MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 677 Is it him?

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One person's power, shocked hundreds of people!

The Wang family elite disciples who had been murderous and arrogant couldn't be defeated, and fled like crazy, and no one dared to stay. Qin Tian left an indelible impression on their hearts.

It's like a nightmare.

I am afraid that this life will be difficult to escape the nightmare.

Really scared.

There are no fewer than 30 people who are incontinent in incontinence. No one dares to look at Qin Tian’s eyes. They don’t want to see them again in their lives. It’s too horrible.

A repair of Wang Xiu, who lives in the fourth-order peak of Xuan Xing.

For a few consecutive laps, the last leg, this power is not terrible, just this domineering, this murderous style makes them feel extremely fearful.

no way.

If you don't, you can't live without it.

Although they will not die, Hong Hong’s horror and death will be ruined by spiritual pressure.

They are brothers.

Even if you bear the notoriety of killing the madman, you will not hurt your brother.

He is like this.

For his good people, he returns thousands of times, enemies, and thousands of times!


The path is a mess.

Hong Chong stood up and looked at Qin Tian. Everyone’s face was not afraid because of Qin Tian’s killing. On the contrary, they were very excited, very happy, and more grateful, thinking that Qin Tian saved them again.

Also because at this time, Qin Tian looked at them and laughed.

"Ha ha ha..."

"It's so cool."

"Qin boss, you are my idol from now on. Hahaha..."

"It’s so cool to kill people, it’s so cool."


Everyone greeted me with a smile, and the heart was secretly swearing, must be stronger, can not always let Qin Tian save himself, can not drag Qin boss!

Qin Tian smiled and said: "I have always been so handsome! When you kill, you are handsome. When you are not killing, you are handsome, hahaha..."

Looking at them happy smiles, Qin Tian is also very happy. I want to go to the brothers who have been with him before, and I have endless thoughts in my heart. I looked at the stars in my eyes. Lightly said: "Wait for me!"


"Qin boss, you are too handsome to kill, can you teach me?"

"Fat, you can break down the body of the beast. You have to be handsome. Wouldn't you want to show Zhang Buta's daughter Zhang Ruhua?"

"Ha ha ha..."


"Qin boss, how can you have so many healing injuries?"

"Hey? I,,,"

"Xu Lianshan, you don't know. Qin Daoda is a vast god, except for the fight, it is also the alchemy master. You should not give me all the treatment."

"Rely, I don’t think so much."


"Qin Lao Da. Are you a mysterious nine-order powerhouse? Are you hiding in the folk master?"

"Let your shit, Qin Boss is sent to save these lost lambs. How can he be the 9th-order powerhouse of Xuan Xing? He is the Goddess of Mercy and Bodhisattva..."

"You only fart, Guanyin Bodhisattva is a woman."

"Hey? Is there a male Guanyin? You are too ignorant of the fat man."

"Have it?"

"There must be, Qin Bo is not it?"


"Ha ha ha..."


The moonlight sprinkled, and the five people walked slowly on the path. From time to time, I laughed loudly. The shadow behind them is long, like a giant.


Shenhuocheng, a small courtyard.

A black man whispered softly in the ear of the dynasty, and the face of the dynasty changed again. The blue veins in his hand violently swelled, while the cold and cold looked at the wood far east not far away. After listening to it, step out in one step, the paper fan in his hand swept out of the sharp steel blade, and sighed heavily: "Well, you are a wooden Far East, you are really mean and shameless."

Mu Far East did not react slowly, and he quitted heavily. He said: "Wang Gongzi, are you boring?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know it well."

"Speaking to cooperate with me, I think you want to get rid of our royal family. Laozi’s elite disciple who ambushed in Luoxiayan was killed and injured halfway. Even Wang’s manager was killed. Don’t tell me that this matter has nothing to do with you. "The dynasty's face changed sharply, and the body exudes a hot breath, burning in anger.

Mu Yuandong’s face sank and said: “I don’t know where you are ambushing people. How do you send people to kill your Wang disciples? Why do you want to hurt your Wang’s disciples? Wang Gongzi, you better figure out. ”


Mu Far East wants to take some of the life of the Mufu elite disciples to anger the current housekeeper Mu Yuanshan, and at the same time, the opposition of other elders in the Mufu, and then secretly threaten the wood mountain, as long as he is willing to surrender the seat of the Mufu government, Let go of the wood.

I did not expect.

The disciples of the dynasty ambushed were actually repelled. Even Wang Xiu, the fourth-order peak of Xuan Xing, was killed. Didn’t Mu Yuanshan send the fifth-order master of Xuan Xing?


The entire Mufu has only three strongmen of the fifth-order Xuanxing. They have not come out of the Mufu. Does the Taoyuan Mountain also hide the other five-order powerhouses of the Xuanxing? Thinking of this, Mu Yuandong’s eyes glanced and said: “If this is the case, then the old guy in Muyuanshan will be hidden deep enough.”

The fifth-order powerhouse of Xuanxing is very rare.

There are less than ten people in the whole city of Shenhuo. Mufu can have the current power completely relying on the three fifth-order powerhouses of the mysterious star. The Wang family is also the same. On both sides, except for the ancestors, there are three top-ranking strongmen of the mysterious star. If there is more than that One, this balance will break.

If Mu Yuanshan really hides a mysterious fifth-order powerhouse...

Mu Yuandong’s eyes became fierce, and he suddenly asked: “Wang Gongzi, I must see that there is something wrong with this. Wang’s general manager is the fourth-order peak of Xuanxing. With his strength, he even encounters the fifth-order powerhouse of Xuanxing. There is also a chance to escape."

"Moreover, the three fifth-order powerhouses of Mufu are on the train of God. Who has such a strong strength to kill the general manager?"

The dynasty’s heart glimpsed, and the fan in the hand ‘哗啦’ received. Looking at the black man, he asked, "What strength is that man?"

Black mankind: "Xuanxing fourth order."

"Xuanxing fourth order?"

"How can the fourth-order Xuanxing kill more than 30 disciples? How can the general manager even have a chance to fight backhand?" The eyes of the dynasty were so fierce, as if they were insulted, and the fourth-order power of Xuanxing could not kill the star. Fourth-order, and also killed more than 30 elite Xuan Xing elite disciples.

Who can do it?

Even if it is the fifth stage of Xuan Xing, don't think it is easy.

The man in black immediately said: "The son, although the man is the fourth-order realm of Xuan Xing, but the strength is very terrible. When the move comes with a blood-red fog, it is extremely fast, and each shot is a spike. Only, .only,"

"Only what? Tell me." The dynasty's forehead is very angry, and every shot is a spike. What kind of power is this? He didn't believe it at all, but he knew very well that the black man in front of him could not lie to him.

The black man swallowed his mouth and said: "Only Wang has used him for four strokes."


The breath of the dynasty suddenly blasted out, full of temper, and it was ugly to look ugly, and the black man said: "Four strokes? Only four strokes?"

The black man is a little trembling. The breath of the dynasty caused a powerful pressure on him, and he couldn’t hold it anymore. '噗通' slammed on the ground and resisted the turmoil in the sea. He said, "Yes. Yes, it only took four strokes, and. Moreover, every move has hit the head of the king, and,"

The same is the fourth step of the mysterious star.

Wang Xiu is still the fourth-order peak of Xuan Xing. It is only a little bit worse than the fifth-order of Xuan Xing. How could it be miserable? Is there no room for backhand? Is there such a powerful fourth-order star in the world?

The dynasty was shocked.

The same is true in the heart of Mu Yuandong. Such a fourth-order explosion of the mysterious star is stronger than the fifth-order of the mysterious star. How is it possible?

Some of the wood Far East did not give up, asked: "Do you really know that he is only the fourth step of the mysterious star?"

Black mankind: "I am 100% certain."

Mu Yuandong secretly stunned and said: "Even if the swordsman elder Muyan does not have such deep power, the fourth strongest person in Mufu Xuanxing has only him. Is he breaking through? Impossible."

The man in black said: "It’s not Muyan. I have never seen a person. I have a rags on my body. It seems that I am not a Mufu disciple, but I am accompanied by a foreigner."

"Not a wooden house disciple?" The dynasty glanced at the wood and said: "Do you still find an outsider in the wood house?"


Wood Far East brows wrinkled, did not answer the words of the dynasty, if thoughtful, said to himself: "Not a wooden house disciple? Broken shirt?"

There are constant memories in my mind.

Who is the one?

"Broken shirt?!"


"Is it? Is it the kid in the wooden house?"


"His body was hit hard, only the strength of Xuan Xing's first-order, and then Mulun must kill him, hey,,, Mulun?" Mu Yuandong was shocked. He came back from the volcano and he always felt like he forgot what thing.

Now finally remembered, Mulun disappeared.

With his character, he is sure that the monkey is eager to rape. Yinmu Qing, it is impossible to see no one at this time.

Is it? !

Wood Far East brows like a mountain, sucking a cold breath in his heart, the heart has already guessed that Mulun should be dead, muttered: "Really he?"

When the dynasty saw the change of the eyes of Mu Yuandong, he immediately asked: "Wood elder, who are you talking about? If you are not good, give it to me, I want the boy to regret coming to this world."

Wood Far East gently shook his Road: "I don't know, but,, should I have a lot of him?"

However, he only has the first order of Xuan Xing, and it is not the fourth order of the mysterious star who killed the general manager.

Is it difficult for him to break through in a row?

how is this possible?

Even the peerless genius is not so fast.

The more I think about going to Wood Far East, the more I think it is impossible, but the mind is always imprinted with the image of Qin Tian, ​​his eyes, the breath of his body,,,, that kind of impossible to gradually feel possible, the heart is stunned, the dark road : "If it is him, then I..."

The eyes move.

There was a hint of cold mans in the eyes of Mu Yuandong, and the murderous gas suddenly rose.

The double fist suddenly slammed, and his face became extremely gloomy.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)