MTL - Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit-Chapter 2823 Want to fold (45)

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  Chapter 2823 Want to break (45)

   can speak on an equal footing, and she can also be more casual without saluting to him.

   Obviously I like it.

   It's just that I'm still holding back and don't say anything.

  Yun Si looked at him with a calm expression, as if she had discovered something, and felt a little relieved.

   Then, she smiled.

   "By the way...does your Highness want to see me?"

   "..." Chu Ling looked into her smiling eyes and remained silent.

  Just stretched out his hand suddenly, as if to touch her.

  Yun Si froze slightly.

   No, he still didn't touch it.

  Just took a step forward and lightly touched her loose hair.

   Before she could move, he untied her hair tie.

   Help her tie it up again and tie the straps.

  The movements are slow, slow, and inexplicably gentle.

   Yun Si was a little stunned, "Your Highness..."

   got closer, looked from a distance, as if he was holding her.

  The ambergris on his body is faint, and there is also a faint fragrance of herbs.

   Warm palms rested on the back of her head, slowly smoothing her hair.

   There is a kind of ambiguous energy that seems to exist.

  Intangible, considerate and gentle, more provocative.

  As if poking on the paper in her heart window, trying to pierce the thin paper, revealing her beating heart.

  Yun Si looked at him, her face was still red.

   I don't know if it was because of the running just now, or because of something else.

  Chu Ling helped her fasten her hair tie again, and lowered her head.

  Meeting her eyes, raised his brows lightly, "What?"

  It seems that he doesn't feel how ambiguous and misleading his actions are.

  Hands fell on her shoulders and slid down her arms.

   Looks like he wants to take her hand, but feints again.

   "..." This time she was silent.

  Being teased but not teased, it seems a little dissatisfied with desire.

   "Your Highness."

  Chu Ling looked down at her and hummed.

   There is a rare naivety in the warmth, as if deliberately teasing her.

  Yun Si turned her face away, "Is Your Highness still leaving?"

   Left and right couldn't taste the sweetness, so she simply started to chase him away.

  Chu Ling curled his lips slightly, as if not annoyed, he just raised his hand and put his arm on her shoulder.

  It is a very normal posture of shoulders and backs between brothers, innocent and blatantly approaching.

   Taking advantage of her poor figure, she easily leaned on her body.

   "So you want me to go?"

   ", yes."

  She turned her face sideways, not looking at him, her red lips were tightly pursed.

  Like an angry kid who can't get candy.

  Chu Ling put her shoulders on her shoulders, looked at her, and laughed slightly, "Take me to see your room?"

"…don't want."

"I wanna go."


  Chu Ling pursed his lips, walked in a random direction.

   "From here?"

  Yun Si hummed, raised her chin, "No."

   "That's here?" He changed his way.


   "That's right here."

   There are three paths in a small garden, and one of them is always right.

   Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Yun Si did not answer, with a reluctant expression.

  Chu Ling put her shoulders on her shoulders and walked towards that path.

  At this time, behind the hedge next to the road, Yun He Zhong and the butler, who was peeping, saw them coming, and secretly thought something was wrong.

   was about to hide, but in a panic, the two almost bumped into each other.


   "Shh!! Don't talk!"

  The rustling sound is hard to miss.

  Yun Si heard their movements, and Chu Ling obviously heard them too.

  He was about to sweep over with sharp eyes, but Yun Si, who saw that she was not well, quickly stood in front of him to attract his attention.

   "Your Highness—"

  (end of this chapter)