MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 28 Drag into the water

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Zhang Shiping and the black-clothed outer disciple turned to the right and the left, flying apart, but they didn't want to have a young boy dressed as a young man among the other three, and shouted to the other two: "Let's separate, Brother Lin, go to the left, Chen Junior sister and me on the right."

The two agreed, and separated immediately, Senior Brother Lin flew towards the black-clothed disciple, while the remaining man and woman flew towards Zhang Shiping. Chasing in the direction of Zhang Shiping, the female Red Red Crane flew in the direction of Senior Brother Lin.

Zhang Shiping didn't know what the black-clothed disciple was thinking. When he heard the voice, he was startled and angry, but he didn't dare to stop, so he could only fly forward with all his strength. On the way, he turned in another direction, trying to get away from it. The two, the man and woman at the back still followed him closely, trying to forcefully drag Zhang Shiping into the water.

The man and woman behind are getting closer and closer to Zhang Shiping, and the faces of the man and woman are getting whiter and paler. It seems that they are using some kind of secret technique to increase their speed. Even though Zhang Shiping is flying with all his strength, the second-order male Hongdan The crane and the man and woman flew closer and closer to Zhang Shiping.

On the other side, a female red crane of the first rank is chasing Senior Brother Lin and the black-clothed disciple. This red crane is only a top rank, even if it is a bird and monster that is more flexible than the two in the air, it is not strong enough , in fact, if the two join hands, they may not be able to kill this demon bird.

It's a pity that the two of them are not in the same way. The black-clothed disciple's face was as gloomy as water. He was dragged into the water for no reason. Now he has no choice but to not have a fight with that senior brother Lin. It is already very good. As for letting him join forces with Senior Brother Lin, it was impossible, and he was afraid that he would be attacked from behind.

He turned his head to look at Zhang Shiping and the couple in the distance on the right, and seeing Zhang Shiping turned a corner, he had an idea, and immediately turned a corner, and Lin Shixiong and the female red red crane followed.

The flight trajectories of these two parties in the sky are like two semicircles, getting closer to each other.

Gradually, Zhang Shiping, the black-clothed disciple and the three of them regrouped and flew forward with a distance of several zhang. The male and female red cranes were also chasing the five of them.

The distance between the people was getting closer and closer. Zhang Shiping felt that it was too unsafe to only have a mana-condensed shield. He touched the storage bag with his hand and found a purple-black crystal shield. Zhang Shiping did not control the shield to grow bigger, but black The aura shrouded himself, turning into a pale black shield. Zhang Shiping let go of his consciousness, and controlled the thick soil purple gold shield to rotate around his body.

Several other people also used their own methods. The black-clothed disciple took out a blue wooden shield and turned it into a blue mask. Brother Lin took out a golden ring, and after a while of illusion, five golden rings, one big and four small, rotated around his body. The monk dressed as the young master took out a magic weapon in the shape of an inkstone, and Junior Sister Chen also took out a paper umbrella with a colored ribbon tied to the handle.

Zhang Shiping, who had confidence in his mind, scanned the four of them. Zhang Shiping hadn't seen them clearly when he was in the distance. After getting close, he realized that these three were also Jiaozuo Sect disciples like him. Clothes, but with the Jiaozuo Zong logo on the sleeves or collar. Zhang Shiping said unluckily!

The five of them were all flying forward, and guarding each other, their speed was not as fast as the beginning. Zhang Shiping knew that as long as the two male monks among the three did not let go of the chicks in their hands, the two red red cranes behind them would never stop. Sooner or later, the five of them will be caught up due to the exhaustion of mana.

As for looking back, Zhang Shiping didn't have the awareness to face the angry attack of the second-level birds and monsters alone. Maybe the talisman golden jellyfish scissors sacrifice could seriously injure it, but why should he deal with the trouble caused by the other party?

Birds like red red cranes are better at flying than monks. In terms of consumption, five people are definitely no match for these two birds.

Zhang Shiping watched the pale-faced male and female monks each take out a bottle of elixir and poured it into his own mouth. The same is true for the other senior brother Lin, presumably because he had consumed too much earlier.

The five of them were holding spirit stones in their hands, constantly absorbing spiritual energy from them, but Zhang Shiping knew his own situation. He didn't have any pills to replenish mana in his storage bag, and even the spirit stones were only about a dozen.

Thinking of this, he reached out and wiped the storage bag, and Luo Junjian appeared on his shoulder, and the sword light faltered, just in case. He recited the formula silently, and opened his fingers on his right hand. Five egg-sized crimson fireballs appeared at his fingertips, distorting the surrounding air. He threw the fireballs towards Brother Lin who was holding the chick. He stretched out his hand, grabbed a few wind blade talismans in his hand, and the five wind blades moved towards the young master in a haphazard manner.

The fireball hit the blue light mask, which looked like a thin layer, but it blocked all five fireballs. Zhang Shiping never thought that the fireball alone could hurt him, it just slowed him down. The same goes for the five wind blades.

Taking advantage of the speed of the two of them, the male and female red red cranes flapped their wings, shortened the distance, and used the wind binding technique to hold them back.

The black-clothed disciple was about to make a move, he was already holding an ice pick talisman in his hand, seeing Zhang Shiping make a move, he was overjoyed, he also threw a dozen ice picks at the two of them, and then left quickly without looking back.

Zhang Shiping was also extremely decisive, he didn't think about any plans for the oriole to be behind, he chose a different direction from the black-clothed disciple and flew away without looking back.

The junior sister Chen mentioned by the monk dressed as the young master hesitated for a moment, and looked at the two trapped by the red red crane wind binding technique, gritted her teeth, and even abandoned her companions and flew away from this place.

Zhang Shiping didn't know what happened later, he had already deviated from the road to Biyuan Mountain on the way to escape. Flying all the way down, he used up 40% to 50% of his mana, so he simply chose an unnamed hill, landed, and looked for a cave, UU reading www.uukanshu. There is a wild boar in the com, which happens to be used as rations by him.

In the cave with bad smell, Zhang Shiping didn't dislike it either. After eating wild boar meat, he meditated all night to replenish his mana and practice for a while.

After a night of cultivation, Zhang Shiping, who had fully nourished his head, looked around the top of the mountain, and then flew towards Biyuan Mountain. After returning to Biyuan Mountain, he practiced while refining the first-order jade tea pill, As for the second-order jade tea pill, it needs to be refined by the ground fire or the innate real fire in the foundation-building period. He went to Chili Peak, and a day later, he left the earth fire room in disgrace. Refining.

If after a period of time, Zhang Shiping heard some disciples discussing after the sermon once every ten days, they said that a second-level bird attacked the disciples in the Qi training period, and it is said that two people died, and one of them was said to be from the sect Among them, a descendant of a late-stage foundation-establishment monk, the foundation-establishment monk was furious.

When Zhang Shiping heard this, he remained calm. He really didn't expect that one of the three people was a descendant of a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Later monks came to the door.

That cultivator in the late stage of Foundation Establishment directly killed Zhang Shiping, and at most the sect would punish him lightly. Could it be that one life is exchanged for another?

Zhang Shiping recalled the appearance of the black-clothed disciple and the female cultivator surnamed Chen, and thought to himself that these two people would not reveal anything, right? After all, it is of no benefit to them, everyone is half a catty, and they are all crows and black pigs, so don't laugh at the other.

Amid wild thoughts, Zhang Shiping's mind was no longer here after the morning sermon was over.

He left in a hurry and decided to live in seclusion from now on. Two months passed in a flash, and seeing that no one came to the door, and no disciples from the Zongmen's Punishment Hall came to look for him, his hanging heart slowly fell to the ground.