed any flaws. The old **** of performance was there, which made Xiao Yun, who was in the drum, more relieved. A few days later, he returned to the headquarters of Anxin. At present, PHS business is opening the border in Shanghai, a major city in the south. With the fiery enthusiasm of the newly established General Administration of Telecommunications under the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, a new round of distribution of benefits has begun.

The man following him left. It stands to reason that Xiao Junyi should do something, but after all, he was at the door of the house and promised to give the other party a time to "think clearly". The fiery urgency in his heart was temporarily suppressed. , Turned into a full motivation to work. Coinciding with the start of the new company's preparation, the uncle was stuffed with a lot of difficult tasks and had to take into account Junteng's business development. Naturally, he didn't dare to entrust him, and was absorbed in his work.

Those words once spoken in front of Chen Yuanming were by no means false, and step by step separated from the Xiao family, and built their own city on the white ground, which has become Xiao Junyi's biggest goal, not only for Chen Yuanming, but also For myself. In this forty-nine city, there are too many second-generation children looking forward to the shelter, but his Xiao Junyi is by no means one of them.

After being busy for half a month, an unexpected news suddenly came to my ears. Chen Yuanming returned to his hometown, a few months earlier than expected, so he took the big stand of the Creative Park and flew back to his hometown. Is this a flight without a fight, or is it a way to slow down? Xiao Junyi didn't expect Chen Yuanming to go so crisply, and he felt like he had overturned the seasoning jar, so sweet and bitter. However, before it was time to ferment, a phone call caught up.

"Sorry, something happened at home, so let's go in a hurry. You can contact Xiaotang over Hongshang. If you have any questions, you can call me directly."

The voice on the phone was quite steady, and Xiao Junyi's suspending heart fell back to his original position. "Serious? There are several subordinates of the old man working in the Second Artillery, if necessary ..."

"Not so exaggerated." There was a chuckle from the earpiece. "It's just a little thing over the relatives' side, which just happened to be done, so come back to work."

The other side answered frankly, Xiao Junyi was naturally not good at asking the roots, but he paused for a moment, and couldn't help sliding his lips with a smile. "I'm glad you can call."

The sound in the earpiece disappeared for a moment, and when it came out again, it seemed to bring a little embarrassment. "Well, it's not a big deal, then I'll hang up and talk later."

"Okay, talk back."

The rush of the phone call was the same, but Xiao Junyi smelled some of the taste. Pushing the phone to the sofa, he stretched a long stretch, it doesn't matter, he can still wait for these times.

After putting down the phone, Chen Yuanming exhaled deeply. The phrase that was just like flirting just now was really unexpected. How many years haven't I experienced such a numb and interesting occasion? Gently shaking his head, he put the microphone on the landline.

"Boss, are you ready to go back today?" Zhang Gang, who had been standing beside him, said.

That's right, Chen Yuanming didn't return directly to his parents' home this time. Instead, he drove the car to Meihua Garden located in the east of the city. At this time, it was less than a year before the in-depth housing reform policy was issued in 1994. When it comes to suitable villas, even the commercial houses are scarce. This district was officially completed at the end of last year. It is considered to be the most upscale residential area in the city. There are only a dozen single-family houses, a small two-story structure of a conjoined house, a two-door house, and a single-family building area of ​​less than 150 square meters. I bought a detached room and simply renovated the room. I just recently moved in.

If you want a villa in a real sense, it is estimated that the production of the new area will be completed. I have been away all year long, and I have long been vaguely remembering the development of this city, but the impression in my mind is always the same. At a glance, large state-owned factories and mines can not be seen at all. Unlike developed cities like Beijing and Shanghai, his hometown has maintained almost the same pace in the past ten years. It is slow, stable, and faltering. The glorious title of "the eldest son of the Republic" has instead become a chain that restrains his footsteps. Let the city always have a proud but twilight atmosphere.

The world is accustomed to running, and now when I return home, I can't help but have a hint of near-home sentiment. But this time, it's time to show a showdown anyway.

With a slight sigh, Chen Yuanming nodded. "Go back, it's time to go back."

Zhang Gang was not surprised, as early as half a year ago, he was sent here by Chen Yuanming to protect his parents nearby. There is nothing at all similar to their own boss. This honest couple is like any ordinary worker's family in China. It works at sunrise and sunset, with words and deeds that are purely small citizens, with a kind of simple and generous atmosphere. , And Chen Yuanming are almost people in two worlds.

Faced with such a pair of parents, it is not easy to confess the scale of their current business? Zhang Gang's heart couldn't help but secretly speculate that even this small detached house is an unforgettable night for Jinyi for his boss. Is this a temporary transition, or is there another plan?

However, he also understood that this was not something he could talk about. Simply packing the car, he took Chen Yuanming to the bearing area of ​​the bearing factory. At this time, after work hours, every household was cooking and cooking. Full of bicycles, a Grand Cherokee could not be allowed to drive in calmly, Chen Yuanming didn't care, got out of the car directly at the courtyard, said hello to Zhang Gang, and walked into the community alone. The mother of the address of the new home has already told her countless times on the phone, and even sent two keys to herself. Now it is estimated that you can touch the place with your eyes closed. On the third floor stairs, he finally stood in front of the security door and rang the doorbell.

"Who?" A laughed voice came from the room. "Wait, it's coming soon!"

With a trivial opening of the door, a smiling face appeared in front of Chen Yuanming, which seemed younger than the previous year. Although the wrinkles were still there, but the hair was dark and ruddy, with the health that this age group deserves. Look.

Chen Yuanming smiled, "Mom, I'm back."

The woman in front of her suddenly grew her mouth, and after a few seconds she suddenly returned to her power. She pushed open the anti-theft iron door and almost hit Chen Yuanming.

"Doudou! Baby dad, Doudou is back!"

The shout was so loud that the entire building was audible. With a sound of hard plastic slippers, Chen Jianhua almost ran out, and stood suddenly until the door. Seeing that he had grown a lot and almost became a personal son, he opened his mouth and squeezed out a sentence for a long time, "Back ... back?"

This kind of surprise from the heart can never be hidden or changed. For a moment, cowardice turned into nothing, and Chen Yuanming smiled, "Yeah, Dad."

At this moment, the two next door in the corridor also opened the door, and a curious voice asked, "Sister Wang, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing!" Wang Juan's face suddenly became red, at that moment she realized how loud and a little embarrassed that voice was just now, but she said proudly, "It's my son going home ... haha, Yuanming, this is your aunt Zhang, say hello. "

Watching his mother unconsciously use the tone of seven or eight years ago, Chen Yuanming smiled and followed the good. "Aunt Zhang is good."

"Okay ~ okay!" Zhang Hua, who was in her early thirties, was in her early thirties, and her daughters would all be playing soy sauce, but today the young and old guy shouted, but couldn't help but blush. He looks so handsome. "

"Look at what you said!" With a polite mouth, Wang Juan had a smile on her face. "I won't talk today, let's talk slowly tomorrow."

Talking about her, she grabbed Chen Yuanming, dragging people into the room as if he was afraid of running away.

"Yes, it should." Of course Zhang Hua also understood the mind of the other party, and replied cheerfully. "The son should have come back after all, so get together. Xiao Chen is also right. You should go home and see your parents. Well, how tired are you always running outside ... "

Only half of these words were not heard. The iron door and the wooden door on the opposite side were closed two times in succession. Zhang Hua laughed silently and closed the door. Gossip talk about such things, I am afraid to choose another day.

After closing the door, Chen Yuanming was standing completely in his new home. Wang Juan had already panicked and took out the slippers, or a new pair of shoes, I'm afraid I kept it in the shoe cabinet, waiting for me to wear it?

Reached out and raised his mother, "Mom, I'll do it myself."

At this time, Chen Jianhua also seemed to have returned to God, and his face returned to the expressionless expression of the past. He said, "Why don't you make a call before coming back! Only on Thursday, has your unit been on vacation?"

"Why do you always do this!" A slap in the arm of her husband, Wang Juan smiled at Chen Yuanming, "You sit first, Doudou, and mother add two dishes, we also have a good reunion dinner ... ... "

Embarrassed by his wife's face, Chen Jianhua coughed and walked towards the dining room with his hands on his back. Maybe he had been a small captain in the past two years, and he was actually showing some authority.

Looking at his father's back, Chen Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief, put on his slippers, and followed him into the room.

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: I'm sorry for being late today. It's always a bit of time to prepare a new copy. Khan ~~ I hope it will be a little earlier tomorrow> _ <